Rare Birds In The Netherlands in 2014

19 december 2016  ·  Marcel Haas, Roy Slaterus & CDNA  ·  2065 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 2014

This is the 35th annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. It comprises records from 2014 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1909, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 2014 reports are still under review or awaiting submission and could therefore not be included. In addition, some reports for 2013 and earlier years are still under consideration for various reasons.

Details included for each record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality (municipal divisions as on 1 January 2015); province; number of birds if more than one; plumage and sex; type of record if ringed, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed or found dead (and where specimen is stored, if known); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording; and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national but not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 2013 lasting into 2014 that already have been published in the 2013 report (Haas et al 2014) are repeated here without reference. Observations not (yet) submitted but mentioned in the 2013 report are not repeated in this report. The sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. Numbers after each (sub)species’ name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list.

Thanks to many observers now documenting old records in online databases, eg, www.waarneming.nl, the CDNA, with the help of Edwin Russer, was able to trace date extensions for many records that have already been accepted. These changes are indicated in this report with # and overrule dates given in van den Berg & Bosman (2001) and annual reports of the CDNA published in 2002-14 (covering 2001-13); the previous dates are given between brackets. For the sake of compactness, detailed specifics and observer information of such records are not repeated. For a few species (eg, Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans, Cetti’s Warbler Cettia cetti and Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus tristis) this research is not yet fully completed and date extensions for these species will be published in the next annual report. The research also produced some additions or corrections for localities, which are included with full record details.

The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Rob S A van Bemmelen, Sander Bot, Christian Brinkman, Nils van Duivendijk, Diederik Kok, James Lidster, Ies Meulmeester, Eddy Nieuwstraten, Arjan Ovaa, Willem van Rijswijk, Roy Slaterus and Rik Winters. Marcel Haas supported the committee as a non-voting archivist and assisted in submitting many reports published on national and regional websites. Reports can be submitted, preferably using the electronic submission form on www.dutchavifauna.nl or filling in this form after entering a record on www.waarneming.nl. Reports can also be sent by ordinary mail to CDNA, Karper 39, 1741 XX Schagen, the Netherlands. The website www.dutchavifauna.nl is the online database containing all records of rare birds up to 2014 (cf Dutch Birding 34: 346, 2012); also recently accepted records or rejected reports as well as reports currently under review are listed.

Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics (Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna; CSNA), which on 1 January 2015 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, André J van Loon, C S (Kees) Roselaar and George Sangster (secretary).

In 2014, at least 386 species were recorded, which is well above the average of 368.5 over the last 10 years (figure 1). This number may rise depending on pending reports. Four taxa were new to the Dutch list in 2014: Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus, African Desert Warbler Sylvia deserti, Icelandic Redwing Turdus iliacus coburni and American Robin T migratorius. An addition to the list from earlier years is Stejneger’s Stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri from 2012. With these four additional species, the Dutch list now numbers 510 species. Other highlights for 2014 included the second Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum, third Caspian Plover Charadrius asiaticus, third to fifth Steppe Grey Shrike L lahtora pallidirostris, fourth White-throated Wagtail Motacilla cinereocapilla, fourth and fifth Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis, fourth to sixth Bufflehead Bucephala albeola, fifth Western Subalpine Warbler S inornata, seventh Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus and Siberian Lesser Whitethroat S althaea blythi, eighth Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus, Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus and Blyth’s Pipit Anthus godlewskii, eighth and ninth Pallid Swift Apus pallidus and ninth Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina. In addition, 2014 was a good year for American Wigeon Anas americana, Little Crake Porzana parva, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis, Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus, Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus, Radde’s Warbler P schwarzi, Western Bonelli’s Warbler P bonelli with four records, Black-winged Pratincole G nordmanni with five individuals, Greenish Warbler P trochiloides and Blyth’s Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum with six records, River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis with eight records, Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis with 11 records, Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus with at least 18 individuals and Olive-backed Pipit A hodgsoni with 18 records.


Systematic list of records


White-headed Duck / Witkopeend

Oxyura leucocephala 5,14,0

1991 # 7 November to 11 January 1992 (was: 7 November to 6 January 1992), Philipsdam, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, immature or female.

Black Brant / Zwarte Rotgans

Branta nigricans 7,89,-

1998 # 18 March to 12 April (was: 18 March to 11 April), Banckspolder, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, two adults; # 17-18 and 20 October (was: 18 October), Hippolytushoef, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult.

1997 # 26 October to 24 February 1998 (was: 26 October to 15 February 1998), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult.

1993 # 30 January to 7 February (was: 30 January), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult.

1990 # 14-15 April (was: 14 April), Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1999 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Ross’s Goose / Ross’ Gans

Anser rossii 0,12,1

22 August to 12 September, Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (H Smits, H Custers et al).

2010 1-4 January, Kerkwerve and Serooskerke, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (P L Meininger, A Lagendijk et al); 7-9 January, Oud-Noord-Bevelandpolder, Colijnsplaat, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (P A Wolf, M Hoekstein et al); 8-16 January, Ouwerkerk and Nieuwerkerk, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (R M van Loo et al); 10-18 January, Zierikzee and Kapelle, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (H Dufourny et al); 20 January, Woutrinapolder, Stellendam, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph (R M van Loo, P A Wolf); # 22-30 January, 23 February and 2-4 March (was: 2-4 March), Middelburg, Middelburg, Zeeland, adult, white morph; 22-24 January and 4 and 24-27 February, Slikken van Flakkee, Grevelingen, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph (P A Wolf et al); 28-29 January, Veerse Meer, Middelplaten, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (S Lilipaly, J Brandjes); 1 February, Polder Roxenisse, Melissant, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (R M van Loo); 6-8 February and 1 March, Yerseke Moer, Reimerswaal, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (N de Schipper, N-J Dek, P van der Luit et al); 12-17 February, Reigersbergsche Polder West and Zimmermanpolder Oost, Rilland-Bath, Reimerswaal, adult, white morph, photographed (P A Wolf, P L Meininger et al); 20 February, Oudeland van Strijen, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed (A van der Linden, J Robalo); 26 February, Polder Diederik, Dirksland, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed (D Harms, T Briggeman); 7-10 March, De Blikken, Groede, Sluis, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed (J Poortvliet et al).

2009 # 21 November and 2 and 11 December (was: 21 November), Slikken van Flakkee, Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph; 3 and 8 December, Ouddorp, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed (R M van Loo et al); # 4-8 December (was: 5 December), Middeldijk and Polder Oude Oostdijk, Goedereede, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, adult, white morph, photographed; # 13-14 December (was: 14 December), Pikgat, Zierikzee, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed; # 18-30 December (was: 19 December), Haamstede, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed; # 26-31 December (was: 29 December), Koudekerksche Inlaag, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult, white morph, photographed.

The first unringed bird since 2010, when four adults that had arrived as a group on Texel, Noord-Holland, in September 2009 were seen scattered around the country in Friesland, Groningen, Zeeland and Zuid-Holland until May 2010; all additional records and date extensions published here for 2009-10 are considered to relate to two or more of these birds.

Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans

Anser albifrons flavirostris 14,71,1

20 December to 22 February 2015, Grijpskerke, Veere, Zeeland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (R Sponselee et al).

2003 # 7-25 and 27-28 December (was: 7-25 and 27 December), Westerkolk, Kadijksweg and Oude Dijkje, Texel, Noord-Holland, three, adult.

There have now been 43 records, totalling 86 individuals. In 2001-06, it was recorded annually (with five in 2003 being the maximum) but records decreased since, with singles in October-November 2009, January 2011, January 2012, March 2012 and December 2012.


Lesser White-fronted Goose / Dwerggans

Anser erythropus -,63,-

1988 # 9 January to 10 February (was: 9 January to 8 February), Oudeland van Strijen, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, five, two adults (one wearing colour-ring) and three first-winters.

1987 # 3-4 January (was: 3 January), Kievitslanden, Dronten, Flevoland, five, one unringed adult and four colour-ringed first-winters.

 The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1990 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

King Eider / Koningseider

Somateria spectabilis 1,14,2

28 June, Scheveningen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year female, photographed (W van Yperen; Dutch Birding 36: 277, plate 357, 2014); 23 August to 1 October, NIOZ-Haven, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult female, photographed, videoed (N van Duivendijk et al; Dutch Birding 36: 343, plate 446, 353, plate 465-466, 2014).

Usually, males are recorded; the only previous females were in April 1989, March-May 1993 and October-November 1994, so two females in one year is unprecedented.

Surf Scoter / Brilzee-eend

Melanitta perspicillata 3,26,2

5 January, Noordzeestrand, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, two, adult males (E Jansen); 20 March to 1 April, Ouddorp, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (G Tanis et al; Dutch Birding 36: 213, plate 278, 2014).

2004 # 18 January to 14 February (was: 18 January to 7 February), Brouwersdam, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, first-winter male.

One adult male at Schiermonnikoog had already been accepted from 31 December 2013 to 22 February 2014 but two were seen together on 5 January.

Ring-necked Duck / Ringsnaveleend

Aythya collaris 5,30,4

1 February and 2 March to 20 April, Weerribben, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, adult female, photographed (P Kuijper, K Kuijper et al); 9-20 March, Broekpolder, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (T van Gogh et al; Dutch Birding 36: 211, plate 270, 2014); 28 March and 13-15 April, Zevenhuizen, Zuidplas, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (S Noorman et al); 29-30 March, Papendrecht, Papendrecht, and 30 March, Galgenplaat, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (F IJsselstijn et al); 21-29 November, Pampushaven, Almere, Flevoland, adult male, photographed (M Berlijn et al; Dutch Birding 37: 54, plate 78, 2015).

1988 # 16 January to 21 February (was: 16 January to 14 February), Grathem, Maasgouw, Limburg, adult male.

The female at Weerribben returned for its fourth year, being previously seen in April 2011, January and April 2012 and January to May 2013. Photographs of the adult males at Vlaardingen, Papendrecht/Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and Zevenhuizen revealed that three different individuals were involved, despite there being no overlap in dates. The male at Almere was seen together with a Lesser Scaup A affinis.

Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper

Aythya affinis 0,9,2

21-26 November, Pampushaven, Almere, Flevoland, adult male, photographed (M Berlijn et al; Dutch Birding 37: 55, plate 77, 2015); 13 December and 21 December into 2015, Veluwemeer, Biddinghuizen, Dronten, Flevoland, adult male, photographed (D Kok et al; Dutch Birding 37: 65, plate 95, 2015).

The adult male at Almere stayed together with a Ring-necked Duck A collaris in a large group of Aythya ducks. Photographs show that at least two males were present at Veluwemeer, the second one appearing from 3 January 2015 (to be listed in the 2015 report).

