Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2007

23 december 2008  ·  Arjan Ovaa, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA  ·  21208 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2007

Arjan Ovaa, Jan van der Laan, Max Berlijn & CDNA

This is the 28th annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. This report comprises records from 2007 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1983, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 2007 records are still under review or awaiting submission and could therefore not be included. In addition, some records for 2006 and earlier years are still under consideration for various reasons.
Details included for each record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality (municipal divisions as on 1 January 2008); province; number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; type of record if trapped, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed or found dead (and where specimen is stored); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording, and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national but not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 2006 lasting into 2007 that were already published in the 2006 report (van der Vliet et al 2007) are repeated here without reference, for the sake of completeness. Observations not (yet) submitted mentioned in the 2006 report are not repeated in this report and the CDNA recommends consulting the 2006 report for these. Sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. A compilation of most of the birds videoed can be found in Boon & Slaterus (2008) and Plomp et al (2008). Numbers after each (sub)species' name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list.

The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Ruud E Brouwer, Nils van Duivendijk, Dick Groenendijk (chairman), Teus J C Luijendijk, Arjan Ovaa, Willem van Rijswijk, Laurens B Steijn (secretary), Roland E van der Vliet (former chairman) and Arend Wassink. Max Berlijn supported the committee as non-voting archivist and assisted in submitting many records published on national and regional websites. Records can be submitted through e-mail (cdna@dutchbirding.nl) or via the CDNA page on the Dutch Birding website (www.dutchbirding.nl), using an electronic submission form. Records can also be sent by ordinary mail to CDNA, Postbus 116, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, the Netherlands, preferably using standard forms which can be obtained free of charge from CDNA. On the Dutch Birding website, it is possible to see which records are currently under review, which were recently accepted and which were not accepted.

Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics, the Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CSNA), which on 1 January 2007 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar and George Sangster (secretary).

In 2007, at least 356 species were recorded, of which at least one was new to the Dutch list: Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus. A report of another potential new species from 2007, Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti, is still under consideration. From previous years, additions to the Dutch list are Little Swift Apus affinis (2001) and Green Heron Butorides virescens (2006). The last one results in a total of seven new species for 2006 (the eighth, Little Swift, has now been preceded by the recently accepted one from 2001). Highlights for 2007 other than the new species were the second (from 1983) and third Pale Barn Owl Tyto alba alba, second and third 'Pleske's Tit' (Azure x European Blue Tit) Cyanistes cyanus x caeruleus, third Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala, fourth Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus, fifth Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus, fifth (2005) and sixth Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii, sixth (2006) and seventh Baltic Gull Larus fuscus fuscus, seventh and eighth Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata, eighth Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei (following seven birds in 2006) and a small influx of Parrot Crossbills Loxia pytyopsittacus, with at least 20 birds. Also, 2007 was a record year for Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides with 11 individuals, Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus with no less than 112 individuals (of which 111 within two days), and Dusky Warbler P fuscatus with 10 records. In contrast, there were no records of other vagrants which have been almost annual in recent years like, eg, Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola, Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva, Great Snipe Gallinago media, Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes and Alpine Swift A melba.

Systematic list of records

Ross's Goose / Ross' Gans
Anser rossii 0,6,0
19-22 January, Schildmeer, Slochteren, Groningen, white morph, photographed (W Wind, G Meeuwissen); 28 January to 12 February, Yerseke Moer, Kapelle, Zeeland, white morph, photographed (N de Schipper, P A Wolf, P L Meininger); 25 March to 5 April, Ferwâlde (Ferwoude), Wûnseradiel, Friesland, white morph, photographed (C Hopman).
These are considered one or more returning birds from previous years.

Canvasback / Grote Tafeleend
Aythya valisineria 0,1,0
27 September to 17 February 2008, Hoefijzermeer, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (R van Rossum, E B Ebels et al; Dutch Birding 30: 50, plate 64, 2008).
This bird was present for the fourth winter since 9 January 2003, being absent in the winter of 2003/04. The record will be reviewed since a wing-clip was revealed by photographs taken five (!) years after its discovery. The CDNA is currently investigating whether the bird's clip is the remains of a wing-tag used by wildfowl keepers or by researchers of wild birds.

Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend
Aythya collaris 5,21,3
11-13 April, Bovenwater, Lelystad, Flevoland, female, photographed (F Scheplitz, H Pohlman et al); 16 December to 8 March 2008, Eijsder Beemden, Eijsden, Limburg, female, photographed (A Ovaa, C Houten et al; Dutch Birding 30: 52, plate 69, 133, plate 156, 2008); 20 December, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult male, photographed (M Bunskoek, A Slagt).
The bird in Limburg was mentioned on the Wallonian birdwatching website www.aves.be and refound two days later by Dutch birders. It stayed literally on the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. With four females and only one male in the last three years, females seem to take over...

Ring-necked x Tufted Duck / Ringsnaveleend x Kuifeend
Aythya collaris x fuligula 0,7,1
13 February and 2, 10, and 13 March, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male (W van Rijswijk, H van Rijswijk); 6 December to 29 March 2008, Cattenbroek, Woerden, Utrecht, adult male, photographed (N van Duivendijk).
2006 30 December, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male (W van Rijswijk, H van Rijswijk).
The bird at Maasvlakte was considered a returning bird, first seen on 25 March 2006.

White-headed Duck / Witkopeend
Oxyura leucocephala 5,9,1
6 April, Starrevaart, Leidschendam, Zuid-Holland, female, photographed (E de Lange; Dutch Birding 29: 186, plate 245, 2007).
This bird was not identified in the field but afterwards by Max Berlijn while looking on the nowadays numerous internet sites for reports of rare birds (where it was posted as Ruddy Duck O jamaicensis, a regular species at this site). This was the first record since 2003 and the 14th - involving 15 individuals - since 1851.

King Eider / Koningseider
Somateria spectabilis 1,11,1
29 January, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, male (M Olthoff).
The first for Groningen and the sixth since 1999. There are now 11 records involving 13 individuals.

Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend
Bucephala albeola 0,1,0
28 October into 2008, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (W van Holten, M van der Schalk et al).
2006 18 November to 21 May 2007, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (H van den Berg, J Garvelink et al).
2005 3 December to 25 March 2006, Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (M Guyt et al; Dutch Birding 28: 57, plate 74, 2006).
The returning male stayed at Gaatkensplas for its fourth consecutive winter. In the previous report, it was erroneously stated as being present from 3 December 2006 into 2007 instead of 3 December 2005 into (April) 2006.

Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend
Anas falcata 0,9,1
18-27 May, Jan Durkspolder, Oudega, Friesland, adult male, photographed (J Bosma, K Scholten, R Offereins et al).
The bird was present less than 4 km from an area north-west of Earnewald (Eernewoude), Friesland, where up to seven known escapes (all wing-clipped) were present into January 2007 but was given the benefit of the doubt because it was unringed and fully winged and behaved like a potentially wild bird...

American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient
Anas americana 5,47,1
23-27 October, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, adult male, photographed (M Berlijn, T Zeegers, B de Jong; Dutch Birding 29: 406, plate 595, 2007).
A bird at Veerse Meer, Zeeland, on 13-14 December has only recently been submitted. Reports at Yerseke, Zeeland, on 1 February, Polder den Hoek, Zuid-Holland, on 21 February and Culemborg, Gelderland, on 11 December, have not (yet) been submitted (cf www.waarneming.nl).

