Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2006

1 december 2007  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA  ·  17469 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2006

Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA

This is the 27th annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. This report comprises records from 2006 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1949, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 2006 records are still under review or awaiting submission and could therefore not be included. In addition, some records for 2005 and earlier years are still under consideration for various reasons.
Details included for each record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality (municipal divisions as on 1 January 2006); province; number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; type of record if trapped, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed or found dead (and where specimen is stored); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording, and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national but not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 2005 lasting into 2006 that were already published in the 2005 report (van der Vliet et al 2006) are repeated here without references, for the sake of completeness. Observations not (yet) submitted mentioned in the 2005 report are not repeated in this report and the CDNA recommends consulting the 2005 report for these. Sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. A compilation of most of the birds videoed can be found in Boon & Slaterus (2007) and Plomp et al (2007). Numbers after each (sub)species' name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list.
The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Theo Bakker, Ruud E Brouwer, Bert de Bruin (former secretary), Nils van Duivendijk, Dick Groenendijk, Teus J C Luijendijk, Arjan Ovaa, Laurens B Steijn (secretary), Roland E van der Vliet (chairman), Arend Wassink and Pim A Wolf. Records can be submitted through email (cdna@dutchbirding.nl) or via the CDNA site on the Dutch Birding website (www.dutchbirding.nl), using an electronic submission form. Records can also be sent by ordinary mail to CDNA, Postbus 116, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, the Netherlands, preferably using standard forms which can be obtained free of charge from the CDNA. On the website, it is possible to see which records are currently under review, which were recently accepted and which were rejected.
Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics, the Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CSNA), which on 1 January 2006 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar and George Sangster (secretary).
In 2006, at least 367 species were recorded, of which at least seven are new to the Dutch list: Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria, Slender-billed Gull Larus genei, Pallid Swift Apus pallidus, Little Swift A affinis, Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris, Ashy-headed Wagtail Motacilla cinereocapilla (a report from 2004 is still under review) and Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia. A record of another potential new species from 2006, Green Heron Butorides virescens, is still under review. The seven (or eight) new species make 2006 one of the best years in recent history. Additions to the Dutch list from previous years presented in this annual report are Bufflehead Bucephala albeola(2004), Kumlien's Gull L glaucoides kumlieni(2005), Eastern Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans albistriata(2004), Purple-backed Starling Sturnus sturninus (2005) and Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus(1982). Also, a previously rejected report of Lesser Yellowlegs T flavipes from 1964 has been re-evaluated and accepted, becoming the first record. Highlights from before 2006 include the second Eurasian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum (2005), fourth Baltic Gull L fuscus fuscus (2005) and fourth Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii (2005). Highlights from 2006 other than the new species were the fifth Baltic Gull, the fifth and sixth Daurian Shrike L isabellinus (making 2006 the first year with more than one record), the fifth Isabelline Wheatear O isabellina, the sixth Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus, the eighth Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis and Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala, and the ninth Baikal Teal Anas formosa(the first since 1962). Also, 2006 was a record year for Green-winged Teal A carolinensis with four records, Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus with six, Pallid Harrier Circus macrouruswith four (equalling 2001 and 2003), Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii with two and Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola with three. In contrast, no records were accepted for 'regular' vagrants like King Eider Somateria spectabilis, Lesser Yellowlegs, Alpine Swift A melbaor Pied Wheatear O pleschanka.

Systematic list of accepted records

Ross's Goose / Ross' Gans
Anser rossii 0,6,0
28 January to 2 May, Yerseke Moer, Reimerswaal, and Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, and Oudeland van Strijen, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed (D Symens, M van Oss, K Vliet et al).
2005 25 November to 29 December, Mirns and Oudemirdum, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Friesland, adult, white morph, photographed (J Tijsma et al).
These are considered one or more returning birds from previous years.

Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans
Anser albifrons flavirostris 14,64,1
12 February, Annermoeras, Spijkerboor, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, immature, photographed (M Jonker, W-J Fontijn, E de Weerd et al). 2005 16 December, Peizermade, Noordenveld, Drenthe, adult (M Olthoff).
A report at Polder Groot Mijdrecht, Utrecht, on 12 December is still in circulation. Four reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab, 2007): at Strijen, Zuid-Holland, on 21 January; at Sonderleien, Friesland, on 18 February; at Nieuw-Scheemda, Groningen, on 12-14

Canvasback / Grote Tafeleend
Aythya valisineria 0,1,0
30 September to 13 February 2007, Castricum aan Zee, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed, videoed (M Verdoes et al; Dutch Birding 28: 396, plate 566, 2006).
The returning bird first seen in January 2003. From 16 November to 4 January 2007, the bird was not reported but may have been present at an inaccessible site nearby.

Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend
Aythya collaris 5,21,0
2005 22 October to 22 January 2006, Budel-Dorplein, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, two (second bird from 29 October 2005), first-winter female, photographed, videoed.
This record was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2006).

Ring-necked x Tufted Duck / Ringsnaveleend x Kuifeend
Aythya collaris x fuligula 0,6,1
25 March, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (W van Rijswijk).
A report at Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, on 25 December 2005 is still in circulation.

Surf Scoter / Brilzee-eend
Melanitta perspicillata 3,17,0
2005 6 December, Camperduin, Bergen (M Olthoff), and Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, adult male (R E Brouwer).
A male seen from an airplane at Brouwershavensche Gat, Zeeland, on 16 February has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a).

* Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend
Bucephala albeola 0,1,0
24 September to 5 October, Waterlandse Zeedijk, Volendam, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (E de Bruin, R van Dijk et al), and 3 December into 2007, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (M Guyt et al; Dutch Birding 28: 57, plate 74, 2006).
2005 20 November 2004 to 2 May, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, first-winter male (A van Ballegoie, H Westerlaken, M Berlijn et al), and 2-18 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, first-winter male, photographed (R Cazemier, J Bosch et al).
2004 5 November, IJmeerdijk, Almere, Flevoland, and 5-19 November, IJmeer, Muiden, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed (R F J van Beusekom, L B Steijn, L Boon et al), and 20 November to 2 May 2005, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, photographed (see 2005).
Although Bufflehead is not uncommon in captivity with, eg, an estimated 1000 individuals in the Netherlands alone in 2003 (Jan Hartman pers comm), timing, behaviour, location and plumage of the bird involved in these sightings showed no anomalies suggesting captive origin. The CDNA decided to accept all these observations as referring to one wandering individual, because there was no overlap in timing at the various locations (on 2 May, the bird was last seen at Barendrecht in the morning and first seen at Ezumakeeg in the evening, c 200 km to the north-east, so direct proof for the presence of a second bird is not available). It returned the following winters.

American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient
Mareca americana 5,44,3
9-29 January, Wanteskuup, Colijnsplaat, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, adult male (P A Wolf et al); 17 January to 4 February, Zegerplas, Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland, adult male (R Verbeek, R Genuït); 29-30 January, Ouderkerk aan den IJssel, Ouderkerk, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (E Kleyheeg, G Mourik).

Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling
Anas discors 6,27,1
8-12 June, Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, second calendar-year male, photographed (W A den Boer, P A Wolf, M Berlijn et al; Dutch Birding 28: 260, plate 369, 2006).

Baikal Teal / Siberische Taling
Anas formosa 8,0,1
18 May, Landje van Geijsel, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Noord-Holland, male, videoed (L Edelaar, S Lagerveld, N F van der Ham et al), and 21-22 May, Polder IJdoorn, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed, videoed (R van Dijk, M S Robb, R G M Altenburg et al; Dutch Birding 28: 260, plate 370, 2006).
The ninth record and the first since 1962 to show no signs of captivity (eg, positively seen to be unringed, no damaged wings, no aberrant behaviour). A report on 16 May at Langeraar, Noord-Holland, possibly concerned the same bird but has not been submitted. Previous records concerned birds shot or collected in March 1909, March 1913, January 1924, September 1941, November 1948, October-November 1952, August 1960 and December 1962.

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling
Anas carolinensis 6,30,4
9 April, Bandpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, male, photographed (M Olthoff, R Cazemier, M Bot et al), and 22-27 April, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, male, photographed (R Cazemier et al); 16 April, Ruidhorn, Uithuizen, Eemsmond, Groningen, male (M Olthoff); 6 May, Waterstaatpad, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult male, photographed (K P Hendriks, S Rijnbeek, M Renders et al); 10-14 June, Amstelmeer, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (M Renden, L van der Vaart, O de Vries et al; Dutch Birding 28: 260, plate 368, 2006).
2005 2-3 October, Sint Maartensvlotbrug, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, male, (partly in) eclipse plumage, photographed (P van der Wielen, H Niesen et al); 27 November, Ruidhorn, Uithuizen, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult male (M Olthoff).
With four records, 2006 has been equally productive as 1999, 2000 and 2001, followed by 2002 with three. Reports at Burgervlotbrug, Noord-Holland, on 13 May, and at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 31 December, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a, 2007). Assumingly, the records on 27 November 2005 and, less than five months later, on 16 April 2006 at Ruidhorn, Groningen, concerned different individuals.

Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker
Gavia adamsii 21,15,0
2005 13 November, Nes, Ameland, Friesland (M Bot).
A report of a bird at Vlieland, Friesland, on 26 December has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Cory's Shearwater / Kuhls Pijlstormvogel
Calonectris borealis 2,2,1
10 July, Lith, Noord-Brabant, picked up alive (died later), photographed, corpse retained at Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland (W van Lith, W van Gestel, J-E Kikkert).
This bird was found weakened and brought to a bird hospital at Someren, Noord-Brabant, where it died. Previous records of Calonectris shearwaters which could be identified with certainty as Cory's Shearwater also related to birds found weakened or dead: at Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, on 26 October 1947, at Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, on 29 November 1966, at Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, on 15 November 1981, and at Fijnaart, Noord-Brabant, on 27 September 1996. There are no records if Scopoli's Shearwater C diomedea.

Cory's/Scopoli's Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel
Calonectris borealis/diomedea 0,6,0
10 July, Lith, 2005 6 December, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham).
The sixth record for this species pair (assuming that Cape Verde Shearwater C edwardsii is not a realistic option as a vagrant to North Sea waters). Previous records of unidentified Calonectris shearwaters were on 29 October 1986, 17 September 1990, 18 May 1991 and 21 August 1997 (all at Camperduin, Noord-Holland) and 8 October 2003 (Texel, Noord-Holland). A report of one flying past Ameland, Friesland, on 5 November remains in circulation (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

European Storm-petrel / Stormvogeltje
Hydrobates pelagicus -,127,-
1994 18 September, Baalhoek, Hontenisse, Zeeland, two (W Mahu).
This species was only considered in the period 1982-98 but the CDNA still welcomes all reports before 1 January 1999. The total of 127 individuals relate to 63 records.

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan
Pelecanus onocrotalus 4,4,1
6 May, Hummelo, Hummelo en Keppel, Gelderland, adult (E Lam, F Balduk, G Nijhuis et al), and 8 May, Heerenveen, Friesland, and 10 May, Tjeukemeer, Friesland, and 13 May, Sneekermeer, Friesland, and 13-31 May, Tjeukemeer, Friesland, photographed (J Heusinkveld et al; Birding World 19: 196, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 255, plate 358, 2006), and 20-21 July, Akersloot, Noord-Holland, photographed, and 21 July, Alkmaar and Den Helder, Noord-Holland, and 22 July to 7 August, Horsmeertjes, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (S Miske, A Wassink et al), and 8-12 August, Mariëndal, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, photographed (Birding World 19: 322, 2006, 20: 29, 2007, Dutch Birding 28: 328, plate 452, 2006).
This long-staying individual gave everyone a good opportunity to study this big bird, which was seen roosting in a tree from time to time. Coincidently, after this bird was seen for the last time on 12 August, an individual frequented various locations on the British east coast between 16 August and 6 September (cf van den Berg & Haas 2006).

Green Heron / Groene Reiger
Butorides virescens 0,0,0
The bird present at two sites in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, from 25 April to 30 September is still in circulation (cf Steijn 2006; The Sound Approach archives; Birding World 19: 152, 372, 2006, 20: 26, 2007, Dutch Birding 28: 183, plate 258, 194, plate 275-276, 396: plate 568-569, 2006).

Squacco Heron / Ralreiger
Ardeola ralloides 25 (since 1866),36,1
18 June, Westduinpark, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage (R van der Vliet, R Berkelder, R Polak et al), and 18-21 June, Lentevreugd, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (J van 't Bosch, J van der Berg, K de Vries et al; Dutch Birding 28: 262, plate 379, 2006).

Cattle Egret / Koereiger
Bubulcus ibis 33,66,-
1983 13 September to 8 October, Hoogkerk, Groningen, Groningen, photographed (H-J Wight, S de Bruin, I de Bruin et al; van den Berg & Bosman 1999, 2001).
This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA still welcomes all reports before this date. This record from 1983 had already been published in van den Berg & Bosman (1999, 2001) but had not yet been mentioned in one of the annual CDNA-reports.

Eurasian Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier
Gyps fulvus 9,55,2
5 June, Naarden, Noord-Holland (L Berris, C Feijen), and Weipoort, Zoeterwoude, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (R Slaterus), and Biggekerke and Koudekerke, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (P A Wolf et al; Dutch Birding 28: 261, plate 372, 2006), and 6 June, Dishoek, Veere, Zeeland (T Luiten); 19 June, Westerhoven, Bergeyk, Noord-Brabant, second calendar-year, photographed (D Timmermans et al; Dutch Birding 28: 261, plate 373, 2006).
The bird seen on 5-6 June was wearing a white colour-ring, as can be seen on photographs taken at Weipoort and Koudekerke. A report at Leusden, Utrecht, on 30 April has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a).

Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend
Circaetus gallicus 3,25,6
26 May, Hugterheide, Maarheze, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, immature, trapped and taken into care, photographed (R Weenink et al; Dutch Birding 28: 259, plate 366, 2006); 1 July, Oldemarkt, IJsselham, Overijssel, photographed (K Vedder); 22 July to 7 September, Meijendel, Wassenaar, and Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, immature, photographed (G van der Bent, R van Rossum et al; Dutch Birding 28: 329, plate 454, 335, plate 466, 2006); 4 August, Ratum, Winterswijk, Gelderland (S Wytema); 7-22 August, Fochteloërveen, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, and Norg, Drenthe, maximum of two (on 13-22 August), photographed (M Bot, O Tol, R Cazemier et al).
2005 15 September, Simpelveld, Limburg (M Berlijn).
The bird taken into care on 26 May was released at Strabrechtse Heide, Noord-Brabant, on 17 June. 2006 was the best year ever with six individuals. Again, like previous years, several reports are still in circulation and more reports - too many to mention here - have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab)

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief
Circus macrourus 5,22,4
5 May, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult male, photographed (E Koops et al; Dutch Birding 28: 261, plate 375, 2006); 5 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year (H van Rijswijk, D Kok, J Ruinaard et al); 8 May, Nieuwolda, Scheemda, Groningen, adult male (D J Moerbeek); 12 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year female, photographed (J Schwiebbe, H Bouwmeester; Dutch Birding 28: 174, plate 234, 2006).
With four records, 2006 was one of the best years, equalling 2001 and 2003. A report on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 4 May is still in circulation. A large number of reports has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab).

Booted Eagle / Dwergarend
Hieraaetus pennatus 0,14,2
3 May, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant, pale morph, photographed (J-E Kikkert); 12 August, Budel-Dorplein, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, dark morph (N van Houtum).
This species has been recorded almost annually in 1992-96 and since 2000. The following nine reports have not (yet) been submitted: at Schermerhorn, Noord-Holland, on 13 May; at Huis ter Heide, Noord-Brabant, on 10 June; near Groesbeek, Gelderland, on 16 July; near Schiphol, Noord-Holland, on 23 July; at Zwolle, Overijssel, on 5 August; at Rhenen, Utrecht, on 13 August; over Petten and Callantsoog, Noord-Holland, on 13 August; and at Hoogvliet, Zuid-Holland, on 5 October (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab).

Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen
Porzana parva 36,11,1
8 September, Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Hulst, Zeeland, first-winter, ringed, photographed, videoed (A P Wieland, W van Kerkhoven, K Minnaar; Dutch Birding 28: 396, plate 567, 2006).
Little Crakes remain very rare, despite the growing number of birdwatchers. Unfortunately, after the breeding season, several emerge in survey reports without any documentation (cf van Dijk et al 2007). As these reports typically concern calling birds at night, while sound-recordings are lacking, they cannot be accepted. Obviously, there are confusion risks with vocalisations of other birds, such as Water Rail Rallus aquaticus.

Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen
Porzana pusilla 82,41,2
13 June to 1 July, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, singing, sound-recorded (M S Robb, A B van den Berg et al; The Sound Approach archives); 24-25 June, De Weerribben, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, singing, sound-recorded (P Nuyten).
This species will be no longer considered from 1 January 2008 onwards. Fortunately, observers have become familiar with its distinctive calls; identification mistakes almost never seem to happen, in contrast with the previous species.

Stone-curlew / Griel
Burhinus oedicnemus -,47,1
12 May, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (I Meulmeester, E Sandberg, G Davidse et al).
Reports at Oegstgeest, Zuid-Holland, on 5 July and at Duin en Kruidberg, Noord-Holland, on 15 August have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b).

Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier
Glareola pratincola 5,14,2
17 June to 5 July (intermittently), Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, and 1-2 July, Achter de Zwarten, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult, photographed, videoed (D P J Kuijper, T Veen, L Davids et al); 3 July, Polder Waal en Burg, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, videoed (A Wassink, P Duin, E Menkveld et al).
The first since 2002. Reports at Gaarkeuken, Groningen, on 26 April, at Nijkerk, Gelderland, on 30 April, at Jan Durkspolder, Friesland, on 8 June, and at Utrecht, Utrecht, on 21 July have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab).

Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier
Glareola nordmanni 12,19,3
24 August and 13-18 September, Kinsel and Ransdorp, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (H Bouman, M Berlijn, L Punt et al; Dutch Birding 28: 334, plate 465, 2006); 14-20 October, Noordpolder te Veld, Eemnes, Utrecht, first-winter, photographed, videoed (P van der Wijst, J Schwiebbe, H Niesen et al; Birding World 19: 425, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 398, plate 575, 2006); 15 October, Het Hellegat, Kloosterzande, Hulst, Zeeland, winter plumage (M A Capello, W Mahu).
1982 21 November to 5 December, Overlangbroek, Leersum, Utrecht, adult, photographed (W Hoogendoorn, G H Steinhaus, E B Ebels et al; Dutch Birding 4: 144, plate 87, 1982).
The first since 2003. After 1972 and 2002, this is the third year with three birds. The records at Eemnes and Kloosterzande are the first in October but not the latest as there are also two November records (in 1900 and 1982). The 1982 record concerns a correction of the age of an individual previously accepted as first-winter (cf Blankert & Steinhaus 1982, van den Berg & Bosman 2001).

Greater Sand Plover / Woestijnplevier
Charadrius leschenaultii 1,8,2
4 August, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (W van der Schot, W Price, A B van den Berg et al; Brinkhuizen & van der Schot 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 319, plate 435, 327, plate 450, 340, plate 472-473, 2006); 6 August, Eemshaven-West, Eemsmond, Groningen, immature, photographed (D M Brinkhuizen, M Jonker, L Brinkhuizen et al; Brinkhuizen & van der Schot 2006).
2004 16 September, Slik van Battenoord, Oostflakkee, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed (P A Wolf, R van Loo, M S J Hoekstein et al; Dutch Birding 26: 341, plate 482, 2004).
2006 was the first year with more than one record. Examination of the photographs showed that most probably two birds were involved. Previous records were in July 1977, August 1984, August 1985, August 1993, September 1994, July-August 1996, June 2001, September 2004 and April 2005. The 2004 record had already been accepted as Greater Sand Plover but was published with incorrect ageing (van der Vliet et al 2005); the CDNA concluded that it probably involved the subspecies C l columbinus (Anatolian Sand Plover) but is has not been formally accepted as such. After recirculation, the CDNA reconfirmed the identity of the Anatolian Sand Plover at Den Oever, Noord-Holland on 7-30 August 1985; Lesser Sand Plover C mongolus can be safely excluded. Totals include birds accepted at subspecies level.

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier
Pluvialis dominica 1,16,3
7 May, Slik van Battenoord, Oostflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (D Benders, G Bakker, W van den Hoven); 9 May, Philipsdam, Bruinisse, Zeeland, summer plumage, photographed (P L Meininger, P A Wolf); 12-14 May, Mariëndal, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (F Draaisma, M Renden, L van der Kruik et al; Dutch Birding 28: 262, plate 378, 2006).

Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier
Pluvialis fulva 9,23,1
1-15 August, De Petten and Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, videoed (P Duin, A Wassink, E Menkveld et al).
2005 27 June, Bleskensgraaf, Graafstroom, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (A de Jong, R Vlot, A Kolders et al).

lesser golden plover / kleine goudplevier
Pluvialis dominica/fulva 0,4,0
2003 26-31 July, Workumerwaard, Nijefurd, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (S Deuzeman, S Bernardus, S Radstaak et al).
In addition to 20 records of American Golden Plover P dominica and 33 of Pacific Golden Plover P fulva, just four 'lesser golden plovers' have not been accepted to species level. Previous records of such 'lesser golden plovers' were on Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, on 8 August 1991, at Westplaat, Zuid-Holland, on 19-20 August 1995, and at Ezumakeeg, Friesland, on 16 July 2000.

Sociable Lapwing / Steppekievit
Vanellus gregarius 12,29,1
15 September, Budel-Dorplein, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, first-winter, photographed (H Hendriks, F Neijts et al).
In 1990-2001, 22 individuals were recorded but since 2001 this is only the second, which may reflect the species' decline in its breeding grounds.

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper
Calidris fuscicollis 1,26,2
16-25 July, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (M Bot, R Cazemier, D Hoekstra et al); 13 October, Amstelmeer, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first-winter (R de Beer, M van der Aa).
The bird at Amstelmeer represents the third October record. The species has been recorded annually since 1999, best years being 2001 (six) and 2004 (five).

Broad-billed Sandpiper / Breedbekstrandloper
Limicola falcinellus 23,91,0
2002 20 May, Enumatil, Leek, Groningen, summer plumage (T Bakker et al).
This was the 12th record for 2002. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2003 but the CDNA still welcomes records before this date.

Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter
Tryngites subruficollis 3,25,6
15 June, Slijkplaat, Haringvliet, Hellevoetsluis, Zuid-Holland, photographed (S Lilipaly, P A Wolf, R van Loo et al); 9 September, Vliehors, Vlieland, Friesland, videoed (G van Duin, L Hofstee); 13 September, Slikken van Flakkee, Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (P A Wolf et al; Dutch Birding 28: 392, plate 558, 2006 (age incorrectly given as juvenile in caption)); 24-29 September, Prins Hendrikpolder, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, juvenile, photographed (R van Dijk, R Pop et al; Dutch Birding 28: 393, plate 560, 2006); 24-29 September, De Stolpen, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed (N F van der Ham, S Lagerveld, R Struyck et al; Dutch Birding 28: 392, plate 556-557, 393, plate 559, 2006).
After no records in 2005, this was as good a year as 2001 with six individuals. It was also the first year with a record of two individuals together. A report at Bandpolder, Friesland, on 21 September has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b).

Great Snipe / Poelsnip
Gallinago media -,24,2
12-13 September, Hessenpoort, Zwolle, Overijssel (H M Pohlmann, S Radstaak, J Denee); 16 September, Kreeftenpolder, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter (N van Duivendijk, J de Bruyn, D Kok et al).
The record at Hessenpoort was at the very same location and same date (13 September) as in 2005, tempting to speculate it was the same returning individual! A report on Vlieland, Friesland, on 11 November has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip
Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,19,1
24 December to 15 January 2007, Twisk, Noorder-Koggenland, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (J Buijsman, P Groot, C Hopman et al; Dutch Birding 29: 124, plate 164, 2007).

Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter
Tringa flavipes 2,15,0
1964 16 April, Yerseke, Reimerswaal, Zeeland (W J M Vader; Vader 1964).
After review, this record becomes the first. It had previously been removed from the Dutch list during the reviews of all pre-1980 records by van IJzendoorn & de Heer (1985) and van IJzendoorn et al (1996). Due to new insights on yellowlegs identification and the stamina of the observer, this record was finally accepted again.

* Solitary Sandpiper / Amerikaanse Bosruiter
Tringa solitaria 0,0,1
14-17 May, Bokkegat, Wissenkerke, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, second-calendar year, photographed, videoed (M S J Hoekstein et al; Hoekstein 2006, Hoekstein & Ebels 2007; Birding World 19: 198, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 181, plate 254, 199, plate 282-283, 256, plate 359, 2006, 29: 79, plate 104, 81, plate 105-106, 82, plate 107, 2007).
Thanks to excellent photographs, this new species could be identified as belonging to the south-eastern nominate subspecies T s solitaria, eg, because of its conspicuous dark lore.

Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter
Xenus cinereus 1,32,3
4 May, Kinsel, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed (W Price); 17 May, Weevers Inlaag, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photographed (P A Wolf et al); 12 July, Balgzandpolder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, photographed (W Price; Dutch Birding 28: 334, plate 464, 2006).
Remarkably, two of the three birds in 2006 were discovered by the same observer.

* Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw
Larus genei 0,0,7
5-6 May, De Kreupel, Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland, three, at least two adult (one on 6 May), photographed (B Woets, E Schoppers; Ebels et al 2006, Ottens et al 2007; Dutch Birding 28: 196, plate 278, 2006, 29: 220, plate 304, 2007), and 6 May, De Ven, Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland, two, adult and second-summer, photographed (J-P de Krijger, B Pronk, A Roobeek et al; Ebels et al 2006, Ottens et al 2007; Dutch Birding 28: 196, plate 279, 2006, 29: 219, plate 301, 220, plate 306, 2007); 6 May, De Blikken, Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, two, adult (one wearing green colour ring), photographed, videoed (P Lindenburg, J van de Vijver, J Tramper et al; Ebels et al 2006, Ottens et al 2007; Birding World 19: 199, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 260, plate 371, 2006, 29: 220, plate 305, plate 307, 2007); 6-9 May, Dollardkwelder, Carel Coenraadpolder, Delfzijl, Groningen, two, adult and second-summer, photographed (K Koffijberg, A Boven, D J Moerbeek et al; Ebels et al 2006, Ottens et al 2007; Dutch Birding 28: 197, plate 280, 2006, 29: 220, plate 302-303, 2007).
A long-awaited addition to the Dutch list - but seven on one day in three areas widely distributed over the country was a big surprise. A full account has already been published (Ottens et al 2007). A report of two birds between Lauwersoog, Groningen, and Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, on 7 May remains in circulation.

