Rare Birds In The Netherlands in 2015

20 december 2016  ·  Marcel Haas, Roy Slaterus & CDNA  ·  2229 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2015

This is the 36th annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. It comprises records from 2015 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1845, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 2015 reports are still under review or awaiting submission and could therefore not be included. In addition, some reports for 2014 and earlier years are still under consideration for various reasons. The increase in records entered online on internet portals such as www.waarneming.nl reveals many new details about past records. For the sake of completeness, date extensions are presented in this report.

Details included for each record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality (municipal divisions as on 1 January 2016); province; number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; type of record if ringed, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed or found dead (and where specimen is stored, if known); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording, and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national but not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 2014 lasting into 2015 that already have been published in the 2014 report (Haas et al 2015) are repeated here without reference. Observations not (yet) submitted but mentioned in the 2014 report are not repeated in this report. The sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. Numbers after each (sub)species’ name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list. As for the previous report, the CDNA, with the help of Edwin Russer, was able to trace date extensions for several records that have already been accepted. These changes are indicated in this report with # and overrule dates given in van den Berg & Bosman (2001) and annual reports of the CDNA published in 2002-15 (covering 2001-14); the previous dates are given between brackets. For the sake of compactness, detailed specifics and observer information of such records are not repeated.

The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Garry Bakker, Rob S A van Bemmelen, Sander Bot, Christian Brinkman, Nils van Duivendijk, Diederik Kok, James Lidster, Ies Meulmeester, Eddy Nieuwstraten, Arjan Ovaa, Willem van Rijswijk, Roy Slaterus, Vincent van der Spek and Rik Winters. Marcel Haas supported the committee as a non-voting archivist and assisted in submitting many reports published on national and regional websites. Reports can be submitted, preferably using the electronic submission form on www.dutchavifauna.nl or filling in this form after entering a record on www.waarneming.nl; www.dutchavifauna.nl contains all records of rare birds up to 2015 (cf Dutch Birding 34: 346, 2012). Here, also recently accepted records or rejected reports as well as reports currently under review are listed. Reports can also be sent by ordinary mail to CDNA, Karper 39, 1741 XX Schagen, the Netherlands.

Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics (Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna; CSNA), which on 1 January 2016 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar and George Sangster (secretary).

In 2015, at least 367 species were recorded, which is two species below the average of 369 over the last 10 years (figure 1). This number may rise depending on pending reports. One species was new to the Dutch list in 2015: Thayer’s Gull Larus thayeri. Moltoni’s Warbler Sylvia subalpina was removed from the Dutch list after review. With these changes, the Dutch list now numbers 510 species. Other highlights for 2015 included the second Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis, third Asian Desert Warbler S nana, fourth Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius and Eastern Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe melanoleuca, eighth to 14th Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus, and ninth Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata, Franklin’s Gull L pipixcan, Black-throated Thrush Turdus atrogularis and Blyth’s Pipit Anthus godlewskii. In addition, 2015 was a good year for Great Snipe Gallinago media (four records), Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes (five), Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva (six), Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (78 individuals) and Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla (five). Noteworthy records from earlier years include the third Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides (2014).


Systematic list of records


Black Brant / Zwarte Rotgans

Branta nigricans 7,89,-

1987 # 17-19 January (was: 17-18 January), Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, photographed.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1999 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Ross’s Goose / Ross’ Gans

Anser rossii 0,13,0

2006 # 28 January to 8 May (was: 28 January to 2 May), Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed.

2003 # 19 May to 3 June (was: 19 May to 2 June), Slijkplaat, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed.

2002 # 14 November to 3 January 2003 (was: 23 November to 3 January 2003), Stinkgat, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, white morph.

1991 # 29 October to 18 January 1992 (was: 29 October to 31 December 1991), Stellendam, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph.

1989 # 18 November to 24 February 1990 (was: 18 November 1989 to 19 February 1990), Stellendam, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, two, adults, white morph, photographed.


Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans

Anser albifrons flavirostris 14,72,2

6-15 March, Venneweg, Hippolytushoef, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, two, adults, photographed (F Visscher et al; Dutch Birding 37: 206, plate 322, 2015).

20 December 2014 to 22 February, Grijpskerke, Veere, Zeeland, first-winter.

These birds offered quite a few birders a chance to study this taxon, which is easily overlooked among the huge numbers of wintering Greater White-fronted Geese A a albifrons.

Lesser White-fronted Goose / Dwerggans

Anser erythropus -,62,-

1986 # 30 December to 4 January 1987 (was: 3-4 January 1987), Kievitslanden, Dronten, Flevoland, five, one unringed adult and four first-winters wearing colour-rings.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1990 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Surf Scoter / Brilzee-eend

Melanitta perspicillata 3,28,3

7 February, Brouwersdam, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (G Tanis et al); 13 March, North Sea, off Pad van Zes, Vlieland, Friesland, two, adult males (N van Duivendijk).

This species would probably turn out to be a lot less rare, if only those large flocks of Common Scoters M nigra would swim a little closer…

Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend

Aythya collaris 5,34,1

31 January to 10 March, Broekpolder, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (D Jansen et al); 25-28 March, Krammersluizen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (S Lilipaly et al); 11-30 April, Flevoweg, Medemblik, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (F Visscher, R Visscher et al; Dutch Birding 37: 206, plate 321, 2015).

The ones at Vlaardingen and Schouwen-Duiveland were considered returning individuals, first seen in March 2014 and April 2010, respectively.

Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper

Aythya affinis 0,10,3

13 December 2014 to 27 January and 3-19 February, Veluwemeer, Biddinghuizen, Dronten, Flevoland, and 27-30 January, Veluwemeer, Harderwijk, Harderwijk, Gelderland, adult male (D Kok, R Schwartz et al); 3-26 January, Veluwemeer, Biddinghuizen, Dronten, Flevoland, male, photographed (C Fokker, D Kok et al); 19-20 February, Vooroever, Medemblik, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (H Huhtinen, R Lindroos, J Ingenbleek et al); 12 December to 2 February 2016, Zuiderhaven, Den Oever, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (R S A van Bemmelen, D Groenendijk et al).

The CDNA had a hard job to sort out how many individuals were actually present at Veluwemeer and, based on photographs, concluded that (at least) two were involved.

Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend

Bucephala albeola 0,6,0

8 September 2014 to 10 May and 3 November to 26 April 2016, Gaatkensplas and surroundings, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed, videoed (R Klein et al); 4 October 2014 to 13 April, Den Oever and IJsselmeer, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, and 21 October, Schellinkhouterdijk, Hoorn, Hoorn, Noord-Holland, and 22-23 October, De Nek, Schellinkhout, Drechterland, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (L Kelder et al); 9 November 2014 to 6 March, Vossemeer, Dronten, Flevoland, and Kampen, Overijssel, female; 26 December 2014 to 17 April, WML-plas, Heel, Maasgouw, Limburg, first-winter female.

These were all considered long-staying or returning individuals. A second individual at Den Oever, Noord-Holland, is still under review.


Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend

Anas falcata 0,12,0

1992 # 31 December to 10 April 1993 (was: 1 January to 10 April 1993), Oranjekom, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult male.

American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient

Anas americana 6,65,-

2006 # 29-31 January (was: 29-30 January), Ouderkerk aan den IJssel, Krimpenerwaard, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed.

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling

Anas carolinensis 6,68,-

2014 16-30 April, Netterdensche Broek, Oude IJsselstreek, Gelderland, adult male, photographed (R Schwartz et al).

This record concerns a correction of the province. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. The totals have been corrected compared with last year’s report.