Bufflehead / Buffelkopeend

Bucephala albeola 0,3,3

16 October 2013 to 3 June and 8 September to 10 May 2015, Gaatkensplas and surroundings, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed, videoed (J Polak et al; Dutch Birding 36: 347, plate 457, 2014); 4 October into 2015, Den Oever and IJsselmeer, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed (O Wouters, H van Doorn et al); 9 November to 6 March 2015, Vossemeer, Dronten, Flevoland, and Kampen, Overijssel, female, photographed, videoed (K Bijlsma, N Bijlsma, L Spaansen et al); 26 December to 17 April 2015, WML-plas, Heel, Maasgouw, Limburg, first-winter female, photographed, videoed (H Martens et al; Dutch Birding 37: 56, plate 79, 2015).

2012 # 12 September to 3 May 2013 (was: 17 September to 3 May 2013), Gaatkensplas and surrounding, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, adult male.

2005 # 2-22 May (was: 2-18 May), Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, first-winter male; # 27 November to 4 May 2006 (was: 3 December to 25 March 2006), Gaatkensplas, Barendrecht, Zuid-Holland, adult male.

The male at Barendrecht stayed for its first winter in 2004/05 and returned for its 11th winter. Remarkably, three new birds were recorded, increasing the total from three to six. Due to possible escapes from wildfowl collections, the CDNA requires photographic (or videographic) evidence of the absence of rings, which was proven in these three cases.

Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling

Anas discors 6,34,0

1994 # 16 October to 12 March 1995 (was: 16-21 October 1994), Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, first-winter male.

* Blue-winged Teal x Northern Shoveler / Blauwvleugeltaling x Slobeend

Anas discors x clypeata 0,0,1

4 May, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult male, photographed (N van Houtum, M Renders, R S A van Bemmelen et al).

The first record of this hybrid. Based on the greenish gloss on its head and the bill shape one of the parents was a Northern Shoveler, whereas the white crescent and breast colour suggests Blue-winged Teal as the other parent. A search of photographs on the internet revealed similar hybrids from North America. 

Baikal Teal / Siberische Taling

Anas formosa 8,4,0

14 December 2013 to 1 January, Meinerswijk, Arnhem, Gelderland, male.


Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend

Anas falcata 0,12,0

1996 # 21 October to 28 December (was: 16 November to 28 December), Oranjekom, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult male.

1995 # 2 January to 10 June (was: 15 October 1994 to 10 June 1995), Hekslootpolder, Haarlem, Noord-Holland, adult male.

1994 # 15 October to 24 December (was: 15 October to 10 June 1995), Oranjekom, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult male.

1993 # 26 April to 5 May (was 26 April), Schusterkanaal, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, adult male.

1993 # 1 January to 10 April (was: 1-2 January), Oranjekom, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult male.

These date extensions relate to a returning bird.


American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient

Anas americana 6,61,4

25 December 2013 and 19-20 January, Drontermeer, Elburg, Gelderland, adult male, photographed (M Jansen); 3-4 January, Starrevaart, Leidschendam, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (S van Leeuwen et al); 8 March, natuurplas Breeveld, Woerden, Woerden, Utrecht, adult male, photographed, sound-recorded (D Kok et al); 15-21 March, Kinderdijk, Nieuw-Lekkerland, and 20 March, Krimpen aan de Lek, Nederlek, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (A Kooij, C Stam et al); 4-16 April, Lepelaarplassen, Almere, Flevoland, adult male, photographed (P Julsing et al).

2012 29 March to 7 April, Breebaartpolder and Punt van Reide, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult male, photographed (via W-J Fontijn).

2007 # 13-15 December (was: 14 December), Middelplaten, Goes, Zeeland, male.

2006 # 17 January to 5 February (was: 17 January to 4 February), Zegerplas, Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland, adult male.

2005 # 27 November to 1 December (was: 27-30 November), Gaarkeuken, Zuidhorn, Groningen, male.

2001 # 8 October to 9 November (was: 8 October to 8 November), Uithoornse Polder, Uithoorn, Noord-Holland, male.

1998 # 25-31 March (was: 25-27 March 1998), Hekslootpolder, Haarlem, and Spaarnwouderplas, Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude, Noord-Holland, adult male.

The record in 2012 concerns a correction of the location. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling

Anas carolinensis 6,51,11

8 March to 2 April, Dijkmanshuizen, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (B Spaans et al); 23 March to 5 April, De Onlanden, Noordenveld, Drenthe, adult male, photographed (J Lok et al); 29 March to 1 April, Vreugderijkerwaard, Zwolle, Overijssel, adult male, wearing metal ring, photographed (P Doornbos, D Uit De Weerd et al); 31 March, Everdingen, Vianen, Utrecht, adult male, photographed (T van de Kamp et al); 6-23 April, Polder Oude Hardenhoek, Brabantse Biesbosch, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, two, adult males, photographed (T van Schie, J Tetteroo et al); 10 April to 1 May, Aalkeet-Buitenpolder, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (J Palm et al); 12 April, Marken, Waterland, Noord-Holland, adult male, photographed (H van Diek); 14-25 April, Nummer Eén, Sluis, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (S Lilipaly et al); 16-30 April, Netterdensche Broek, Oude IJsselstreek, Overijssel, adult male, photographed (R Schwartz et al); 4-5 May, Kampereiland, Kampen, Overijssel, adult male, photographed (M Zekhuis, L van Oort et al); 11 November, Noordervroon, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (M Klootwijk et al); 29 November to 6 December, Polder Oude Hardenhoek, Brabantse Biesbosch, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, adult male, photographed (J Braat, B Verhoeven et al).

2000 # 14 March to 14 June (was: 17 March to 14 June), Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult male.

11 birds in one year is unprecedented; the previous maximum was five in 2006. The adult male at Zwolle wore a metal ring, unlike those being in use in wildfowl collections and the CDNA decided to accept it as a genuine vagrant. The adult male on Texel was considered a returning bird (previously seen here from October 2008 to April 2009, October-November 2010, November 2011 and November 2013). The CDNA also considered the adult male at Biesbosch in November-December to be one of the returning April birds. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Oriental Turtle Dove / Oosterse Tortel

Streptopelia orientalis 0,3,2

14 December, Zoutelande, Veere, Zeeland, photographed (B Dingemanse, D Dingemanse; Dutch Birding 37: 56, plate 80, 2015); 30 December to 25 February 2015, Hoevenronde, Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (B van As et al; Dutch Birding 37: 43, plate 50, 58, plate 81-82, 65, plate 96, 134, plate 212, 2015).

These birds could not be identified to subspecies S o orientalis or S o meena (Rufous Turtle Dove). The bird at Zoutelande was photographed in a garden and photographs were not detailed enough to identify it to taxon. The bird at Vlaardingen was well photographed but showed features of both meena and orientalis or intermediate characters, eg, greyish-white tips to the tail-feathers. The previous three records were all assigned to meena (December 2009 to April 2010, November 2010 and October 2013).

Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw

Apus pallidus 0,7,2

9 November, Heerhugowaard, Heerhugowaard, Noord-Holland, photographed (P A M van der Wielen et al; Dutch Birding 36: 405, plate 534, 2014, 37: 65, plate 94, 2015); 12-16 November, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (G Witte et al; Dutch Birding 36: 404, plate 532, 2014).

These two records came quickly after the influx of six in 2013; the first was in October 2006. The bird on Texel roosted in the lighthouse at the northernmost tip of the island for four nights, enabling birders to see it with ease; during the day, it could however be elusive.

Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw

Apus melba 7,53,1

19 April, Noordhorn, Zuidhorn, Groningen (M Olthoff).

A typical date; most records were in April (16), May (15) and September (11), while the rest occurred in June (six), July (two), August (three), October (six) and November (one).

Great Spotted Cuckoo / Kuifkoekoek

Clamator glandarius 7,18,0

2011 5 August, Ofwegen, Alphen aan den Rijn, and Kaag en Braassem, Zuid-Holland, juvenile (K Kraaijeveld, R Kraaijeveld).

This is a correction of the location and municipalities.


Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen

Porzana parva 36,23,3

15 May to 11 June, Beulakerpolder, De Wieden, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, male, sound-recorded (R Messemaker et al); 22 June to 11 July, Weerribben, Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, male, sound-recorded (K Vedder et al); 10-13 July, Groene Jonker, Zevenhoven, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed (K Janmaat et al; Dutch Birding 36: 360, plate 483-484, 2014).

Baillon’s Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen

Porzana pusilla 171,58,-

1994 12 July, Kekerdomse Waard, Duffel, Ubbergen, Gelderland, male, sound-recorded (via J Bekhuis, P Hoppenbrouwers).

1976 # 9-12 June (was: 12 June), Makkumerwaard, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, male.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2007 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Little Bustard / Kleine Trap

Tetrax tetrax 32,12,1

13-26 February, Broekland, Noordenveld, Drenthe, female, photographed, videoed (R Pater, F-J Hoogstra et al; Dutch Birding 36: 132, plate 157, 136, plate 168, 2014).

The fourth since 2000 and a long-stayer, enabling many birders to see it. Most records were in December (14), followed by January (10), November (eight), February (four), September (four), April (three), March (one), August (one) and October (one).

Great Bustard / Grote Trap

Otis tarda -,26 (since 1986),0

1997 # 6-7 and 15-16 February (was: 6 and 15-16 February), Ypelo, Wierden, Overijssel, male.

Yellow-billed Loon / Geelsnavelduiker

Gavia adamsii 21,17,1

16-27 January, Rhederlaag, Giesbeek, Zevenaar, Gelderland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (B Coenen et al; Dutch Birding 36: 131, plate 156, 2014).

1979 # 17 January to 20 March (was: 27 January to 18 March), Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, juvenile.

Remarkably, this bird came just one year after the first twitchable for nearly 20 years in February 2013. It may have been present since 13 January.

Cory’s/Scopoli’s Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli’s Pijlstormvogel

Calonectris borealis/diomedea 0,9,2

25 August, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham, G J de Haan); 1 September, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, photographed (N F van der Ham, C Martens, M Martens et al).

The bird passing this famous seawatching point on 1 September could be photographed, which rarely happens. Unfortunately, the quality of the photographs is very poor but they support the identification. As was the case with all other records of passing Calonectris shearwaters, the CDNA could not decide which species was involved.

Sooty Shearwater / Grauwe Pijlstormvogel

Puffinus griseus -,-,-

1934 26 January, Wijk aan Zee, Beverwijk, Noord-Holland, male, collected.

This concerns a date correction of supposedly the species’ second record (cf van den Berg & Bosman 2001); it was previously accepted for 15 February. The species has no longer been considered since the 1970s, being recorded annually since 1971.