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw
Larus delawarensis 0,8,0
23 August to 28 December, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male, photographed.
2005 17 September to 13 March 2006, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male, photographed.
The same bird returning for its fourth winter.

Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw
Larus fuscus fuscus 0,4,1
25-27 May, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, wearing colour-ring (red CJC9), photographed (J van der Laan, T J C Luijendijk, R G M Altenburg et al; Altenburg et al 2007; Dutch Birding 28: 259, plate 364-365, 2006, 29: 96, plate 119-121, 2007).
2005 25 June, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, wearing colour-ring (red CRK4), photographed (R G M Altenburg; Altenburg et al 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 163, plate 223-225, 2006).
CJC9 had been ringed as a nestling at Pori, Finland, on 28 June 2005 and was subsequently seen at Anza, Agadir, Morocco, on 23 February 2006; CRK4 had been ringed as a nestling at Pietarsaari, Vaasa, Finland, on 10 July 2004 (Altenburg et al 2006, 2007). A first-year with a red colour-ring at Groningen, Groningen, from 8 December to 1 February 2007 is still in circulation (van Dongen et al 2007).

* Kumlien's Gull / Kumliens Meeuw
Larus glaucoides kumlieni 0,1,0
2005 30 January, Paal 8, Terschelling, Friesland, second-winter, photographed (M Bunskoek; Bunskoek 2005).
This taxon has become so 'common' in the northern part of Britain that it is no longer considered by the British rarities committee (BBRC); its occurrence was, therefore, not unexpected. The taxonomic status of Kumlien's Gull is clouded (it is now often regarded as a hybrid population between Iceland Gull L g glaucoides and Thayer's Gull L thayeri) but, for the moment, the Dutch committee for avian systematics (CSNA) considers it to be a subspecies of Iceland Gull. A paper detailing this record and the identification is being prepared for Dutch Birding.

Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern
Sterna dougallii 3,25,2
18 May, Wevers Inlaag, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (P A Wolf); 23-24 May, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed, videoed (S Lagerveld, E L Alanen, H Niesen et al; Dutch Birding 28: 258, plate 363, 2006).
2003 29 July, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage (N F van der Ham, T Knol).
The fifth and sixth records since 2000. 1990 was the best year with four records, followed by 1991 with three. Years with two were 1982, 1989, 1993, 1994 and 1998.

Black Guillemot / Zwarte Zeekoet
Cepphus grylle 31,57,4
21 January to 9 April, 't Horntje, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, moulting from winter to summer plumage, photographed (S Rijnbeek, R van Bemmelen, M Guyt et al; Birding World 19: 57, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 120, plate 165, 184, plate 259-260, 2006), and 24-30 April, West-Terschelling, Terschelling, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (T Hek, A Ouwerkerk), and 9 November to 9 December, West-Terschelling, Terschelling, Friesland, adult, winter plumage, photographed (A Ouwerkerk et al); 7 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, adult (R Cazemier, B-J Prak et al); 7 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile (R Cazemier, B-J Prak et al); 24 November to 9 December, West-Terschelling, Terschelling, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (A Ouwerkerk; Dutch Birding 29: 63, plate 82, 2007).
2005 16 December, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, winter plumage (J G Bosma).
Several reports in August, October, November and December have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b, 2007). From 1 January 2007, the species will no longer be considered but the CDNA welcomes all reports not yet submitted from 2006 and before.

Great Spotted Cuckoo / Kuifkoekoek
Clamator glandarius 7,11,1
29 March to 3 April, Deelensche Zand, Hoge Veluwe, Ede, Gelderland, first-summer, photographed, videoed (O van der Klis, W van Rijswijk, C van Rijswijk et al; Birding World 19: 154, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 185, plate 261-262, 2006).
2001 30 April to 2 May, Lange Duinen, Ameland, Friesland, first-summer, photographed (D Gras, A Varkevisser, J Neij et al).
There are now three records since the turn of the century, all first-summers. The last records before 2001 were in 1995 (July and October), both first-calendar years.

Eurasian Pygmy Owl / Dwerguil
Glaucidium passerinum 0,2,0
2005 10 December, Bakkeveen, Opsterland, Friesland (K Scholten).
The second record, following one picked up alive at Sumarreheide, Friesland, on 4 October 2002. The next day at Bakkeveen, a huge crowd of c 300 birders gathered before sunrise to search this bird but, unfortunately, it was never seen again.

Tengmalm's Owl / Ruigpootuil
Aegolius funereus -,9,1
7 March, Belfeld, Venlo, Limburg, adult, taken into care, photographed (M Stellmacher, R Beekhuijzen, R van Kuilenburg et al; Dutch Birding 28: 190, plate 270, 2006).
2002 12 October, Hooghalen, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, found dead, photographed (W van Manen; van Manen 2002).

* Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw
Apus pallidus 0,0,1
20-21 October, Vlieland, Friesland, first-year, photographed, videoed (N van Duivendijk, D Kok, H Zevenhuizen et al; van Duivendijk & Kok 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 398, plate 574, 409, plate 586-587, 2006).
A long-awaited addition to the Dutch list. Being 'trapped' on an island, the bird conveniently stayed for one more day after its discovery moving in large circles over large parts of the island and enabling several 10s of birders from the mainland to connect. Direct comparison with Common Swift A apus when it was first seen and excellent photographic documentation enabled a safe identification of this notoriously tricky species. A report at De Nolle, Zeeland, on 25 October is still in circulation (cf van Dongen et al 2006b).

* Little Swift / Huisgierzwaluw
Apus affinis 0,0,1
20 November, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (J de Leeuw, B Couperus; Couperus & de Leeuw 2006).
Another swift addition to the Dutch list. The bird was discovered from an office window and seen clinging to a concrete wall of an old watertower for a few minutes. Then it flew off north-west and was not seen again. A report from Terschelling, Friesland, on 17 May 2001 (Dutch Birding 23: 237, plate 268-269, 2001), has only recently been submitted and, if accepted, will make the IJmuiden bird the second.

European Roller / Scharrelaar
Coracias garrulus 53,17,0
2005 15-20 September, Ploegelanden, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (L J R Boon, R van Rossum, E B Ebels et al; Birding World 18: 372, 2005, Dutch Birding 27: 350, plate 424, 429, plate 534, 431, plate 536, 2005).
This concerns a correction of the exact location (cf van der Vliet et al 2006).

Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht
Picus canus 1,4,1
13 March to 2 April, Hellendoorn-Nijverdal, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, adult female, photographed (H Evers).
The bird was present for several days feeding in a garden. Unfortunately, the news was not released. Previous records were at Weerselo, Overijssel, on 28 April 1974 (male), at Brunssum, Limburg, in April-July 1981 and April-August 1982 (male), at Brunssum on 5-7 April 1985 (female), at Oosterbeek, Gelderland, intermittently from May 2000 to June 2003 (male), and at Beegden, Limburg, on 5-12 June 2004 (male).

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik
Calandrella brachydactyla 3,31,3
7 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (N van Duivendijk, B de Bruijn, K de Jong et al); 12 May, Ramspolplaten, Kampen, Overijssel, photographed (M Zekhuis, F de Roder, J Nap et al; Dutch Birding 28: 263, plate 384, 2006); 15-25 October, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (M P Lantsheer, M Gal, E Nieuwstraten et al; Dutch Birding 28: 397, plate 573, 2006).
Reports of fly-bys at the Eemshaven, Groningen, on 6 May, 12 May and 2 October, and at Breskens, Zeeland, on 8 May, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab).

* Eurasian Crag Martin / Rotszwaluw
Ptyonoprogne rupestris 0,0,6
5 November, IJburg, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, two (R G M Baars, S Sybrandi; Hotting & Ebels 2006, Ebels et al 2007); 7 November, Boswachterij Schouwen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, two (C Oskam, L van Ree, W Vuyk et al; Hotting & Ebels 2006, Ebels et al 2007); 14-24 November, Hoorn, Noord-Holland, maximum of two (one on 22-24 November), photograped, videoed (M Hotting, M Veldt, R Vlot et al; Hotting & Ebels 2006, Ebels et al 2007; Birding World 19: 451-452, 2006, 20: 36, 2007, Dutch Birding 28: 411, plate 588-590, 2006, 29: 66, plate 91-92, 293, plate 420-421, 294, plate 422, 295, plate 423-424, 2007).
After several fly-bys in recent years, eg, in 1992, 2001 and 2005, that were insufficiently documented to be acceptable, this species finally claimed its position on the Dutch list in 2006, with no less than six birds within two weeks. The sightings at IJburg and Hoorn (c 30 km further north) may have related to the same two birds moving north along the IJsselmeer coast but have been accepted as separate records. The birds at Hoorn were the only two to be twitchable and the first to be documented by photographs and video.

