Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2002

1 december 2003  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan & CDNA  ·  16785 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2002

Roland E van der Vliet, Jan van der Laan & CDNA

This is the 23rd annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. This report comprises records from 2002 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1924, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 2002 records are still under review or awaiting submission and could, therefore, not be included. In addition, several records for 2001 and earlier years are still under consideration for various reasons.

The information in van den Berg & Bosman (2001), which overrules all annual reports by the CDNA up to and including the 1999 report, in turn is overruled by data presented in the 2000, 2001 and 2002 reports. Details included for each accepted record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality(municipal divisions as on 1 January 2002); province; number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; type of record if trapped, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed or found dead (and where specimen is stored); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording, and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national but not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 2001 lasting into 2002 that were already published in the 2001 report are repeated here without references, for the sake of completeness. Observations not (yet) submitted mentioned in the 2001 report, are not repeated in this report and the CDNA recommends consulting the 2001 report for these. Sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. A compilation of most of the birds videoed can be found in Plomp et al (2003). Numbers after each (sub)species' name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list.

The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Theo Bakker, Max Berlijn, Ruud E Brouwer, A (Bert) de Bruin (secretary), Nils van Duivendijk (chairman), Teus J C Luijendijk, Roland E van der Vliet (archivist) and Pim A Wolf. Records can be submitted through email (cdna@dutchbirding.nl) or via the CDNA site on the Dutch Birding website (www.dutchbirding.nl), using an electronic submission form. Records can also be submitted by ordinary mail to CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, the Netherlands, preferably using standard forms which can be obtained free of charge from the CDNA. On the website, it is possible to see which records are currently under review, which were recently accepted and which were rejected.

Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics, the Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CSNA) which on 1 January 2003 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar and George Sangster (secretary).

In 2002, at least 353 species were recorded. In addition, no less than four species reported in 2002 would be new to the Dutch list (Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus, Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, Elegant Tern Sterna elegansand Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus) but are all still under consideration, for various reasons. Possible other additions to the Dutch list reported in 2001, Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris and Eurasian Crag Martin Hirundo rupestris, are also still in circulation. From earlier years, one species was added to the Dutch list: Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus (first record in 1975). Highlights in 2002 were the second Turkestan Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides, the second and third Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler Locustella certhiola, the third Bonelli's Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, the third Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii, the third Lanceolated Warbler L lanceolata, the fourth Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis, the fourth Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensisand the fourth Franklin's Gull Larus pipixcan. 2002 was also the best year since 1900 for Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva, Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus, Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes, Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus, Eurasian Eagle Owl Bubo bubo, Iberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus and Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus, as well as better than average for Eurasian Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (equalling the best year 2001), Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti and Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera. On the other hand, there were no records of, eg, Blue-winged Teal Anas discors, Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius, Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis, Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii, Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle, Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maura, Hume's Leaf Warbler P humei and Western Bonelli's Warbler P bonelli.

Systematic list of accepted records

Ross's Goose / Ross' Gans
Anser rossii 0,5,0

1 March to 14 April, Anjummerkolken, Dongeradeel, Friesland, and Jaap Deensgat, De Marne, Groningen, and 14-26 September, Bandpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, and 28 September to 18 October, Workumerwaard, Nijefurd, and Gaast, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, adult, white morph, photographed (O Tol, M Jonker, J J F J Jansen et al); 23 November into 2003, Plaat van Scheelhoek, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, and Stinkgat, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, white morph (D Groenendijk, M Berlijn et al; Birding World 16: 10, 2003).
2001 16 December to 7 April 2002, Den Bommel, Oostflakkee, Plaat van Scheelhoek and Stellendam, Goedereede, and Strijen, Zuid-Holland, and Rammegors, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (P A Wolf, A McGeehan, A B van den Berg et al).
The 2001 record concerns a date extension (cf van der Vliet et al 2002). All are considered to refer to two returning individuals. A report on 25-26 December at Kampen, Overijssel, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2003), while a report of three at Tholen, Zeeland, on 2 November (van Dongen et al 2002) relates to ringed birds, which should be considered escapes.

Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans
Anser albifrons flavirostris 14,22,22

13-17 January, Polder Q, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, 10 (six adults and four juveniles), photographed, videoed (B Bos, D Bos, A B van den Berg et al; Dutch Birding 24: 115, plate 97, 2002); 3-4 February, Slochteren, Groningen, nine (five adults and four juveniles), photographed, videoed (T Haitjema, M Klaij, W-J B Fontijn et al); 10 February, Ferwâlde (Ferwoude), and 16-17 March, Zurich, Wûnseradiel, and 27-28 April, Workumerwaard, Nijefurd, Friesland, adult, photographed (S Bernardus, P van der Heide, J Bisschop et al; Dutch Birding 24: 184, plate 164, 2002); 8 March, Oostelijke Binnenpolder, Tienhoven, Maarssen, Utrecht, and 12 March, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Utrecht, two, first-year (H R Russer, B Huisman, R Pieterson et al).
2001 7 February to 30 March, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Noord-Holland, and Oostelijke Binnenpolder, Maarssen, Utrecht, adult female, wearing neck band (EJJ), photographed, videoed (E van der Linden et al).
The best year ever. Whether this reflects an increase in wintering individuals, an increase in observer activity, or both, is not clear. The 2001 record concerns a date extension, as well as additional information concerning the sex of the bird involved. In last year's report, the sex of three neck-banded birds was wrongly mentioned: these concerned one male and two females (instead of two males and one female as stated). EJJ was a female (see above), while EJS and EJV were a pair. Several reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 12 January, Grave, Noord-Brabant; 26 January, Randwijk, Zuid-Holland; 9 February, Garrelsweer, Groningen; 10 February, Hilversumsche Bovenmeent, Noord-Holland; and 16 February, south of Botshol, Utrecht (two).

Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend
Aythya collaris 5,14,1

5-6 January, Ureterp aan de Vaart, Opsterland, Friesland, adult male (K Scholten, S Scholten, E Koops et al).
Only two females have ever been recorded in the Netherlands, in 1996 and 2001.

Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper
Aythya affinis 0,3,1

24-27 May, Vloeivelden, Hoogkerk, Groningen, Groningen, adult male, photographed, videoed (M P Olthoff, T MFKompier, W Hartholt et al; Olthoff 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 251, plate 223, 2002).
Previous records were in 1994-95, 1996 and 1999-2000, all involving males.

Steller's Eider / Stellers Eider
Polysticta stelleri 0,6,0

2000 29 September and 6-7 October, Pollendam, Harlingen, Friesland, female, photographed (M Guyt, A van der Plas, R Offereins et al).
This was a very elusive bird, only seen from the ferry between Harlingen and Vlieland, Friesland. This is the second female. Previous records of this species were in 1980-82, 1986, 1987, 1996 and 1997.

King Eider / Koningseider
Somateria spectabilis 1,9,0

2000 28 August to 30 March 2001, Oudeschild and Oost, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed, videoed; 30 August to 31 July 2001, 't Horntje, Oudeschild and Oost, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year to third calendar-year male, photographed, videoed.
Both records were already published (van der Vliet et al 2001, 2002) but note the date extensions.

Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend
Mareca falcata 0,5,1

9-12 February, Asseltse Plassen, Swalmen, Limburg, adult male, videoed (A Ovaa, M Berlijn, N Reneerkens et al; Dutch Birding 24: 117, plate 102, 2002).
A bird reported at Lettelbert, Groningen, on 7-9 May (van Dongen et al 2002) has not been submitted because it was ringed and therefore considered an escape. Previous records were three males in 1992, a returning male in 1992-96 and a returning male in 1994-98.

American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient
Mareca americana 5,35,1

7-12 January, Kapelsche Moer, Kapelle, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (N de Schipper, P A Wolf, S Lilipaly et al); 31 March to 1 April, De Blikken, Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, male, photographed (J Leclerq).
2001 3 February to 22 March, Kapelsche Moer, Kapelle, Zeeland, adult male (N de Schipper, P L Meininger, S Lilipaly et al); 2 April, Honswijksewaarden, Tull en 't Waal, Houten, Utrecht, adult male, photographed (A Boele, A van Kleunen, K de Leeuw).
The 2001 and 2002 records at Kapelsche Moer are considered to refer to a returning individual first seen from 3 January to 26 February 2000 (cf van der Vliet et al 2001), for which the 2001 sighting was not previously accepted (cf van der Vliet et al 2002). As in 2001, several reports have not yet been submitted. For unknown reasons, observers seem quite reluctant to submit reports of this species. 2002 reports not submitted include the following: 14 February, south of Utrecht, Utrecht; 17-24 March, Steenwaard, Utrecht; and 28 September, Doesburg, Gelderland (cf van Dongen et al 2002). Other reports from 2002 have only recently been submitted and are still in circulation.

Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling
Anas discors 6,22,0

1998 14 April, Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland, male (L B Steijn, T J C Luijendijk, P van der Luit et al).
Records were annual since 1996, except for blank years in 2000 and 2002. Apart from a female (together with a male) in April-May 1987, all records concerned males.

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling
Anas carolinensis 6,22,3

4 April, Polder Achteraf, Loosdrecht, Wijdemeren, Utrecht, adult male, photographed (H R Russer, P Koken et al; Dutch Birding 24: 184, plate 165, 2002); 6 April, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult male (R Cazemier, D Hoekstra); 19 April, Diependal, Oranje, Middenveld, Drenthe, male (L van Welie, R Offereins).
2001 25 November, De Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male (R E Brouwer, P Duin).
One can only speculate how many females and first-winter males go undetected. Two reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 2-22 March, Prunjepolder, Zeeland (two); and 20 April Oostvaardersplassen, Flevoland.

Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker
Gavia adamsii 20,13,1

21 January, paal 27, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, found dead, skin retained at Zoological Museum Amsterdam, photographed (L van Kooten, T van Kooten, M F Leopold).
2001 29 October, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, third calendar-year or older (S Lilipaly, P A Wolf).
A report at Westerslag, Texel, Noord-Holland, on 11 October is still in circulation

Great Shearwater / Grote Pijlstormvogel
Puffinus gravis 9,5,0

1997 5 December, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham).
The first December record and the second for 1997. With 14 records, this most-wanted shearwater is still a major rarity, despite long hours of seawatching and dozens of 'pelagic trips' in the 1990s. This species seems to avoid the Dutch coasts, which could reflect lack of food in these waters. Seven records involved finds, the other seven involved field records during prolonged seawatches. Camperduin, Noord-Holland, seems to be the best place to pull your luck, with four records of passing birds (1982, 1986, 1989 and 1997).

Balearic Shearwater / Vale Pijlstormvogel
Puffinus mauretanicus 5,66,-

1997 20 July, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, three (N F van der Ham); 25-27 July, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham); 15 September, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham).
The record of 25-27 July is a date extension. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

European Storm-petrel / Stormvogeltje
Hydrobates pelagicus -,116,-

1997 4 October, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham, J van 't Hoff).
The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2000 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Wilson's Storm-petrel / Wilsons Stormvogeltje
Oceanites oceanicus 0,0,0

A bird reported on a seawatch past Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 7 November 2002 (Hoekstein et al 2002) is still under consideration.

* Dalmatian Pelican / Kroeskoppelikaan
Pelecanus crispus 1,0,0

1976 2-4 January, 't Mirnster Klif and De Mokkebank, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Friesland, adult (R Goldbach).
1975 25 June to 20 November, Hompelvoet, Grevelingen, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, and Brouwersdam, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, photographed (the late A van den Berg, H Baptist, L Schrove et al).
Both records are considered to refer to the same bird. A new species for the Netherlands, accepted 27 years after it was observed. At the time, all observers considered all pelicans to be escapes. However, both pelican species breeding in Europe have good vagrancy potential and since Dalmatian Pelican is a vagrant to Hungary and Italy (Cramp & Simmons 1977), a wild origin is considered a realistic option (contra Cramp & Simmons 1977). Up to 19 centuries ago, the species was a breeding bird in the Netherlands (cf van den Berg & Bosman 2001).

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan
Pelecanus onocrotalus 4,4,0

1975 25 June to 14 July, Hompelvoet, Grevelingen, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (the late A van den Berg et al).
This bird accompanied the Dalmatian Pelican when they were first found. This record was chronologically the third (and the second arrival in 1975). Other records were in 1974-75, 1975 (two), 1987-88, 1990 and 2001 (two).

Squacco Heron / Ralreiger
Ardeola ralloides 25 (since 1866),20,6

23 June to 2 July, Zuid-Schermer, Akersloot, Noord-Holland, maximum of two, adult summer, photographed, videoed (T Verlee, J Groenhof, R E Brouwer et al; Birding World 15: 241, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 247, plate 211, 312, plate 260, 2002); 26 June, Beijum, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, adult summer, photographed (L van Welie, W Hartholt, L Davids et al; Dutch Birding 24: 251, plate 224, 2002); 22-24 July, Piershil, Korendijk, Zuid-Holland, adult summer, photographed (A van der Giessen, C van Rijswijk, H de Waard et al; Dutch Birding 24: 314, plate 266, 2002); 14 August, Hoorn, Terschelling, Friesland, two, adult summer (P Lindenburg, S Bot et al).
Only one other record since 1900 involved more than one individual (in 1908), so two such records in one year is exceptional. Also, with a total of at least six birds, it was the best year since 1900. Previous good years were 1943 (three), 1979 (four), 1984 (three), 1986 (three) and 2001 (four). Two reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 30 June to 1 July, Driesumermeer, Friesland; and 8 August, Gouda, Zuid-Holland.

Cattle Egret / Koereiger
Bubulcus ibis 33,64,-

1989 12-24 September, De Peereboom, Monnickendam, Waterland, Noord-Holland, adult summer (P J Marcus).
This record was previously accepted for 12-13 September only. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Eurasian Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier
Gyps fulvus 9,32,20

17 May, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, photographed (C Beeke, K Verbanck, P L Meininger et al); 18 May, Nieuwe Robbengat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult (P Los); 1 June, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, 15, photographed (A de Bruin, E Koops et al), and 2 June, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Burgum (Bergum), Tytsjerksteradiel, Drachten, Smallingerland, and Beetsterzwaag and Gorredijk, Opsterland, Friesland, 17, photographed (R Offereins, A de Bruin, E B Ebels et al; Ebels 2002a; Dutch Birding 24: 246, plate 209, 2002); 2 June, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, adult, photographed (J Huizenga).
The second year running with a large flock. Probably the same flock seen on 1-2 June was also reported at Kaatsheuvel, Noord-Brabant (15 in the afternoon of 31 May, not (yet) submitted), near Zwillbrock, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (20 in the evening of 31 May) and at Nokere, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium (16 on 4-8 June; Ebels 2002a, cf Dutch Birding 235, plate 192, 253, plate 225, 2002). A report from 1981 has only recently been submitted, while another from 2001 is still under review. No less than eight reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002, Ebels 2002a): 16 May, Heiloo, Noord-Holland; 17 May, Veendam, Groningen (two); 20 May, Doesburg, Gelderland (two); 31 May, Kaatsheuvel, Noord-Brabant (15); 2 June, Wijster, Drenthe (two); 2-3 June, Terschelling, Friesland; 4 August, Hollandsche Rading, Utrecht (two); and 29 August, Raamsdonkveer, Noord-Brabant.

Lammergeier / Lammergier
Gypaetus barbatus 0,0,0

An unmarked and unringed immature seen at Castricum and on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 2-4 June 2002 and also reported in Flevoland on 2 June and over Haarlem, Noord-Holland, on 5 June (Ebels 2002a; Dutch Birding 24: 192, plate 169, 235, plate 191, 246, plate 208 & 210, 2002) is still under consideration to establish the bird's status.

Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend
Circaetus gallicus 3,11,2

7 August to 8 September, Fochteloërveen, Noordenveld/Ooststellingwerf, Drenthe/Friesland, first-summer, photographed (H Feenstra, R Hovinga, O Tol et al).
Fochteloërveen, Drenthe/Friesland, and Hoge Veluwe, Gelderland, prove to be very attractive sites for this species. At Hoge Veluwe, there were records in 1996 (two) and 1997 (one), involving at least two birds, while at Fochteloërveen the species was recorded in 2001 (two) and 2002 (one), involving three different birds. Three other reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 30 March, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland; 20 May, Beusichem, Gelderland; and 27 May, again Schiermonnikoog. A report from 2001 is still in circulation.

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief
Circus macrourus 5,12,2

12 April, Kollumeroord, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, adult male (O Tol, J de Jong); 12 September, De Mulderskop, Heumen, Gelderland, adult male (B Aarts).
2001 19 October, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, juvenile (L B Steijn, G J ter Haar, W E M van der Schot), and 20 October, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland (R van Rossum et al).
The 2001 record concerns a date extension, as well as an additional site for 20 October for this bird on migration. One other report from 2001 is still circulating. Four reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 17 May, Huizen, Noord-Holland; 3 June to 29 July, Terschelling, Friesland; 10 October, Katwijk aan Zee, Zuid-Holland; and 14 October, Dishoek, Zeeland.

Greater Spotted Eagle / Bastaardarend
Aquila clanga 14,9,2

12 September, Kollumerwaard, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, adult (O Tol, L van Welie); 15 September to at least 11 October, Praamweg, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, second or third calendar-year, photographed, videoed (G J ter Haar, M Berlijn, A B van den Berg et al; Dutch Birding 24: 390, plate 361, 2002).
The adult is the third in this plumage in the Netherlands, after those at Rottumerplaat, Groningen, in May 1976 and on Terschelling, Friesland, in May-June 1985. In Flevoland, one was (again) reported in early and late December but not confirmed. There are now 25 records, with no less then 10 since 1997.