Balearic Shearwater / Vale Pijlstormvogel

Puffinus mauretanicus 5,67,-

1992 # 14-30 July (was: 14-29 July), Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, maximum of two (on 28 July).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan

Pelecanus onocrotalus 4,5,0

2006 7 May, Buren, Ameland, Friesland, adult; # 8-13 August (was: 8-12 August), Mariëndal, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult.

An adult staying at various sites from 4 September to June 2015 (Dutch Birding 36: 423, plate 566, 2014) is still under review. The record on 7 May 2006 adds another location to the list of sites where this wide-ranging bird was observed.

Squacco Heron / Ralreiger

Ardeola ralloides 25 (since 1866),60,4

31 May to 1 June, Stevolplas, Stevensweert, Maasgouw, Limburg, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (J Nagtegaal et al); 7 June, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (M Platteeuw); 7 June and 12 July, Hilversumse Bovenmeent, Hilversum, Noord-Holland, photographed (H van Oosterhout et al; Dutch Birding 36: 281, plate 367, 2014); 20 June to 6 July, Heeg, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, photographed (B Zijlstra et al).

1984 # 22-27 June (was: 23-27 June), Zwartewaterland, Zwartsluis, Overijssel.

Cattle Egret / Koereiger

Bubulcus ibis 33,67,-

1994 # 25 June to 11 July (was: 25 June to 10 July), Loo, Duiven, Gelderland, immature; # 7-26 October (was: 7-8 October), Anjum, Dongeradeel, Friesland, two, adult and juvenile.

1993 # 29 June-10 October (was: 19 September-10 October), Rhenen, Rhenen, Utrecht, two (from 20 July to 28 September), one ringed.

1992 # 27-31 May (was: 28 May), Praamweg, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, four, adult-summer.

1989 # 13 January to 6 February (was: 13 January to 1 February), Tricht, Geldermalsen, Gelderland, two, winter plumage; # 21-22 and 24 October (was: 22 October), Polder Bleskensgraaf, Molenwaard, Zuid-Holland, adult-winter; # 31 October to 26 November (was: 31 October to 7 November), Deventer, Overijssel, adult-winter.

1987 # 14-23 October (was: 19-23 October), Oostzaan, Wormerland, Noord-Holland

1982 # 5-31 May (was: 9-31 May), Wormer- en Jisperveld, Wormerland, Noord-Holland

1980 # 28 April to 14 September (was: 28 April into August), Markenbinnen, Wormerland, Noord-Holland.

1979 # 25 July to 30 September (was: 27 July to 30 September), Markenbinnen, Wormerland, Noord-Holland.

The record in 1992 was previously accepted for two birds. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Glossy Ibis / Zwarte Ibis

Plegadis falcinellus 117,64,-

1993 # 3-7 October (was: 3-6 October), Wolphaartsdijk, Goes, Zeeland.

1989 # 6 December to 14 January 1990 (was: 6 December to 12 January 1990), Polder Nieuw Lekkerland, Nieuw Lekkerland, Zuid-Holland, adult.

1979 # 10-13 November (was: 10-11 November), Wormer- en Jisperveld, Wormerland, Noord-Holland.

1933 10 November, Stoppeldijk, Hulst, Zeeland, adult, shot, skin retained at Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika (KMMA) at Tervuren, Belgium (via R J J Vlek).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2000 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Great Cormorant / Grote Aalscholver

Phalacrocorax carbo carbo 7,42,-

2008 # 22 March to 7 April (was: 22-25 March), Ingense Waarden, Buren, Gelderland, and Amerongse Bovenpolder, Amerongen, Utrecht, first-winter.

2006 # 10 February, Heel, Maasgouw, Limburg, wearing colour-ring.

The subspecies is no longer considered since 1 January 2009 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Eurasian Stone-curlew / Griel

Burhinus oedicnemus -,58,-

1997 # 17-18 May (was: 18 May), Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2009 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier

Pluvialis dominica 1,42,1

26 April, Groote Wiskepolder, Hindeloopen, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, second calendar-year, ringed, photographed (D A Mulder).

2013 # 22-26 May (was: 25-26 May), Breebaartpolder, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult-summer male, photographed.

2010 # 22-25 May (was 22-24 May), Lange Bunders and Slangwijk, Breda, Noord-Brabant, second calendar-year.

2009 # 22 September to 8 November (was: 22 September to 3 November), various sites, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult.

2008 # 17 May to 1 June (was: 17-29 May), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult-summer, photographed, videoed.

Back to normal after last year’s six records. The date-extended bird in 2008 was not only photographed, as previously published, but also videoed. In autumn 2009, another adult stayed on Texel on 8-18 October (as well as a juvenile on 6-8 November).

Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier

Pluvialis fulva 9,42,3

1-7 August, Zierikzee, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photographed, videoed (G Tanis et al); 3 August, Eerste Kroonspolder and Tweede Kroonspolder, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (H Schekkerman); 12 August to 27 September, Mokbaai, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (D Kok et al).

2000 14 February, Polsmaten, Nunspeet, Gelderland and Dronten, Flevoland, adult-winter (P Wink).

1996 # 3-12 August (was: 3-11 August), Bantpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult-summer moulting to winter plumage.

1994 # 21-30 July (was: 21-27 July), Bakkersdam, Petten, Schagen, Noord-Holland, adult-summer.

Since 2004, this species has been recorded annually, with July (20) and August (10) being the best months. The record in 2000 had already been accepted but in another province (Gelderland); it was also seen in Flevoland.

Sociable Lapwing / Steppekievit

Vanellus gregarius 12,39,1

3-4 July, Liessel, Deurne, Noord-Brabant, adult, photographed (M Joosten et al; Dutch Birding 36: 360, plate 481, 2014).

2012 # 19-22 June (was: 22 June), Oostvaardersplassen, Almere, Flevoland, adult-summer.

2007 16-25 March, Bennekomse Hooilanden, Ede, Gelderland, and 25 March, Barneveld, Ede, Gelderland, first-summer, photographed (via R Wester).

With 12 records, April is the best month for this species, followed by August (eight), July (seven) and September (six). The date-extended bird in 2012 was not only photographed, as previously mentioned, but also videoed. The 2007 record concerns a correction of locations (it was previously also accepted at Veenendaal, Utrecht, but that was incorrect).


White-tailed Lapwing / Witstaartkievit

Vanellus leucurus 1,8,1

26-30 April, De Nollen and Mariëndal, Den Helder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, photographed, videoed (M Renden et al; Dutch Birding 36: 215, plate 282, 2014).

The first since 2010. Eight of the 10 records occurred from late May to August, so this one was early (first for April), although there was one in February 1998.

Greater Sand Plover / Woestijnplevier

Charadrius leschenaultii 1,14,1

3 August, Westhoek, Het Bildt, Friesland, and 12-13 August, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (B Winters et al; Dutch Birding 36: 351, plate 464, 354, plate 469, 2014).

This species has been annual since 2011. The majority of the records were in August (eight); totals include three records of Anatolian Sand Plover C l columbinus. Photographs showed the birds in Friesland and Noord-Holland to be the same individual.

Caspian Plover / Kaspische Plevier

Charadrius asiaticus 0,2,1

10-26 January, Wissenkerke, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (M Hoekstein et al; Hoekstein 2014, Hoekstein & Ebels 2015; Dutch Birding 36: 69, plate 95-96, 135, plate 161, 2014, 37: 330, plate 514-519, 2015).

After birds on Texel, Noord-Holland, in October 2009 and April 2011, this was the first winter record for the Netherlands and Europe.


Slender-billed Curlew / Dunbekwulp

Numenius tenuirostris 9,0,0

1925 15 January, Friesche Wadden, Het Bildt, Friesland, male, dead (mounted specimen retained at Natuurmuseum Fryslân, Leeuwarden, Friesland (Arjan Boele in litt).

This is a date correction; the bird was previously accepted for 16 January.


Broad-billed Sandpiper / Breedbekstrandloper

Calidris falcinellus 23,93,-

2000 # 14-19 August (was: 14-15 August), Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, juvenile.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2003 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper

Calidris fuscicollis 1,39,2

1 August, Groene Strand, Ameland, Friesland, adult, photographed (B-J Prak); 10-22 October, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, photographed (M van der Velde et al).

14 December 2013 to 26 January, Vossemeerdijk, Dronten, Flevoland, and Vossemeer, Kampen, Overijssel, first-winter.

1999 # 1-9 August (was: 1-8 August), Den Oever, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, adult-winter.

The bird at Ezumakeeg, Friesland, was already the seventh for this site and 11th for the municipality of Dongeradeel.

Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter

Calidris subruficollis 3,72,4

8 May, Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland (D Kok); 9-13 October, Terschellinger Polder, Terschelling, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (M Feenstra et al); 13 and 18 October, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (O Storkersen, A Boven et al); 18-20 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (S Schagen, E van Saane, S Brumby et al; Dutch Birding 36: 424, plate 569, 2014).

2009 # 14-20 August (was: 14-19 August), Noordzeestrand, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult.

1998 # 16-20 September (was: 16-19 September), Polder Eijerland, Texel, Noord-Holland, juvenile.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Pectoral Sandpiper / Gestreepte Strandloper

Calidris melanotos 9,95,-

1998 # 14-20 July (was: 14-18 July), Oude Robbengat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen.

1993 # 28 August to 4 September (was: 28-30 August), Julianadorp, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, two.

1989 # 14-18 September (was: 14-17 September), Philippine, Terneuzen, Zeeland, juvenile.

1985 # 27 July to 11 August (was: 28 July to 11 August), Flauwers Inlaag, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult-summer.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2000 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Semipalmated Sandpiper / Grijze Strandloper

Calidris pusilla 0,9,1

23 September, Belkmerweg, Burgerbrug, Schagen, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed, videoed (W van Splunder et al; Dutch Birding 36: 347, plate 458, 2014).

1998 # 8-20 August (was: 8-17 August), Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult.

The fourth record since 2000; previous records were in June 1989, July 1996, July 1997 (two), August 1997, August 1998, August 2005, July 2010 and May 2011. During the first hour after its discovery, the 2014 bird was seen very close by, allowing excellent photographs to be taken.

Wilson’s Phalarope / Grote Franjepoot

Phalaropus tricolor 6,18,1

27 September to 3 October, Balgzandpolder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (C Das, P Das et al; Dutch Birding 36: 424, plate 568, 2014).

Compared with 242 individuals in 1950-2013 in Britain (Hudson et al 2014), the species is remarkably rare. The bird at Den Helder was only the fourth since 2005.

Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter

Xenus cinereus 1,56,4

15 May, Callantsogervaart, Schagen, Noord-Holland, photographed (M Renden et al); 21 June, Grutte Brekken, Lemsterland, Friesland, photographed (S Bernardus et al); 11-14 July, Scherpenissepolder, Tholen, Zeeland, photographed (K De Rouck et al; Dutch Birding 36: 360, plate 479, 2014); 13-14 July, Breebaartpolder, Delfzijl, Groningen, photographed (E Schoppers et al).