Blyth's Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper
Anthus godlewskii 0,4,0
2005 14 November, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, videoed (H-J Wight, E Boerma, E Klunder).
The fourth record of this Central Asian pipit. Previous records were at Westenschouwen, Zeeland, on 13 November 1983 (trapped), at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 25-28 October 1996 and at Kennemerduinen, Noord-Holland, on 24 November 2002 (trapped). Two reports from 2005, at Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 27 October and at Balloërveld, Drenthe, on 30 October, are still in circulation.

Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper
Anthus hodgsoni 0,16,1
15-16 October, Oosterreeweg, Schiermonnikoog, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed, videoed (S Wytema, S Radstaak, E Meindersma et al; Dutch Birding 28: 397, plate 572, 2006).
The first for this Frisian island.

* Ashy-headed Wagtail / Italiaanse Kwikstaart
Motacilla cinereocapilla 0,0,2
16 April, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, male, photographed, sound-recorded (E van Saane, P van der Wielen, A B van den Berg et al; The Sound Approach archives; van den Berg et al 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 186, plate 263, 2006); 22 April, Flevocentrale, Lelystad, Flevoland, male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (A Vink, D Groenendijk, W Janssen et al; van den Berg et al 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 193, plate 274, 2006).
Both birds were well observed, photographed and sound-recorded. Apart from a good photograph or video image of the head-markings and white throat, a sound-recording of the flight calls is considered vital for a safe identification. A report from May 2004 at Makkumerzuidwaard, Friesland, is still in circulation.

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart
Motacilla citreola 0,15,3
23 April, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, female, photographed (D Hoekstra, R Cazemier, S Bernardus et al); 5 May, Mariëndal, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, female, photographed (R Hovinga, R Jansen, H Niesen et al; Dutch Birding 28: 263, plate 383, 2006), and 6 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (D Kok, A Wassink, K de Vries et al); 18 August, Nevengeul, Wageningen, Gelderland, first-winter, photographed (M Prins, R Vermoolen et al; Dutch Birding 28: 335, plate 468, 2006).
The best year ever, with (at least) three birds, and the first since 2002. The first-winter at Wageningen represents the earliest autumn record. Previous records were in August-September 1984, April 1991, May 1993, September 1994, September 1995, June 1996, August-September 1996, September 1997, May 1998 (two), May 1999 (two), April 2000, April 2001 and September 2002.

Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal
Luscinia luscinia 7,52,5
12-17 May, Koningssteen, Thorn, Limburg, singing, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (H Lammers, R Schols, J van der Coelen et al; Birding World 19: 200, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 259, plate 367, 2006); 2-6 June, Breevenen, Eext, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, singing, sound-recorded (E Schoppers, B Woets, M Jonker et al); 19 August, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (J Visser, L Heemskerk, A Wijker et al); 19 August, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (R Luntz, L Buckx, H Buckx); 17 September, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (H Bouwmeester, K van Kleef).
The best year ever with five records. Previous good years were 1987 and 1996, both with four. A report of a bird trapped at Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, on 21 September is still in circulation.

Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst
Luscinia svecica svecica 24,41,2
12 May, De Pijp, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (S Kuiper); 27 May, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult male, photographed (M de Vries).
2004 8 May, Kreeftenpolder, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male (D Kok).
The bird on 12 May was photographed on a roof terrace in down-town Amsterdam. Two reports in Flevoland in August 2005 are still in circulation.

Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit
Saxicola maurus 9,24,1
8 October, Jan Ayeslag, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter, videoed (R Sponselee, M A Capello, W Mahu et al).
2001 23 September, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, first-winter, photographed (J Eerdmans, R M van Dongen, P W W de Rouw et al).

Isabelline Wheatear / Izabeltapuit
Oenanthe isabellina 0,4,1
31 August to 4 September, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, first-winter, photographed (K Nanninga, J G Bosma, M Jonker et al; Bosma & Nanninga 2006; Birding World 19: 373, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 342, plate 476-477, 2006).
The earliest record. Previous ones were in October-November 1996, September 2000, October 2000 and November 2005.

black-eared wheatear / blonde tapuit
Oenanthe hispanica/melanoleuca 3,2,1
23 May, De Hooge Berg, Den Burg, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-summer male, photographed (family van Dijk).

Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit
Oenanthe deserti 1,18,1
28 December, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed (G Veldhuisen; Dutch Birding 29: 65, plate 89-90, 2007).
After the record number of nine birds in 2005, the pattern is back to 'business as usual'.

Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush / Rode Rotslijster
Monticola saxatilis 1,6,1
8 May, Flevocentrale, Lelystad, Flevoland, female, photographed (G J ter Haar, P van Wetter, M Renders et al; Birding World 19: 200, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 263, plate 381, 2006).
The first since the record year 2000, when three birds were recorded. Previous ones were at Borgercompagnie, Groningen, on 22-23 April 1951 (first-summer male), at Noorderburen, Noord-Holland, on 12-13 May 1994 (first-summer female), at Hoge Veluwe, Gelderland, on 17 May 1998 (adult male), at Lauwersmeer, Groningen, on 4 May 1999 (adult male), at Wapenveld, Gelderland, on 25 April 2000 (adult male), at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 27 April 2000 (first-summer male), and at Blaricum, Noord-Holland, on 4 May 2000 (adult male).

White's Thrush / Goudlijster
Zoothera aurea 11,7,1
2005 29 October, Hasseltsestraat, Scheveningen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, found dead, photographed, skin retained at National Natural History Museum - Naturalis, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (E Kok).
This record was already published in van der Vliet et al (2006) but without information on where the skin was retained.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger
Locustella fluviatilis 6,37,2
30 May to 11 June, Marsdijk, Schuilenburg, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, singing, sound-recorded (M Jonker, L Punt et al); 11-15 September, Venebuurt, Opsterland, Friesland, first-year, ringed, photographed (W Bil et al).
A report near Giethoorn, Overijssel, on 29 June has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a).

Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger
Acrocephalus agricola 1,14,3
12 September, Venebuurt, Opsterland, Friesland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (W Bil et al); 17 September, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (P van Eijk et al); 14 October, Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (M Verrips, V van der Spek, B d'Arnaud et al; Dutch Birding 28: 397, plate 571, 2006).
Like all other records, except for one in September 1994, all birds were trapped during ringing activities. With three birds, 2006 is the second-best year after 2003, when four were trapped.

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel
Acrocephalus caligatus 0,10,1
9-11 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (W van Rijswijk, H van Rijswijk, C van Rijswijk et al; Birding World 19: 423, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 399, plate 577-578, 2006).
This bird stayed for three days and gave many birders the opportunity to closely study this interesting Acrocephalus. All previous records fall in the period from 31 August to 6 October, so the 2006 record is the latest ever.

Subalpine Warbler / Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans 5,46,2
15 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, female (L Boon, W van Rijswijk).
Totals include birds identified to subspecies (see below). Reports at Ritthem, Zeeland, on 9 May 1987 and at Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Noord-Holland, on 17 May 2006 are still in circulation. A report on Ameland, Friesland, on 2 May has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a).

Western Subalpine Warbler / Westelijke Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans cantillans/inornata 2,5,1
11 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-summer male, photographed (W van Rijswijk, C van Rijswijk, M Berlijn et al; Dutch Birding 28: 264, plate 386, 2006).

* Eastern Subalpine Warbler / Oostelijke Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans albistriata 0,1,0
2004 28 May, De Uithof, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed, sound-recorded (W Kolber, T J C Luijendijk, F Ossendorp et al).
This bird had previously been accepted but the subspecies was not decided upon (cf van der Vliet et al 2006); now, it has been accepted as the first S c albistriata.

Sardinian Warbler / Kleine Zwartkop
Sylvia melanocephalus 0,7,1
26-27 April, Hargen, Bergen, Noord-Holland, first-summer male, photographed, videoed (G Dinsbach, T Udo, C Giljam et al; Dutch Birding 28: 187, plate 267, 2006).
The eighth record and the first since 1995. Previous records all concerned males at Osdorp, Noord-Holland, from 14 December 1980 to 22 February 1981, at Eemshaven, Groningen, on 13 May 1983, at Rottumeroog, Groningen, on 20 April 1991, on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 26-29 May 1993, at Lauwersoog, Groningen, from 30 October to 22 November 1993, on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 8-14 May, and at Egmond-Binnen, Noord-Holland, from 12 November to 29 December 1995.

Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis
Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,42,1
26 August to 1 September, Koarnwertersân (Kornwerderzand), Wûnseradiel, Friesland, photographed (P M A van der Wielen, J Bisschop et al; Dutch Birding 28: 335, plate 467, 2006).
2005 17-20 September, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, first-winter, photographed (J G Bosma, A de Bruin, M Bot et al). Reports at Eemshaven, Groningen, on 4 June, and at Moddergat, Friesland, on 26-28 August have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006ab).