Oriental Turtle Dove / Oosterse Tortel

Streptopelia orientalis 0,5,0

30 December 2014 to 25 February, Hoevenronde, Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland.

Totals include birds accepted as Rufous Turtle Dove S o meena (two).

Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw

Apus melba 7,54,1

7 June, Wageningen, Wageningen, Gelderland (R Smits).

Despite modern-day communication, this regular vagrant is still hard to connect with. The last truly twitchable one dates from November-December 2002, also at Wageningen.


Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw

Apus pallidus 0,9,2

7 November, Glasjesnol, Colijnsplaat, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, first calendar-year, photographed (J Boeren et al); 8 November, IJmuiden and Kennemermeer, Velsen, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (D Groenendijk et al; Dutch Birding 37: 404, plate 622, 2015, 38: 119, plate 186, 2016).

The third year in a row with records of this notoriously difficult-to-identify species. It appears te be a typical late autumn visitor, with all 11 records between 20 October and 16 November.

Great Spotted Cuckoo / Kuifkoekoek

Clamator glandarius 7,18,1

16 July, Ouddorp, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (M Broere et al; Dutch Birding 37: 357, plate 559, 2015).

July and August are the best months, with five records each. March, April and October have four, May has three and September one.

Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen

Zapornia parva 36,26,2

6-17 June, Weerribben, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, male, sound-recorded (J op den Dries et al); 12-17 August, Ruygeborg, Nieuwkoop, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, juvenile, photographed (K Janmaat et al).

1985 # 21-28 May (was: 21-24 May), Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland, adult female, sound-recorded.

Little Bustard / Kleine Trap

Tetrax tetrax 32,13,1

23-29 January, Polder Arkemheen, Nijkerk, Nijkerk, Gelderland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (H Steenbergen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 132, plate 204-205, 2015).

There are now 46 records, including five in 1980-89, four in 1990-99, one in 2000-09 and four since 2010. All provinces have had their share but Noord-Holland and Gelderland have been most productive, with nine and seven records, respectively.

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan

Pelecanus onocrotalus 4,6,0

8 June, Polder Westzaan, Westzaan, Zaanstad, Noord-Holland, and 8-11 June, Castricumerpolder, Castricum, Castricum, Noord-Holland, and 13 August to 10 September, Westervoort, Westervoort, Gelderland, adult, photographed, videoed (C de Vries et al).

2014 4 September to 11 October, Woolde, Hengelo, Hengelo, Overijssel, and 12 October, Lauwersoog, De Marne, Groningen, and 12 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, and 13-14 October, Texel, Noord-Holland, and 14 October, Huisduinerpolder, Den Helder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, and 14 October to 6 June 2015, Callantsoog and surroundings, Schagen, Noord-Holland, and 26 December, Balgzand, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (A Wansing et al; Dutch Birding 36: 423, plate 566, 2014).

All sightings relate to the same fully winged individual which became very tame during the course of its long stay, especially after being fed fish on a daily basis at Callantsoog. Despite the heated discussions it provoked among birders (and committee members), the CDNA decided this was no reason to reject this record. Similar behaviour is well known from wild pelicans in the species’ normal range.

European Storm Petrel / Stormvogeltje

Hydrobates pelagicus -,128 (in 1982-99),-

1990 # 22-24 September (was: 22-23 September), IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, minimum of six (on 22 September), photographed.

The species was considered in 1982-99 (when 128 individuals were accepted) and the CDNA still welcomes records from this period.

Cattle Egret / Koereiger

Bubulcus ibis 33,67,-

1992 # 3 and 16 August (was: 16 August), Serooskerke, Veere, Zeeland, adult (J Luiten).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Glossy Ibis / Zwarte Ibis

Plegadis falcinellus 117,64,-

1979 # 9-13 November (was: 10-13 November), Wormer- en Jisperveld, Wormerland, Noord-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2000 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Atlantic Great Cormorant / Grote Aalscholver

Phalacrocorax carbo carbo 7,42,-

2002 # 17-24 November (was: 17 November), Heel, Maasgouw, Limburg, wearing colour-ring.

2001 # 4 November to 13 January 2002 (was: 4 November), Heel, Maasgouw, Limburg, wearing colour-ring.

The subspecies is no longer considered since 1 January 2009 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier

Pluvialis dominica 1,43,1

15-28 May, Polder Breebaart, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult, photographed, videoed (D Brinkhuizen, L Brinkhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 278, plate 433, 2015).

The fifth for the province of Groningen. Most records come from Noord-Holland (13), Friesland (11) and Zeeland (10). The best months are May (15) and October (nine).

Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier

Pluvialis fulva 9,46,6

7 July, Eerste Kroonspolder, Vlieland, Friesland, adult, photographed (W van Zwieten); 8 July to 16 August, Polder Zeeburg, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (J van den Berg, A Wassink et al); 8-20 July, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult male, photographed (K Ophoff et al); 11-16 July, Workummerwaard, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, adult, photographed (S Bernardus et al); 11 July to 16 August, Polder Zeeburg, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, female, photographed (J van den Berg, A Wassink et al); 7-12 August, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, adult, photographed (T Luiten et al).

2014 11 July, Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (R F J van Beusekom et al).

The 10 individuals from 1896-1990 had all been collected or trapped. This species is annual since. Best years were 2002 (seven) and 2015 (six). Best months are July (26) and August (11).

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper / Siberische Strandloper

Calidris acuminata 0,8,1

6-19 September, De Putten, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed, videoed (P M A van der Wielen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 345, plate 533, 422, plate 656, 2015).

A very popular bird, after eight blank years. There are now eight records involving nine individuals, all in July-October.


Broad-billed Sandpiper / Breedbekstrandloper

Calidris falcinellus 23,93,-

1993 # 28 August to 1 September (was: 28-30 August), Julianadorp, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, juvenile.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2003 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Baird’s Sandpiper / Bairds Strandloper

Calidris bairdii 0,9,1

14-23 July, Mariëndal, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed, videoed (J van Dillen-Staal et al; Dutch Birding 37: 354, plate 550, 355, plate 551, 2015).

More than half of the records come from the past five years. This was (already) the third in a relatively small area south of Den Helder.

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper

Calidris fuscicollis 1,42,0

2011 19-21 July, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed (M Olthoff et al).

Prior to 1999, this species was considered an extreme vagrant but since then it has been recorded almost annually. The best years were 2000 and 2001, each with six.


Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter

Calidris subruficollis 3,78,-

2014 11 June, Slikken van Flakkee, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, photographed (G Tanis et al).

2011 4 October, Hempolder, Akersloot, Castricum, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed (K Sundermann).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Pectoral Sandpiper / Gestreepte Strandloper

Calidris melanotos 9,96,-

1999 12 September, Callantsoogervaart, Julianadorp, Den Helder, Noord-Holland (P M A van der Wielen et al).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2000 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter

Xenus cinereus 1,60,-

2009 # 9-11 July (was: 9 July), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Spotted Sandpiper / Amerikaanse Oeverloper

Actitis macularius 1,2,1

19 January to 2 May, Vooroever, Medemblik, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (P van Franeker, R Halff, M Martens et al; Halff 2015; Dutch Birding 37: 47, plate 59, 66, plate 98, 67, plate 99-100, 131, plate 202-203, 204, plate 320, 277, plate 430, 2015).

This bird was ‘found’ by a birder who had been checking photographs posted on the internet of wintering Common Sandpipers A hypoleucos for a while, after missing the previous Spotted Sandpiper in July 2011. This was the fourth record and the first in winter.

Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter

Tringa flavipes 2,32,5

22-27 February, Schokland, Noordoostpolder, Flevoland, and 28 February to 4 March, Everdingen, Vianen, Utrecht, and 8 March to 9 April, Tricht, Geldermalsen, Gelderland, and 11 April to 14 May, Everdingen, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (C Spijkerboer et al; Dutch Birding 37: 130, plate 200-201, 2015); 11-18 March, Haamstede, and 2-11 April, Prunjepolder, Serooskerke, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, photographed (C Oste et al; Dutch Birding 37: 204, plate 318, 2015); 18-25 April, Sophiapolder, Oostburg, Sluis, Zeeland, adult, photographed (C Beeke et al); 6 October, Zandpolder, Callantsoog, Schagen, Noord-Holland, photographed (R E Brouwer, M Haas, M Renden); 6-22 November, Workummerwaard, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, adult, photographed (R E Brouwer et al).

With several long-staying and wandering individuals in recent years, it is not easy to determine the exact number involved. The species has now been recorded in all months of the year and in all provinces except Limburg.

Marsh Sandpiper / Poelruiter

Tringa stagnatilis 53,109,-

1959 # 15-26 September (was: 15-20 September), Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland (via R J J Vlek).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Short-billed/Long-billed Dowitcher / Kleine/Grote Grijze Snip

Limnodromus griseus/scolopaceus 1,5,1

14 May, Zevenhuizen, Leek, Groningen, summer plumage, photographed (W Poelstra).

This bird was probably a Long-billed Dowitcher L scolopaceus but the description and photographs were not detailed enough to rule out Short-billed Dowitcher L griseus. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level; there are now 40 records of Long-billed, none of Short-billed and seven of dowitchers not accepted at species level.

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip

Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,40,0

1992 # 19-23 August (was: 21-23 August), Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult-winter.

Great Snipe / Poelsnip

Gallinago media -,38,4

25-28 April, Broekhuizen, Horst aan de Maas, Limburg, male, displaying, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (M Verbeek et al; Verbeek & van den Berg 2015; Dutch Birding 37: 175, plate 280, 177, plate 281-282, 2015); 23-24 May, Velperwaard, Rheden, Gelderland, male, displaying, photographed, videoed (E A W Ernens et al; Dutch Birding 37: 278, plate 434-435, 2015); 29 August, Den Hulst, Staphorst, Overijssel, photographed (M Bunskoek et al); 18 September, Keent, Oss, Noord-Brabant, and Balgoy, Wijchen, Gelderland, photographed (A den Ouden).

For the first time in many years, it was easy to twitch this secretive species. Both individuals in spring were seen displaying and attracted a lot of admirers.

Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier

Glareola pratincola 5,19,1

18-23 October, Westdorpe, Terneuzen, Zeeland, first calendar-year, photographed, videoed (R Remmerts et al; Dutch Birding 37: 425, plate 663, 2015).

The only previous late autumn records were at Terneuzen on 3 November 1959, at Putten, Gelderland, from 31 October to 3 November 1963 and again at Terneuzen from 31 October to 7 November 1987. What is so special about Terneuzen in autumn...?

pratincole / vorkstaartplevier

Glareola pratincola/maldivarum/nordmanni 3,8,1

31 August, Westerkolk, Waalenburg, Texel, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (via A Wassink).

The CDNA received just one photograph of this pratincole, taken by a German tourist, which did not allow a more specific identification. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level.

Franklin’s Gull / Franklins Meeuw

Larus pipixcan 0,8,1

23 May, Grutte Brekken, Lemmer, De Friese Meren, Friesland, second calendar-year, photographed (S Bernardus et al; Dutch Birding 37: 278, plate 432, 2015).

There are now nine records, of which six from 2000-07.

Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw

Larus fuscus fuscus 0,33,1

16 August, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (M van Kleinwee).

2014 26 September, Strand Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, wearing colour-ring, photographed (E Schouten via B van der Burg).

The 2015 individual was considered acceptable, following the strict criteria used by the CDNA with regard to the identification of this age-class (cf Altenburg et al 2011). The record in September 2014 concerns a correction of the municipality.

* Thayer’s Gull / Thayers Meeuw

Larus thayeri 0,0,1

11-12 April, Egmond aan Zee, and 14-27 April, Bergen aan Zee, Bergen, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (L Edelaar, E Menkveld et al; Edelaar & Ebels 2015, 2016; Dutch Birding 37: 197, plate 307, 212, plate 335-336, 2015, 38: 376, plate 584-585, 378, plate 586-589, 379, plate 590-593, 381, plate 594, 2016).

Gull identification is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some birders, however, have made it their expertise. This bird was discovered by a birder who had been looking intensively at gulls for many years. It stayed long enough in the area (among 1000s of other gulls) to be seen by many people. Consequently, it was documented extensively and accepted as the first for the Netherlands.

Kumlien’s Gull / Kumliens Meeuw

Larus glaucoides kumlieni 0,3,0

An adult at Bergen aan Zee, Noord-Holland, on 14-19 April (Dutch Birding 37: 208, plate 328-329, 2015) is still in circulation.


Gull-billed Tern / Lachstern

Gelochelidon nilotica -,81,-

1992 # 22-27 July (was: 26-27 July), Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, two, photographed.

1989 # 5-25 July (was: 5-11 July), Oostvaardersdijk, Almere and Lelystad, Flevoland.

1987 # 1-14 August (was: 4-14 August), Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, maximum of two.

The species was not considered before 1982 and is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 and birds in northern Noord-Holland (where the species regularly stayed in summer) were not considered at all. The CDNA still welcomes reports from outside this period except from northern Noord-Holland.

Black-winged Kite / Grijze Wouw

Elanus caeruleus 1,7,6

25 May, Hamstermieden, Drogeham, Achtkarspelen, Friesland, photographed (A Nicolai); 3-5 August, Brobbelbies, Hooge Heide, Landerd, Noord-Brabant, first calendar-year, photographed (T Janssen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 346, plate 534, 355, plate 552, 356, plate 555, 2015); 20-21 August, Marnewaard, De Marne, Groningen, adult, photographed, videoed (R de Vries et al; Dutch Birding 37: 356, plate 556, 2015); 25 October, Polder de Eendracht, Vianen, Vianen, Utrecht, photographed (C Witkamp, B Kasius); 6-18 November, Kootwijkse Veld, Kootwijk, Barneveld, Gelderland, adult, photographed, videoed (P Gordijn, F Lanfermeijer et al; Dutch Birding 37: 405, plate 626, 2015, 38: 119, plate 185, 2016); 10-11 November, Emmadorp, Hulst, Zeeland, adult, photographed (J Walhout et al).

Although numbers have shown an increase since 2009, six in one year is impressive. The species has now occurred in all provinces except Limburg and Overijssel. The individual on 3-5 August was the first in juvenile plumage. The bird at Emmadorp was also seen across the border in West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.


Bearded Vulture / Lammergier

Gypaetus barbatus 0,0,0

An unringed and unmarked second calendar-year was seen at Holterberg, Overijssel, on 5 May, over Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen, Friesland, on 8 May and over Vierhuizen, Groningen, on 9 May (based on photographs, relating to one individual). This bird triggered the CDNA to re-open the discussion about the criteria for acceptance of records of this species, with regard to, eg, the increasing number of wild-bred young within the re-introduced population of the Alps (from where a few 10s of captive-bred ringed and wing-marked immatures have occured in western Europe in the last c 20 years). On 14 June, a captive-born second calendar-year (‘Schils’) was picked up alive at Midwoud, Noord-Holland, taken into care and brought back to Switzerland for release (see rejected reports; http://tinyurl.com/h22je8t).

Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier

Gyps fulvus 9,229,78

4 June, Geestmerambacht, Langedijk, and 5 June, Het Woud, Bergen, and 5 June, Twisk and Abbekerk, Medemblik, and 6 June, Amsterdam-Oost, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, and 6 June, Lopik, Lopik, Utrecht, and 7 June, Venhuizen, Drechterland, Noord-Holland, maximum of 11, photographed (S Schagen et al); 4 June, Engelum, Menameradiel, and 4-5 June, Burgwerd, Súdwest-Fryslân, and 5 June, Sneek and Bolsward, Súdwest-Fryslân, and Wommels, Littenseradiel, and Franeker, Franekeradeel, and Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, and Lemmer, De Friese Meren, Friesland, and Assen, Assen, and Rolde, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, maximum of 29, photographed (J Welbedacht et al; Dutch Birding 37: 280, plate 440-442, 2015); 5 June, Ysselsteyn, Venray, and Sibbe, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, photographed (V Kalwij, B van den Boogaard); 8 June, Leeuwterveld, De Wieden, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel (R Messemaker, R Martens); 28 June, Terlet, Arnhem, and Deelensche Veld, Hoge Veluwe, Ede, and Assel, Apeldoorn, and 28-29 June, Slicht, Uddel, Apeldoorn, and 29 June, Kootwijkerzand, Kootwijk, Barneveld, and Nieuw-Milligen, Apeldoorn, and A12, Wolfheze/Oosterbeek, Ede, and Renkum, Renkum, Gelderland, maximum of 35, photographed (R Holswilder et al); 31 July, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Bergen, and Den Helder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, and 31 July to 3 August, Staatsbossen, Texel, Noord-Holland, and 3-4 August, Vlieland, and 5-6 August, Ameland, Friesland, and 7 August, Eemnes, Eemnes, and Woerden and Harmelen, Woerden, Utrecht, and 7-8 August, Driebruggen, Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, wearing colour-ring (yellow R04), photographed (K Klaij et al; Dutch Birding 37: 356, plate 553, 2015).

Another excellent year, with three large flocks in June. The colour-ringed individual in July-August originated from Spain; it had stayed in a bird recovery centre near Madrid from 13 August 2014 to 11 January 2015.

Lesser Spotted/Greater Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend/Bastaardarend

Aquila pomarina/clanga 0,2,1

24 May, De Hamert, Bergen, Limburg, photographed (J E Kikkert, H Rothoff, R Fransman).

The identification of spotted eagles requires good views and documentation. This bird was seen and photographed in flight and identified as a Lesser Spotted Eagle A pomarina. The CDNA was, however, not convinced that the description and photographs were detailed enough, especially when it comes to ruling out the genuine possibility of a hybrid. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level.

Golden Eagle / Steenarend

Aquila chrysaetos 10,7,1

15 March, Veenhuizerstukken, Stadskanaal, Groningen, second calendar-year, photographed (J de Vries; Dutch Birding 37: 204, plate 319, 2015).

Only the second since the wintering individual in Drenthe in February-March 2002. Both recent ones were seen by just a few lucky observers and could not be relocated.


Short-toed Snake Eagle / Slangenarend

Circaetus gallicus 3,69,-

2011 24 April, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Bergen, Noord-Holland (W Olbers, M Res, N F van der Ham et al).

This bird takes the total number of individuals flying past during the four-day period of 21-24 April 2011 to five. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2012 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Booted Eagle / Dwergarend

Aquila pennata 0,24,2

31 May, Bergerheide, Bergen, Limburg, dark morph, photographed (F J Hustings); 2 July, Veenklooster, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, pale morph, photographed (K Bode; Dutch Birding 37: 356, plate 554, 2015).

The inland provinces in the southern part of the country (Utrecht, Gelderland, Noord-Brabant and Limburg) account for more than half of all records. May is the best month with 10, followed by June with five. Since the long-staying individual in the summer of 1995, chances to catch up with this species have been few and far between.

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief

Circus macrourus 5,78,-

2006 3 May, Breskens, Sluis, Zeeland, second calendar-year, photographed (V van der Spek et al).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2012 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Long-legged Buzzard / Arendbuizerd

Buteo rufinus 1,8,0

10 October to 8 March 2016, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, third-year, photographed, videoed (F van Antwerpen et al).

17 October 2014 to 27 February, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, second-year (name of the observer).

The returning individual, staying for three consecutive winters, after having been seen for the first time on 25 September 2013.

Tengmalm’s Owl / Ruigpootuil

Aegolius funereus 34,30,1

12 October, Buitenveldert, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, female, first calendar-year, found dead, skin retained at Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, Zuid-Holland, photographed (V Allijn et al).

Another example of the fact that rare birds can turn up almost anywhere. This bird was picked up as a window victim by pupils from the Apolloschool in a neighbourhood in Amsterdam. It was the first record for Noord-Holland and the westernmost so far.

European Roller / Scharrelaar

Coracias garrulus 53,19,1

14 June, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, photographed, videoed (M Kolkman et al; Dutch Birding 37: 279, plate 438, 2015).

The 69th record (totalling 73 individuals) and only the third since 1998. The bird stayed long enough to be enjoyed by a few 10s of birders. With 29 records, June is the best month, followed by May with 21.

Red-tailed Shrike / Turkestaanse Klauwier

Lanius phoenicuroides 0,3,0

2014 13-25 November, Vogelringstation Castricum, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, ringed (on 13 November), photographed, videoed (J Visser et al; Dutch Birding 36: 419, plate 562, 2014, 37: 63, plate 90-91, 2015).

The third record of a bird present long enough to attract many visitors; previous records were in October 2000 and August 2002, both concerning adults.

Red-tailed/Daurian Shrike / Turkestaanse/Daurische Klauwier

Lanius phoenicuroides/isabellinus 0,4,0

2014 11 October, Westerduinen, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year female, photographed (J Roosma, A Wassink et al; Dutch Birding 36: 426, plate 571, 2014).

This record was submitted as both Red-tailed Shrike L phoenicuroides and Daurian Shrike L isabellinus by two different observers, proving the difficulty of identifying these species. The CDNA could not decide to which species it belonged. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level.

Lesser Grey Shrike / Kleine Klapekster

Lanius minor 21,27,3

13 May, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, female, photographed, videoed (F Regeer, A de Jong et al; Dutch Birding 37: 279, plate 439, 2015); 11 June, Nieuwe Driemanspolder, Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland, photographed (A ’t Hooft); 26-28 September, Meeuwenvallei, Vlieland, Friesland, first calendar-year, photographed (E Pomp, G J Versteeg, E Klunder et al).

Three records in one year equal 1970 and 1998 and are only one record short of the four in 2013. May, June and September are typical months for this species, with 15, 13 and five records, respectively.

Masked Shrike / Maskerklauwier

Lanius nubicus 0,0,0

A first-year photographed on 2 November 2015 at Hoorn, Terschelling, Friesland (Dutch Birding 38: 123, plate 192, 2016), is still in circulation and will be the first for the Netherlands, if accepted.

Woodchat Shrike / Roodkopklauwier

Lanius senator 38 (in 1957-79),78,-

1983 5 June, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, female, photographed (R van Bree, H Westdorp et al; cf Ebels 1997; Dutch Birding 5: 83, plate 69, 1983, 8: 9, plate 6, 1986, 19: 65, plate 66, 1997).