2002 15 July, Dijkhof, Twello, Voorst, Gelderland, adult (D Uit De Weerd et al, via R Wester).

1998 # 17-25 May (was: 17-24 May), Den Oever, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland.

The adult in 2002 had already been accepted at a nearby site in a neighbouring province (Overijssel); it was also seen flying into Gelderland. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter

Tringa flavipes 2,30,2

23 November 2013 to 16 February, Vatrop, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (H Niesen, C Hopman et al; Dutch Birding 36: 56, plate 66-67, 131, plate 155, 2014), and 7 May and 4, 13 and 15-16 October, Den Oever, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, and 26 July, Verzakking, Van Ewijcksluis, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, and 25 August, Balgzandpolder, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, photographed (B Woets et al); 1-22 June, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed (M Olthoff et al; Dutch Birding 36: 282, plate 369, 2014); 28 and 30 June, Nollen van Abbestede, Callantsoog, Schagen, Noord-Holland, photographed (R Hovinga et al).

2011 5 May, Polder Hardenhoek, Brabantse Biesbosch, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, photographed (M Sytsma).

2002 # 13 October to 8 November (was: 13 October to 3 November), Verzakking, Amstelmeer, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland.

Marsh Sandpiper / Poelruiter

Tringa stagnatilis 53,109,-

1992 # 24-30 April (was: 24-26 April), Blauwe Kamer, Rhenen, Utrecht, adult-summer; # 14 June to 22 August (was: 14 June to 15 August), Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, three, first calendar-year.

1991 # 8 August to 7 September (was: 8 and 18 August), Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult.

1990 # 12 July-30 August (was: 12 July and 15 August), Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, adult-winter.

1975 21-31 October, ‘s-Heer Arendskerke, Goes, Zeeland, photographed (via R J J Vlek).

The records in 1990 and 1991 were previously accepted as relating to two birds in each year. The 1975 record concerns a location correction. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip

Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,39,1

12 January, Bantpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, photographed (N Agterberg, P Agterberg, L Nauta); 10 May, Oostpolder, Zuidlaardermeer, Haren, Groningen, photographed (J Venema).

2012 # 10-12 and 18-21 November (was: 10-11 and 18-21 November), Bantpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, first calendar-year.

2011 # 8 and 10-20 May (was: 8 and 11-20 May), Delfgauw, Pijnacker-Nootdorp, Zuid-Holland, adult-summer.

2007 # 7-16 May (was: 7-14 May), Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult-summer.

2006 # 24 December to 16 January 2007 (was: 24 December to 15 January 2007), Twisk, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, first-winter.

2003 # 30 December to 25 April 2004 (was: 30 December to 24 April 2004), Veerse Meer, Oud-Sabbinge, Goes, Zeeland, first-winter moulting to adult.

2002 # 17 August to 21 September (was: 17 August to 18 September), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult.

2001 # 4 September to 10 March 2002 (was: 4 September to 9 March 2002), Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult.

1988 # 4-8 May (was: 4-7 May), Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult-summer.

The bird at Bantpolder in January is considered the same as one at this site in November 2013. The bird at Prunjepolder in autumn 2002 is considered the same as one at this site from September 2001 to September 2002


Great Snipe / Poelsnip

Gallinago media -,38,0

1994 # 30 July to 7 August (was: 30 July to 6 August), Workumerwaard, Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland, juvenile.

Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier

Glareola pratincola 5,19,0

1998 # 13-27 June (was: 13-25 June), Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, first-summer.

Oriental Pratincole / Oosterse Vorkstaartplevier

Glareola maldivarum 0,1,1

7-8 September, Rammegors and Stinkgat, Tholen, Zeeland, photographed (K De Rouck, D Kok et al; De Rouck 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 341, plate 443, 363, plate 488, 364, plate 489, 2014).

The second record after the first in August 1997 in Friesland, which was first accepted as a Collared Pratincole G pratincola but then reviewed and accepted as Oriental Pratincole (cf Wiegant et al 1999, van der Vliet et al 2006). The bird in Zeeland was pretty straightforward to identify and offered a chance for many birders to see their first (or second). Remarkably, the first for France was photographed at Baie de Somme, Somme, on 25-26 May 2014 and probably concerned the same individual.

Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier

Glareola nordmanni 12,26,5

1 June, Groene Jonker, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, photographed (T J C Luijendijk et al); 29-30 July, Skrins, Littenseradiel, Friesland, two, at least one juvenile, photographed (S de Winter et al; Dutch Birding 36: 355, plate 470-471, 2014); 29-30 July, Oostpolder, Zuidlaardermeer, Haren, Groningen, juvenile, photographed (J Lok et al); 24 August to 8 September, Twisk, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (D Greydanus et al; Dutch Birding 36: 354, plate 467-468, 2014).

1985 19 August, Yperenbergplas, Wilp, Voorst, Gelderland, first-year (M van Lokven, via R Wester).

Four records in one year is a record; the previous maximum was three in 2002 and 2006. The first-year in 1985 had already been accepted at this site but in another province (Overijssel); it also flew into Gelderland.

Black Guillemot / Zwarte Zeekoet

Cepphus grylle 30,65,-

2006 13 December, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (N F van der Ham).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2007 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Slender-billed Gull / Dunbekmeeuw

Chroicocephalus genei 0,10,1

25 May, De Kreupel, Andijk, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (N van Duivendijk et al; Dutch Birding 36: 284, plate 370-371, 2014).

The sixth record, totalling 11 individuals. Remarkably, the first record in May 2006 (two adults and a second-summer) was also on this De Kreupel islet in the IJsselmeer. Other previous records were also in May 2006 (both of two adults), as well as in April 2007 (one adult) and April 2010 (two adults).

Ross’s Gull / Ross’ Meeuw

Rhodostethia rosea 1,16,0

2008 19 January, Marsdiep, Texel, Noord-Holland, adult winter (J Janse, M Janse).

1995 7-11 November (was: 7-9 and 11 November), IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, second-winter.

The 2008 record concerns a correction of the municipality.

Laughing Gull / Lachmeeuw

Larus atricilla 0,3,0

2007 6 August, Lathumse Plas, Lathum, Zevenaar, Gelderland, adult-summer, photographed, videoed (D Uit de Weerd et al).

This concerns an addition to the locations where this individual (nicknamed ‘Atze’) has been seen (cf Ottens 2007).

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw

Larus delawarensis 0,9,0

2006 # 16 August to 18 March 2007 (was: 23 August to 18 March 2007), Tiel, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male.

2004 # 29 March to 1 April (was: 29-30 March), Hoornse Plas, Haren, Groningen, first-winter moulting to first-summer; # 4 August to 13 March 2005 (was: 4 August to 9 March 2005), Tiel, Tiel, Gelderland, adult male.

2000 # 6 September to 30 January 2001 (was: 6 September to 14 January 2001), Goes, Goes, Zeeland, adult male.

1998 # 18 September to 28 January 1999 (was: 18 September to January 1999), Goes, Goes, and 18-20 September, Wilhelminadorp, Goes, Zeeland, adult male.

The long-stayer at Goes was also seen at nearby Wilhelminadorp on 18-20 September 1998 (not from 18 September to January 1999, as previously reported).


Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw

Larus fuscus fuscus 0,30,3

13-14 February, Elzenburg, Oss, Oss, Noord-Brabant, and 28 February, Zwijndrecht, Zwijndrecht, and 28 February to 12 April, Sophiapolder, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Zuid-Holland, and 3 March, Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, wearing ring (HT 234.691), photographed (M Loeve, R-J Buijs, C Fokker et al); 4 April, Oostlanderweg, Opperdoes, Medemblik, Noord-Holland, adult, wearing colour-ring (white CJJE), photographed (F Visscher); 26 September, strand Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, wearing colour-ring (black J102K), photographed (E Schouten).

2006 25 May, Erasmusgracht, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (R G M Altenburg).

The bird in 2006 was unringed, and therefore another individual than the second calendar-year wearing a red colour-ring present at the same site on 25-27 May 2006.

Iceland Gull / Kleine Burgemeester

Larus glaucoides 23,68,-

1994 # 9-17 April (was: 9 April), Vlissingen, Vlissingen, Zeeland, first-winter.

1992 # 7-12 March (was: 12 March), Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, first-winter.

1991 # 29 November to 28 December (was: 29 November to 25 December), Weurt, Beuningen, Gelderland.

1983 # 1 December, Zaandam, Zaanstad, and 1 December to 7 January 1984, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (T Damm); # 26 December to 7 February 1984 (was: 3 January to 7 February 1984), Lauwersoog, De Marne, Groningen, first-winter.

1981 # 12-17 December (was: 12 December), Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-winter.

The observer of the record on 1 December 1983 entered his sighting in www.waarneming.nl and realized the municipality of his record should have included Amsterdam as well. The location is only a few 100 m away from the harbour where a first-winter was seen from 6 December 1983 to 7 January 1984 and, therefore, the record is considered to relate to the same individual.

Whiskered Tern / Witwangstern

Chlidonias hybrida 257,104,-

1995 # 29 April to 4 May (was: 29-30 April), Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland, and Wolderwijd, Harderwijk, Gelderland, two adult-summer; # 17-18 September and 4 October (was: 17-18 September), Harlingen-Haven, Harlingen, Friesland, adult.

1989 # 20-25 May (was: 21-25 May), Philipsdam, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult-summer.

1945 4 June to 3 July, Vuren, Lingewaal, Gelderland, eight, two pairs breeding, three young raised and fledged (via R Vlek; ten Kate 1946).

The 1945 record is a correction of the location, municipality and province (it had previously been accepted for Gorinchem, Zuid-Holland). The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1996 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern

Sterna dougallii 3,33,0

2013 # 24-26 June (was: 24-25 June), Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland, adult.


Black-winged Kite / Grijze Wouw

Elanus caeruleus 1,6,1

17 October, Buttervlietpolder, Cromstrijen, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (M Korbijn et al).

The eighth record but already the fifth since 2009, an increase mirroring the fast expansion northward into France (cf Dubois et al 2008).

Short-toed Snake Eagle / Slangenarend

Circaetus gallicus 3,68,-

2009 # 21 May to 28 June (was: 21-30 May), Fochteloërveen, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, second-calendar-year.

2008 # 15-23 May (was: 15-18 May), Aekingerzand, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, two; # 28 June to 30 August (was: 28 June to 16 August), Fochteloërveen, Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, second-calendar-year.