Arctic Warbler / Noordse Boszanger
Phylloscopus borealis 2,16,0
2002 21-22 September, Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland (R F J van Beusekom, A van Egmond, H Groot et al).
The seventh for Vlieland, making this small island the best place to find this species, with Schiermonnikoog as second best with five (cf van der Vliet et al 2006).

Hume's Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning
Phylloscopus humei 2,29,0
2005 20 November to 14 January 2006, Oosterbeek, Renkum, Gelderland, photographed, sound-recorded.
This record was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2006).

Radde's Warbler / Raddes Boszanger
Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,15,2
13 October, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (C van Deursen, P Bergkamp, H Buckx et al; Dutch Birding 28: 397, plate 570, 2006); 19 October, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (R Reijnders, A Wijker, C Reijnders et al; Dutch Birding 28: 400, plate 580, 2006).
A report at Hargen aan Zee, Noord-Holland, on 29 October has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b).

Dusky Warbler / Bruine Boszanger
Phylloscopus fuscatus 1,43,2
24-25 October, Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland (J Eerdmans, H Buckx, R Bekebrede); 26 November, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (J Visser, A Wijker, R Reijnders; Dutch Birding 29: 65, plate 87, 2007).
A report at Brouwersdam, Zeeland, on 18 October has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b).

bonelli's warbler / bergfluiter
Phylloscopus bonelli/orientalis 4,6,1
11 May, Donkere Duinen, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (J van der Laan, N Harder, C Hopman et al).
The bird was heard singing but not calling, making identification to species level tricky. The songs of Western Bonelli's Warbler P bonelli and Eastern Bonelli's Warbler P orientalis are very similar, whereas the most common calls are completely different. Specific identification on morphological characters is possible but requires very close views and/or detailed pictures to establish subtle differences in plumage and/or structure (cf Occhiato 2007).

Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus collybita tristis -,19,2
9 November to 24 January 2007, Huizen, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (R F J van Beusekom, D Groenendijk, L van Loo et al; Dutch Birding 29: 65, plate 88, 2007); 18 November, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, ringed, photographed (H Bouwmeester et al; Dutch Birding 29: 67, plate 94, 2007).
2005 26 November to 8 December, camping De Pomp, Kollumerpomp, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (R Cazemier, D Hoekstra et al).
Several reports are still in circulation: at Eemshaven, Groningen, on 18 October, with another one there on 28 October, and at Den Oever, Noord-Holland, on 3 November. A report on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 12 October has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006b). Two previously accepted records have been rejected after review: at Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, on 26-28 November 1998 and at Oudemirdum, Friesland, from 27 November to 6 December 1998; these two decisions complete the review by the CDNA of records of Siberian Chiffchaff.

Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus ibericus 2,15,1
22 May to 10 June, Oosterhout, Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (E van Saane, T Udo, A B van den Berg et al; The Sound Approach archives; Dutch Birding 29: 86, plate 114, 2007).
Iberian Chiffchaffs have been recorded annually since 2001, with the exception of 2003. Slaterus (2007) provided a full overview on the occurrence of this species in the Netherlands. A report at Egmond, Noord-Holland, on 7-11 June is still in circulation. A report at Fochteloërveen, Friesland, on 27-28 May has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a).

Collared Flycatcher / Withalsvliegenvanger
Ficedula albicollis 24,8,0
13 May to 12 June, Noord-Ginkel, Ede, Gelderland, adult male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (A Heeres, B Heeres, H Baak et al; The Sound Approach archives; Birding World 19: 232, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 251, plate 355, 264, plate 385, 2006).
The 2006 bird was singing in the same general area as a male from 8 May to 27 June 2004 (often even on the same tree-trunk) and, therefore, although it was not reported in 2005, it is considered to be the same individual. Before this bird, there were only seven records since 1980: in May 1985 (two), May 1996, October 1996, April-May 1998 and May 2001 (two). Out of the total of 32, only one was a female (in May 1985).

Daurian Shrike / Daurische Klauwier
Lanius isabellinus 0,4,2
27 August, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult female, photographed (F van der Lans, P Planken, J Kleijweg et al; van der Lans 2006; Birding World 19: 322, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 343, plate 478, 2006); 25-26 September, Den Hoorn, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (J Lehmus, R Hofman, M Berlijn et al; Birding World 19: 426, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 395, plate 565, 2006).
Previous records were on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 4 May 1995; at Lauwersoog, Friesland/Groningen, on 8-11 December 1996 (cf Dutch Birding 24: 343, 2002); at Castricum, Noord-Holland, on 1-3 October 2000; and on Texel on 24-25 September 2003. A paper on the occurrence and identification of 'isabelline shrikes' in the Netherlands has been prepared for Dutch Birding.

House Crow / Huiskraai
Corvus splendens 0,22,-
1999 31 July, Stavoren, Nijefurd, Friesland (M Versluys).
This record is considered to refer to the same bird as at nearby Harlingen, Friesland, on 7 June 1999. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes all reports before this date.

* Purple-backed Starling / Daurische Spreeuw
Sturnus sturninus 0,1,0
2005 11-12 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, first-winter male, photographed, videoed (R van Ouwerkerk, C Giljam, J van der Laan et al; Giljam & van Ouwerkerk 2005; Dutch Birding 27: 433, plate 543, 2005).
The first sighting of this East Asian starling to be accepted. Two previous sightings, in May 1999 and November 1999, were considered escapes but the occurrence of several extreme eastern vagrants during recent years in Europe (eg, Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus and Chestnut-eared Bunting Emberiza fucata) made the CDNA reconsider this point of view and give the Vlieland bird the benefit of the doubt. As a consequence, the two records from 1999 are now in recirculation. Purple-backed (or Daurian) Starling breeds just east of Lake Baikal (in the area Transbaykalia, also known as Dauria), Siberia, Russia, and the wintering grounds are around the equator, eg, in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Atlas Chaffinch / Atlasvink
Fringilla coelebs africana 0,2,0
1999 30 April, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, female, sound-recorded (M Jonker, H-J Wight, R Winters et al).
This bird had previously been accepted as African Chaffinch (Atlas Chaffinch or Tunesian Chaffinch F c spodiogenys; van der Vliet et al 2005). However, recent research on its two call types by The Sound Approach showed that this bird can now be identified as Atlas Chaffinch (Arnoud van den Berg & Magnus Robb in litt).

Arctic Redpoll / Witstuitbarmsijs
Carduelis hornemanni 43,62,4
27 January to 30 March, Vissershaven, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, at least two, photographed (R Winters, A B van den Berg et al); 31 January to 12 February, Zuidlaren, Tynaarlo, Drenthe, photographed (M Olthoff, M Bot, S Bot et al); 18-24 March, Noordpolderzijl, Eemsmond, Groningen, male, photographed (I Weeber, M Bot et al).
2005 13 November, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult male, ringed, photographed, videoed (J Visser, A Wijker, H Levering et al); 25 December to 1 January 2006, Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, at least one, male, photographed (R Cazemier, M Bot et al); 27 December to 7 January 2006, Marshaven, Zutphen, Overijssel, male, photographed, videoed (Birding World 19: 10, 2006).
These records are part of the small invasion that started in late autumn 2005, now involving at least nine birds. Two individuals have now been accepted for IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, but the reports of up to four additional birds remain in circulation. The record at Zutphen was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2006). The following reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2006a): at Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland, on 17 January; at Haren, Groningen, on 18 January; at Leekstermeer, Groningen, on 27 January; at Zuidlaren, Drenthe, on 5 February (a second individual); at Beijum, Groningen, from 31 January to 18 February; at De Bijland, Gelderland, on 12-13 February; at Groningen, Groningen, on 27 February; and at Warmond, Zuid-Holland, on 5 March. A report at Selwerd, Groningen, Groningen, from 22 December 2005 to 5 February 2006 is still under consideration. The totals include the only Hornemann's Redpoll C h hornemanni at Huisduinen, Noord-Holland, on 11-15 October 2003 (van der Vliet et al 2006). It was shown by van den Berg et al (2007) that it appears unlikely that other Arctic Redpolls on the Dutch list concerned anything else than Coues's Arctic Redpoll C h exilipes. For instance, it is noteworthy that none of the Arctic Redpolls occurred as early in autumn as the Hornemann's.

Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek
Loxia leucoptera 37,220,1
22 February, Berkenplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult male (M Olthoff).

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek
Loxia pytyopsittacus 15,581,2
12 February, Tongeren, Epe, Gelderland, two, male and female, ringed, photographed (K Terpstra).
The first record since 1 January 2002, when the CDNA started considering reports again, after a stop from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 2001. The totals present the number of individuals accepted for 1900-79, 1980-92 and 2002-06, respectively..