Steppe Eagle / Steppearend
Aquila nipalensis 1,2,1

15 June, Ameide, Zederik, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (L-J Nederlof, J Koerts, E van Wijk et al; Dutch Birding 24: 314, plate 265, 2002).
1998 31 May, Verdeek, Waterland, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (A L Pieters, J Koerts).
The third and fourth record. Most remarkably, these were seen and photographed by the same observer. The first was on 8 May 1967 at Biervliet, Zeeland, and the second a long-staying but elusive individual from 10 January to 7 February 1984 at Nederweert and Someren, Limburg/Noord-Brabant.

Golden Eagle / Steenarend
Aquila chrysaetos 10,5,1

16 February and 27 February t o 17 March, Amen, Aa en Hunze, and Norg, Noordenveld, Drenthe, and Fochteloërveen, Noordenveld/Ooststellingwerf, Drenthe/Friesland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (J Santing, A Hidding et al; Mulder 2002; Birding World 15: 55, 102, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 110, plate 94, 123, plate 109, 182, plate 160, 2002).
This juvenile was only the third to be twitchable after the long-staying individuals in 1978-79 and 1980-81.

Bonelli's Eagle / Havikarend
Hieraaetus fasciatus 1,1,1

15-16 August, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (L van Welie, W van der Waal; van Welie 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 323, plate 280-281, 2002).
It was a remarkable coincidence that this third record occurred on the same island and almost the same location as one in September 1995. There are now three records: 24 January 1958, 17-20 September 1995 and 15-16 August 2002, all juveniles. A report of an immature on Terschelling, Friesland, from 12 June to 15 July has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen
Porzana parva 36,9,1

31 August, De Ral, Piaam, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, female or juvenile (R Altenburg, P Jongejans, S Bernardus et al).
The fifth sight record since 1980. A report at Starrevaart near Leiden, Zuid-Holland, on 10 August has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen
Porzana pusilla 82,26,3

25 May to 1 June, Vloeivelden, Ter Apel, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, singing, sound-recorded (N de Vries, B Arends); 19-24 June, Koedijk, Alkmaar, Noord-Holland, two, singing, sound-recorded (T Damm, M S Robb, R E Brouwer et al).
Two reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 11 May, Eempolder, Utrecht; and 23 June, Botshol, Utrecht. The species has been recorded annually since 1994, except for 2001.

* Demoiselle Crane / Jufferkraanvogel
Anthropoides virgo 0,2,0

2000 15-26 August, Moorveenweg, Buurse, Enschede, Overijssel, second calendar-year, photographed (A Moes, P Knolle, J in 't Veld et al).
The second record of this controversial species on the Dutch list (there is a high incidence of individuals escaped from captivity). This individual was not ringed and did not show anomalous behaviour. It missed two primaries on its right wing but this is quite normal for cranes, as is shown on a number of photographs (eg, Birding World 14: 107, 2001).

Stone-curlew / Griel
Burhinus oedicnemus -,36,3

18 April, Hargen, Schoorl, Noord-Holland (N van Duivendijk); 29-30 April, Laarderheide, Laar, Weert, Noord-Brabant, adult, videoed (T Hoeben, J Sieben, M Berlijn et al); 28 May, Drachten, Smallingerland, Friesland, female, found injured, taken into care, photographed (R Cazemier, D Hoekstra, P van der Heide).
1997 23 April, Oud Wulfseweg, Houten, Utrecht (J Steenbergen, M Hidskes, B van der Glas et al).
The May bird recovered fully and was released at the end of June. It was seen to fly off high to the north. The bird at Hargen was erroneously reported for 19 April in van Dongen et al (2002). Since the CDNA started reviewing this species in 1975, other good years of this former breeding bird (not since the 1950s) were 1975 (four), 1980 (three), 1997 (four), 2000 (four), 2001 (four) and 2002 (three). May is the best month.

Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier
Glareola pratincola 5,13,1

15-19 May, Bandpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer, photographed (R Cazemier, A de Bruin et al; Dutch Birding 24: 250, plate 218, 2002).
The species has been recorded annually since 1995, with the exception of 2000 and 2001. May is the best month with six records involving seven birds.

Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier
Glareola nordmanni 12,15,3

15 June, Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland, adult summer (M Scholte, S Rijnbeek); 13 July, Dinteloord, Steenbergen, Noord-Brabant, adult summer, photographed (L A J Nagelkerke, B Feskens, E Corssmit et al); 18-19 August, Oostvaardersplassen, Almere, Flevoland, adult (M Argeloo, L B Steijn et al).
The best month for this species is August with 14 records. A report at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland, on 24 September has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

pratincole / vorkstaartplevier
Glareola 3,7,1

4 August, Philipsdam, Bruinisse, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult (J van Vianen, S Beerkens).

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier
Pluvialis dominica 1,12,1

4-5 July, Wissenkerke, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, adult summer, photographed (P A Wolf, M Hoekstein, H de Waard et al; Sponselee & Wolf 2002).
This bird stayed in the same field as a Franklin's Gull found on the second day of the plover's stay. American Golden Plovers have been recorded annually since 1994, except for 2000.

Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier
Pluvialis fulva 9,14,5

14-16 April, Vereenigde Harger- en Pettemerpolder, Bergen, Noord-Holland, first-summer, photographed (N van Duivendijk, R E Brouwer, K J Eigenhuis et al; Dutch Birding 24: 177, plate 150, 2002); 15 July to 6 August, Dwars in de Weg, Brouwershaven, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult summer, photographed (S Lilipaly, M van Dijl et al; Dutch Birding 24: 314, plate 267, 2002); 28 July, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer, photographed (W Leurs, J J F J Jansen, N Haass et al); 27 August to 1 September, Mariapolder, Kamperland, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, winter plumage, photographed, videoed (M Hoekstein, A van Gilst, E B Ebels et al); 11 September, Bruinisse, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult summer, moulting to winter plumage, photographed (M Hoekstein).
The best year ever. July is the best month with nine records, all since 1994. A report on 6 July at Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation and a report on 16 July at Wieringen, Noord-Holland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002). The bird at Mariapolder in August-September showed a plumage not recorded before in the Netherlands, with almost unstreaked warm buff-coloured underparts, reminiscent of juvenile Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus.

White-tailed Lapwing / Witstaartkievit
Vanellus leucurus 1,6,1

4 July, Westerse Laagjes, Nieuwendijk, Korendijk, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (B J M de Bruin, R van Loo et al; van Dijl & Boele 2002; Birding World 15: 276, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 240, plate 200, 250, plate 217, 2002), and 5 July, Krabbenkreek, Tholen, Zeeland, photographed (J Teunen, J Dillen, I Ledegen et al; van Dijl & Boele 2002).
The sites are c 25 km separated as the lapwing flies, so both sightings were regarded as concerning the same bird. This is the fifth consecutive year in which this species has been recorded. A bird observed near Gouderak, Zuid-Holland, on 19 June has recently been submitted and is still under consideration; probably, it concerned the same individual.

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper
Calidris fuscicollis 1,17,1

10-11 August, Zwarte Haan, het Bildt, Friesland, adult, photographed (S Bernardus, J Bisschop, B van den Boogaard et al; Dutch Birding 24: 308, plate 257, 2002).
After six records in 2001, only one bird was seen in 2002. This former extreme rarity, with one record in 1977 and the second in 1994, has been annual since 1999. When it became clear where and when to look for this wader, 18 records followed since 1994.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper / Siberische Strandloper
Calidris acuminata 0,4,2

24-27 July, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer, photographed, videoed (T Bakker, E Klunder, M P Olthoff et al; Ebels 2002b; Birding World 15: 275, 2002), and 31 July, Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photographed (J van den Heuvel, T Koppejan, H Allards et al; Dutch Birding 24: 315, plate 269, 2002); 3 August, Makkumer Zuidwaard, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, adult (S Bernardus, P van der Heide).
The July records are considered to refer to the same bird, based on study of the photographs; the distance between both sites is c 230 km, constituting a remarkable rediscovery. Previous records, all of adults, were in September 1989, August 1998 (two) and August 2000.