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling
Anas carolinensis 6,35,3
17 February, Jan van den Boschpad, Almere, Flevoland, male (D Groenendijk, W Jansen, A Vink et al); 7-15 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, male, photographed (O Tol, R Cazemier, M Bot et al); 2-3 June, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, male, photographed (R Cazemier, M Bot et al).
2006 13 May, Abtskolk, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, male (P M A van der Wielen, A Duijnhouwer).
Reports at Bleeke Heide, Noord-Brabant, on 2 May and Philipsdam, Zeeland, on 8-13 May have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Cory's/Scopoli's Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel
Calonectris borealis/diomedea 0,6,2
30 September, De Koog, Texel, Noord-Holland (P W Logtmeijer, W Schep, B Logtmeijer); 5 November, Nes, Ameland, Friesland (J de Bruijn, the late H Lanters, S Bernardus et al).
The first year with two records. This species pair remains a major rarity. There are only 13 Calonectris records which include five identified as Cory's Shearwater C borealis (all collected) and none as Scopoli's Shearwater C diomedea. Reports past Ameland, on 11 September, Vlieland, Friesland, on 29 September, Camperduin, Noord-Holland, on 30 September, and again Vlieland on 30 September, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Great Shearwater / Grote Pijlstormvogel
Puffinus gravis 9,5,2
2 January, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, videoed (M Bot); 10 September, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland (P A Wolf et al).
Two records in one year of this surprisingly rare shearwater is remarkable and a mid-winter record is very exceptional in European waters. Both were seen during seawatches. The single observer in January on Ameland did very well by obtaining a few seconds of blurry but identifiable video-recordings.

Atlantic Great Cormorant / Grote Aalscholver
Phalacrocorax carbo carbo 6,19,3
17 March to 5 May, 14 October to 10 November and 21 December to 20 April 2008, Engelenmeer, 's-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, immature, photographed (J van der Linden, O Kwak, D Hornman et al; Dutch Birding 29: 190, plate 258, 2007); 19-30 September, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, photographed, videoed (R Slaterus, L J R Boon et al; Dutch Birding 29: 403, plate 586, 406, plate 594, 2007); 24 September, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, subadult, photographed (P A Wolf).
2006 9 September to 22 January 2007, Langven, Maasgouw, Limburg, adult (H Wijts et al); 15 October, Huizen, Noord-Holland, immature, photographed (R F J van Beusekom).
1997 27 December, Goes, Zeeland, adult, wearing metal ring, ring read (M Grantham in litt).
1996 8 October, Krammerse Slikken, Oostflakkee, Zuid-Holland, first-year, wearing ring, found dead (M Grantham in litt).
1995 15 September, Grevelingen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland/Goedereede/Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, first-year, wearing ring, found dead (M Grantham in litt).
1991 20 February, Ellewoutsdijk, Borsele, Zeeland, adult, wearing ring, found dead (M Grantham in litt).
1989 17 September, Haringvlietdam, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, first-year, wearing ring, found dead (M Grantham in litt).
1986 9 February, Veerse Meer, Veere, Zeeland, first-year, wearing ring, found dead (M Grantham in litt).
The bird at Langven is the same one seen at Heel, Limburg, in September 1998, February 2000, September 2000 to January 2001, November 2001, November 2002 and December 2003 (cf van den Berg et al 2000). The six records from 1986-97 became known when the British ringing office was asked for recovery data of ringed Atlantic Great Cormorants in the Netherlands. A report from Oude Zeug, Noord-Holland, on 17 November has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan
Pelecanus onocrotalus 4,5,0
The adult seen at various sites in the Netherlands between 6 May and 12 August 2006 and accepted as the ninth record (cf van der Vliet al 2007) was considered by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) as the same bird seen in Britain, first in Norfolk and Lincolnshire, England, on 16 August 2006, then north to Moray, Scotland, and west to Anglesey, Wales, and ending its journey in Northumberland, England, in early October 2006, when it was taken into care; also, it is regarded as the same individual seen in Germany on 2-15 July (it was not seen in the Netherlands between from 1 June to 19 July) (Hudson & Rarities Committee 2008). It has been accepted by BBRC in Category D of the British list.

* Green Heron / Groene Reiger
Butorides virescens 0,1,0
31 May to 27 June (seen on 31 May and 1, 4 and 27 June), Noorder IJplas, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland (E Haidar, C van Rijswijk et al), and 18 July, Westenwindpad, Zaandam, Noord-Holland, third-year, photographed (F Vleeshakker; Birding World 20: 235, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 255, plate 358, 2007).
2006 25 April to 7 June, Nieuwe Meer, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, and 14-30 September, Noorder IJplas, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second-year, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (R Cremer, L B Steijn, E Haidar et al; Steijn 2006; Birding World 19: 152, 372, 2006, 20: 26, 2007, Dutch Birding 28: 183, plate 258, 194, plate 275-276, 396, plate 568-569, 2006).
This bird was first reported as a Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax but when photographs appeared on the internet it became clear it was either a Green Heron or Striated Heron B striatus. At first the plumage was considered atypical for a juvenile or first-winter Green, as the bird lacked obvious rufous tones. Later in 2006, it moulted into a more adult-like plumage and could safely be identified as Green. The debate did not end here, as several birders could not imagine a second calendar-year bird looking so fresh in spring. Presumably the same bird was refound on 5 November 2006 c 1000 km south and east from Camargue at Berre l'Étang, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, where it stayed until 1 May 2007 and again from 30 October to 4 May 2008 (van den Berg & Haas 2007, 2008).

Squacco Heron / Ralreiger
Ardeola ralloides 25 (since 1866),37,11
12 April, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, two (J de Bruijn, T Luiten); 29 May to 2 June, Schipluiden, Midden-Delfland, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (M van der Schalk et al; Dutch Birding 29: 257, plate 365, 2007); 9 June, Sexbierum, Franekeradeel, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (H Leijenaar); 16-17 June, Polder Waard-Nieuwland, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (G Kool, H Brinks, J van den Berg et al; Dutch Birding 29: 255, plate 359, 2007); 21-24 June, Ureterp, Opsterland, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, wearing ring, ring not read, photographed, videoed (F de Vries, M Dijk, R Cazemier et al); 22 June, Watergraafsmeer, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, and 23 June, Molendijk, Diemen, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (R G M Altenburg, L B Steijn et al; Dutch Birding 29: 255, plate 360, 2007); 26 June to 7 July, Nieuwerbrug, Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (K Kraayeveld, H Zevenhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 29: 257, plate 364, 2007); 15 July, Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (E B Ebels et al); 24 July to 8 August, Julianadorp, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (M Schrieken, M Renden, A Deyll et al; Dutch Birding 29: 331, plate 470-471, 2007); 20-30 October, Willeskop, Oudewater, Utrecht, adult, winter plumage, photographed (M Veldt, A Noorlander et al; Dutch Birding 29: 403, plate 585, 2007).
The best year ever with 10 records involving 11 birds. The two flying past Breskens were the earliest ever and the one at Willeskop was the latest ever. How long will it take before the first breeding since 1860 will take place?

Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier
Gyps fulvus 9,57,112
18 June, Leerdam, Zuid-Holland, nine, photographed (J Zwaaneveld); 18 June, Oostburg, Zeeland, 61, photographed (S Lilipaly, G Troost et al), and 25-26 June, Driewegen, Terneuzen, four (A Wieland et al; Birding World 20: 236, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 253, plate 355, 2007), and 26 June, IJzendijke, Oostburg, Zeeland, photographed (A Borhem), and 26 June, Biervliet, Terneuzen, Zeeland, photographed (A Wieland); 18-19 June, Oss, Noord-Brabant, 41, photographed (M Biezemans, H Sierdsema, C van der Wardt et al; Dutch Birding 29: 253, plate 354, 2007), and 19 June, Woensel, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, 18 (www.vogelsindekempen.nl), and 19 June, Stratumse Dijk, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant (R Bouwman), and 19 June, Strijp, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, five, photographed (F J Neijts), and 19 June, Tongelre, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, two (R Bouwman), and 19 June, Waalre, Noord-Brabant (J-E Kikkert), and 19 June, Beek, Limburg, 22, photographed (R Bominaar), and 19 June, Maastricht, Limburg, 23 (P Alblas, H Erckenbosch), and 22 June, Cottessen, Vaals, Limburg, 15, photographed, videoed (J Vlot, S Waasdorp); 12 September, Roosteren, Echt-Susteren, Limburg (P Voskamp).
A stunning total of 112 birds were counted, with 111 in June alone. Three groups arrived on 18 June, involving nine, 41 and 61 birds; the latter two groups split up and accounted for a large number of subsequent sightings in the following week. In neighbouring Belgium, the total number was estimated at an even more impressive c 200. For a full account, see Lilipaly & van der Wardt (2007).