* Song Sparrow / Zanggors
Melospiza melodia 0,0,1
30 April, Kabbelaarsbank, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, photographed (P A Wolf, R van Loo et al; Wolf & Ebels 2006, 2007; Dutch Birding 28: 189, plate 268, 195, plate 277, 2006, 29: 31, plate 38, 32, plate 39-40, 2007).
The first record. It was found in the afternoon in an area closed for the public and was seen by only 10 birders. It was seen until at least 19:30 but had disappeared the next morning. Belgium and Norway both have one record, Britain has seven (Wolf & Ebels 2007).

Rustic Bunting / Bosgors
Emberiza rustica 14,57,2
21 April, Hargen, Bergen, Noord-Holland, adult male, summer plumage (N F van der Ham); 4-7 October, Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland, adult male, winter plumage, photographed (L Edelaar, B Lagerveld, W van der Schot et al; Dutch Birding 28: 402, plate 582, 2006).

Yellow-breasted Bunting / Wilgengors
Emberiza aureola 3,10,0
1995 3-4 September, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland (J Eerdmans, H Buckx, P W W de Rouw et al).
With four records, Vlieland has been the best place to see this species. The year 1995 was the best ever with three but there have been only two since, in September 2001 and September 2003, which may reflect the species' decline in north-eastern Europe and possibly elsewhere.

Black-headed Bunting / Zwartkopgors
Emberiza melanocephala 2,9,1
15-18 October, Brouwersdam, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, male, photographed (T Fijen, T van Kessel, F Wildschut et al; Birding World 19: 426, 2006, Dutch Birding 28: 395, plate 564, 402, plate 581, 2006).
This was the first in autumn; previous records were in May-July and one was in February (1967).

* Yellow-headed Blackbird / Geelkoptroepiaal
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus 0,1,0
1982 18-20 May and 14 June, Polder Waal en Burg, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male (W J Wolff, P J van Vliet, H N Leijs et al), and 2-3 July, Formerumer Wiel, Terschelling, Friesland (L M J van den Bergh, F T van Driel, D Visser et al).
Following a review, this bird has been accepted as the species' first record. A full account has recently been published by Ebels & van den Bergh (2007) and van Vliet & Ebels (2007).