2006 # 22 July to 9 September (was: 22 July to 7 September), Meijendel, Wassenaar, and Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, immature.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2012 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier

Gyps fulvus 9,211,18

6-7 April, Kerkdriel and Zaltbommel, Maasdriel, Gelderland, photographed, videoed (P R M van Haren, S Peijnenborg, M van Schaijk et al; Dutch Birding 36: 211, plate 271, 2014); 6-7 June, Eendragtspolder and Korendijksche Slikken, Goudswaard, Korendijk, and 7 June, Numansdorp, Cromstrijen, and Gorinchem, Gorinchem, and Sliedrechtse Biesbosch, Dordrecht, and Hardinxveld-Giessendam, Hardinxveld-Giessendam, and Strijen, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, and Sleeuwijk, Werkendam, and Polder Happenhennip, Werkendam, and Hooge Zwaluwe, Drimmelen, Noord-Brabant, and Kedichem, Lingewaal, Gelderland, maximum of 15, possibly 16, photographed (B Rietveld et al; Dutch Birding 36: 278, plate 359, 285, plate 374, 2014); 26 June, Stadskanaal, Stadskanaal, Groningen, photographed (R Wever); 1 August, Den Helder, Den Helder, and De Muy, Prins Hendrikpolder and Moksloot, Texel, and Schagen, Schagen, and 2 August, IJmuiden, Velsen, and Heemstede, Heemstede, and Aerdenhout, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, and Voorhout, Teylingen, and Leiden, Leiden, and Delft, Delft, and Rijswijk, Rijswijk, and Den Hoorn, Midden-Delfland, Zuid-Holland, and 3 August, Leersumse Veld, Leersum, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Utrecht, photographed, videoed (S Lagerveld et al; Dutch Birding 36: 360, plate 480, 2014).

2007 # 18-20 June (was: 18-19 June), Lage Kamp, Oss, Noord-Brabant, maximum of 41.

2003 3-19 June, De Wijk and surroundings, De Wolden, Drenthe, and 4-7 June, Lankhorst, Staphorst, Overijssel, maximum of two (on 4 June), photographed, videoed (P W van Wetter, R Jansen, R van Dijk et al; van Dijl 2003; Birding World 16: 232, 2003, Birdwatch 12 nr 134: 62, 2003, Dutch Birding 25: 273, plate 301, 285, plate 322, 2003).

The group of 15 (possibly 16) in Zuid-Holland, Noord-Brabant and Gelderland on 6-7 June dispersed into several smaller groups and could be followed throughout 7 June. The bird on 1-3 August could also be followed heading south from Den Helder on 1 August, to IJmuiden on 2 August and finally over Utrecht on 3 August. The record in 2003 was previously accepted only for the province of Drenthe but these birds were also seen across the border in Overijssel (two on 4 June and one on 5-7 June). Also, the name of the first observer was incorrect.

Greater Spotted Eagle / Bastaardarend

Aquila clanga 15,14,0

2001 # 21-27 January (was: 21-24 January), Spookverlaat, Rijnwoude, Zuid-Holland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (A de Knijff, D J Moerbeek, M Berlijn et al; Bakker 2001; Dutch Birding 23: 115, plate 143-144, 2001, Birding World 15: 17, 2002).

This concerns both a date extension and a correction of the municipality (Rijnwoude instead of Alphen aan den Rijn).

Lesser Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend

Aquila pomarina 3,5,1

8 June, Losser, Losser, Overijssel, photographed (W van der Woning; Dutch Birding 36: 285, plate 376, 2014).

The fourth record since 2000. The last twitchable was at Domburg and Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 24-25 September 2005.

Golden Eagle / Steenarend

Aquila chrysaetos 10,7,0

2002 16 February and 27 February to 17 March, Amen, Balloërveld, Grolloo and Vredenheim, Aa en Hunze, and Hooghalen, Aa en Hunze and Midden-Drenthe, and Ankehaarveld, Huis ter Heide, Norg, Westervelde and Zuidvelde, Noordenveld, and Zuidveld and Zwiggelterveld, Midden-Drenthe, Drenthe, and Fochteloërveen, Noordenveld, Drenthe, and Ooststellingwerf, Friesland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (J Santing, A Hidding et al; Mulder 2002; Birding World 15: 55, 102. 2002, Dutch Birding 24: 110, plate 94, 123, plate 109, 182, plate 160, 2002).

This juvenile was only the third to be twitchable after long-staying individuals in 1978-89 and 1980-81. It was previously accepted only for Amen, Norg and Fochteloërveen but also observed at several other sites in Drenthe.


Booted Eagle / Dwergarend

Aquila pennata 0,22,2

25 May, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant, pale morph, photographed (R Kastelijn et al); 3 June, Zandberg, Hulst, Zeeland, pale morph, photographed (H Bun).

2000 27 June, Nederrijn, Opheusden, Neder-Betuwe, Gelderland, adult, photographed, videoed (S Wytema).

Booted Eagle has been recorded annually since 2011, while the first was as recent as 1992. Most records have been of migrating birds; only two birds have been twitchable: at Hoge Veluwe, Ede, Gelderland, on 13-26 July 1995, and at Grebbeberg, Rhenen, Utrecht, from 23 June to 8 July 2000; the latter concerned the same individual as the one accepted for Opheusden in June 2000.

Long-legged Buzzard / Arendbuizerd

Buteo rufinus 1,7,1

8 September, Braakman-Noord, Terneuzen, Zeeland, adult, photographed (M Knipping); 17 October to 27 February 2015, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, second-year, photographed, videoed (M van Vuurde, R Peekstok et al; Dutch Birding 35: 408, plate 521-522, 2013, 36: 61, plate 79, 2014).

25 September 2013 to 25 March, Tweede Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, juvenile.

Remarkably, the juvenile from 2013 at Tweede Maasvlakte returned for another winter.

Northern Hawk-Owl / Sperweruil

Surnia ulula 1,3,0

12 November 2013 to 10 February, Zwolle, Zwolle, Overijssel, first-winter.

Eurasian Pygmy Owl / Dwerguil

Glaucidium passerinum 0,8,0

10 December 2013 to 6 February, Oostermaet, Lettele, Deventer, Overijssel.

Boreal Owl / Ruigpootuil

Aegolius funereus 34,30,0

2009 29 April, Overasseltse en Hatertse Vennen, Heumen, Gelderland, feathers found (G Nillissen, G Müskens, via R Wester).

Feathers identified as being from a Boreal Owl indicated it had fallen victim to a bird of prey.

Snowy Owl / Sneeuwuil

Bubo scandiacus 7,11,4

30 December 2013 to 15 March, Vlieland, Vlieland, and 18 January, Midsland aan Zee, Terschelling, and 17-21 March, Terschellinger Polder, Terschelling, Friesland, maximum of two (from 28 January to 28 February), first-winter females (one found dead on 1 March; skin retained at informatiecentrum De Noordwester, Vlieland), photographed, videoed (C Zuhorn, R van der Vliet, J Vink et al; Ottens 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 60, plate 76 and 78, 66, plate 90-91, 67, plate 92, 133, plate 159-160, 136, plate 167, 211, plate 272, 2014); 19 January, Zeevang, Warder, Zeevang, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed (D Greydanus et al; Dutch Birding 36: 67, plate 93, 2014); 21 January, Oud-West, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, and 22 January, De Goorn, Koggenland, Noord-Holland, first-winter female, photographed, videoed (via R Vlek, D Greydanus et al; Dutch Birding 36: 68, plate 94, 2014); 16 February, Wormer- en Jisperveld, Wormerland, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed (G Verkuijlen); 23 March, Boomhiemke, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, second calendar-year male, photographed (Staatsbosbeheer Ameland).

These birds were part of an influx of presumably Nearctic origin as mentioned in Haas et al (2014).

Eurasian Eagle-Owl / Oehoe

Bubo bubo 1,38,-

1997 # 2 March to 7 September (was: 2 March to 4 August), Sint Pietersberg, Maastricht, Limburg, six, pair with four young.

1988 # 4 February to 16 April (was: 4-14 February), Julianagroeve, Cadier en Keer, Eijsden-Margraten, Limburg.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht

Picus canus 1,5,1

31 March, Westplaat, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, female, photographed (P Soer; Dutch Birding 36: 215, plate 283, 2014).

2003 # 23 January to 13 June (was: 23 January to 2 June), Oosterbeek, Renkum, Gelderland, adult male.

2002 # 23 May to 9 June (was: 23 May to 3 June), Oosterbeek, Renkum, Gelderland, adult male.

This was the first record from a coastal location; all others were in the east and south. The bird was seen by a single observer at a popular migration hotspot.

Middle Spotted Woodpecker / Middelste Bonte Specht

Dendrocopos medius 94,48,-

1996 # 28 January to 5 April (was: 28 January to 9 February), Kerperbos, Epen, Vaals, Limburg; # 22 December to 21 April 1997 (was: 22 December to 22 March 1997), Elzetterbos, Epen, Vaals, Limburg.

The second record also concerns a subtle correction for the locality; it was previously accepted for Kerperbos. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

* Brown Shrike / Bruine Klauwier

Lanius cristatus 0,0,1

18 January to 8 May, Netterdensche Broek and Azewijnsche Broek, Netterden, Oude IJsselstreek, Gelderland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (R Schwartz, W Gerritsen et al; Ernens et al 2014, Gerritsen et al 2015; Dutch Birding 36: 54, plate 64, 70, plate 97, 129, plate 154, 136, plate 165, 2014, 37: 229, plate 352-352, 230, plate 454-455, 2015).

A long awaited addition to the Dutch list. A great find, attracting many admirers during its long stay. Based on the red-brown colour of the upperhead, it probably belonged to the nominate subspecies L c cristatus.

Daurian Shrike / Daurische Klauwier

Lanius isabellinus 0,12,1

18-20 October, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Bergen, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (L Edelaar et al; Dutch Birding 36: 426, plate 572, 433, plate 582, 2014).

The identification of this bird was straightforward. In contrast, two isabelline shrikes L isabellinus/phoenicuroides on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 11 October 2014 and at Castricum, Noord-Holland, on 13-25 November 2014 (Dutch Birding 37: 63, plate 90-91, 2015) are still under review to establish the species involved.

Lesser Grey Shrike / Kleine Klapekster

Lanius minor 21,25,2

30 August, Vogelringstation van Lennep, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed (L Buckx et al); 16-18 September, Johannes de Jongpad, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult male, photographed (T Mulder et al).

1980 12 May, Harlingen, Harlingen, Friesland, skin retained at Natuurmuseum Fryslân, Leeuwarden, Friesland.

The bird in 1980 was previously accepted for 14 May; however, it collided with a moped helmet on 12 May, was taken into care, and died in captivity on 14 May.