Spanish Imperial Eagle / Spaanse Keizerarend
Aquila adalberti 0,0,0
An immature pale Aquila eagle seen and photographed passing Budel-Dorplein, Noord-Brabant, on 6 May has tentatively been identified as Spanish Imperial Eagle but is still under consideration. If accepted (both identification and status), this will be an unexpected addition to the Dutch list although there are now seven records for France including four as recent as 1999-2004, all concerning immatures as well (van den Berg & Haas 2007).

Short-toed Snake Eagle / Slangenarend
Circaetus gallicus 3,31,3
10 June to 11 August, Fochteloërveen, Noordenveld, Drenthe/Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, adult female, photographed (M Bot, R Jansen et al; Dutch Birding 29: 243, plate 356, 2007); 6 August, Balloërveld, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, photographed (A Faber); 19 August, Groningen, Groningen (M Olthoff, T Bakker).
Reports at Sint-Michielsgestel, Noord-Brabant, on 27 April, at Bolwerksweide, Overijssel, on 12 August and at Deelensche Veld, Gelderland, on 6 May 2006 are still circulating. As in previous years, several reports have not (yet) been submitted, eg, at Bergen aan Zee, Noord-Holland, on 11 April; Kampina, Noord-Brabant, on 28 April; Slikken van Flakkee, Zuid-Holland, on 14 June; Meinweg, Limburg, on 23 June; again Bergen aan Zee on 5 July; Heemskerk, Noord-Holland, also on 5 July; and Veenendaal, Utrecht, on 22 August (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief
Circus macrourus 5,26,2
25-26 April, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant, first-summer male, photographed (R G Bouwman, R Kastelijn, J H van Steenis, Dutch Birding 29: 188, plate 249, 190, plate 257, 2007); 25 August, Rottumerplaat, and 26 August, Rottumeroog, Eemsmond, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (E Goutbeek, L Steen).
2006 5 May, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, third- or fourth-year male, photographed.
The 2006 report was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2007) but as an adult male; additional photographs showed that it was still in subadult plumage. A report from Texel, Noord-Holland, on 4 May 2006 is still circulating. Reports at Herkenbosch, Zeeland, on 1 April; Eemshaven, Groningen, on 12, 27 and 28 April; Dordtsche Biesbosch, Zuid-Holland, on 14 April; Praamweg, Flevoland, on 5 May; Egmond aan Zee, Noord-Holland, on 16 June; and Veenendaal, Utrecht, on 28 September, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Long-legged Buzzard / Arendbuizerd
Buteo rufinus 1,2,1
14 May, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, adult, photographed (T Luiten, P de Nobel), and 18-20 May, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (P de Boer, K Oosterbeek, C Zuhorn; Dutch Birding 29: 258, plate 367, 2007).
Photographs showed that the sightings at Breskens and Vlieland almost certainly concerned the same individual and they were accepted as such (both locations are c 235 km apart, as the buzzard flies). Previous records were at Amsterdam-Noord, Noord-Holland, on 12 December 1905; at Praamweg, Flevoland, on 5-10 September 2000; and at Ezumakeeg, Friesland, on 9 July 2004.

Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen
Porzana parva 36,12,1
17 May, Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland, male, sound-recorded (D Kok, J van den Berg, H Brinks et al).
This bird was only heard and seen (!) with certainty on the first evening and night. Subsequent reports until 20 May have not been accepted, since a neighbouring Water Rail Rallus aquaticus was making almost the same sound. There are now 49 individuals accepted (including five fledglings of the only confirmed breeding record back in 1951), of which 36 are from before 1980. Since then, Little Crakes have been recorded less than annually with 13 in 1980-2007 of which four at the (site of the) Harderbroek reserve (in 1980, 1985, 1996 and 2007). However, historically, the best place for this species is Kampereiland, Kampen, Overijssel, where a total of 21 individuals has been recorded in 1955-69.

Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen
Porzana pusilla 82,43,-
2006 13 June to 3 July, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, singing, sound-recorded (G Peterse).
1988 26-30 May, Naardermeer, Naarden, Noord-Holland, male, sound-recorded (G van Duin, F Vogelzang, W J R de Wijs).
The 1988 record concerns a date extension of the one only mentioned for 26 May (van den Berg & Bosman 1999, 2001). The 2006 record concerns a date extension of a singing bird previously reported until 1 July. This species is no longer considered since 1 January 2008 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Eurasian Stone-curlew / Griel
Burhinus oedicnemus -,49,6
11 April, Grijze Grubben, Nuth, Limburg, photographed (H Don); 16 May, Groesbeek, Denekamp, Gelderland, photographed (K Schreven, Y van der Horst, P van der Horst et al); 18 May, Langevelderslag, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland (R Slaterus); 19 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (R de Beer); 18 July and 25 July to 8 August, Oelemars, Losser, Overijssel, photographed (B Hulsebos, S Wansing et al); 8 August, Loonse en Drunense Duinen, Heusden, Noord-Brabant (K Kranenveld).
2004 6 May, Moddergat, Dongeradeel, Friesland (R Wilschut, S Bergraat, J Bouwmeester).
Reports at Oude Leede, Zuid-Holland, on 23 April and at Sibbe, Limburg, on 28 April have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007). With six records, 2007 was the best year since 1957, the year when breeding was documented for the last time. Since 1992, the species has been recorded annually, with 28 records since 2000: four in 2000 and 2001, three in 2002 and 2005, two in 2003, five in 2004, one in 2006, and six in 2007.

Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier
Glareola nordmanni 12,22,1
21 June to 5 July, Exloërveen, Borger-Odoorn, Drenthe, photographed (L Smits, E de Weerd, M Olthoff et al).
Since 2000, there have been nine records, in 2001 (one), 2002 (three), 2003 (one), 2006 (three) and 2007 (one).

Greater Sand Plover / Woestijnplevier
Charadrius leschenaultii 1,10,0
A report at Groote Keeten, Noord-Holland, in the first week of August is still under consideration to determine the subspecies group.

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier
Pluvialis dominica 1,19,2
26 May, Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed, videoed (J de Bruijn, D Kok, N van Duivendijk et al; Dutch Birding 29: 258, plate 368, 2007); 26-27 May, Workumerwaard, Nijefurd, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed, videoed (R Goldbach, R Cazemier et al).
Reports from De Brekken, Friesland, on 15 June, Hellegatsplein, Zuid-Holland, on 20 October and Ameland, Friesland, on 25 October have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Sociable Lapwing / Steppekievit
Vanellus gregarius 12,30,2
16-25 March, Veenendaal, Utrecht, and Wekerom, Ede, Gelderland, first-summer, photographed (W Janssen, E B Ebels, S Wytema et al; Dutch Birding 29: 188, plate 251, 2007); 27 April, Wientjesvoort, Vorden, Gelderland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (M Gorter).
The bird at Veenendaal was the earliest ever. More than one record in one year has become exceptional. Best years were 1992 with five and 1981, 1996 and 1999, all with three. Since 2000, there have only been seven records, in 2000 (two), 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2007 (two).

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper
Calidris fuscicollis 1,28,4
7-11 August, Breebaartpolder, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult, photographed, videoed (M Jonker, K Bouwmeester, D J Moerbeek et al); 11 August, Bantpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, videoed (R Cazemier, R Hovinga et al); 16-29 September, Punt van Reide and Breebaartpolder, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult, winter plumage, photographed (D Brinkhuizen, H Lanters); 23 September, Groote Vlak, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (L B Steijn, B van den Boogaard, N van Duivendijk et al).
A report at Flauwers Inlaag, Zeeland, on 4 August has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper / Siberische Strandloper
Calidris acuminata 0,6,2
14 July, Polder Strype, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (P Stins, K van Rij et al; Dutch Birding 29: 325, plate 459, 336, plate 479, 2007); 9-27 October, adult, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, photographed (M Hornsveld, W Halfwerk, B Ket et al).
The seventh and eighth individual and the third year with two. Previous ones were at Philippine, Zeeland, on 14-21 September 1989; Ezumakeeg, Friesland (on 6-23 August 1998, with two on 6-8 August, 16 August 2000 and 24-27 July 2002); Prunjepolder, Zeeland, on 31 July 2002 (accepted as the same individual as the one seen in the previous week at Ezumakeeg); and Makkumer Zuidwaard, Friesland, on 3 August 2002. All records concerned adults.

Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter
Tryngites subruficollis 3,31,5
27 June, Slikken van Flakkee, Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, photographed (P A Wolf; Dutch Birding 29: 258, plate 369, 2007); 9 August, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed, videoed (D Hoekstra, R Cazemier); 11 August, Harlingen, Friesland, adult, photographed (R van Bemmelen, S Rijnbeek, K Hendriks); 21-22 September, Honswijkerwaarden, Houten, Utrecht, first-year, photographed (B Rijksen, M P Lantsheer, T van der Es et al); 27 September to 17 October, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, first-year, photographed (R E Brouwer, M Brouwer, J Welbedacht et al; Dutch Birding 29: 405, plate 588-589, 2007).
The bird at Honswijkerwaarden was the first for Utrecht and atypically inland. Reports at Hompelvoet, Zuid-Holland, on 14 September and at Levensvreugd, Texel, Noord-Holland, on 15 September (seen only in flight) have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip
Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,20,1
7-14 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (D Hoekstra, R Cazemier, M Bot).
2006 24 December to 15 January 2007, Twisk, Noorder-Koggenland, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed.
A report of an unidentified dowitcher flying past Scheveningen, Zuid-Holland, on 1 May has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter
Xenus cinereus 1,36,3
25 May, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, photographed (J de Bruijn, D Kok); 21-25 July, Paesens, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed, videoed (R Cazemier, H Bouman et al); 24 November to 7 January 2008, Breebaartpolder, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed (H Castelijns, W Wind, M Jonker et al).
2006 12 May, Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland (J Janssens).
The 2006 record makes it another 'best year' with four individuals, together with 2003 and 2004. Since 2000, there have been 22 records. The bird at Breebaartpolder constituted the first winter record.

Wilson's Phalarope / Grote Franjepoot
Phalaropus tricolor 6,15,1
4 June, Oude Robbengat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult female, photographed, videoed (R Romijn, W-J Fontijn, R Cazemier).
After no records in 1996-2000, there have been six records since (in 2001, 2002 (two), 2003, 2004 and 2007).

Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw
Chroicocephalus genei 0,7,1
12-13 April, Het Zwin, Sluis, Zeeland, adult, photographed, videoed (E Dirks, J de Bruijn, D Schilperoort et al; Dirks 2007; Dutch Birding 29: 184, plate 243, 2007).
Following the small influx with seven birds in 2006, when it was recorded for the first time, the species occurred again in 2007. A report at Kortgene, Zeeland, on 5 August has not (yet) been submitted.

Laughing Gull / Lachmeeuw
Larus atricilla 0,3,0
5-6 August, Jezuïetenwaay, Duiven, Gelderland, and 6 August, Rhederlaag, Angerlo, Gelderland, and 7 August to 11 October, Loowaard, Duiven, Gelderland, adult, wearing metal ring, photographed (R Keizer, R Vermoolen, R Boerboom et al; Dutch Birding 29: 336, plate 482, 2007).
After more than five years, this famous bird, called 'Atze', turned up again after previous visits in July and August 2000, October 2001 and April 2002. The same bird has been recorded, eg, in Germany (where it was ringed) in 2001-02 and 2005, Italy in 2004, Switzerland in 2006 and Spain in 2007 (Ottens 2007). After the first two days of its 2007 stay, when it was elusive, it was discovered to roost every evening with Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus at Loowaard, where it was easy to see. There are (only) two previous records: from 25 September to mid October 1993 at Harderwijk, Gelderland, and from 22 August to 20 October 1997 at Groningen, Groningen.

Franklin's Gull / Franklins Meeuw
Larus pipixcan 0,7,1
19-29 April, Sophiapolder, Sluis, Zeeland, second-summer, photographed (W Desmet, M Berlijn, P Beirens et al; Dutch Birding 29: 188, plate 250, 2007).
The previous seven records were in June-July 1987, June 1988, February-March 2000, July 2002, September 2004, December 2004 and July 2005.

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw
Larus delawarensis 0,8,0
11 August to 7 March 2008, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male, photographed (A van Kreveld, C van Rijswijk, I Meulmeester et al; Dutch Birding 29: 336, plate 481, 2007).
2006 23 August to 18 March 2007, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male, photographed (D uit de Weerd, R Bouwman et al).
The same bird returning for its fifth 'winter', the earliest date being 4 August (in 2005) and the latest 18 March (in 2007).

Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw
Larus fuscus fuscus 0,6,1
28 September, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, adult, wearing metal ring, ring read (HT091455), photographed (P A Wolf et al; Dutch Birding 29: 406, plate 592, 2007).
2006 8 December to 7 February 2007, Hoornse Meer, Haren, Groningen, and Vinkhuizen, Groningen, Groningen, first-winter, wearing colour ring, ring read (HT263269), photographed (T Bakker, K van Dijk et al).
Both individuals had been ringed as nestling in the Vaasa region, Finland: the Westkapelle bird 20 years before at Munsala on 9 July 1987 and the Groningen bird at Pietarsaari on 6 July 2006. All previous records concerned individuals ringed in Finland as well: on Vlieland, Friesland, on 18 December 2001; at IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, on 20 September 2002; at Westkapelle on 16 October 2004; at Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, on 25 June 2005; and again at Amsterdam on 25-27 May 2006. Without a ring, the taxon is not considered to be acceptable.

Black Guillemot / Zwarte Zeekoet
Cepphus grylle 31,62,-
2006 17 November, Westduinpark, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, winter plumage (R Ivens).
From 1 January 2007, the species is no longer considered by the CDNA but reports from before this date are still welcome.

Pale Barn Owl / Witte Kerkuil
Tyto alba alba -,1,1
24 May to 13 August, location withheld, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (C van Rijswijk, M Plomp, E van Laar et al)
1983 14 March, between Axel and Zuiddorpe, Terneuzen, Zeeland, found dead, specimen retained at Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum/Naturalis, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (G Sponselee).
This taxon has never been considered by the CDNA partly because of uncertainties about its status. For instance, de Jong (1995) suggests that 'intermediates' between this taxon and Dark Barn Owl T a guttata occur regularly in the southern Netherlands. The only Pale Barn Owl mentioned by van den Berg & Bosman (2001) concerns a photographed bird ringed south-west of Ommen, Overijssel, on 22 January 1976 and found dead as road victim at Varades, Loire-Atlantique, France, on 22 April 1976 (Limosa 54: 97-98, 1981). This record has not been formally considered by the CDNA and will be reviewed. As a consequence, it seems possible that the 1983 specimen will turn out to be the first record of this subspecies; it was found while studying the differences with Dark Barn Owl and was wrongly labelled as the latter. Information about the location of the individual photographed in 2007 is withheld at the request of the observers.

Little Swift / Huisgierzwaluw
Apus affinis 0,2,0
2001 17 May, Lies, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (A Ouwerkerk; Ebels 2001; Dutch Birding 23: 237, plate 268-269, 2001).
This record precedes the already accepted observation at IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, on 20 November 2006, and becomes the species' first. It was present for just an hour but could be documented well enough by photographs (no subscription was submitted).

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik
Calandrella brachydactyla 3,34,2
22 September, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (L B Steijn, J de Bruijn, N van Duivendijk et al); 21 November to 7 January 2008, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland (Q L Slings, G Bakker, R van Rossum et al; Dutch Birding 30: 54, plate 72, 137, plate 163, 2008).
Reports at Oudemirdum, Friesland, on 29 April and at Eemshaven, Groningen, on 30 April have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007). The bird at Castricum constituted the first in winter.

Blyth's Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper
Anthus godlewskii 0,5,1
20 January to 7 February (probably since 1 January), Woerden, Utrecht, photographed, sound-recorded (N van Duivendijk, J de Bruijn, H Zevenhuizen et al; van Duivendijk 2007; Dutch Birding 29: 122, plate 158, 123, plate 160, 2007).
2005 30-31 October, Balloërveld, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, videoed, sound-recorded (E Schoppers, A-W Faber, K van Haeringen et al); 14 November, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, sound-recorded, videoed.
The bird at Eemshaven-Oost was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2007) but it was not only videoed but also sound-recorded. The other records in this report are the species' fifth and sixth, with the one in 2007 being the first in winter. Previous records were in November 1983, October 1996 and November 2002.

Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper
Anthus hodgsoni 0,17,1
13 October, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (E Ernens, R Keizer, R Winters et al; Dutch Birding 29: 407, plate 597, 2007).
Since 2001, it occurred annually with a total of nine records. Before 2001, there were records in 1987, 1988 (two), 1990, 1991 (three individuals) and 1998 (two). Reports from IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, on 3 October and near Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, on 7 October have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Ashy-headed/Iberian Wagtail / Italiaanse/Iberische Kwikstaart
Motacilla cinereocapilla/iberiae 0,1,0
2004 2-20 May, Makkumer Zuidwaard, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (E Nieuwstraten, M Zekhuis et al; Nieuwstraten 2004; Dutch Birding 26: 221, plate 303-304, 2004).
Although accepted as a 'white-throated wagtail' from the Mediterranean region, it was not possible to define the taxon with certainty as Ashy-headed Wagtail M cinereocapilla because, for instance, some Iberian Wagtails M iberiae lack white in the supercilium in front of the eye. The totals exclude the two records of Ashy-headed in April 2006.

Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart
Motacilla feldegg 0,0,0
The only record, a male photographed at Delfzijl, Groningen, on 10 May 1988, has been rejected after review (see 'Systematic list of rejected reports').

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart
Motacilla citreola 0,18,1
1 May, Vreugderijkerwaard, Zwolle, Overijssel, female, photographed (D Uit de Weerd, G Mensink, M Bunskoek et al).
There are now seven records since 2000, with one a year in 2000-02, none in 2003-05, three in 2006 (the best year ever) and one in 2007. A report of a bird flying by at Castricum, Noord-Holland, on 23 September has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal
Luscinia luscinia 7,58,1
22 May, Kampsheide, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, singing, sound-recorded (C Teule).
2006 21 September, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, ringed (Vrs Van Lennep).

Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst
Luscinia svecica svecica 24,43,0
Two reports, at Kraaijenbergse Plassen, Noord-Brabant, on 22 April and at Oostvaardersdijk, Flevoland, on 17 August, are still circulating. Two other reports, at Kockengen, Utrecht, on 15 March and near Den Helder, Noord-Holland, on 14 April have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007). A female probable belonging to this subspecies at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 26 May has also not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart
Tarsiger cyanurus 1,3,1
3 January to 23 February, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (L J R Boon et al; Boon 2007; Birding World 20: 10, 54, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 54, plate 68, 116, plate 148, 128, plate 171-172, 2007).
The fifth record and only the second field record. Previous ones were in October 1967 (ringed), September 1985, October 1999 (ringed) and November 2001 (ringed). This long-staying and, after a few days, confiding male was visited by a huge number of birders and probably concerns the most photographed bird ever in the Netherlands.

Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit
Saxicola maurus 9,25,1
20 October, Eierlandse Duinen, Texel, first-winter female, photographed, videoed (W van Rijswijk, L Boon, N van Duivendijk et al; Dutch Birding 29: 407, plate 599, 2007).
The fourth consecutive year with just one record. The best years were 1977, 1995 and 1996, all with four.

Pied Wheatear / Bonte Tapuit
Oenanthe pleschanka 0,11,1
3 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, male, photographed, videoed (J D Eerdmans, A van Kreveld, R de Lange et al; Birding World 20: 422, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 409, plate 603-604, 2007).
The first since 2004. There are now 12 records, with previous records in May 1988, October 1992 (two), October 1993, November 1996, October 1999 (two), November 1999, June 2000 and October 2004 (two).

Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit
Oenanthe deserti 1,19,1
12 November, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (A Koenders; Dutch Birding 30: 55, plate 75, 2008).
A typical late autumn date. The bird was present for a short period only. The best year ever was 2005 with a remarkable nine.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger
Locustella fluviatilis 6,39,2
14-17 May, Kollumerwaard, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (K Scholten, R Cazemier, M Bot et al; Dutch Birding 29: 263, plate 380, 2007); 18-25 May, Ora et Labora, Brunssum, Limburg, singing, photographed (W Quaedackers, P van Nuys, R van der Laak; Dutch Birding 29: 263, plate 379, 2007).
The bird in Limburg was singing exactly on the border with Germany.

Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel
Hippolais polyglotta 2,46,-
2004 10 May to 26 June, Loon op Zand, Noord-Brabant, singing, sound-recorded (G van Gool, J Rahder, S Teerink et al).
This was the first of six records in 2004. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2005 but the CDNA still welcomes reports before this date.

Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger
Acrocephalus agricola 1,17,4
21 August, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, three, adult and two first-year, ringed, photographed, and 28 August, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, first-year, ringed, photographed (T van Ree, S Waasdorp, C Zuhorn; van Ree 2007).
The three trapped juveniles must have fledged shortly before they were ringed. Therefore, it is assumed that the species bred at this Vlieland location.

Blyth's Reed Warbler / Struikrietzanger
Acrocephalus dumetorum 0,7,2
12 September, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (A Wijker); 20 October, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (A Wijker, M van Roomen, J Visser et al).
Previous records were at Lelystad, Flevoland, on 26 June 1990 (ringed); Walem, Limburg, from 20 June to 1 July 1996; Nieuwegein, Utrecht, from 14 June to 23 July 1998 (mixed breeding pair with Marsh Warbler A palustris); Kennemerduinen, Noord-Holland, on 17 October 2000 (ringed); Vlieland, Friesland, on 28-30 September 2003; Castricum, Noord-Holland, on 30 September 2003 (ringed); and Makkum, Friesland, on 25-31 October 2003.

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel
Acrocephalus caligatus 0,11,1
14-25 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (W van Rijswijk, A Mendoza, H Vrolijk; Birding World 20: 375, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 329, plate 469, 409, plate 605, 410, plate 606, 2007).
A typical date for this warbler, representing already the fourth for the Maasvlakte. The species was first recorded in 1982 and subsequently in 1988, 1990, 1995 (two), 1996 (two), 1998, 2001, 2003 and 2006. All records fall between 31 August and 11 October. September is the best month with eight, October has three and August one.

Subalpine Warbler / Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans 5,49,1
1987 9 May, Ritthem, Vlissingen, Zeeland, male (R van Ouwerkerk, C Giljam).
Totals include birds accepted as Western Subalpine Warbler S c cantillans/inornata (nine, see below) and Eastern Subalpine Warbler S c albistriata (one) but excludes Moltoni's Subalpine Warbler S c moltonii (one). From 1 January 2009, the latter taxon will be elevated to species level, as Moltoni's Warbler S subalpina (Sangster et al in press).

Western Subalpine Warbler / Westelijke Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans cantillans/inornata 2,6,1
2 June, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (N van Houtum, R van Bemmelen, D Groenendijk et al).
There are eight previous records of this subspecies group: at Beverwijk, Noord-Holland, on 26 May 1942 (collected; nominate S c cantillans); on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 7 October 1973; at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 30 April 2000; at Maasvlakte on 3-4 May 2002; at Kollumeroord, Friesland, on 18 May 2003; on Vlieland, Friesland, on 3-6 October 2004; on Texel on 7-10 July 2005; and at Maasvlakte on 11 May 2006.

* Eastern Crowned Warbler / Kroonboszanger
Phylloscopus coronatus 0,0,1
5 October, first-year, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (C Zuyderduyn, R van Rossum, M Guyt et al; Zuyderduyn 2007, 2008; Birding World 20: 419, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 410, plate 607, 2007, 30: 155, plate 169-170, 156, plate 171-172, 2008).
The first record and only the fourth for the Western Palearctic, with previous ones on Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on 4 October 1843 (collected), at Jæren, Rogaland, Norway, on 30 September 2002 (ringed) and at Kokkola, Harbåda, Finland, on 23 October 2004. Of all vagrants, this is one of the rarest and in the category 'a long way from home'. The bird was elusive, staying high in the canopy of a relatively small row of trees and bushes. It attracted c 300 birders from all over the Low Countries.

Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis
Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,43,1
3 June, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, sound-recorded (P A Wolf, R Sponselee, S Lilipaly).
Another year with only one record, as in 2006. Apart from 2003 (when the species bred successfully), the best years were 1996 with seven, 2000 with five and 2004 and 2005 with four records. Two reports, both from Vlieland, Friesland, on 3 and 7 October, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Hume's Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning
Phylloscopus humei 2,29,3
20 October, Formerum, Terschelling, Friesland (E Nieuwstraten); 26-29 October, Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland, sound-recorded (J de Bruijn, R Cazemier et al); 12-21 December, Gendringen, Oude IJsselstreek, Gelderland, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (R Schwarz, E Ernens, R Keizer et al; Dutch Birding 30: 56, plate 78, 2008).
A report from Grebbeberg, Utrecht, on 9 November has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2008).

Radde's Warbler / Raddes Boszanger
Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,18,2
13 October, Bomenland, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (D Hoekstra, S Lagerveld et al); 14 and 17 October, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, ringed, photographed (S Deuzeman, K Oosterbeek, A G Duiven et al).
2006 29 October, Hargen aan Zee, Bergen, Noord-Holland (S Lagerveld, C Giljam, N F van der Ham et al).
The additional 2006 record makes this one of the best years with three. Other good years were 2000 with four and 1996 with three.

Dusky Warbler / Bruine Boszanger
Phylloscopus fuscatus 1,45,10
5 February to 7 April, Electra, De Marne, Groningen, photographed (the late H Lanters, T de Boer, D Brinkhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 29: 126, plate 168, 130, plate 178, 192, plate 261, 2007); 7-8 October, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (R Winters, M Jonker, R Offereins et al); 13 October, Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, ringed, photographed (K Hendriks, V van der Spek, M Verrips et al; Dutch Birding 29: 410, plate 608, 2007); 13 October, Bomenland, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (S Lagerveld, M Guyt et al; Dutch Birding 29: 407, plate 598, 2007); 19 October, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, ringed, photographed (H Bouwmeester); 20-21 October, Horsmeertjes, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (D Kok, E Menkveld et al); 21 October, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, ringed, photographed (E van Winden); 21 October, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, ringed, photographed (L Tervelde); 22 October, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (J Visser, A Wijker, R Reijnders); 18 November, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (D Hoekstra et al).
One of the best years, equalling the total for 2003, with 10 individuals. The bird at Electra represented the first winter record. A report from Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 24 October has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

bonelli's warbler / bergfluiter
Phylloscopus bonelli/orientalis 4,7,0
2004 23-27 May, Noord-Ginkel, Ede, Gelderland, singing, sound-recorded (D Groenendijk et al).
Only the song was recorded and the bird was not heard calling. Songs of both Western Bonelli's Warbler P bonelli and Eastern Bonelli's Warbler P orientalis are superficially similar and more research is needed to draw any conclusions about the species concerned. In the meantime, it is vital for acceptance to document the diagnostic call. Totals exclude birds accepted to species level.

Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus collybita tristis -,25,3
6-8 October, De Monnik, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (S Bot, M Gal, S Wytema et al); 9 October, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, ringed, photographed (L Tervelde); 8-12 December, Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (R Heemskerk).
2006 18 October, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, sound-recorded (R Cazemier); 28 October Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (R Cazemier); 3 November, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, photographed (J Garvelink); 9 November to 25 February 2007, Huizen, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded.
The Huizen record was already mentioned in van der Vliet et al (2007). Three more reports of birds trapped in 2007 (André van Loon in litt) have not (yet) been submitted and one is still under consideration. Considering tristis claims is a hard job for the committee, as is illustrated by the well-observed and extensively documented bird that stayed at De Bilt, Utrecht, from 19 January to 9 April (Dutch Birding 29: 126, plate 167, 193, plate 263, 2007), which is still under consideration. It has provoked a lot of discussion because it called like a 'normal' tristis but showed more green in the plumage and more pale in the bare parts than may be expected for a 'normal' tristis and the report has not been accepted after three rounds. However, new data from the regular wintering areas (eg, Kazakhstan) may prove that these characters fall within the normal variation of tristis and the CDNA has therefore postponed its final judgement, which will be published in the next report - or later...

Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus ibericus 2,16,3
22 April to 23 September, Diemerzeedijk, Diemen, Noord-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (R G M Altenburg, R van Dijk et al; Dutch Birding 29: 189, plate 255, 192, plate 262, 2007); 9-22 May, Warnsborn, Arnhem, Gelderland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (E de Waard, S Terlouw); 13 May to 3 June, Westerpark, Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (M Kreike, P Bol, M van der Tol).
The second year with three records, together with 2004. This taxon has been recorded annually since 2001, with the exception of 2003. A report from May 2006 is still circulating (cf van Dongen et al 2006).

Collared Flycatcher / Withalsvliegenvanger
Ficedula albicollis 24,8,1
14 September, Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, first-year, ringed, photographed (W Teunissen, W Bleumink, V van der Spek et al; van der Spek et al 2007; Dutch Birding 29: 344, plate 494-495, 2007).
The third autumn record, after one on Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, on 27 August 1966, and on Terschelling, Friesland, on 12-14 October 1996, and the third ever trapped. A report from Noord-Ginkel, Gelderland, on 13 May has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2007).

Azure x European Blue Tit / Azuurmees x Pimpelmees
Cyanistes cyanus x caeruleus 1,0,2
15 November, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (J Visser, A Wijker, H Levering et al; Visser et al 2007; Dutch Birding 29: 421, plate 621, 2007); 18 November, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (M S Robb).
The second and third record of this well-known hybrid type ('Pleske's Tit'). The first was trapped (and subsequently collected) at Bremerbergdijk, Flevoland, on 9 November 1968. Reports at Vuren, Gelderland, on 17 November and near Ouddorp, Zuid-Holland, on 30 November have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2008).

Daurian/Turkestan Shrike / Daurische/Turkestaanse Klauwier
Lanius isabellinus/phoenicuroides 0,2,1
26 July, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult, photographed (F de Roder, L Enting; Dutch Birding 29: 337, plate 486, 2007).
This is the first mid-summer observation of an 'isabelline shrike'. It was present in an Oostvaardersplassen area not open to public (including birders). It was not possible, due to the limited number of photographs and the lack of visible details, to accept it to species level. There have now been 11 'isabelline shrikes', of which two have been accepted as Turkestan Shrike L phoenicuroides, six as Daurian Shrike L isabellinus and three as L phoenicuroides/isabellinus (cf van der Laan & CDNA 2008).

Woodchat Shrike / Roodkopklauwier
Lanius senator -,73,-
1996 1 June, Nijmegen, Gelderland, photographed (J Haverkamp).
This species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports before this date.

Arctic Redpoll / Witstuitbarmsijs
Carduelis hornemanni 43,67,0
2005 22 December to 5 February 2006, Selwerd, Groningen, Groningen, photographed (G Ottens, M Hammers, M Bot et al).
At first this record was rejected but it was accepted when more photographs became available (cf van der Vliet et al 2007). The numbers include both Coues's Redpoll C hornemanni exilipes and Hornemann's Redpoll C h hornemanni (the latter has been accepted only once).

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek
Loxia pytyopsittacus 15,583,20
25 October to 14 January 2008, Hazenwater, Leusden, Utrecht, maximum of 11 (eight females and three males), photographed, sound-recorded (D Paalvast, A de Jong, E B Ebels et al; Ebels 2008; Dutch Birding 30: 55, plate 76, 135, plate 160, 2008); 8 December to 8 February 2008, Hargen aan Zee and Schoorl, Bergen, Noord-Holland, minimum of nine (five males and four female-types), photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (J Stok, C Oosterhuis et al; Ebels 2008; Dutch Birding 30: 55, plate 76, 61, plate 80, 62, plate 81-82, 2008).
Several reports, eg, on Vlieland, Friesland, on 12-14 October (seven) and on Terschelling, Friesland, on 14 October (three) are still under review (cf van Dongen et al 2007, Ebels 2008). Some observers reported 11 individuals at Hargen aan Zee but the documentation shows that probably no more than nine were involved. Other reports, eg, 25 at Weerterbos, Limburg, on 4 November and six at Nunspeet, Gelderland, and two near Huizen, Noord-Holland, both on 31 December, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2008). The total of 583 excludes the period 1993-2001 when the species was not considered by the CDNA.