This bird was previously accepted as Balearic Woodchat Shrike L s badius (Ebels 1997) but has been rejected after review (see Rejected reports). This species is no longer considered since 1 January 2003 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. Totals exclude Balearic Woodchat Shrike (one; see below).

Balearic Woodchat Shrike / Balearische Roodkopklauwier

Lanius senator badius 0,1,0

After review, the bird at Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, on 5 June 1983 (Ebels 1997; Dutch Birding 5: 83, plate 69, 1983, 8: 9, plate 6, 1986, 19: 65, plate 66, 1997) has been rejected (see Rejected reports). This means that the bird at Voorhout, Zuid-Holland, on 6 June 1993 (Argeloo & Meijer 1997) becomes the first and, so far, only record of this subspecies. Totals exclude Woodchat Shrikes not accepted to subspecies or proven to be nominate L s senator.

Crested Lark / Kuifleeuwerik

Galerida cristata -,-,2

13 March to 7 April, Haverleij, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, photographed, sound-recorded (T Janssen et al); 11 May, Breskens, Sluis, Zeeland, photographed (J Kolijn, K Verbanck et al).

This species was a common breeder through the 20th century but numbers have decreased dramatically in recent years. Since a couple of years, it no longer breeds successfully and migrants are rarely seen. As a consequence, CDNA decided to add this species to the list of species considered from 1 January 2015 (cf van Bemmelen & van Duivendijk 2015). The one in Den Bosch is the last known individual to hold a territory in the Netherlands.

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik

Calandrella brachydactyla 3,46,5

4 May, Wanneperveen, De Wieden, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, photographed (R Messemaker et al; Dutch Birding 37: 285, plate 453, 2015); 15 May, Wormer- en Jisperveld, Wormerland, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (K de Jager, M Hotting); 24 May, Noordervroon, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (T Luiten); 10 June, Noordwijkerhout, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed (H van Oosten); 2 July, Vogelringstation Castricum, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult, ringed, photographed (J Visser et al; Dutch Birding 37: 357, plate 562, 2015); 3 July, Aekingerzand, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, photographed (P van Veelen et al).

Five records in one year is unprecedented; the previous record was 1995 with four. The two in July were the first for that month. Records have been in April (eight), May (22), June (three), July (two), August (one), September (four), October (eight) and November (five); one of the November birds stayed to winter (20 November 2007 to 21 January 2008).

Arctic Warbler / Noordse Boszanger

Phylloscopus borealis 2,20,2

19-26 September, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (A Linckens et al); 27-29 October, Bloemketerp, Franeker, Franekeradeel, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (M Oudega et al; Dutch Birding 37: 421, plate 652, 2015).

The Franeker record was one of the latest ever, only pre-dated by the first, which was found dead on 2 November 1935. The Vlieland record is not only typical in timing (late September) but also in location (with nine out of a total of 24 having been found on this island).


Pallas’s Leaf Warbler / Pallas’ Boszanger

Phylloscopus proregulus 9,85,-

1996 # 25-26 October (was: 25 October), Vlieland, Friesland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Hume’s Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning

Phylloscopus humei 2,47,2

1 November, Nieuwe Stuifdijk, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (A Bos, R Jousma et al; Dutch Birding 38: 121, plate 188, 2016); 18-28 November, Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (J Haasnoot et al).

November is the best month to find this species with 16 records; other good months are October and December with 13.

Western Bonelli’s Warbler / Bergfluiter

Phylloscopus bonelli 5,35,3

4-5 June, Laag Wolfheze, Doorwerth, Renkum, Gelderland, photographed, sound-recorded (A Vliegenthart, R Zweers et al); 29 August, Noordoostpunt, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (R Hofland et al; Dutch Birding 37: 357, plate 560, 2015); 5 October, Vogelringstation van Lennep, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, ringed, photographed (A B van den Berg et al).

A DNA sample taken of the bird ringed at Bloemendaal confirmed the identification as Western Bonelli’s Warbler; only two of the previous records were at a later date in October.

Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf

Phylloscopus ibericus 2,32,2

21 April to 25 June, Snakkerburen, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (D Schut, J Breidenbach et al); 21 May to 26 June, Donkere Duinen, Den Helder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (M Renden et al).

2012 # 13-27 April (was: 13-26 April), Drachten, Smallingerland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded.

Iberian Chiffchaffs usually stay for quite some time and these birds were no exception.

Asian Desert Warbler / Woestijngrasmus

Sylvia nana 0,2,1

13-19 November, Werkhaven, Terschelling, Friesland, first calendar-year, photographed, videoed (S Booi, A Hulder, J J de Vries et al; de Vries & Bakker 2015, de Vries & Ebels 2016; Dutch Birding 37: 429, plate 669-670, 2015, 38: 117, plate 182, 311, plate 484, 312, plate 485-486, 313, plate 487-488, 316, plate 489, 2016).

This bird was most welcome to a ‘new generation of birders’ because the previous one was in October 1994. Interestingly, it also came a year after the first African Desert Warbler S deserti. As so often with vagrants of particularly this species, it was ridiculously confiding and provided many visitors extremely close-up views.

Eastern Subalpine Warbler / Balkanbaardgrasmus

Sylvia cantillans 1,30,1

5 June, Nieuwe Stuifdijk, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, male, photographed (T van Oerle, J Vlot et al).

A typical record at a prime location (with eight records) for this species.

subalpine warbler / baardgrasmus

Sylvia subalpina/inornata/cantillans 4,34,0

1987 23-26 May, ’t Wed, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, male (E J van Huijssteeden et al).

This bird has quite a history: in 1987, when there was only one species recognized in this group, this bird was accepted as ‘just’ a ‘Subalpine Warbler’ sensu lato (Blankert et al 1988). In a first CDNA review in 2002, following the first taxonomic changes of subalpine warblers, it was reidentified and accepted as Moltoni’s Warbler S subalpina, mainly based on the description of its calls; no photographs or sound-recordings were available (van der Vliet et al 2002). In a new review of all subalpine warbler records (cf Wassink & CDNA 2014), the CDNA decided to review this record again. The original description from 1987 of a repeatedly given loud Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes-like krrr or tsrrr call did not convince the committee that the possibility of an Eastern Subalpine Warbler S cantillans producing a rattle-like call was fully eliminated. This review led to the removal of this species from the Dutch list and this record was re-accepted as ‘just’ a subalpine warbler once again.

Dartford Warbler / Provençaalse Grasmus

Sylvia undata 1,8,0

2014 27 October, Reeshof, Tilburg, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, first calendar-year, male, found dead, skin retained at Natuurmuseum Tilburg, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant (via B van Opstal).

This bird collided with a window and was brought to Natuurmuseum Tilburg, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, where it was identified. The CDNA could not decide to which subspecies it belonged (S u undata or S u dartfordiensis), even with the bird in the hand, proving it can be quite difficult to assign the subspecific identity suggesting overlap in characters. Totals include individuals accepted to subspecies level.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger

Locustella fluviatilis 6,76,-

2004 # 28 May to 18 June (was: 28 May to 17 June), Plaggenmars, Dalfsen, Overijssel, two, photographed, sound-recorded.

1997 18-20 May, Ooijpolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, singing (R Wester et al).

1991 # 4-5 July (was: 5 July), Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland.