Steppe Grey Shrike / Steppeklapekster

Lanius lahtora pallidirostris 0,2,3

29 April to 3 May, Slag Maasmond, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (M Benders, G Bakker et al; Benders & Bakker 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 175, plate 209-210, 176, plate 211, 290, plate 388, 2014); 12 September, Heinkenszand, Borsele, Zeeland, first-year, photographed (H de Visser); 14-26 October, Fort Erfprins, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (K van den Berg, M Renden, M Haas et al; Dutch Birding 36: 426, plate 570, 2014).

The two previous records involved first-winters on Texel, Noord-Holland, on 4-23 September 1994 and from 27 October to 9 November 2012. With four records within a span of two years time, the species shows a strong upsurge.

Woodchat Shrike / Roodkopklauwier

Lanius senator senator -,77,-

2002 # 25 June to 15 July (was: 25 June to 12 July), Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year.

1997 18 May, Kikvorschkil, Sliedrechtse Biesbosch, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, photographed (J Jongejan, via S Terlouw).

1990 # 13-17 June (was: 13-16 June), Bossche Broek, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Noord-Brabant, second calendar-year male.

The nominate subspecies is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. Totals exclude the two records of Balearic Woodchat Shrike L s badius.

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik

Calandrella brachydactyla 3,43,2

22 April, Emmapolder, Eemsmond, Groningen, sound-recorded (J Bosma, L Schilperoord); 22 April, Vliehors, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (N Gillisen, A Braam).

2001 # 2-5 May (was: 2 May), Neeltje Jans, Veere, Zeeland.

About two-third of all records are from April-May, the earliest date being 21 April 2005.

Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw

Cecropis daurica 2,83,-

1992 19 May, Breskens, Sluis, Zeeland (P L Meininger, P A Wolf et al).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2005 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Cetti’s Warbler / Cetti’s Zanger

Cettia cetti -,67-

1980 # 15 April to 9 July (was: 15 April to 17 May), Sas van Gent, Terneuzen, Zeeland, two.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2004 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Two-barred Warbler / Swinhoes Boszanger

Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus 0,3,0

23 November 2013 to 3 January, Kamperhoek, Dronten, Flevoland, first-winter.

Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis

Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,69,6

28 May, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, sound-recorded (C J T Zuhorn et al); 29-30 May, Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (W van der Ham et al); 8-26 June, Kronkelpad, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, maximum of two (on 26 June), photographed, sound-recorded (A van der Plas et al); 12 June, Schoorlse Duinen, Bergen, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (K Klaij); 13-14 June, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (M Dijksterhuis et al).

2005 # 4-18 June (was: 4-12 June), Bodegraven, Bodegraven, Zuid-Holland.

The annual number of records is clearly showing an increase. The average over the last five years was c five per year. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Arctic Warbler / Noordse Boszanger

Phylloscopus borealis 2,18,2

13 September, Bomenland, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (A Linckens et al); 14 October, Dinkellaan, Heemstede, Heemstede, Noord-Holland, found dead, mounted specimen retained by M Lindeman (via A J van Loon).

The bird at Heemstede was found as a window victim. The one on Vlieland concerned the eighth for this island.

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler / Pallas’ Boszanger

Phylloscopus proregulus 9,85,-

1996 # 26-27 October (was: 27 October), Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland; # 15-20 November (was: 15-19 November), Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, two.

1995 # 4-9 November (was: 4-8 November), Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland.

1991 # 7-9 December (was: 7-8 December), Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland.

1990 # 3-5 November (was: 3-4 November), Koarnwertersân (Kornwerderzand), Súdwest-Fryslân, Friesland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1997 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Hume’s Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning

Phylloscopus humei 2,44,3

21 January to 17 February, Coepelduynen, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, maximum of two (on 26 January), photographed, sound-recorded (S van Ettinger, T J C Luijendijk et al; Dutch Birding 36: 135, plate 164, 2014); 16 February to 20 March, Vogelwijk, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (M Lok et al).

About one third of all records refer to wintering birds.


Radde’s Warbler / Raddes Boszanger

Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,32,4

6 October, Stengweg, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (V Stork et al); 6 October, Vogelringstation Castricum, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed, sound-recorded (A J van Loon et al; Dutch Birding 36: 433, plate 583, 2014); 11 October, Vogelringstation van Lennep, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed, sound-recorded (J Koster, A B van den Berg et al; Dutch Birding 36: 432, plate 581, 2014); 16 October, Oude Eendenkooi, Vlieland, Friesland (N van Duivendijk et al).

This species has been recorded exclusively along the coast and between 26 September and 29 October. With 14 records, Vlieland is definitely the place to be. Remarkably, there are still no records from the coastal Groningen and Zeeland provinces.

Western Bonelli’s Warbler / Bergfluiter

Phylloscopus bonelli 5,31,4

21 April, Ulengats, Holset, Vaals, Limburg, sound-recorded (A Ovaa); 7-10 June, Jacobspad, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (H Krajenbrink et al); 25-28 August, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-year, photographed, sound-recorded (H Zevenhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 36: 361, plate 485, 2014); 4-5 September, Vogelringstation van Lennep, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed, sound-recorded (A B van den Berg et al).

2001 # 18-20 August (was: 18 August), Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland.

1998 # 8 May to 3 June (was: 8-30 May), Hoge Veluwe, Arnhem, Gelderland, singing.

1988 # 6-22 May (was: 6-18 May), Epen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg.

The bird recorded on 21 April was the earliest ever. Until then, the earliest dated from 29 April 1993. The identification of the bird trapped at Kennemerduinen was confirmed by DNA analysis (Martin Collinson in litt).

bonelli’s warbler / bergfluiter

Phylloscopus bonelli/orientalis 4,6,0

2013 # 12-14 October (was: 12 October), Tuintjes, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland.

Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf

Phylloscopus ibericus 2,31,1

12-14 April, Herdenkingspark Westgaarde, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (P J Marcus et al).

The fifth record for Amsterdam and surroundings.

Atlantic Dartford Warbler / Atlantische Provençaalse Grasmus

Sylvia undata dartfordiensis 0,4,0

2004 29 December to 12 February 2005, Dwingelderveld, Westerveld, Drenthe, photographed, sound-recorded (E Bernardus, P W van Wetter, E de Weerd et al; Dutch Birding 27: 76, plate 91, 2005).

2001 24-25 March, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-summer female, photographed (S Bot, M Bot, J van Holten et al; Birding World 14: 98, 2001, Dutch Birding 23: 167, plate 188-189, 2001).

1997 3-7 January, Brielse Gatdam, Westplaat, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, photographed, videoed (E H Eijkelenboom, E V Eijkelenboom et al; Ebels et al 1997, Eijkelenboom & Eijkelenboom 1997; Dutch Birding 19: 43, plate 45, 223, plate 227-228, 1997).

These three birds were already accepted as S undata. The subspecific identification was largely based on plumage differences explained by Constantine et al (2012). Assessment was somewhat hampered by the fact that at least some nominate S u undata seem to show brownish upperparts (eg, in parts of Italy; www.pbase.com/dophoto/magnanina). Still, based on current knowledge, the CDNA decided that identification as S u dartfordiensis was justified. A fourth record identified as this subspecies (Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 2-7 November 2013) was already mentioned in Haas et al (2014). A bird found dead at Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, on 27 October is still under review to determine the subspecies.

Dartford Warbler / Provençaalse Grasmus

Sylvia undata undata/dartfordiensis 1,3,0

2004 30 November, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland.

2003 12-13 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed.

1995 26 November to 3 December, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, photographed.

1959 1-3 April, Hoophuizen, Nunspeet, Gelderland.

The documentation of these birds did not allow identification to subspecies. Totals exclude birds accepted to subspecies.

Western Subalpine Warbler / Westelijke Baardgrasmus

Sylvia inornata 0,4,1

2 October, Nieuwe Stuifdijk, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult male, photographed, sound-recorded (T van der Es et al; Dutch Birding 36: 433, plate 584, 2014).

Interestingly, this taxon is a factor six times rarer than Eastern Subalpine Warbler S cantillans; it was only the fifth record and the second for Maasvlakte. It was seen by over 100 birders. Previous records were in May 1998, October 2004, April 2008 and August 2013.

Eastern Subalpine Warbler / Balkanbaardgrasmus

Sylvia cantillans 1,29,1

26-27 April, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-year, photographed, sound-recorded (D Kok et al; Dutch Birding 36: 213, plate 273, 2014).

A typical date and location. Out of 31 records, 24 date between 19 April and 28 May. This was the fifth for Texel.

subalpine warbler / baardgrasmus

Sylvia inornata/cantillans/subalpina 4,33,0

2007 20 May, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland (D Kok, W van Rijswijk).

Totals exclude birds accepted to species level.


* African Desert Warbler / Afrikaanse Woestijngrasmus

Sylvia deserti 0,0,1

12 November to 9 December, Polder Gnephoek, Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (H Zaal, A de Groot et al; Zaal et al 2014, Zaal & Ottens 2015; Dutch Birding 36: 420, plate 563, 435, plate 586-587, 436, plate 588, 2014, 37: 62, plate 87-88, 63, plate 89, 321-322, plate 507-509, 2015).

A most unexpected addition to the Dutch list. Although largely considered sedentary, the species had been recorded outside its regular range before. Previous northern extralimital records related to birds collected in Italy: near Cremona, Lombardia, and near Roma (Zaal & Ottens 2015).


Siberian Lesser Whitethroat / Siberische Braamsluiper

Sylvia althaea blythi 0,6,1

11 January to 15 April, Terweijde, Culemborg, Culemborg, Gelderland, ringed (on 3 March), photographed, sound-recorded, videoed (R ten Berge, A B van den Berg, A J van Loon et al; de Knijff 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 135, plate 163, 144, plate 177, 2014).

2013 3 December to 14 January 2014, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, ringed (on 10 January).

As in all previous records, the identification of the bird at Culemborg was based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis (de Knijff 2014). Birds at Beijum, Groningen, Groningen, from 19 January to 23 March and at Krimbos, Texel, Noord-Holland, on 29-30 October are still under review.

Desert Lesser Whitethroat / Vale Braamsluiper

Sylvia althaea halimodendri 0,1,0

2005 # 29 December to 12 April 2006 (was: 31 December to 12 April 2006), Vinkhuizen, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger

Locustella fluviatilis 6,67,8

22 May to 4 June, Biddinghuizen, Dronten, Flevoland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (M Jansen et al); 25 May to 4 June, Dordtse Biesbosch, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (P van Scheepen et al; Dutch Birding 36: 288, plate 384, 2014); 30 May to 15 June, Schipborgsche Diep, Tynaarlo, Drenthe, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (G ter Haar et al); 31 May, Nieuwkoopse Plassen, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, singing, videoed (M van Schie, D van Rijn); 1 June, Beekbergerwoud, Beekbergen, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, singing, sound-recorded (T de Boer et al); 23-24 June, Molenpolder, Maarssen, Maarssen, Utrecht, singing, sound-recorded (H Kampf, A Flemming); 3 July, Dommeldal, Borkel, Valkenswaard, Noord-Brabant, singing, sound-recorded (P Schuurmans); 25 August, Vogelringstation Castricum, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult, photographed, ringed (J Visser et al).