Black-faced Bunting / Maskergors
Emberiza spodocephala 0,2,1
18 November, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-year female, ringed, photographed (A Wijker, J Visser, P Vlietstra et al; Dutch Birding 29: 399, plate 580, 2007).
The third record and the first of a female. The two previous ones were first-year males which were also ringed: at Westenschouwen, Zeeland, on 16 November 1986 and on Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, on 28 October 1993.

Rustic Bunting / Bosgors
Emberiza rustica 14,61,3
9-12 May, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed (H Roersma, N van Brederode; Dutch Birding 29: 264, plate 382, 2007); 7 October, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, adult female, ringed, photographed (A Wijker; Dutch Birding 29: 407, plate 600, 2007); 20 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (J de Bruijn).
2006 9 May, Westerslag, Texel, Noord-Holland (L J Dijksen).
1992 2 October, Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland (F van der Lans).
Since 2000, this was already the third year with three records, following 2000 and 2006. The species has been recorded annually since 1992 and there is no sign that it occurs less frequently in recent years despite decreasing numbers in northern Scandinavia. The best years were 1980 with five records involving 10 individuals and 1994 with seven records involving nine individuals. The 1992 record had only recently been submitted.

Little Bunting / Dwerggors
Emberiza pusilla 27,76,-
1990 30 March to 14 April, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, three, photographed, sound-recorded (A W J Meijer et al).
1987 5 November, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed (A Wijker).
The 1987 record concerns a date correction; it had previously been published for 3 November 1987 (van den Berg & Bosman 1999, 2001). The 1990 record concerns a correction of the first date, being 30 March instead of 31 March (cf van den Berg & Bosman 2001). This species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports before this date.

Systematic list of rejected reports
This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rings, excessive wear and/or aberrant behaviour. Species for which the CDNA unanimously decided that all records up to now refer to birds of captive origin are indicated with *. This includes records of birds of which all ancestors are assumed to be of captive origin (introduced species of British category C).

Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans Anser albifrons flavirostris, 8 December to 28 February 2008, Hoeksmeer, Loppersum, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (@ identified as orange-billed juvenile of Siberian White-fronted Goose A a albifrons). Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend Bucephala albeola 12-14 November, Oirschot, Noord-Brabant, adult male, photographed (@ wearing ring, indicating escape). Barrow's Goldeneye / IJslandse Brilduiker Bucephala islandica 24 February, Ketelmeer, Dronten, Flevoland, female, photographed (Birding World 20: 100, 2007, Dutch Birding 29: 129, plate 153, 2007) (@ photographs do not show wing pattern, which the CDNA holds necessary for acceptance as a first for the Dutch list). Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling Anas carolinensis 12-16 June, De Brekken, Lemsterland, Friesland, male (@ inadequate description). Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker Gavia adamsii 14 October, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (@ description incomplete). Albatross / albatros Diomedea/Thalassarche 1 June, Dutch part of North Sea (@ bird seen without binoculars from ferry Hoek van Holland to Harwich, description incomplete; moreover, the CDNA does not accept large species groups such as 'albatrosses' or 'large Aquila eagles' but only (sub)species and in, a few cases, so-called 'superspecies' consisting of two or rarely three very closely related species). Kuhls/Scopoli's Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel Calonectris borealis/diomedea 30 September, Westerslag, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete; this concerns another report than the one accepted past the same island on the same date). Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan Pelecanus onocrotalus 28 July, Nuenen, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ escape from zoo); 29 July, Odijk, Bunnik, Utrecht, eight (@ other pelican species not excluded, birds fly ing at a height of c 300 m). Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier Gyps fulvus 18 June, Het Reutje, Roerdalen, Limburg, five (@ no photographs, description incomplete); 19 June, Zaandam, Noord-Holland (@ photograph shows very distant large bird, no description); 19 June, Nuth, Limburg (seen without binoculars from driving car, very short description); 25 June, Echt, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, seven (@ no photographs, description incomplete); 8 July, Ermelo, Gelderland, six (@ seen without binoculars, insufficient detail seen); 23 August, Venlo, Limburg, photograph ed (@ no description, other large raptor species not excluded); 10 September, Beegderheide, Maasgouw, Limburg (@ seen without binoculars for c 3 sec, so description incomplete). Short-toed Snake Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus 6 April, Stellendam, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland (@ description not detailed enough); 3 May, Deelensche Veld, Ede, Gelderland (@ incomplete description, not excluding all other raptors); 8 July, Nuenen, Noord-Brabant (@ jizz of described bird wrong); 27 August, Garnwerd, Winsum, Groningen (@ insufficient detail). Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 16 April, Urk, Flevoland, third-calendar-year male (@ Hen Harrier C cyaneus not sufficiently excluded); 13 June, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, male (@ description not accurate). Long-legged Buzzard / Arendbuizerd Buteo rufinus 14 May, Sliedrechtse Biesbosch, Sliedrecht, Zuid-Holland (@ too short description of migrating bird). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Aquila pennata 30 April, Dwingelderveld, Westerveld, Drenthe (@ insufficient description); 5 May, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg (@ seen without binoculars); 17 June, Leiderdorp, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete, among others, no description of jizz given); 19 June, Hilversum, Noord-Holland (@ description with insufficient detail); 19 June, Ermelo, Gelderland (@ description incomplete). Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva 20 May, Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland (@ calling Water Rail Rallus aquaticus not excluded). Eurasian Stone-curlew / Griel Burhinus oedicnemus 20 June, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier Glareola pratincola 9 August, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, nine (@ description not convincing). Caspian Plover / Kaspische Plevier Charadrius asiaticus 1 April, Zandvoortweg, Middelburg, Zeeland, videoed (@ inadequate description, video does not show recognizable Caspian Plover). Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier Pluvialis fulva 10 July, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland (@ inadequate description). Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw Chroicocephalus genei, 7 May, Wadden Sea between Lauwersoog and Schiermonnikoog, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, two (@ description incomplete of two birds passing ferry). Audouin's Gull / Audouins Meeuw Larus audouinii 5 April, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland (@ description of bird flying by not detailed enough). Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern Sterna dougallii 30 May, De Hors, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, adult (@ tail length not described, observation time too short); 2 June, Huisduinen, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult (@ first-summer Common Tern S hirundo or Arctic Tern S paradisaea not exclud ed, wing pattern not described). Pechora Pipit / Petsjorapieper Anthus gustavi 6 October, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, sound-recorded (@ bird was only heard, not seen; although a call was recorded, the CDNA considered this not enough evidence to accept it as a new species on the Dutch list). Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart Motacilla feldegg 5 May, Liessel, Deurne, Noord-Brabant (@ description without photographs and/or sound-recordings). Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus collybita tristis 24 November, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, photographed (@ only one photograph and no sound-recordings available). Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit Saxicola maurus 24 May, Ouddorp, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland (@ description does not exclude European Stonechat S rubicola). Red-breasted Nuthatch / Canadese Boomklever Sitta canadensis 5 October, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (@ description without photographs not convincing enough for a new species on the Dutch list). Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek Loxia pytyopsittacus 15 October, Leerdam, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete of 14 birds flying by).

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling Anas carolinensis 10 May, Steile Bank, Nijefurd, Friesland, male, photographed (no description, only one photograph of a distant bird). Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 13 May, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, immature (description not good enough to convince the CDNA, eg, Montagu's Harrier C pygargus not excluded). Lesser Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend Aquila pomarina 9 April, Budel-Dorplein, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant (@ this Aquila eagle was also seen near Genk, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium, c 1 h before it passed Budel-Dorplein; both the Flemish and Dutch rarities committees could not exclude other Aquila species and were not convinced that it was a Lesser Spotted Eagle). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Aquila pennata 8 September, Nieuwegein, Utrecht, photographed (@ no description, photograph too blurry). Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw Apus pallidus 25 October, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Zeeland, videoed (@ video shows insufficient detail; description incomplete). Subalpine Warbler / Baardgrasmus Sylvia cantillans 17 May, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, male (description incomplete). Rustic Bunting / Bosgors Emberiza rustica 29 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (bird seen for a very short time, description incomplete).