Broad-billed Sandpiper / Breedbekstrandloper
Limicola falcinellus 23,79,10

26-27 May, Polder Breebaart, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult summer (B-J Prak, A Boven); 31 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer, photographed (J Huizenga, M Jonker et al); 27 July, Polder Breebaart, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult summer, videoed (B-J Prak, J J F J Jansen et al); 7 August, Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, juvenile (B-J Prak, W M Wiegant, R Cazemier et al); 10-11 August, Achter de Zwarten, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (R Cazemier, O Tol); 10 August, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, juvenile (M Scholte, S Rijnbeek); 10-17 August, Zwarte Haan, het Bildt, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (R Cazemier, J J F J Jansen et al; Dutch Birding 24: 315, plate 268, 2002); 14-17 August, Zwarte Haan, het Bildt, Friesland, adult (E Schoppens, J J F J Jansen et al); 17 August, Zwarte Haan, het Bildt, Friesland, juvenile (J J F J Jansen et al); 24-26 August, Polder Breebaart, Delfzijl, Groningen, juvenile (A Boven, B-J Prak).
With 10 records, this is the best year ever. A new monthly pattern appears to emerge, since seven records in 2002 were in August (as were five out of seven in 2000). May is still the best month, however, with no less than 48 records (74 individuals). Five reports (involving at least six birds) have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 21 April, Nummer Eén, Oostburg, Zeeland; 20 May, Lettelerpetten, Overijssel; 8 August, Polder Breebaart, Groningen; 9 August, Hippolytushoef, Noord-Holland; and 16-21 August, Scherpenissepolder, Zeeland (at least two). Increased observer awareness, especially at previously underwatched high-tide roosts, has led to a recent upsurge in records. This, together with the fact that this species is not too difficult to identify, made the CDNA decide to no longer consider this species from 1 January 2003.

Great Snipe / Poelsnip
Gallinago media -,20,2

16 May, Maassluis, Maasland, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed, videoed (L Batenburg, M Berlijn, M Renders et al; Dutch Birding 24: 177, plate 151, 248, plate 212, 250, plate 219-220, 2002); 23 September, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland (H Dufourny, V Dielen, P Détourbe).
1999 16-17 September, Kerk en Zanen, Alphen aan den Rijn, Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland (W J M Scheres).
Since 1980, the best months for this species are August and September, with four and six records, respectively; between 1865 and 1940, these were also the best months with seven and 23 records. Three reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 8 August, Amerongen, Utrecht; 25 August, Mariënberg, Overijssel (two); and 15-17 September, Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Zeeland. A report at Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland, on 10 August has recently been submitted.

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip
Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,16,0

13 April to 12 May and 17 August to 18 September, Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult (P A Wolf, S Lilipaly et al).
2001 4 September to 9 March 2002, Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, photographed, videoed.
The 2002 record at Prunjepolder is considered to refer to a returning individual; note the date extension for 2001-02. May and August are the best months with five and four records, respectively. Reports from May 2000 and April 2002 are still in circulation.

Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter
Tringa flavipes 1,6,3

20-23 September, De Putten, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (W A van Splunder, H Niesen, M Berlijn et al); 13 October to 3 November, Amstelmeer, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, juvenile moulting to first-winter, photographed, videoed (W Tijsen, R E Brouwer, M Berlijn et al; Birding World 15: 460, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 385, plate 353, 2002, 25: 68, plate 54, 2003); 27 October, Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, juvenile, videoed (T MFKompier, A Wassink, E Menkveld et al).
The best year ever. These records were considered to relate to three different individuals, and include the first records of birds in full juvenile plumage. Previous records were of first-winters (1979, 1999) or adults (1991, 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2000).

yellowlegs / geelpootruiter
Tringa flavipes/melanoleuca 0,1,0

2001 24 August, Zwartemeer, Emmen, Drenthe, photographed (R Yosef, J T Kuper, H Esselink).
The CDNA agrees that the record concerns a yellowlegs but it is, even after careful study of the slides, uncertain which species is involved.

Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter
Xenus cinereus 1,19,3

31 May, Heerenven Zuid, De Hamert, Arcen en Velden, Limburg, adult summer (J J F J Jansen, E van der Burg, H Custers et al); 9-10 June, Wanteskuup, Colijnsplaat, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, adult summer, photographed (M Hoekstein, P L Meininger, P A Wolf et al); 15 July, Ossenwaarden, Deventer, Overijssel, adult summer, photographed (M N van de Zandschulp, M Zekhuis, A ten Hoeve et al).
The best year ever. Late spring is the best time to see this species. There are 15 records in May and three in early June. A report on 2 June at Oudega, Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

Wilson's Phalarope / Grote Franjepoot
Phalaropus tricolor 6,11,2

20 July to 24 August, Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, adult female, moulting from summer to winter, photographed, videoed (M Hoekstein, O Boeren, T J C Luijendijk et al; Dutch Birding 24: 315, plate 270-271, 2002); 14 September, De Putten, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (J Buisman et al), and 15 September, 't Zand, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (H Niesen et al; Dutch Birding 24: 390, plate 364, 2002).

Laughing Gull / Lachmeeuw
Larus atricilla 0,3,0

7 April, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant, adult (J-E Kikkert, H Hendriks).
This record is considered to refer to the bird that was first seen at Arnhem, Gelderland, in August 2000 and again at Lobith, Gelderland in October 2001; furthermore, this is assumed to be the bird which stayed at Zwillbrocker Venn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, just across the Dutch border, in spring and summer 2001 and 2002. This bird was colour-ringed on 1 June 2001. The bird in October 2001 was positively identified as the 'German' bird, on basis of the observed colour ring (van der Vliet et al 2002).

Franklin's Gull / Franklins Meeuw
Larus pipixcan 0,3,1

5-6 July, Wissenkerke, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, second summer, photographed, videoed (R Sponselee, P L Meininger, P A Wolf et al; Sponselee & Wolf 2002; Birding World 15: 277, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 260, plates 231-232, 2002).
Previous records were in June-July 1987, June 1988 and February-March 2000. Summer months now seem to be the best.

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw
Larus delawarensis 0,6,0

17 July to 2 January 2003, Wilhelminadorp and Goes, Goes, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (P L Meininger, M van Dijl et al; Dutch Birding 24: 314, plate 264, 2002).
2001 7 September to February 2002, Wilhelminadorp and Goes, Goes, Zeeland, adult male, photographed.
This returning individual was first recorded in January 1998 and now accepted for its sixth 'winter'. This year, it was found almost two months earlier than in previous years. Apart from this record, the species is still very rare, with only five previous records, in July 1986, April 1992, December 1992, April 1996 and February 1997.

Iceland Gull / Kleine Burgemeester
Larus glaucoides 22,69,-

1984 6 January, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, juvenile, found dead, skin retained by Mark Hoekstein, photographed (M Hoekstein, P A Wolf).
The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Elegant Tern / Sierlijke Stern
Sterna elegans 0,0,0

An 'orange-billed tern' observed and photographed at Wassenaarse Slag and Katwijk aan Zee, Zuid-Holland, on 9 June and at Noordwijk, Zuid-Holand, and Camperduin, Noord-Holland, on 10 June was probably this species or a hybrid and has only recently been submitted; apart from hybrids, Lesser Crested Tern S bengalensis and Cayenne Tern S (sandvicensis) eurygnatha must also be considered. Most probably the same bird was seen in Norfolk, England, on 20 June (den Outer et al 2002, Millington 2002, Gantlett 2003).

Black Guillemot / Zwarte Zeekoet
Cepphus grylle 31,45,0

1991 25-26 October, 't Horntje, Texel, Noord-Holland (M Hoekstein, P A Wolf, M Leopold).
Records have been almost annual since 1975, with blank years in 1983 and 1999. A report from 2000 is still in circulation. Three reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 25 August, west of Egmond aan Zee, Continentaal Plat; 20 October, Camperduin, Noord-Holland; and 26 October, Bloemendaal aan Zee, Noord-Holland.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo / Geelsnavelkoekoek
Coccyzus americanus 0,0,0

A bird reported on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 7 October (Janssen 2002) is still under consideration.

Eurasian Eagle Owl / Oehoe
Bubo bubo 1,26,11

11 February into 2003, locality withheld, Limburg, pair (present since 2001) with two young, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (T Bakker, M Berlijn, A B van den Berg et al); 26 May into 2003, Winterswijk, Gelderland, pair with three young, photographed (G Wassink et al; Wassink 2003; Limosa 76: 3, 6 & 8, 2003).
The resident pair at St Pietersberg, Maastricht, Limburg, first seen in March 1997, was present all year and raised four young (J J F J Jansen et al). Three successful breeding pairs in one year is a record.

Snowy Owl / Sneeuwuil
Nyctea scandiaca 7,7,1

19 April, Hippolytushoef, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed, videoed (H Niesen, L J R Boon et al; Birding World 15: 150, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 183, plate 162, 2002), and 22 April, Badweg, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed, videoed (B Henstra, T Talsma et al).
Study of the respective photographs led to the conclusion that the same bird was involved in both cases. Close and prolonged study of (photographs of) the Hippolytushoef bird also indicated that it was the same individual staying in West-Vlaanderen, Belgium, from November 2001 to March 2002 (Verbelen et al 2001; Dutch Birding 23: 398, plate 462, 2001, 24: 69, plate 55, 2002). Close scrutiny did not reveal any oil stains on its plumage and the CDNA therefore concluded that there was no direct evidence that the bird was ship-assisted, although it may likely have been part of the ship-assisted influx of Snowy Owls in western Europe in late 2001 (Verbelen et al 2001). However, the principle 'innocent until proven guilty' implies that this bird had to be admitted to the Dutch list. With only 15 individuals since 1800 (1806, 1869, 1884 (two), 1888, 1904, 1965, 1980-81, 1990, 1992 (four) and 2000), this owl remains a major rarity.