2012 # 27 May to 10 June (was: 28 May to 10 June), Schoonlooërveld, Midden-Drenthe, Drenthe, singing.

2004 7-16 June, Landgoed Singraven, Denekamp, Losser, Overijssel, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (H A Meek, P Knolle et al).

The second best year, with just one less than in 2012. Over 82% of all records relate to singing birds found between 13 May and 3 July. For the 2004 record, a correction of the location and municipality is given. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel

Iduna caligata 0,22,1

17 September, Nieuwe Stuifdijk, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed (R de Beer, R Halff, V Hart et al; Dutch Birding 36: 349, plate 463, 2014).

A typical date and location; Maasvlakte accounts for no less than six records.


Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel

Hippolais polyglotta 2,46,-

2003 # 17-21 June (was: 17-20 June), Wolfhaag, Vaals, Limburg.

2000 # 8-28 June (was: 8-25 June), Epen, Gulpen-Wittem, Limburg.

1987 # 8-10 June (was: 8-9 June), Oostvoorne, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2005 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger

Acrocephalus agricola 1,33,2

13 April, Bergumermeer, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, ringed, photographed (J Dijkstra, R Hendriks, P Das; Dutch Birding 36: 213, plate 277, 2014); 16 August, Kwade Hoek, Goeree-Overflakkee, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, ringed, photographed (V van der Spek et al).

Another year without a field observation. With c 94% of all records relating to ringed birds, one may wonder how many individuals escape detection in the field... The bird on 13 April was the earliest ever. Before, the earliest dated from 29 May 2003.

Blyth’s Reed Warbler / Struikrietzanger

Acrocephalus dumetorum 0,28,6

22 May, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (D M Brinkhuizen, L Brinkhuizen et al; Brinkhuizen et al 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 292, plate 393, 2014); 24 May, Tuintjes, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (D Kok et al; Brinkhuizen et al 2014; Dutch Birding 36: 292, plate 394, 2014); 25 May, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, ringed, photographed (M Sandifort, M Olthoff et al); 25 May, Eierlandse Duinen, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (R van Beusekom et al; Brinkhuizen et al 2014); 6-7 June, Reddingsboothuis, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (D Kok et al; Brinkhuizen et al 2014); 13 June, Opslagterrein Erika, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, sound-recorded (J Walhout et al; Brinkhuizen et al 2014).

Another good year, following the best year so far, 2013, with nine birds. The best months are October (11), September (eight), June (six) and May (five). Spring 2014 was a good season in some surrounding countries as well, with, eg, 10 singing individuals on Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, between 21 May and 21 June 2014 (OAG Helgoland 2015).

Aquatic Warbler / Waterrietzanger

Acrocephalus paludicola -,146,-

1990 # 26 August (was: 28 August), Keersluisplas, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland (K A Mauer).

1988 # 2-4 August (was: 2-3 August), Melissant, Dirksland, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year.

1987 # 11-16 August (was: 11-15 August), Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first calendar-year, maximum of three (on 11-15 August).

The 1990 record concerns a date correction. The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Zitting Cisticola / Graszanger

Cisticola juncidis -,47,-

1999 # 2 July to 8 August (was: 2-17 July), Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Hulst, Zeeland.

1982 # 26 July to 12 September (was: 30 July to 22 August), Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Hulst, Zeeland.

1977 # 18 June to 15 July (was: 22 June to 14 July), Vlietland, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Zuid-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2001 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Eurasian Treecreeper / Taigaboomkruiper

Certhia familiaris 78,65,-

1990 # 13-17 January (was: 13-16 January), Groningen, Groningen, Groningen.

1987 # 10-15 March (was: 10-11 March), Selwerderhof, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen, maximum of two (on 10-11 March).

1986 # 2-15 November (was: 5-15 November), Schiermonnikoog, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, two.

1982 # 26 November to 3 December (was: 1 December), Veenendaal, Veenendaal, Utrecht, ringed (on 1 December).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1995 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Rosy Starling / Roze Spreeuw

Pastor roseus 22,95,-

2002 # 22-23 June (was: 22 June), Heerenveen, Heerenveen, Friesland, adult.

2000 # 13-15 September (was: 14-15 September), Polder Wassenaar, Texel, Noord-Holland, juvenile.

1974 13-21 April, Voorstreek, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, second calendar-year, photographed (K van der Wal, H Koning, J Keizer).

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2003 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.


Eyebrowed Thrush / Vale Lijster

Turdus obscurus 2,5,0

1977 24-26 April, Bosbaan, Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (T M van der Have, W van der Have; van der Have 1978).

This record was previously accepted as relating to two individuals. One of the observers has recently reported doubts that actually two individuals were involved (as reported for the first day in van der Have 1978); according to the observer’s original notes, only one individual was seen on each date. Differences in light circumstances on the three days of observation were probably the cause that this observer at the time thought that the bird on the second and third day was a different individual (Tom van der Have in litt). Therefore, the record is now accepted for one individual. Details of this record, including scanned publications, photographs and field sketches, can be viewed at http://waarneming.nl/waarneming/view/99961866.

Black-throated Thrush / Zwartkeellijster

Turdus atrogularis 0,8,0

2000 # 11-22 November (was: 11-21 November), Selwerderhof, Groningen, Groningen, first-winter female.

* Icelandic Redwing / IJslandse Koperwiek

Turdus iliacus coburni 0,0,1

25 October to 4 November, Westerse Veld, Vlieland, Friesland, first-winter, photographed (V Hart, W Janse, N van Duivendijk et al; Dutch Birding 37: 64, plate 93, 2015).

This typical individual could be identified thanks to excellent photographs. It remains to be seen how rare (or uncommon) this taxon is in the Netherlands. There will definitely be more birders looking for it, now that it has gained a place on the Dutch list.

* American Robin / Roodborstlijster

Turdus migratorius 0,0,1

27 April, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Heemskerk, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year male, photographed, videoed (L Bregman et al; Bregman 2014, Bregman & Ebels 2015; Dutch Birding 36: 205, plate 259, 219, plate 286-287, 2014, 37: 235, plate 356-361, 2015).

This is the 13th Nearctic passerine to obtain a position on the Dutch list. It stayed for one day only but was seen by over 400 birders.

Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal

Luscinia luscinia 7,72,-

2006 # 12-25 May (was: 12-17 May), Koningssteen, Maasgouw, Limburg.

2003 # 11 May to 1 June (was: 11-19 May), Ooijpolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland.

1996 # 23-26 May (was: 23-24 May), De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland.

1992 # 1-6 June (was: 1-5 June), Meijendel, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland.

1988 # 20-28 May (was: 20-27 May), Heiloo, Bergen, Noord-Holland; # 22-28 May (was: 22-23 May), Eelde-Paterswolde, Tynaarlo, Drenthe.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2012 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. The 1988 record at Heiloo also concern a correction of locality; it was previously published for Egmond aan den Hoef, Bergen, Noord-Holland.

Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart

Tarsiger cyanurus 1,19,1

27 September, Polder van Moddergat, Moddergat, Dongeradeel, Friesland, ringed, photographed (O Verhoeven).

The earliest autumn record and only the second for September. The best month is October, with 15 records.

* Stejneger’s Stonechat / Stejnegers Roodborsttapuit

Saxicola stejnegeri 0,1,0

2012 8-23 October, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (D Kok et al; cf Cade & Collinson 2015).

An exceptional record in more than one respect. This warmly coloured stonechat stayed for 16 days on Texel, where it was seen by many birders (who were assuming they were looking at a Siberian Stonechat S maurus). Remarkably, on 24 October, the same individual (recognized by feather details when comparing photographs) was relocated at Portland Bill, Dorset, England, where it was trapped and ringed. The identification as Stejneger’s Stonechat was clinched after mtDNA analysis – the first to be identified with certainty for the Netherlands, Britain and the WP! A first-winter male at Lauwersmeer, Groningen, on 28 October (Dutch Birding 36: 429, plate 577, 2014) is still under review.

Isabelline Wheatear / Izabeltapuit

Oenanthe isabellina 0,8,2

28 September to 2 October, Hartelhaven, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed (R de Beer, R Halff, V Hart et al); 4-10 October, Luzerneveld, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed, videoed (G Mourik et al; Dutch Birding 36: 427, plate 573, 2014).

Photographs show these records to relate to two different individuals, despite no date overlap and a distance between both sites of only c 4 km. All 10 records are from the period between 31 August and 18 November. A remarkable total of four has now been recorded at Maasvlakte.

Desert Wheatear / Woestijntapuit

Oenanthe deserti 1,33,1

8 October, Kwelderpad, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter female, photographed (W B Janssen).

2005 # 9-26 November (was: 9-24 November), IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, first-winter male.

1996 # 14-25 December (was: 14-24 December), Westernieland, De Marne, Groningen, first-winter male.

In c 20 years time, this species has evolved from an extreme rarity to an almost annual visitor (with an average of c two per year over the last five years).

Pied Wheatear / Bonte Tapuit

Oenanthe pleschanka 0,19,1

10-13 November, Polder Groenendijk, Zoeterwoude, Zoeterwoude, Zuid-Holland, first-winter male, photographed, videoed (A de Groot et al; Dutch Birding 36: 418, plate 560, 2014, 37: 64, plate 92, 2015).

Of 20 records so far, 16 relate to birds found between 3 October and 17 November; this bird fitted nicely into the pattern but was one of the very few found inland.

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear / Oostelijke Blonde Tapuit

Oenanthe melanoleuca 1,2,0

A first-summer female photographed at Westkapelle, Zeeland, on 20-22 May was most likely this species but ruling out Western Black-eared Wheatear O hispanica with certainty proved difficult. DNA has been collected and the CDNA decision will follow when the results of an analysis are known.

White-crowned Wheatear / Witkruintapuit

Oenanthe leucopyga 0,0,0

The well-watched bird at Oegstgeest, Zuid-Holland, from 23 September to 3 December (Dutch Birding 36: 427, plate 574, 2014) is still under review. A bird photographed on Ameland, Friesland, on 2 November was wearing a red ring and rejected as presumed escape (identification accepted).

Spanish Sparrow / Spaanse Mus

Passer hispaniolensis 0,15,1

26-30 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed, videoed (G Bakker, D Benders, W van den Hoven et al; Ebels et al 2015; Dutch Birding 36: 429, plate 578, 2014, 37: 76, plate 116-117, 2015).

This was the first in autumn. There are now seven records (totalling 16 individuals).