1990 # 6-24 June (was: 6-22 June), Zeewolde, Zeewolde, Flevoland, sound-recorded.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel

Hippolais polyglotta 2,46,-

2000 # 13-28 June (was: 13-18 June), Kruisbosch, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg, photographed, sound-recorded.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2005 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel

Iduna caligata 0,23,2

23 August, Vogelringstation Castricum, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (J Visser et al; Dutch Birding 37: 358, plate 563, 2015); 12 September, Bunkervallei, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (P van Veelen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 421, plate 653, 2015).

The third for both Texel and Castricum. The bird at Castricum was the earliest ever, preceding the previous earliest one by one day.

Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger

Acrocephalus agricola 1,35,2

4 June, Zurich, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, adult, ringed, photographed (A Bakker, T Piebenga); 7 June, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult, ringed, photographed (M Sandifort, J Bos, P Dijkstra).

And yet another year goes by without one being twitchable away from a ringer’s mistnet... The only twitchable one, just for birders present on Vlieland, was in September 1994.

Blyth’s Reed Warbler / Struikrietzanger

Acrocephalus dumetorum 0,34,2

2 August, Kwade Hoek, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, ringed, photographed (R van der Vliet, J Valkenburg); 4 November, Kobbeduinen, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed (W M van der Schot, F Padmos).

After last year’s spring influx of singing birds, none were recorded this spring. The one on Schiermonnikoog was one of the latest ever; a trapped bird at Castricum in 2012 was seen from 3 to 9 November.


Zitting Cisticola / Graszanger

Cisticola juncidis -,47,-

2000 # 24 May to 2 September (was: 24 May to August), Ooltgensplaat, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, photographed.

1983 # 22 July to 23 August (was: 22 July), Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Hulst, Zeeland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2001 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Black-throated Thrush / Zwartkeellijster

Turdus atrogularis 0,8,1

17 October, Camping Loodsmansduin, Texel, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (R F J van Beusekom, J Bosch et al; Dutch Birding 37: 425, plate 659-660, 2015).

The ninth record but present only briefly. Birds have now been discovered in October (three), November (two), January, March, April and December (one).

Icelandic Redwing / IJslandse Koperwiek

Turdus iliacus coburni 0,1,0

The first record concerned a bird on Vlieland, Friesland, from 25 October to 4 November 2014. Probably fuelled by the increased interest for the identification criteria and probably helped by a genuine influx, there were 10s of reports in the winter of 2015/16, predominantly in coastal provinces and including several well-documented sightings. The CDNA has decided to ‘take a brake’ for this taxon, to further define the identification criteria (especially for less well-marked individuals) and, based on those findings, to establish if this taxon remains to be considered or if it is too ‘common’.


Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal

Luscinia luscinia 7,72,-

2005 # 21 May to 11 June (was: 21 May to June), Flevocentrale, Lelystad, Flevoland, two, photographed, sound-recorded.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2012 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst

Luscinia svecica svecica 24,51,1

13 June to 10 July, Blijham, Bellingwedde, Groningen, male, photographed (R Wever et al; Dutch Birding 37: 282, plate 444, 2015)

This may have been the same male seen at this location on 5 June 2013 (cf Haas et al 2014) but it was decided to count it as a new one.

Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart

Tarsiger cyanurus 1,20,1

10 April, Coepelduynen, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (M Langbroek et al; Dutch Birding 37: 210, plate 334, 2015).

The first in spring. This species has been annual since 2007, being absent only in 2012.

Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit

Saxicola maurus 9,36,2

26 September, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, male, photographed (H van de Brand et al); 4-8 October, Vallei van Malgum, Vlieland, Friesland, first calendar-year, photographed (W A van Splunder et al; Dutch Birding 37: 422, plate 654, 2015).

Two typical records in late September and early October and also at typical locations.

* Siberian/Stejneger’s Stonechat / Aziatische/Stejnegers Roodborsttapuit

Saxicola maurus/stejnegeri 0,1,0

2014 28 October, south of Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, first calendar-year, photographed (Dutch Birding 36: 429, plate 577, 2014) (T Bakker et al).

This bird had characters suggestive of Stejneger’s Stonechat S stejnegeri but without a DNA sample the CDNA could only accept it as maurus/stejnegeri. This record may be reviewed when there is a better understanding of the field identification of Stejneger’s. Totals exclude individuals accepted to species level.


Isabelline Wheatear / Izabeltapuit

Oenanthe isabellina 0,10,1

9 October, Jachthaven Marina, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, photographed (R Rotscheid; Dutch Birding 37: 425, plate 662, 2015).

The 11th record and the second at this location, seen by a single observer and documented by a single record shot! All have been between 31 August and 18 November.

Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit

Oenanthe deserti 1,34,3

24-27 April, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, female, photographed (D Groenendijk et al; Dutch Birding 37: 209, plate 330, 2015); 7-9 October, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, first calendar-year, male, photographed (M Feenstra et al; Dutch Birding 37: 426, plate 664, 2015); 20-21 November, Polder Elsgeest, Teylingen, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, male, photographed (J W Wierda et al; Dutch Birding 38: 122, plate 190, 2016).

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear / Oostelijke Blonde Tapuit

Oenanthe melanoleuca 1,2,1

10 June, Coepelduynen, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (M Langbroek et al; Dutch Birding 37: 279, plate 437, 2015).

Interestingly, this male turned up at New Forest, Hampshire, England, on 13 June (http://waarneming.nl/waarneming/view/103226895).


Pied Wheatear / Bonte Tapuit

Oenanthe pleschanka 0,20,1

21-25 October, Jachthaven, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first calendar-year, female, remains found (on 25 October), photographed (J Welbedacht et al; Dutch Birding 37: 426, plate 666, 2015).

This bird came to an unfortunate end; its feathers were found on 25 October, suggesting it had been predated by a raptor.

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart

Motacilla citreola 0,42,5

19 April, Noordervroon, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, female, photographed (J Braat et al; Dutch Birding 37: 210, plate 333, 2015); 7 May, Noordervroon, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, second calendar-year, male, photographed (C Beeke et al; Dutch Birding 37: 282, plate 446, 2015); 10 May, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, male, photographed (M Veldt et al); 21 June, Dijkgatsweide, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (J van der Vegt); 29 August to 6 September, Robbenjager and Renvogelveld, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed (J de Bruijn, H Zevenhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 37: 357, plate 561, 2015).

Blyth’s Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper

Anthus godlewskii 0,8,1

31 October to 1 November, Ridderkerk, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, photographed, sound-recorded (J-K Bossenbroek, R Slaterus et al; Dutch Birding 37: 426, plate 665, 2015).

The first twitchable one since a bird at Woerden, Utrecht, in January-February 2007. Luckily, on the first day, a sound-recording of this bird first presumed to be a Richard’s Pipit A richardi was heard by a committee member (!) who clinched the identification as Blyth’s Pipit. Thankfully, the bird was still present next day, allowing many visitors to see it.

Dark-eyed Junco / Grijze Junco

Junco hyemalis 1,0,1

1 February to 10 April, Beijum, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, second calendar-year, female, photographed, sound-recorded (J Bosma et al; Bosma 2015, Bosma & Ebels 2016; Dutch Birding 37: 138, plate 218, 139, plate 219, 140, plate 220, 210, plate 332, 2015, 38: 173, plate 267, 174, plate 268-269, 175, plate 270, 178, plate 271-272, 2016).

The first record was in February 1962, so this was the first twitchable for all birders and was enjoyed by 100s of birders throughout its stay. It remained a long time, similar to many previous western European records, such as in Britain.

Pine Bunting / Witkopgors

Emberiza leucocephalos 15,20,1

1-5 December, Broekhuizerweerd, Broekhuizen, Horst aan de Maas, Limburg, male, photographed (M Verbeek et al; Dutch Birding 38: 123, plate 193, 2016).