Systematic list of rejected records

This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rings, excessive wear or aberrant behaviour. Species for which the CDNA unanimously decided that all records up to now refer to birds of captive origin are indicated with *. This includes records of birds of which all ancestors are assumed to be of captive origin (introduced species of British category C). Eastern Greylag Goose / Oostelijke Grauwe Gans Anser anser rubrirostris 12 February, Blitterswijck, Meerlo-Wanssum, Limburg, adult, photographed (@ this subspecies does not have an orange bill). Hutchins's Canada Goose / Hutchins Canadese Gans Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii 17 April, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult, photographed (@ no description; photographs too blurry to determine exact colours). Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend Bucephala albeola 23 April, Horstermeer, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (@ not determined whether individual wore no ring: individuals of this species may only be accepted when it is ascertained that they wear no ring and that the wings are undamaged); 17 September to 28 October, Muider Pier, Muiden, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (@ not determined whether individual wore no ring). Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend Anas falcata26 November to at least 4 January 2007, Eernewoude, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, male and three females, photographed (@ birds known to have escaped). American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient Anas americana 18 February, Klinkenbergerplas, Oegstgeest, Zuid-Holland, adult male (@ poor description); April, Damwoude, Dantumadeel, Friesland, male, photographed (no description; photographs do not show sufficient details). Marbled Duck / MarmereendMarmaronetta angustirostris 26-29 November, Oost Havendijk, Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (@ damaged wings and very tame behaviour indicate captive origin). Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker Gavia adamsii 14 May, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, immature (description incomplete); 16 December, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, juvenile (@ description incomplete). Black-winged Kite / Grijze Wouw Elanus caeruleus 8 January, Soerendonk, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, adult (@ poor description). Lammergeier / Lammergier Gypaetus barbatus 15 May, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, photographed (Dutch Birding 28: 329, plate 453, 200), and 17 May, Kale Duinen, Appelscha, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, immature, photographed (Dutch Birding 28: 261, plate 374, 2006) (@ individuals of this species may only be accepted when it is ascertained that they wear no ring and that the wings are unmarked; otherwise, captive-bred birds from the re-introduced population in the Alps cannot be excluded). Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus 8 July, Milsbeek, Gennep, Limburg, photographed (description marginally incomplete; photograph too blurry to distinguish details). Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 26 August, Zuidveld, Vlagtwedde, Drenthe, second calendar-year (@ description incomplete). * Red-tailed Hawk / Roodstaartbuizerd Buteo jamaicensis 5 May, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland, second calendar-year, photographed (difficult to evaluate due to similarity with several Palearctic Buteo species; species would be regarded as escape). Steppe Buzzard / Steppebuizerd Buteo buteo vulpinus 27 October, Lettele, Deventer, Overijssel, photographed (@ nominate subspecies B b buteo not ruled out). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Aquila pennata 20 April, Brobbelbies-Zuid, Maashorst, Uden, Noord-Brabant, pale morph (@ description incomplete); 10 June, Noordwijkerhout, Zuid-Holland, pale morph, photographed (@ photographs most probably show a pale Common Buzzard Buteo buteo); 3 July, Polder Koegras, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, pale morph (@ yellow legs are wrong); 13 July, Kekerdom, Ubbergen, Gelderland, dark morph (@ description incomplete). Lesser Kestrel / Kleine Torenvalk Falco naumanni 5 May, Kamperhoek, Dronten, Flevoland, male, photographed (@ no description; photographs too blurry for exact details). American Merlin / Amerikaans Smelleken Falco columbarius columbarius 28 August, released at Vlissingen, Zeeland (landed on board ship just south of Grand Banks, Newfoundland, Canada), female (@ no description, not photographed; during the ocean crossing, individual was supplied with food and water by the ship crew which is a form of human assistance that rules out acceptance for the Dutch list). Demoiselle Crane / Jufferkraanvogel Grus virgo 25 April, and 7-8 May, De Blauwe Kamer, Rhenen, Utrecht, and 4 May, De Weerribben, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, photographed (@ identification accepted but individual is a known escape from a zoo near Rhenen). Semipalmated Plover / Amerikaanse BontbekplevierCharadrius semipalmatus 17 May, Eemshaven-West, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult, summer plumage, photographed (@ no description; photographs show too little detail). Greater Sand Plover / WoestijnplevierCharadrius leschenaultii 13 May, Slik van Battenoord, Oostflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (@ photographs show first-summer Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola). Great Snipe / PoelsnipGallinago media 9 October, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Slender-billed Gull / DunbekmeeuwLarus genei 17 May, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, first-summer (@ description incomplete); 14 September, Veessen, Heerde, Gelderland, adult, photographed (@ no description; single photograph is not sufficient to exclude aberrant Black-headed Gull L ridibundus); 19 September, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Zeeland, four, adult (@ poor description). Heuglin's Gull / Heuglins Meeuw Larus heuglini 4 June, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (@ the CDNA considers that current knowledge of this taxon is insufficient to accept vagrant individuals; Altenburg 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 269, plate 391, 270, plate 392, 2006); 28 June to 11 August, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (@ the CDNA considers that current knowledge of this taxon is insufficient to accept vagrant individuals; Altenburg 2006; Dutch Birding 28: 270, plate 393, 2006). Elegant Tern / Sierlijke Stern Sterna elegans 16 July, Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (@ no description; based on the single photograph, details such as bill shape difficult to determine; Dutch Birding 28: 247, plate 341, 2006). Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern Sterna dougallii 6 June, Veerhaven, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage (@ hybrid tern not excluded). Ashy-headed Wagtail / Italiaanse Kwikstaart Motacilla cinereocapilla 11 May, 't Ven, Veghel, Noord-Brabant, male, photographed (@ brief description and photographs without sound-recording insufficient for acceptance). Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart Motacilla feldegg 4 May, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, male, photographed (@ on some photographs grey on hindneck visible which excludes this taxon). Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische RoodborsttapuitSaxicola maurus 29 March, Zwanenwater, Callantsoog, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, two, male and female (@ description incomplete). Sykes's Warbler / Sykes' SpotvogelAcrocephalus rama 13 September, Dishoek, Veere, Zeeland (@ description incomplete). Sardinian Warbler / Kleine Zwartkop Sylvia melanocephala 7 May, Kooiplaats, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult female (@ description incomplete). Siberian Lesser Whitethroat / Vale Braamsluiper Sylvia curruca halimodendri 27 January to 19 March, Hoge Mors, Leiden, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ the CDNA fails to understand why this bird should not be identified as the nominate subspecies S c curruca). Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische TjiftjafPhylloscopus collybita tristis 24 October, Paesens, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed (@ not sound-recorded; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings of song are available); 18 November, Nieuwe Robbengat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen (@ photographs or sound-recordings not available). Collared Flycatcher / WithalsvliegenvangerFicedula albicollis 13 May, Oostvoorne, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, adult male (description incomplete). Arctic Redpoll / WitstuitbarmsijsCarduelis hornemanni11 March, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (@ the CDNA does not accept this species when rump colour is not described). 2005 Surf Scoter / Brilzee-eend Melanitta perspicillata 23 November, North Sea, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, female (@ description incomplete). Blue-winged Teal x Northern Shoveler Anas discors x clypeata3-9 May, Abtskolk, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (@ parentage difficult to determine as the bird showed some field marks more indicative of Cinnamon Teal A cyanoptera). Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker Gavia adamsii 7 November, Scheveningen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage (description incomplete). Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus 12 May, Doenrade, Schinnen, Limburg (description incomplete, especially tail pattern is missing). Pallid Harrier / SteppekiekendiefCircus macrourus 30 April, Ruurlo, Gelderland, immature (@ description incomplete); 27 May, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, second calendar-year female, photographed (photograph shows immature Montagu's Harrier C pygargus; Dutch Birding 27: 284, plate 345, 2005); 28 August, Goudswaard, Korendijk, Zuid-Holland, third calendar-year male (@ description incomplete); 13 September, Noordhout, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Utrecht, second calendar-year (@ description incomplete). Long-legged Buzzard / ArendbuizerdButeo rufinus 3 October, Burgh-Haamstede, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photographed (poor description; photographs not conclusive; Dutch Birding 27: 341, plate 535, 2005). Golden Eagle / SteenarendAquila chrysaetos 5 November, Lemelerberg, Ommen, Overijssel, juvenile (@ description incomplete). Killdeer / Killdeerplevier Charadrius vociferus 27 April, De Poffertjes, Vossemeer, Kampen, Overijssel (description partly wrong, eg, including dark throat). American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier Pluvialis dominica 18 May, Noorderleech, Ferwerderadiel, Friesland, summer, photographed (description incomplete, also for acceptance as 'lesser golden plover' P dominica/fulva; photograph of poor quality). Baird's Sandpiper / Bairds StrandloperCalidris bairdii 10 August, Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, photographed (@ description partly wrong, eg, wingtip length; photograph too blurry to determine any detail). Heuglin's Gull / Heuglins Meeuw Larus heuglini 29 July to 4 September, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (@ the CDNA considers that current knowledge of this taxon is insufficient to accept vagrant individuals). Brünnich's Murre / KortbekzeekoetUria lomvia 23 October, Paal 7, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter, photographed (other large alcids not sufficiently excluded; van Bemmelen et al 2005; Dutch Birding 27: 448, plate 560, 2005). Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik Calandrella brachydactyla 18 May, Groene Strand, Terschelling, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Eurasian Crag Martin / RotszwaluwPtyonoprogne rupestris 10 October, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland (description incomplete, eg, white tail spots not described). Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper Anthus hodgsoni 13 October, Sluftervallei, Texel, Noord-Holland (description incomplete). * Japanese Waxwing / Japanse PestvogelBombycilla japonica 3-9 March, Wageningen, Gelderland, photographed (identification accepted but species is considered escape; pink tail-band (normally red) considered strong indication of captive origin). Eastern Black Redstart / Oosterse Zwarte RoodstaartPhoenicurus ochruros phoenicuroides 31 October, Kobbeduinen, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male (description incomplete; photographs are almost essential to examine an individual in detail). Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus collybita tristis 19 November, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, two, photographed (one individual) (@ not sound-recorded; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings are available); 20 November, Robbenoort, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, photographed (@ not sound-recorded; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings are available); 23-28 December, Beverkoog, Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, photographed (not sound-recorded; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings are available). Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische TjiftjafPhylloscopus ibericus 9 June to 3 July, Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen, Dongeradeel, Friesland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (sound-recordings did not include the call while the song does not rule out 'mixed singer' of hybrid origin). Lesser Grey Shrike / Kleine KlapeksterLanius minor 16 May, Bergschenhoek, Zuid-Holland, adult (description incomplete). Arctic Redpoll / WitstuitbarmsijsCarduelis hornemanni 7 December, Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult male, photographed (@ photograph shows Mealy Redpoll C flammea); 11 December, Oude Waal, Bijland, Millingen aan de Rijn, Gelderland, adult male, ringed, photographed (@ photographs show Mealy Redpoll); 24 December to 2 January 2006, Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, male, photographed (description incomplete; photographs not conclusive). 2004Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 18 April to 6 June, Hezelstraat, Ooijpolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, first-summer male, singing, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (@ orangey-spotted White-spotted Bluethroat L s cyanecula not excluded; Dutch Birding 26: 278, plate 412, 2004). Melodious Warbler / OrpheusspotvogelHippolais polyglotta 22 June to 4 July, Terziet, Epen, Wittem, Limburg (@ description incomplete). Hume's Leaf Warbler / Humes BladkoningPhylloscopus humei 16 February, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete). 2003 Roseate x Common Tern / Dougalls Stern x Visdief Sterna dougallii x hirundo18-22 July, Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, immature, photographed (@ description incomplete; photographs inconclusive). 2002 Icelandic Redwing / IJslandse Koperwiek Turdus iliacus coburni 8 October, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (@ withdrawn by observers; photographs show presumed hybrid Redwing x Common Blackbird T merula (cf Roselaar 2006)). 2001 Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter Tringa flavipes 11 May, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, videoed (@ video grabs show insufficient detail to identify the bird). Baikal Wagtail / Baikalkwikstaart Motacilla baicalensis 8 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (@ photographs show female Pied Wagtail M yarrellii). 1999 Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart Tarsiger cyanurus 7 May, Oostvaardersdijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, female (@ description does not rule out several South-East Asian flycatchers of the genus Cyornis, which could occur as escape). 1998 dowitcher / grijze snip Limnodromus scolopaceus/griseus 30 August, Workumer Buitenwaard, Nijefurd, Friesland, adult, summer plumage (description incomplete, also for unidentified dowitcher). Grey Catbird / Katvogel Dumetella carolinensis 27 August, Koudum, Nijefurd, Friesland (@ reidentified as a Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer, which is considered an escape). Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel Hippolais polyglotta 23 July, Reusel, Reusel-De Mierden, Noord-Brabant, ringed, photographed (no description; photograph shows insufficient details). Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische TjiftjafPhylloscopus collybita tristis 26-28 November, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (no sound-recording available; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings are available; photograph does not rule out grey Common Chiffchaff P collybita); 27 November to 6 December, Oudemirdum, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Friesland, photographed (no sound-recording available; field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings of song are available). Two-barred Crossbill / WitbandkruisbekLoxia leucoptera 12 December, Grote Koningsbelt, Hellendoorn, Overijssel, adult male (@ poor description does not rule out a wing-barred Common Crossbill L curvirostra). 1997 European Storm-petrel / Stormvogeltje Hydrobates pelagicus 13 September, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Rose-coloured Starling / Roze SpreeuwSturnus roseus 18 November, Gasdam, Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Hulst, Zeeland, juvenile (@ poor description). 1984 Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend Anas falcata 17 May, Smalle Eesterzanding, Smallingerland, Friesland, male, photographed (@ identification accepted but it is uncertain whether bird wore a ring; individuals of this species may only be accepted when it is ascertained that they wear no ring and that the wings are undamaged). 1976 Pallas's Fish-Eagle / Witbandzeearend Haliaeetus leucoryphus 12 October, Barneveld, Gelderland, adult, photographed (@ details of the observation of the same bird in Germany indicate captive origin; Kuhk 1977, Wernicke 1977, contra van IJzendoorn 1980, cf van den Berg & Bosman 2001). 1949 Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 16 March, Goirle, Noord-Brabant, adult male, summer plumage, collected, photographed, skin retained at Milieu- en Educatiecentrum, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant (identification accepted but wear of plumage not compatible with presumed date of collection).


Jan Hartman provided information on the status of Buffelhead in captivity. The Sound Approach (Magnus Robb and Arnoud van den Berg) provided information on the call of the Atlas Chaffinch at Eemshaven. Enno Ebels took care of the final editing. Roland thanks The Good The Bad And The Queen for their inspiration during many nightly hours, while Jan was inspired by Interpol during (mostly) late evening hours. Bram Rijksen kindly prepared the drawing of the Solitary Sandpiper on p 347.


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Brinkhuizen, D & van der Schot, W 2006. DB Actueel: Woestijnplevieren te IJmuiden en Eemshaven. Dutch Birding 28: 339-340.
Bunskoek, M 2005. DB Actueel: Kumliens Meeuw op Terschelling. Dutch Birding 27: 152-154.
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Roland E van der Vliet, Adenauerlaan 113, 3527 RC Utrecht, Netherlands

Jan van der Laan, Brouwerstraat 19, 1814 HX Alkmaar, Netherlands

Max Berlijn, Wilhelminastraat 9, 6285 AS Epen, Netherlands

CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands cdna@dutchbirding.nl