Siberian Greylag Goose / Siberische Grauwe Gans
Anser anser rubrirostris 21 February, Wildervank, Veendam, Groningen, photographed (@ photograph shows pink-billed Greylag Goose but other plumage characteristics are difficult to discern). Ring-necked x Tufted Duck / Ringsnaveleend x Kuifeend Aythya collaris x fuligula 25 December, IJsselmeerkust, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, male (description not complete, the CDNA would have liked to see photographs of this bird). Kamchatka Gull / Kamtsjatkastormmeeuw Larus canus kamtschatschensis 11 February, Egmond aan Zee, Bergen, Noord-Holland, first-winter, videoed (@ well-documented record of a large Mew Gull; identification of this taxon is very difficult and hindered by lack of knowledge of the variation within other subspecies, especially L c heinei). Blyth's Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper Anthus godlewskii 27 October, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, sound-recorded (@ bird was only heard and not seen from a migration watch point; the CDNA decided not to accept heard-only reports). Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 18 August, Oostvaardersdijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, trapped, photographed; 21 August, Kromslootpark, Almere, Flevoland, trapped, photographed (both showed relatively broad orange-red edges to breast-spot feathers. The CDNA considered this not enough evidence for autumn birds. Museum studies showed that there are also White-spotted Bluethroats L s cyanecula in autumn with much red on these feathers).

Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend
Anas falcata 28 March, Nieuwendijk, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ not documented whether bird was (un)ringed and therefore not acceptable).

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek
Loxia pytyopsittacus 23, 24 and 27 November, Sellingerbossen, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, five, photographed (photographs do not show enough detail).

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief
Circus macrourus 12 May, Buren, Ameland, Friesland, female-type (@ insufficient detail).

Ross's Gull / Ross' Meeuw
Rhodostethia rosea 29 October, Rockanje, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ photograph shows Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus).

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw
Larus delawarensis 21 April, Wamel, Beneden-Leeuwen, Gelderland, adult (@ other gull species not sufficiently excluded).

Marbled Duck / Marmereend
Marmaronetta angustirostris 20 August, Culemborg, Gelderland (not documented whether bird was (un)ringed and therefore not acceptable).

Mediterranean Storm Petrel / Mediterraan Stormvogeltje
Hydrobates melitensis 15 September, Ameland, Friesland (@ Vogeltrekstation at Heteren, Gelderland, presented data of a bird ringed near a storm petrel colony of Malta on 19 July 1971 and reportedly found dead on Ameland; however, the specimen is not retained and the report is now even believed to be fraudulent; cf Dutch Birding 30: 347, 2008). Forster's Tern / Forsters Stern Sterna forsteri 7 July, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult, summer plumage, photographed (@ photograph shows Common Tern S hirundo).

Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart
Motacilla feldegg 10 May, Delfzijl, Groningen, male, photographed (the CDNA reconsidered this record, of which only one photograph exists (Boon 1990, van den Berg & Bosman 1999, 2001), and rejected it. The pattern of the dark cap can only be safely assessed if more photographs were available and, as the bird was silent, there is no description or recording of the sound. As a result, this species is removed from the Dutch list).

Chris van Rijswijk provided extra information on the records of Pale Barn Owl. Enno Ebels took care of the final editing. Bram Rijksen kindly prepared the drawing of the Red-flanked Bluetail on p 369.

van den Berg, A B & Bosman, C A W 1999, 2001. Zeldzame vogels van Nederland - Rare birds of the Netherlands. Avifauna van Nederland 1. First, second edition. Haarlem.
van den Berg, A B, van Loon, A J & McGeehan, A 2000. Aalscholver met kenmerken van Grote Aalscholver te Heel in februari 2000. Dutch Birding 22: 21-25.
van den Berg, A B & Haas, M 2007. WP reports: late September-November 2007. Dutch Birding 29: 378-400.
van den Berg, A B & Haas, M 2008. WP reports: late March-mid May 2008. Dutch Birding 30: 187-200.
Boon, L J R 1990. Balkankwikstaart bij Delfzijl in mei 1988. Dutch Birding 12: 1-2.
Boon, L J R 2007. DB Actueel: Blauwstaart in Zandvoort. Dutch Birding 29: 74-76.
Boon, L J R & Slaterus, R 2008. Cursorius videojaaroverzicht 2007. Dvd. Zandvoort.
Dirks, E M E 2007. DB Actueel: Dunbekmeeuw in Het Zwin. Dutch Birding 29: 198.
van Dongen, R M, Haas K & de Rouw, P W W 2006. Recente meldingen Nederland: mei-juni 2006. Dutch Birding 28: 255-265.
van Dongen, R M, Hofland, R & de Rouw, P W W 2007. Recente meldingen Nederland: januari-oktober 2007. Dutch Birding 29: 119-131, 184-194, 252-265, 330-338, 400-411.
van Dongen, R M, Hofland, R & de Rouw, P W W 2008. Recente meldingen Nederland: november-december 2007. Dutch Birding 30: 49-57.
van Duivendijk, N 2007. DB Actueel: Mongoolse Pieper doet poging te overwinteren bij Woerden. Dutch Birding 29: 135-136.
Ebels, E B 2001. DB Actueel: Huisgierzwaluw op Terschelling. Dutch Birding 23: 174.
Ebels, E B 2008. DB Actueel: Kleine invasie van Grote Kruisbekken. Dutch Birding 30: 61-63.
Hudson, N & the Rarities Committee 2008. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2007. Br Birds 101: 516-577.
de Jong, J 1995. De Kerkuil. Leeuwarden.
van der Laan, J & CDNA 2008. Occurrence and identification of 'isabelline shrikes' in the Netherlands in 1985-2006 and records in Europe. Dutch Birding 30: 78-92.
Lilipaly, S & van der Wardt, C 2007. DB Actueel: Influx van Vale Gieren in België en Nederland. Dutch Birding 29: 270-272.
Nieuwstraten, E 2004. DB Actueel: Vermoedelijke Italiaanse Kwikstaart bij Makkum. Dutch Birding 26: 220-222.
Ottens, G 2007. Lost and found: Laughing Gull 'Atze' in Europe. Dutch Birding 29: 288-291.
Plomp, M, Berlijn, M, Menkveld, E, van der Maat, G, Sponselee, R, van der Bent, G, Halff, R, Jonker, M, van Rijswijk, W, de Waard, H & Wytema, S 2008. Dutch Birding videojaaroverzicht 2007. Dvd. Texel.
van Ree, T 2007. DB Actueel: Vier Veldrietzangers op Vlieland. Dutch Birding 29: 343-344.
Sangster, G, van den Berg, A B, van Loon, A J & Roselaar, C S. Report of the Committee for Avian Systematics. Dutch avifaunal list: Taxonomic changes in 2004-2008. Ardea; in press.
van der Spek, V, Teunissen, W, Bleumink, W & Vrs Meijendel 2007. DB Actueel: Withalsvliegenvanger geringd in Meijendel. Dutch Birding 29: 344.
Steijn, L 2006. DB Actueel: Groene Reiger te Amsterdam. Dutch Birding 28: 193-195.
Visser, J, Knijnsberg, L, Levering, H & Wijker, A 2007. DB Actueel: 'Pleskes Mees' gevangen in Castricum. Dutch Birding 29: 421-422.
van der Vliet, R E, van der Laan, J, Berlijn, M & CDNA 2007. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 2006. Dutch Birding 29: 347-374.
Zuyderduyn, C 2007. DB Actueel: Kroonboszanger in Katwijk. Dutch Birding 29: 415-417.
Zuyderduyn, C 2008. Kroonboszanger in Katwijk aan Zee in oktober 2007. Dutch Birding 30: 155-158.

Arjan Ovaa, In de Molt 112, 6268 EJ Margraten, Netherlands
Jan van der Laan, Brouwerstraat 19, 1814 HX Alkmaar, Netherlands
Max Berlijn, Wilhelminastraat 9, 6285 AS Epen, Netherlands

CDNA, Postbus 116, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands (cdna@dutchbirding.nl)