The first since 2008 and the first twitchable since 1996, so this bird proved very popular, despite being elusive at times. A female at Wilhelminadorp, Zeeland, from 15 December to 14 March 2016 (Dutch Birding 37: 114, plate 180, 117, plate 181, 133, plate 202, 2016; cf Hellquist 2016) is still in circulation.


Little Bunting / Dwerggors

Emberiza pusilla 27,81,-

1984 # 12-14 October (was: 12 October), IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Systematic list of rejected reports

This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rings, excessive wear and/or aberrant behaviour.

Richardson’s Cackling Goose / Kleine Canadese Gans Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii 28 August, Vlietlanden, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Ross Goose / Ross’ Gans Anser rossii 19 May, Havikerwaard, De Steeg, Rheden, and 18-19 October, Duffelt, Berg en Dal, Gelderland, and 21 October, Leemput, Milsbeek, Gennep, Limburg, and 24 October to 13 November, Kraaijenbergse Plassen, Cuijk, and 25-26 October, De Vilt, Beugen, Boxmeer, and 31 October, Katwijk, Cuijk, Noord-Brabant, and 13 November, Oijen, Lith, Noord-Brabant, and 28 November to 20 December, Horstermeerpolder, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, blue morph, photographed (several features of this very rare morph not quite right for this species and may indicate hybrid origin). Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans Anser albifrons flavirostris 1 March, Aalkeet-Buitenpolder, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, photographed (description incomplete and photographs suggest Greater White-fronted Goose A a albifrons). Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend Bucephala albeola 14 March, Gouwzee, Waterland, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not document absence of rings; different bird from accepted male present near Den Oever); 19 September, Nederweert, Nederweert, Limburg, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not document absence of rings). Hooded Merganser / Kokardezaagbek Lophodytes cucullatus 31 May to 13 June, Helenaveen, Deurne, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not document absence of rings). Wood Duck / Carolina-eend Aix sponsa 30 October, Molenwijk, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, two, males, photographed (@ identification accepted but not considered genuine vagrants). Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw Apus melba 19 September, Polder IJdoorn, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland (description incomplete). Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw Apus pallidus 7 November, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photographs too poor to exclude Common Swift A apus); 9 November, Gemert, Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photographs too poor to exclude Common Swift). Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen Zapornia parva 10 August, Onnerpolder, Haren, Groningen, sound-recorded (@ recording too poor to be certain of identification). Great Shearwater / Grote Pijlstormvogel Puffinus gravis 15 August, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan Pelecanus onocrotalus 7-9 January, Den Brink, Deurne, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not document absence of rings); 11 June, Oudeland, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Lansingerland, Zuid-Holland (description incomplete). White-breasted Cormorant / Afrikaanse Aalscholver Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus 23 January, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, two, photographed (@ photographs show Continental Great Cormorants P c sinensis). American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier Pluvialis dominica 23 September, Zeeburg, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip Limnodromus scolopaceus 10 August, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, photographed (@ quality of photographs too poor to exclude other species). Great Snipe / Poelsnip Gallinago media 22 May, Bovenkerkerpolder, Amstelveen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier Glareola nordmanni 13 November, Hooghalen, Midden-Drenthe, Drenthe (@ description incomplete). Bonaparte’s Gull / Kleine Kokmeeuw Chroicocephalus philadelphia 3 October, Bergen aan Zee, Bergen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Laughing Gull / Lachmeeuw Larus atricilla 15 November, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen (@ description includes features not fitting this species). Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus fuscus 7-8 October, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (@ adult without rings not considered identifiable with certainty). Black-winged Kite / Grijze Wouw Elanus caeruleus 4 May, Amerongse Bovenpolder, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Utrecht (@ description incomplete); 25 October, Vijfhoek, Diemen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete); 19 December, Wilsum, Kampen, Overijssel (@ description incomplete). Bearded Vulture / Lammergier Gypaetus barbatus 14 June, Midwoud, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year (‘Schils’), photographed (@ identification accepted but bird was born in captivity and released in conjunction with captive breeding programme). Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier Gyps fulvus 4 June, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, photographed (@ description incomplete and photographs too poor to exclude other raptors); 6 June, Naarden, Naarden, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete); 7 June, Venlo, Venlo, Limburg (@ description incomplete and photographs too poor to exclude other raptors); 28 June, Spaarnwoude, Velsen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete); 29 June, De Horde, Lopik, Utrecht, three (@ description incomplete); 28 August, Blauwe Kamer, Rhenen, Wageningen, Gelderland, photographed (@ photographs show a Common Buzzard Buteo buteo). Lesser Spotted/Greater Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend/Bastaardarend Aquila pomarina/clanga 10 September, Buitenpost, Achtkarspelen, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Aquila pennata 3 October, Waverhoek, De Ronde Venen, Utrecht (@ description incomplete). Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht Picus canus 1 February, Geuldal, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg (@ description incomplete). Lesser Kestrel / Kleine Torenvalk Falco naumanni 30 June to 1 July, Heieind, Bladel, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete). Eleonora’s Falcon / Eleonora’s Valk Falco eleonorae 21 October, Jan Ayeslag, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Daurian Shrike / Daurische Klauwier Lanius isabellinus 15 August, Westerheide, Hilversum, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Crested Lark / Kuifleeuwerik Galerida cristata 8 April, Breskens, Sluis, Zeeland (@ description incomplete); 29 September, Castelre, Baarle-Nassau, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete). Eurasian Crag Martin / Rotszwaluw Ptyonoprogne rupestris 3 August, Vlieland, Friesland, eight (@ description incomplete). Western Bonelli’s Warbler / Bergfluiter Phylloscopus bonelli 21 July, De Hoge Dijk, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed (description incomplete and photographs and description of sound do not support identification). Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus ibericus 4 April Dellenspoel, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland (@ quality of sound-recording too poor, and it does not seem to fit this species); 4 May, Amersfoort, Amersfoort, Utrecht, videoed (@ quality of video too poor but does not seem to fit this species). Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit Saxicola maurus 18 April, Haaksbergerveen, Haaksbergen, Overijssel, male, photographed (@ photographs show European Stonechat S rubicola). Ashy-headed Wagtail / Italiaanse Kwikstaart Motacilla cinereocapilla cinereocapilla 18 April, Noordervroon, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, male, photographed (no sound-recording of the call, which CDNA requires for acceptance of this taxon). Spanish Wagtail / Iberische Kwikstaart Motacilla cinereocapilla iberiae 20 April, Balgzandpolder, Den Helder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (no sound-recording of call, which CDNA requires for acceptance of this taxon). Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart Motacilla feldegg 14 May, Breebaartpolder, Termunten, Delfzijl, Groningen, male (@ description incomplete; besides no sound-recording of call, which CDNA requires for acceptance of this taxon); 5 June, Holk, Nijkerk, Gelderland, male, photographed (no sound-recording of call, which CDNA requires for acceptance of this taxon). Blyth’s Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper Anthus godlewskii 30 September, Oostervallei, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (call not heard and photographs of bird in flight show not enough details). Black-headed Bunting / Zwartkopgors Emberiza melanocephala 10 June, Leuth, Ubbergen, Gelderland, male (description incomplete).