Tengmalm's Owl / Ruigpootuil
Aegolius funereus -,6,1

9 December, Aalsum, Dongeradeel, Friesland, taken into care, photographed (J Kamstra et al).
The bird escaped from care on 9 February 2003. Since 1980, there have been only seven records: 1980, 1985-1987, 1993, 1994, 1999, 2000 and 2002.

Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw
Apus melba 7,31,2

1 April, Marnewaard, De Marne, Groningen, photographed (E Koops, M M Wijma, R Mulder et al; Koops 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 182, plate 159, 2002); 8 November to 4 December, Wageningen, Gelderland, first-winter, photographed, videoed, and 10 November, Elst, Rhenen, Utrecht, taken into care on 4 December (M Maas, R Keizer et al; Keizer & Ebels 2002; Birding World 15: 460, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 400, plate 377, 2002, 25: 66, plate 48, 2003).
The autumn bird was released near Zürich in Switzerland in June 2003. It was only the second ever staying longer than a few hours. The first 'long-staying' bird was on 28-29 October 1987. A report on 7 September at Ooltgensplaat, Zeeland, is still in circulation, while a report on 20 September on Terschelling, Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

European Bee-eater / Bijeneter
Merops apiaster 104,140,-

1987 23 May, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult (S C V Geelhoed, J Stuart, A Gouw et al).
The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht
Picus canus 1,3,0

The male at Oosterbeek, Renkum, Gelderland, present since 8 May 2000 was seen again from 23 May to 3 June (Dutch Birding 24: 248, plate 213, 2002).

Middle Spotted Woodpecker / Middelste Bonte Specht
Dendrocopos medius -,44,-

1973 21 June to 7 July, Abraham Ledeboerpark, Enschede, Enschede, Overijssel, adult and two juveniles (A Guiljam, B M van Kuik).
A breeding record already published in Teixeira (1979) but one that had never been reviewed by the CDNA. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik
Calandrella brachydactyla 3,23,1

21-23 May, Delfgauw, Pijnacker-Nootdorp, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (B Teunissen, E Sandberg, E Opperman et al; Dutch Birding 24: 251, plate 222, 2002).
Seven reports, most of them fly-bys, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 22 April, Bergen, Noord-Holland; 13 May, Breskens, Zeeland; 26 May, Terschelling, Friesland; 19 June, Eemshaven, Groningen; 9 September, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland; 19 September, Eemshaven; and 1 October, Eemshaven.

Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw
Hirundo daurica 2,48,4

11-12 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (A Wassink, P Duin, E Menkveld et al); 29 September, Hege Gerzen, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Friesland (R Cazemier, B-J Prak, D Hoekstra); 1 October, Fochteloërveen, Norg, Noordenveld, Drenthe (A-W Faber); 22 November, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Zeeland (J Luiten, P A Wolf).
There were no records from Breskens, Zeeland, which is normally the best site to see this Mediterranean swallow, with 15 records between 1990 and 2001. Six reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 13 May, Eemshaven, Groningen; 17 May, Eemshaven; 1 September, Dishoek, Zeeland; 2 September, Muiderzand, Flevoland; 2 September, Eemshaven; and 24 November, Scheveningen, Zuid-Holland.

Blyth's Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper
Anthus godlewskii 0,2,1

24 November, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (E Maassen, J Maassen, P Bergkamp et al; Maassen & van den Berg 2003; Birding World 15: 495, 2002, Dutch Birding 25: 45, plate 21, 46, plate 22-25, 2003).
The third record of this hard-to-identify pipit. Previous records were on 13 November 1983 at Westenschouwen, Zeeland (collected), and on 25-28 October 1996 at Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland (field record).

Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper
Anthus hodgsoni 0,10,1

20-21 October, Lange Baan, Vlieland, Friesland, videoed (E van der Burg, K de Vries et al; Dutch Birding 24: 392, plate 368, 2002).
The first record for Friesland. There are now 10 records (11 individuals); after several blank years, the species has been recorded in both 2001 and 2002.

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart
Motacilla citreola 0,14,1

3-9 September, Dijkmanshuizen, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (A Wassink, E Menkveld, R E Brouwer et al).
April (with three records), May (four) and September (four) are the best months to see this wagtail.

Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal
Luscinia luscinia 7,42,1

19 May to 9 June, Marnewaard, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, singing, sound-recorded (G Bakker, W Hartholt, R Cazemier et al).
The 50th individual and the only one in 2002.

Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst
Luscinia svecica svecica 24,36,1

9 May, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male, singing, photographed (S Bernardus, J Bisschop et al).

Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart
Tarsiger cyanurus 1,2,1

5 November, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter female, ringed, photographed (H Vonk, H Bouwmeester; Dutch Birding 24: 63, plate 47, 2002).
Of the four records, three were trapped. This much-wanted species seems to appear exclusively on the Frisian Isles. Previous records were in 1967, 1985 and 2000. The first for Belgium was at Blankenberge, West-Vlaanderen, on 25-27 September 2001 (Thoen 2001, Plomp et al 2002, Thoen & De Smet 2002).

Black-throated Thrush / Zwartkeellijster
Turdus ruficollis atrogularis 0,5,1

15-25 December, Harlingen, Harlingen, Friesland, first-winter male, photographed, videoed (P de Bruin, R Cazemier, E Winkel et al; van Dijl 2003; Birding World 15: 499, 2002, Dutch Birding 25: 69, plate 56, 73, plate 59, 2003).
On some photographs, this bird seemed to show some rufous in the outer tail-feathers. However, this was not considered convincing enough to label the bird as a probable hybrid with Red-throated Thrush T r ruficollis. After the first in March-April 1981, subsequent records were in October 1982, January-March 1996, April 1998, November 2000 and December 2002.

Cetti's Warbler / Cetti's Zanger
Cettia cetti -,51,7

25 January to 26 February, Schotsman, Kamperland, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, singing, sound-recorded (M Hoekstein, P A Wolf, S Lilipaly et al); 1 April, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (A Wijker, R Reijnders, A J van Loon et al); 13 October, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (P van Eijk et al; Dutch Birding 24: 392, plate 370, 2002); 30 October, Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, two, ringed, photographed (W Bleumink, M Verrips); 31 October, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (A Wijker, R Reijnders, J Visser et al); 23 November, Molenplaat, Bergen op Zoom, Noord-Brabant, singing (R Keizer).
2001 1 September to 4 October, Ringselven, Budel-Dorplein, Cranendonck, Noord-Brabant, sound-recorded (F Neijts, R G Bouwman, J-E Kikkert et al).
2000 5 October, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland (S C V Geelhoed).
After the last cold winter of 1996-97, this species is slowly making its come-back. Since 1997, there have been 13 records, with one in 1998, three in 2000, three in 2001 and six in 2002. Two reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): until 8 September (breeding) at Budel-Dorplein, Noord-Brabant; and 29 September, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Noord-Holland. In addition, several birds trapped and ringed have not (yet) been submitted.

Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler / Siberische Sprinkhaanzanger
Locustella certhiola 0,1,2

21 September, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (L Knijnsberg, R Reijnders, J Vroege et al; van Spanje et al 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 388, plate 358, 397, plate 375, 2002); 27 September, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (L Knijnsberg, R Reijnders, H Levering et al; van Spanje et al 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 397, plate 376, 2002).
The submitted documentation did not allow identification to subspecies. The ringing station at Castricum is the only site in the Netherlands where this rare Siberian Locustella has ever been found. The first record (also trapped) was on 5 October 1991. Unfortunately for other interested birders, these skulking birds invariably disappear without a trace after release.

Lanceolated Warbler / Kleine Sprinkhaanzanger
Locustella lanceolata 2,0,1

20 September, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (F J Koning, H Vader, T M van Spanje et al; van Spanje et al 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 388, plate 357, 397, plate 374, 2002).
Only the third record of this very elusive Locustella. One can only speculate how many go undetected. In contrast with Belgium, with five records in 1988-2000 (Verbelen en De Smet 2003), the Netherlands have three records in 90 years: 11 December 1912, Haamstede, Zeeland (found dead); 20 September 1958, off Vlissingen, Continentaal Plat (found dead); and 20 September 2002. A bird trapped on Texel, Noord-Holland, in September 2001 is still in circulation.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger
Locustella fluviatilis 6,28,0

2001 16-23 June, Brettenpad, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, singing, sound-recorded, videoed (N Zijlmans, P J Marcus, G J ter Haar et al).
May and June are the best months, with 15 and 13 records respectively. A report on 21 May at Wageningen, Gelderland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002). A previously accepted sighting from 20-26 August 1955 on Terschelling, Friesland (Mörzer Bruijns & Rooth 1955, van den Berg 1984, cf van den Berg & Bosman 2001), has been rejected after review (see Rejected records).

Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel
Hippolais polyglotta 2,32,1

5-26 June, Tongerlo, Sevenum, Limburg, singing, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (M Berlijn, T Bakker, M van Dijl et al; Dutch Birding 24: 251, plate 221, 2002).
2000 29 June to 2 July, Heibloem, Heythuysen, Limburg, singing, sound-recorded (F Engelen, R M van Dongen et al).
1997 15-16 May, Holypark, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, singing, videoed (B van As, P van Rij, B van den Broek et al); 5-7 June, Waalbroek, Simpelveld, Limburg, singing, sound-recorded (the late J-P Ongenae, R M van Dongen, J J F J Jansen et al).

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel
Acrocephalus caligatus 0,10,0

2001 22 September, Veldiger Buitenland, Hasselt, Overijssel, ringed, photographed (A J Dijkstra, J Bredenbeek; Dutch Birding 23: 378, plate 440, 2001).
There are 10 records, all since 1982. Sight records will be reviewed to exclude possible confusion with Sykes's Warbler A rama.

Subalpine Warbler / Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans 5,34,2

3-4 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (W van Rijswijk, H Zevenhuizen et al); 13 May, Hargen, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (W E M van der Schot, H Niesen et al; Dutch Birding 24: 178, plate 154, 2002).
The totals include birds identified to subspecies. The announced review (van der Vliet et al 2002) has been postponed due to the loss of documentation in the mail. The results will be published in next year's report.

Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis
Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,24,2

28-29 August, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland (J Luiten, P Beeke, P A Wolf et al); 31 August, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland (D Groenendijk, A Vink, W B Janssen et al).
September is apparently the best month, with 15 out of 32 individuals, followed by August with nine. A report from June 2002 is still in circulation. Other reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 16 June, Oostvoorne, Zuid-Holland; and 28 August, Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland.

Pallas's Leaf Warbler / Pallas' Boszanger
Phylloscopus proregulus 9,82,-

1989 15 October, Kobbeduinen, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, two, ringed, photographed (G J Gerritsen, W Gerritse).
The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA welcomes all reports before this date.

Hume's Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning
Phylloscopus humei 2,20,0

2000 10 November, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland (T Koppejan, P A Wolf, P P de Vries et al).
None was reported in 2002.

Dusky Warbler / Bruine Boszanger
Phylloscopus fuscatus 1,25,1

10 November, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, photographed (T Mank).
The only record for 2002. After the first in 1978, records became almost annual between 1986 and 2002, with 26 records involving 27 individuals, but blank years were 1991, 1993, 1996, 1998 and 2001.

Western Bonelli's Warbler / Bergfluiter
Phylloscopus bonelli 5,23,0

1989 19 August, Westplaat, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, photographed (A Meijer, T J C Luijendijk, M van Weeghel).
Previously accepted as bonelli's warbler P bonelli/ orientalis only. However, its call was well described, enabling acceptance as Western Bonelli's Warbler.

Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus collybita tristis -,14,1

30 December to 26 January 2003, Hoogkerk, Groningen, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (M P Olthoff, M Jonker, D Brinkhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 25: 146, plate 150, 2003).
This is still a difficult taxon to identify. Good quality photographs and/or sound-recordings of the song are prerequisites for acceptance. A report on 28 October at Koarnwertersân (Kornwerderzand), Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus brehmii 2,9,2

8-29 April, Harkema, Achtkarspelen, Friesland, singing, sound-recorded (E Oosterveld, F Hoekema, T Bakker et al); 15-20 May, De Stulp, Lage Vuursche, Baarn, Utrecht, singing, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (H R Russer, P Koken, R F J van Beusekom et al).
The first year with more than one record.

Turkestan Shrike / Turkestaanse Klauwier
Lanius phoenicuroides 0,1,1

13-27 August, Bleekersvallei, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (L Batenburg, D Sparreboom, A Wassink et al; Birding World 15: 319, 2002, 16: 38, 2003, Dutch Birding 24: 316, plate 272-273, 2002).
The fifth isabelline shrike L isabellinus/phoenicuroides on Texel and the second Turkestan Shrike for the island. This bird resembled the bird of October 2000 on the same island closely - both were adult males showing characters of the 'karelini'-type - and there is even a possibility that it concerned the same individual.

Woodchat Shrike / Roodkopklauwier
Lanius senator -,64,3

16 May, Zuidduinen, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, adult male, videoed (M Berlijn, L J R Boon et al); 25 May, Earnewâld (Eernewoude), Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland (J Dijkstra, R Kleefstra et al); 25 June to 12 July, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (J den Hertog et al; Dutch Birding 24: 249, plate 215, 2002).
An average year. The best years since 1957 were 1997 with six records and 2000 with seven. A report on 2 May on Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, has not yet been submitted (van Dongen et al 2002). From 1 January 2004, the nominate subspecies L s senator will no longer be considered by the CDNA. Observers are kindly requested to submit all records for 2003 and earlier years.

House Crow / Huiskraai
Corvus splendens 0,15,4

At Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, numbers had increased to at least 12 in September 2002 (A Vink et al; Ottens & Ryall 2003; Birding World 15: 196, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 120, plate 108, 2002, 25: 314, plate 340, 2003).
2000 28 March, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult, photographed (C A van der Wal, T Talsma; Ottens & Ryall 2003; Dutch Birding 25: 317, plate 343, 2003).
1999 13-14 June, Renesse, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland (T Koppejan).
The 12 birds at Hoek van Holland add four more individuals to the totals. Ottens & Ryall (2003) and Ryall (2003) contributed to the knowledge of this tiny population, including several photographs (Dutch Birding 25: 169, plate 173-174, 170, plate 175-176, 314, plate 340, 2003). The 1999 individual relates to a second individual for this site, where another individual stayed from November 1994 until its death in May 2001 (Ottens & Ryall 2003).

Rose-coloured Starling / Roze Spreeuw
Sturnus roseus 21,52,41

3 June, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, two, adult, photographed (H Schooneveld); 3 June, Lies, Terschelling, Friesland, adult (A Ouwerkerk); 3 June, Noordpunt, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, adult summer, photographed, videoed (W van Rijswijk, L J R Boon, A Wassink et al; Dutch Birding 24: 243, plate 207, 249, plate 214, 2002); 5 June, Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, adult summer, photographed, videoed (M Wielstra, R van Rossum, R Olivier et al; Dutch Birding 24: 249, plate 216, 2002); 6 June, Praamweg, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult (J-H Denee); 8 June, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult (H Blijleven); 8 June, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult (M van der Aa); 8 June, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, two, adult summer, photographed (D Groenendijk, E B Ebels, J den Hertog et al); 9 June, Nummer Eén, Oostburg, Zeeland, adult (P Dhaluin); 10 June, De Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult summer (A Wassink); 14 June, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen, adult, photographed (J Bosma, E Koops et al); 14 June, Zurich, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, female or first-summer (S Bernardus); 14 June, Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, adult summer (M Wielstra, A W J Meijer, F van Duijvenvoorde); 14 June to 10 August, Vlieland, Friesland, adult male (J Poelstra, M van Dijk, C Zuhorn); 15 June, Foxwolde, Noordenveld, Drenthe, adult summer (P Oosterhof, M P Olthoff, E de Weerd et al); 17-18 June, Boschplaat, Terschelling, Friesland, adult, photographed (A Ouwerkerk); 18 June, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Zeeland, adult (J Luiten, C Beeke, T Luiten et al); 19 June, NIOZ-strand, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult (P Duiven); 22 June, Heerenveen, Friesland, adult (R Beunen); 4 July, Prins Hendrikpolder, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult (P Duiven); 13-16 July, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult (H Blom); 16 July, IJsselmuiden, Overijssel, adult (J Cardouw); 18 July, 't Horntje, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult (P Duiven); 27 July, Hongerige Wolf, Reiderland, Groningen, adult summer (J J F J Jansen, W Nap, A Boven et al); 7 August, Oerderduinen, Ameland, Friesland, adult (W M Wiegant); 14-16 August, Oudeschild, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, videoed (M Boom, M Plomp, A Wassink et al); 16-18 August, Jan Thijssensduin, Terschelling, Friesland, adult (A Ouwerkerk); 24 August to 2 September, Koarnwertersân (Kornwerderzand), Wûnseradiel, Friesland, adult summer, photographed (L van Welie, H Lanters, P Zuidhof et al); 25 August to 9 September, Posthuis (J Poelstra), and 15-19 September, Ankerplaats and Stortemelk, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile (A Schaftenaar, R de Beer, N L M Gilissen et al); 2 September, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult summer (G O Keijl); 5 September, Kobbeduinen, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, juvenile (L P Heemskerk); 6-29 September, Starrevaart, Leidschendam, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (H Keijzer, T J C Luijendijk, M Berlijn et al); 9-11 September, Lauwersoog, De Marne, Groningen, two, adult (H Gartner); 13 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult winter (W van Rijswijk); 14 September, Dintelhaven, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult summer (D Groenendijk, A Vink, W B Janssen); 2 October, Muy and Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, juvenile, photographed (W Hartholt et al).
By far the best year ever. All adult-types during this invasion have been accepted, even if they had not been formally submitted. Juveniles, however, were still reviewed; so far, only four were submitted of the 10 reported during the autumn. The 2002 invasion is fully documented in Ottens (2003). Due to its recent increase, especially large numbers in 2001 and a real invasion in 2002, as well as the limited difficulties in identifying this species, the CDNA decided to no longer consider this species from 1 January 2003.