Richardson’s Cackling Goose / Kleine Canadese Gans Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii 28 October, Polder Blokweer, Alblasserdam, Alblasserdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ some features do not fit this taxon). Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw Chroicocephalus genei 30 October, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Friesland, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photographs too poor). White-crowned Wheatear / Witkruintapuit Oenanthe leucopyga 23 September to 3 December, Poelgeest, Oegstgeest, Oegstgeest, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (@ identification accepted but poor condition of plumage and toes and location do not seem to support genuine vagrant, so CDNA decided to reject this record as first for the Netherlands; remarkably, a proven escape (wearing a red ring on its left leg) was photographed on Ameland, Friesland, on 2 November 2014; cf Haas et al 2015). Blyth’s Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper Anthus godlewskii 25-27 October, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed (@ call not heard and some characters in photographs do not fit this species). Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper Anthus hodgsoni 4 October, Klein Valkenisse, Veere, Zeeland, sound-recorded (@ sound-recording of just one call that is not characteristic); 6 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (@ sound-recording too poor); 11 October, Parnassia, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (@ sound-recording of just one call that is not characteristic).


Pechora Pipit / Petsjorapieper Anthus gustavi 20 October, Poterslid, Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, sound-recorded (@ although sonagrams of sound-recordings show strong resemblance to recordings of the species from, eg, South Korea, bird was observed only very briefly. No details of its appearance could be obtained, and it could not be ascertained whether a species of pipit was involved).


Alaskan/Siberian Wagtail / Alaskakwikstaart/Siberische Kwikstaart Motacilla tschutschensis/plexa 15 October, Noordzijderpolder, Noordwijkerhout, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (@ sonagram indeed seems to fit this taxon pair but CDNA needs at least a description). Yellow-breasted Bunting / Wilgengors Emberiza aureola 17 September, Noordoosthoek, Vlieland, Friesland (@ description incomplete).


Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal Luscinia luscinia 30 May, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (sound-recording concerns Common Nightingale L megarhynchos).


Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper Aythya affinis 16 January, Waterpark Oude Zeug, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (previously accepted for this date but rejected after review; photographs show Greater Scaup A marila; up to two birds have been accepted for this locality from 18 March 2009 onwards).


Desert Lesser Whitethroat / Vale Braamsluiper Sylvia althaea halimodendri 28 October, Vinkhuizen, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen (description incomplete for date extension).


Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw Cecropis daurica 9 May, Garderen, Ermelo, Gelderland (@ description incomplete).


Ross’s Goose / Ross’ Gans Anser rossii 30 April, Waterland, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, two, adult, photographed (@ several features not quite right for this species which may indicate hybrid origin; besides, absence of rings not documented).


Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling Anas discors 9-22 May, Oostzanerveld, Oostzaan, Noord-Holland, male (@ description incomplete).


Eurasian Treecreeper / Taigaboomkruiper Certhia familiaris 1 January, Almere, Almere, Flevoland (@ description incomplete).


Pallas’s Leaf Warbler / Pallas’ Boszanger Phylloscopus proregulus 16-17 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ withdrawn by observer).


Cattle Egret / Koereiger Bubulcus ibis 26 July, Vijfhoek, Diemen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Moltoni’s Warbler / Moltoni’s Baardgrasmus Sylvia subalpina 23-25 May, ’t Wed, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, male, calling and singing (after review now accepted as subalpine warbler S subalpina/inornata/cantillans; see main text for details).


Balearic Shearwater / Vale Pijlstormvogel Puffinus mauretanicus 30 July, Westerslag, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Cattle Egret / Koereiger Bubulcus ibis 4 June, Overdiemerpolder, Diemen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Balearic Woodchat Shrike / Balearische Roodkopklauwier Lanius senator badius 5 June, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, female, photographed (Ebels 1997; Dutch Birding 5: 83, plaat 69, 1983, 8: 9, plaat 6, 1986, 19: 65, plate 66, 1997; previously accepted but rejected after review; on one photograph, right wing shows some white at primary bases, which does not fit this taxon; now accepted as Woodchat Shrike L senator).


Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker Gavia adamsii 3 January, Noordpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, adult, found dead, photographed (photographs show Great Northern Loon G immer).


Rosy Starling / Roze Spreeuw Pastor roseus 1 October, Harderwijk, Harderwijk, Gelderland, two (@ no description, mentioned in an old publication).


Snowy Owl / Sneeuwuil Bubo scandiacus 17 November, Zuidlaren, Tynaarlo, Drenthe (@ not accepted during an earlier review and with recent submitted information still not acceptable).


Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek Loxia leucoptera 15 February, Boswachterij De Vuursche, Baarn, Baarn, Utrecht (@ no description, mentioned in an old publication).


Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek Loxia leucoptera 30 December, Boswachterij De Vuursche, Baarn, Baarn, Utrecht (@ no description, mentioned in an old publication).


The CDNA wishes to thank Bram Rijksen who kindly provided the drawing of the Thayer’s Gull on p 419. The editors of Dutch Birding assisted in checking record details. August van Rijn kindly assisted the archivist in submitting records and/or gathering and checking record details. Jan van der Laan provided the total number of bird species recorded in 2015. Edwin Russer again took care of checking date extensions for records uploaded to www.waarneming.nl.


Altenburg, R G M, Meulmeester, I, Muusse, M J M, Muusse, T O V & Wolf, P A 2011. Field identification criteria for second calendar-year Baltic Gull. Dutch Birding 33: 304-311

Argeloo, M & Meijer, A W J 1997. Balearische Roodkopklauwier bij Voorhout in juni 1993. Dutch Birding 19: 65-67.

van Bemmelen, R S A & van Duivendijk, N 2015. CDNA-mededelingen: Recente CDNA-besluiten. Dutch Birding 37: 121.

van den Berg, A B & Bosman, C A W 2001. Zeldzame vogels van Nederland – Rare birds of the Netherlands. Avifauna van Nederland 1. Second edition. Haarlem.

Blankert, J J, de By, R A & CDNA 1988. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1987. Dutch Birding 10: 167-177.

Bosma, J 2015. DB Actueel: Grijze Junco in Groningen. Dutch Birding 37: 139-140.

Bosma, J & Ebels, E B 2016. Grijze Junco in Groningen in februari-april 2015. Dutch Birding 38: 173-179.

Ebels, E B 1997. Balearische Roodkopklauwier bij Knardijk in juni 1983. Dutch Birding 19: 64-65.

Edelaar, L & Ebels, E B 2015. DB Actueel: Thayers Meeuw bij Egmond en Bergen. Dutch Birding 37: 211-213.

Edelaar, L & Ebels, E B 2016. Thayers Meeuw bij Egmond en Bergen in april 2015. Dutch Birding 38: 375-383.

Haas, M, Slaterus, R & CDNA 2014, 2015. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2013, 2014. Dutch Birding 36: 265-393; 37: 361-391.

Halff, R 2015. DB Actueel: Amerikaanse Oeverloper bij Medemblik. Dutch Birding 37: 66-67.

Hellquist, A 2016. Identification of female Pine Bunting – new pieces to the puzzle. Dutch Birding 38: 129-146.

Verbeek, M & van den Berg, A B 2015. Baltsende Poelsnip te Broekhuizen in april 2015. Dutch Birding 37: 175-178.

van der Vliet, R E, van der Laan, J & CDNA 2002. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2001. Dutch Birding 24: 325-349.

de Vries, J J & Bakker, G 2015. DB Actueel: Woestijngrasmus zorgt voor spektakel op Terschelling. Dutch Birding 37: 428-429.

de Vries, J J & Ebels, E B 2016. Woestijngrasmus op Terschelling in november 2015. Dutch Birding 38: 311-316.

Wassink, A & CDNA 2014. Baardgrasmussen in Nederland: herziening van gevallen 1942-2012. Dutch Birding 36: 394-401