Arctic Redpoll / Witstuitbarmsijs
Carduelis hornemanni exilipes 43,53,1

31 March, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, first-winter or female, photographed (D Brinkhuizen, M P Olthoff, E Klunder).
2001 17 December to 12 January 2002, Zuid-Eierland, Texel, Noord-Holland, maximum of four (one on 17-20 December, three from 20 December to 12 January, four on 29 December), photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (Dutch Birding 24: 117, plate 100, 2002).
A bird reported at Westduinen, Texel, Noord-Holland, on the same day as the Eemshaven bird (31 March) has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002).

Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek
Loxia leucoptera 37,205,8

20 August, Selwerderhof, Groningen, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (D Brinkhuizen, L Brinkhuizen, E Koops et al; Dutch Birding 24: 318, plate 276, 2002); 28 August, Westenschouwen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, first calendar-year male, ringed, photographed (M Schildwacht, W Vuyk); 15 September to 22 February 2003, IJzeren Veld, Huizen, Noord-Holland, male, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (R F J van Beusekom, M Berlijn, E B Ebels et al; Dutch Birding 25: 146, plate 147, 2003); 12 November, Dwingeloo, Westerveld, Drenthe, female, ringed, photographed (K van Eerde); 16 November, Loenermark, Loenen, Gelderland, female (D Groenendijk, A Vink, W B Janssen); 20 November, IJzeren Veld, Huizen, Noord-Holland, female (W Sch ep, F Derriks, B H Logtmeijer et al); 23 November, Sellingen, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, adult male (N de Vries); 23-24 November, De Zeven Linden, Baarn, Utrecht, female, photographed, videoed (K de Vries, T J C Luijendijk, P Koken et al; Dutch Birding 25: 69, plate 55, 2003).
Another good year. Between 1900 and 1990, this species was an extreme rarity with only six records. After 1990, however, several invasions took place, with 15 birds in 1990-91 and 20 records involving 181 birds in 1997-98. Reports from Terschelling, Friesland, on 24-25 September and Lage Mierde, Noord-Brabant, on 27-29 December are still in circulation. Several reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 3 February, Castricum, Noord-Holland; 17 February, Castricum; 3 November, Kuinderbos, Flevoland; 20 November, Steenwijk, Overijssel; and 21 November, Heide van Duurswoude, Friesland.

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek
Loxia pytyopsittacus 15,581,-

1991 9-16 March, Meinweg, Herkenbosch, Limburg, two, male and female (J Boeren et al).
1990 9 November, Meinweg, Herkenbosch, Limburg, two males (W Renema); 25 December, Geulpark, Valkenburg, Valkenburg aan de Geul, Limburg, male (K Lemmens); 29-30 December, Vijlenerbos, Vaals, Limburg, three (at least one male and one female) (F Schepers, K Lemmens, L Linnartz).
Although reports of this species were no longer considered since 1 January 1993, the CDNA decided to consider reports of this species again since 1 January 2002.

Rustic Bunting / Bosgors
Emberiza rustica 13,50,1

5-8 April, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, male, singing, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (H Groot, A B van den Berg, R Slaterus et al; Birding World 15: 151, 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 185, plate 166, 186, plate 167, 2002).
1994 21 October, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (L B Steijn).
A poor year. This was the second record for April. Two reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002): 27 September, Terschelling, Friesland; and 8 October, Eemshaven, Groningen.

Little Bunting / Dwerggors
Emberiza pusilla 27,66,1

25-26 September, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (A J van Loon, J W M van de Staaij; Dutch Birding 24: 392, plate 369, 2002).
2001 27 April, Breezanddijk, Wûnseradiel, Friesland (S Bernardus, M Brandsma, T van der Horn); 12 October, Westenschouwen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (T van Ree, L van Ree).
A poor year. One report from 1997 is still in circulation. A report from Hulsel, Noord-Brabant, on 14 September 2002 has recently been submitted. Three other reports in 2002 have not yet been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 2002, 2003): 30 September, Maasvlakte, Zuid-Holland; 20 October, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland; and 5 December, Petten, Noord-Holland.

Systematic list of rejected records

This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rings, excessive wear or aberrant behaviour. Species for which the CDNA unanimously decided that all records up to now refer to birds of captive origin are indicated with *. This includes records of birds of which all ancestors are assumed to be of captive origin (introduced species of British category C).

* Cackling Canada Goose / Kleinste Canadese Gans Branta hutchinsii minima 27 December, Simonshaven, Bernisse, photographed (@ identification accepted, considered escape). * Cinnamon Teal / KaneeltalingAnas cyanoptera 23 April to 8 June, Nederweert, Limburg, adult male, photographed (@ identification accepted, considered escape). * Marabou Stork / Maraboe Leptoptilos crumeniferus 30 September into November, Deventer, Overijssel, photographed (@ identification accepted, considered escape). Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus 13 September, Westerschouwen, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland (@ description incomplete). Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 21 April, Beijum, Groningen, Groningen, adult female (@ description incomplete). Golden Eagle / Steenarend Aquila chrysaetos 12 August, Oirschot, Noord-Brabant, juvenile (@ poor description). Booted Eagle / DwergarendHieraaetus pennatus 2 and 16 June, Bakkeveen, Opsterland, Friesland, dark phase (@ description incomplete). Saker Falcon / Sakervalk Falco cherrug 13 January, Heegermeer, Wymbritseradiel, Friesland (@ description incomplete); 7 May, Seeryp, Terschelling, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Broad-billed Sandpiper / BreedbekstrandloperLimicola falcinellus 20-29 August, Veerdam, Ameland, Friesland (@ poor description). Great Snipe / Poelsnip Gallinago media 13 May, Kralingerpolder, De Lier, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Greater Yellowlegs / Grote Geelpootruiter Tringa melanoleuca 8 August, Philipsdam, Bruinisse, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland (@ description incomplete). Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern Sterna dougallii 10 May, De Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (@ hybrid not safely excluded). Snowy Owl / Sneeuwuil Nyctea scandiaca 7-10 January, Meerssen, Limburg, adult, trapped on 10 January, dead on 11 January, skin retained at ZMA, photographed, videoed (Ebels & Berlijn 2002; Dutch Birding 24: 74, plate 61, 2002) (@ identification accepted, moult pattern pointed towards an escaped individual). Pallid Swift / Vale GierzwaluwApus pallidus 21 May, Wageningen, Gelderland, found dead, photographed (@ considered Common Swift A apus). White-backed Woodpecker / WitrugspechtDendrocopos leucotos 13 February, Ter Borg, Vlagtwedde, Groningen, female (@ description incomplete). Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo daurica 8 May, Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland (@ description does not rule out hybrid Barn Swallow x Common House Martin H rustica x Delichon urbica); 31 October, Wieringerwerf, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, juvenile (@ description does not rule out hybrid Barn Swallow x Common House Martin). Cetti's Warbler / Cetti's Zanger Cettia cetti 28-29 July, Odijk, Bunnik, Utrecht (@ poor description). Sardinian Warbler / Kleine Zwartkop Sylvia melanocephala 11 May, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, male summer (@ poor description). Eastern Bonelli's Warbler / BalkanbergfluiterPhylloscopus orientalis 13 May, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, singing (@ description incomplete). Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus collybita tristis 18 October, Koarnwertersân (Kornwerderzand), Wûnseradiel, Friesland (@ field observations of this taxon can only be accepted if photographs and/or sound-recordings of song are available). Collared Flycatcher / WithalsvliegenvangerFicedula albicollis 8 June, Doldersumse Veld, Westerveld, Drenthe, male (@ poor description). Steppe Grey Shrike / Steppeklapekster Lanius pallidirostris 6 January, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). House Crow / HuiskraaiCorvus splendens 23 March, Utrecht, Utrecht (@ description incomplete). Little Bunting / DwerggorsEmberiza pusilla 29 September to 1 October, Vlieland-Oost, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (@ photographs show Common Reed Bunting E schoeniclus). Black-headed Bunting / Zwartkopgors Emberiza melanocephala 9 July, Spaarndam, Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude, Noord-Holland, male (@ description incomplete).


Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 24 April, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, adult male (@ description incomplete). Lesser Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend Aquila pomarina 2 August, Rolde, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, photographed (@ description incomplete; photograph not conclusive). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Hieraaetus pennatus 29 June, Kollumerpomp, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, dark morph (@ description incomplete). Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern Sterna dougallii 24 May to 9 June, Ferwerderadeelsbuitendijkspolder, Ferwerderadiel, Friesland (description incomplete). Snowy Owl / SneeuwuilNyctea scandiaca 24 October, Terneuzen, Zeeland, female, taken into care to 'De Mikke', Middelburg, Zeeland, photographed (Verbelen et al 2001; Dutch Birding 23: 397, plate 460, 2001) (@ identification accepted, considered to be ship-assisted); 31 October, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, two, first-winter female and first-winter male, taken into care at 'De Fûgelhelling', Ureterp, Friesland, photographed (Verbelen et al 2001; Dutch Birding 23: 397, plate 461, 2001) (@ identification accepted, known to have been ship-assisted). Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw Hirundo daurica 11 May, Paesens, Dongeradeel, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Red-spotted Bluethroat / RoodsterblauwborstLuscinia svecica svecica 6 September, IJsselstein, Utrecht, male, ringed (measurements inconclusive). Little Bunting / Dwerggors Emberiza pusilla 20 November, Workumerwaard, Nijefurd, Friesland (description incomplete).


Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief Circus macrourus 6 May, Ibisweg, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult female (@ description incomplete, for instance head pattern); 13 May, Marnewaard, De Marne, Groningen, first-summer, photographed (@ description incomplete, photographs too blurry to determine plumage patterns).


Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw Larus delawarensis 22 September, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, first-winter (@ description incomplete). Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus 11 September, Hoogeveen, Drenthe, adult summer, photographed (description incomplete). Melodious Warbler / OrpheusspotvogelHippolais polyglotta 15 June to 8 July, IJzerenbosch, Susteren, Limburg, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (Limb Vogels 10: 139, 1999 (photograph); song and structure appear to be intermediate between this species and Icterine Warbler H icterina).


Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Hieraaetuspennatus 15 September, Maria Hoop, Echt, Limburg, dark phase (description incomplete). Demoiselle Crane / Jufferkraanvogel Anthropoides virgo 16 August to 23 September, Maria Hoop, and 25 October, Koningsbosch, Echt, Limburg, adult, photographed, videoed (Dutch Birding 20: 249, plate 204, 1998) (identification accepted but, although an unringed individual, considered an escape because of confiding behaviour and at least three missing remiges).


European Storm-petrel / StormvogeltjeHydrobates pelagicus 13 September, Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland (no description of underwing). Little Bunting / Dwerggors Emberiza pusilla 16 May, Abtskolk, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, adult (@ description of head only is insufficient for acceptance).


pratincole / vorkstaartplevierGlareola 8 September, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete of a bird flying by).


Steppe Grey Shrike / SteppeklapeksterLanius pallidirostris 21 October, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Zeeland, photographed (description marginally incomplete; exact pattern on upperwing not described). Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek Loxia pytyopsittacus 8 January, Randwyck, Maastricht, Limburg (bird was heard only); 9 March, Brunssummerheide, Heerlen, Limburg, male (no description); 12 March, Brunssummerheide, Heerlen, Limburg (no description).


Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek Loxia pytyopsittacus 28 October, Elzetterbos, Epen, Wittem, Limburg, one or two (birds were heard only); 24 December, Vijlenerbos, Vaals, Limburg, at least one (bird was heard only).


Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw Apus melba 5 and 18 July, De Uithof, Utrecht, Utrecht (@ description incomplete).


Golden Eagle / Steenarend Aquila chrysaetos 18 October, De Vulkaan, Kijkduin, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ photographs too blurred to make a satisfactory identification).


* Bald Eagle / Amerikaanse ZeearendHaliaeetus leucocephalus autumn 1986 to 29 July 1989, Zundert, Noord-Brabant, immature moulting to adult, taken into care in autumn 1986 (@ identification accepted, bird is of uncertain provenance).


Eyebrowed Thrush / Vale Lijster Turdus obscurus 25-28 December, Huizum, Leeuwarden, Friesland, adult male (@ description incomplete). Naumann's Thrush / Naumanns Lijster Turdus naumanni naumanni 20 December to 8 January 1982, Harlingen, Friesland, adult male (@ description incomplete).


Dalmatian Pelican / KroeskoppelikaanPelecanus crispus 6 March, Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland, two (@ poor description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / RoodsterblauwborstLuscinia svecica svecica 26 April, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, male (description incomplete).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 7 May, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, male (description incomplete).


Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze SnipLimnodromus scolopaceus 21 December, Harlingen, Friesland, adult winter (@ poor description).


River Warbler / Krekelzanger Locustella fluviatilis 20-26 August, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland (@ description partly wrong for this species, suggesting Common Grasshopper Warbler L naevia in several details; song, described as resembling that of Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra, points towards autumn song of Common Grasshopper Warbler).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / RoodsterblauwborstLuscinia svecica svecica 18 September, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, male and female, skins retained at NNM, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (@ measurements inconclusive in male; female identified as White-spotted Bluethroat L s cyanecula) (one of six bluethroats found dead as lighthouse victims at Westkapelle on 18 September remains accepted as Red-spotted Bluethroat (ie, conform van den Berg & Bosman 2001, contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999); apparently, three appear to be lost (cf Smulders & Joosse 1969)).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / RoodsterblauwborstLuscinia svecica svecica 7 September, Kampen, Overijssel, male, skin retained at NNM, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (measurements inconclusive).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / RoodsterblauwborstLuscinia svecica svecica 26 September, Haamstede, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, probably female, skin retained at NNM, Leiden, Zuid-Holland (measurements inconclusive).


We want to thank Hans Russer and Arend Wassink for correcting some mistakes from the previous report. Justin Jansen kindly reviewed an earlier version of this report. Also, Gert Ottens, Jelmer Poelstra, AW and Carl Zuhorn were most helpful with sorting out the records of Rose-coloured Starling. The late Jeffrey Lee Pierce (and the Gun Club) is thanked for his inspiration during many nightly hours. Bram Rijksen kindly provided the drawing of the Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos on p 361.


van den Berg, A B 1984. Voorkomen van Krekelzanger in Nederland. Dutch Birding 6: 105-107.
van den Berg, A B & Bosman, C A W 1999, 2001. Zeldzame vogels van Nederland - Rare birds of the Netherlands. Avifauna van Nederland 1. First, second edition. Haarlem.
Cramp, S & Simmons, K E L (editors) 1977. The birds of the Western Palearctic 1. Oxford.
van Dijl, M 2003. DB Actueel: Zwartkeellijster in Harlingen. Dutch Birding 25: 73-75.
van Dijl, M & Boele, A 2002. DB Actueel: Witstaartkievit op herhaling. Dutch Birding 24: 259.
van Dongen, R M, Haas, K & de Rouw, P W W 2002. Recente meldingen Nederland: januari-oktober 2002. Dutch Birding 24: 114-121, 181-186, 245-252, 311-319, 382-392.
van Dongen, R M, Haas, K & de Rouw, P W W 2003. Recente meldingen Nederland: november-december 2002. Dutch Birding 25: 64-70.
Ebels, E B 2002a. DB Actueel: Lammergier bekroont giereninflux. Dutch Birding 24: 191-192.
Ebels, E B 2002b. DB Actueel: Wederom Siberische Strandloper in Ezumakeeg. Dutch Birding 24: III.
Ebels, E B & Berlijn, M 2002. DB Actueel: Triest einde voor Sneeuwuil in Limburg. Dutch Birding 24: 73-74.
Gantlett, S 2003. Photo-forum - identification of orange-billed terns. Birding World 16: 285-304.
Hoekstein, M, Lilipaly, S, Luiten, J & Wolf, P 2002. DB Actueel: Wilsons Stormvogeltje langs Westkapelle. Dutch Birding 24: 399-400.
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Keizer, R & Ebels, E B 2002. DB Actueel: Pleisterende Alpengierzwaluw in Wageningen. Dutch Birding 24: 400-401.
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Roland E van der Vliet, Adenauerlaan 113, 3527 RC Utrecht, Netherlands

Jan van der Laan, Brouwerstraat 19, 1814 HX Alkmaar, Netherlands

CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands cdna@dutchbirding.nl