White-throated Wagtail / Witkeelkwikstaart

Motacilla cinereocapilla 0,3,1

9 May, Tweede Kroonspolder, Vlieland, Friesland, first-summer male, photographed, sound-recorded (T de Boer, R Wilschut et al; Dutch Birding 36: 205, plate 260, 2014).

Identification as Ashy-headed Wagtail M c cinereocapilla was considered most likely. However, Spanish Wagtail M c iberiae could not be ruled out with certainty, mainly because of the presence of a rather prominent white spot behind the eye. Previous records were in May 2004 and April 2006 (two; both Ashy-headed).

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart

Motacilla citreola 0,41,1

29 May, Klein Vink, Arcen, Venlo, Limburg, first-summer male, photographed (R Jakobs et al; Dutch Birding 36: 291, plate 392, 2014).

2009 # 19-20 August (was: 19 August), Oude Waal, Ooijpolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, first calendar-year;

2008 # 22-29 August (was: 22-28 August), Oude Waal, Ooijpolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, first-winter.

A poor year with just one record, compared with an average of four in the previous five years.

Blyth’s Pipit / Mongoolse Pieper

Anthus godlewskii 0,7,1

26 October, Camping Stortemelk, Vlieland, Friesland, sound-recorded (L Bregman).

All records but one are between 11 October and 24 November. The remaining record concerns a wintering bird in January-February 2007. A bird on Rottumerplaat, Groningen, on 25-27 October is still under review.

Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper

Anthus hodgsoni 0,65,19

28 September, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (G Gelling et al); 3 October, Vogelduin, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (H Schekkerman); 3 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (G Gelling et al); 3-4 October, Vuurboetsduin, Vlieland, Friesland, maximum of three, photographed (E Nieuwstraten et al; Dutch Birding 36: 428, plate 575-576, 2014); 4 October, Vogelduin, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (R G M Altenburg); 4 October, IJmuiderslag, Velsen, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (D Groenendijk); 4 October, IJmuiderslag, Velsen, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (D Groenendijk); 5 October, Distripark, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (N van Houtum et al); 11 October, Langevelderslag, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (M Wielstra); 12 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (S Schilperoort et al); 13 October, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Vlissingen, Zeeland, sound-recorded (T Luiten et al); 15 October, Leeuwarderbos, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarden, Friesland, sound-recorded (J Breidenbach); 18 October, Vogelduin, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (R G M Altenburg et al); 19 October, Sportveld, Vlieland, Friesland, photographed (L Buckx et al); 26 October, Staatsbossen, De Koog, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (V Stork et al); 5 November, Oudeschip, Eemsmond, Groningen, photographed, sound-recorded (L Brinkhuizen, A van Lubeck); 11 November, Vogelduin, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Castricum, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (L Bregman).

2013 14 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (R van der Vliet et al); 14 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (R van der Vliet et al).

2012 8 October, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Vlissingen, Zeeland, sound-recorded (T Luiten et al); 8 October, Zuiderachterveld, Noordhollands Duinreservaat, Bergen, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (T Damm, E van Saane); 8 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (R van der Vliet et al); 18 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (R van der Vliet et al); 18 October, Vulkaan, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (R van der Vliet et al); 31 October to 4 November, Robbenoordbos, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, maximum of four (on 2 November), photographed (R E Brouwer et al); 10 November, Nolledijk, Vlissingen, Vlissingen, Zeeland, sound-recorded (T Luiten, P Beeke).

As mentioned in Haas et al (2014), good sound-recordings can be used to identify this species. Since a few years, many observers at migration watch points use tape recorders to record migrating birds and therefore quite a number of records were submitted. Because of the increase in the last few years, the species is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. The four at Robbenoordbos on 2 November 2012 added two to the totals; two had been already accepted for this site for 31 October to 4 November.

Red-throated Pipit / Roodkeelpieper

Anthus cervinus 25,50,-

1990 5-7 May, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, maximum of two (on 6 May), photographed (L Heemskerk, L B Steijn, J van der Laan et al).

A record previously listed in van den Berg et al (1993) for 6-7 May 1991 actually referred to 1990 and concerns a date extension of the record already accepted for 5 May 1990 (cf van den Berg et al 1992). The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1992 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Common Rosefinch / Roodmus

Erythrina erythrina 11,119,-

1991 # 22 June to 27 July (was: 22 June to 2 July), De Blocq van Kuffeler, Almere, Flevoland, adult male; # 22 June to 27 July (was: 22 June to 6 July), Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, two adult males.

1990 # 5 May to 5 July (was: 25 May to 9 June), Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, three (from 5 May to 5 July); # 20 May to 24 June (was: 20-24 May), Galjootweg, Almere, Flevoland, adult male.

1989 # 18 May to 27 July (was: 19-29 May), Galjootweg, Almere, Flevoland, two, adult males.

1987 # 26-27 May (was: 26 May), Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, immature; # 10-30 June (was: 10-20 June), Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, maximum of two (on 10-20 June); # 29 June to 5 August (was: 29 June to 29 July), Westduinpark, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 1992 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date.

Arctic Redpoll / Witstuitbarmsijs

Acanthis hornemanni exilipes 43,73,1

22 March to 2 April, Twiske, Oostzaan, Landsmeer, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (W Price, R Rotscheid et al; Dutch Birding 36: 213, plate 274, 215, plate 281, 2014).

2006 # 30 January to 12 February (was: 31 January to 12 February), Zuidlaren, Tynaarlo, Drenthe.

2005 # 21 December to 5 February 2006 (was: 22 December to 5 February 2006), Selwerd, Groningen, Groningen, Groningen; # 25 December to 3 January 2006 (was: 25 December to 1 January 2006), Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland.

2001 # 16 December to 14 January 2002 (was: 17 December to 12 January 2002), Zuid-Eierland, Texel, Noord-Holland, maximum of four (one on 16-20 December, three on 20-28 December, four on 29 December, three from 30 December to 12 January and two on 14 January).

1996 # 23-25 February (was: 23-24 February), Bergen, Bergen, Noord-Holland.

The subspecies A h exilipes is no longer considered since 1 January 2015 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. Numbers include Arctic Redpolls not accepted to subspecies but exclude Hornemann’s Redpoll A h hornemanni (one record).

Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek

Loxia leucoptera bifasciata 36,241,0

2013 23 November, Drents-Friese Wold, Westerveld, Drenthe, female, photographed (C van Elderen, M van Elderen, L Punt et al).

2005 # 30 January to 16 February (30 January to 11 February), Wateren, Westerveld, Drenthe, adult male.

1997 # 30 October to 8 February 1998 (was: 30 October to 31 January 1998), Oranje-Nassau’s Oord, Wageningen, Gelderland, 16.

1990 # 11-26 November (was: 11-18 November), Zevenlindenweg, Baarn, Utrecht, immature female.

1984 # 9 April to 6 May (was: 9 April to 4 May), Ansen, Westerveld, Drenthe, adult male.

The 2013 record was erroneously omitted from the 2013 annual report. The identification of a juvenile collected at Den Helder, Noord-Holland, on 2 September 1990 was questioned (cf Roselaar 2014) and the record is currently under review.

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek

Loxia pytyopsittacus 15,611,-

2007 # 12-14 October (was: 12 October), Vlieland, Friesland, six.

1990 # 15 October to 18 May 1991 (was: 15 October to 30 March 1991), at least 328 individuals.

The species is no longer considered since 1 January 2013 but the CDNA still welcomes reports from before this date. The 1990-91 invasion brought birds further south and more birds inland than the previous invasion, in 1982-83 (with 230 birds, most of them in Noord-Holland).

Pine Bunting / Witkopgors

Emberiza leucocephalos 15,20,0

1987 # 4-5 November (was: 4 November), Parnassia, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, ringed.

After release, this bird was observed in the field the next day.

Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors

Emberiza bruniceps 8,3,1

23-24 July, Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, male, photographed, videoed (F Arts et al; Dutch Birding 36: 275, plate 356, 361, plate 486, 2014).

1969 24-25 June, Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, male, filmed (K Schoonenberg, via G van der Bent).

This bird concerned the first record since 1995; it showed no signs of a captive origin and was seen by at least 200 birders. For the 1969 record, a correction of the municipality is given.

Black-headed Bunting / Zwartkopgors

Emberiza melanocephala 2,12,1

10 June, Oosterkwelder, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male, photographed (A-W Faber, W Dijkstra).

2003 29 May, Berkheide, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland (M Wielstra).

New information was received on the 2003 record, which had previously been rejected and has now been accepted, bringing the total to 15, of which 13 date from 5 May to 20 July.

Systematic list of rejected reports

This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity, such as dubious rings, excessive wear and/or aberrant behaviour.

Ross’s Goose / Ross’ Gans Anser rossii 13-19 May, Westdorpe, Terneuzen, Zeeland, white morph, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not show whether bird was unringed); 26 December, Polder Zeevang, Zeevang, Noord-Holland, photographed (@ identification accepted but photographs do not show whether bird was unringed). Ross’s x Barnacle Goose / Ross’ Gans x Brandgans Anser rossii x Branta leucopsis 18 January, Polder Zeevang, Zeevang, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Greenland White-fronted Goose / Groenlandse Kolgans Anser albifrons flavirostris 27 February, Polder Q, Burgerbrug, Schagen, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (@ photographs show Greater White-fronted Goose A a albifrons); 4 March, Medemblik, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (@ photographs show Greater White-fronted Goose A a albifrons). Surf Scoter / Brilzee-eend Melanitta perspicillata 11 April, Castricum aan Zee, Castricum, Noord-Holland, male (description incomplete). Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling Anas discors 30 March to 30 April, Ruygenborg, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, female, photographed (@ females are very difficult to separate from female (escaped) Cinnamon Teal A cyanoptera; in this case CDNA felt it was unsafe to accept this bird as Blue-winged). Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling Anas carolinensis 13 April, Veenhuizerstukken, Stadskanaal, Groningen, male, photographed (quality of photograph too poor to convince CDNA; description incomplete). Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw Apus melba 18 June, Bleskensgraaf, Graafstroom, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete); 31 July, N31, Garyp, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland (description incomplete). Great Spotted Cuckoo / Kuifkoekoek Clamator glandarius 9 March, Vught, Vught, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete). Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva 18 May, Kil van Hurwenen, Maasdriel, Gelderland (no sound-recording, which CDNA requires for acceptance of singing bird not (well) seen). Squacco Heron / Ralreiger Ardeola ralloides 18 August, Nieuwkoopse Plassen, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ photographs show ring on leg; furthermore some features not correct for pure Squacco and it may have been another Ardeola species or hybrid). Pacific Golden Plover / Aziatische Goudplevier Pluvialis fulva 6 August, Dijkgatsweide, Hollands Kroon, Noord-Holland, photographed (description incomplete and photographs not showing all relevant features such as darkish underwing). White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper Calidris fuscicollis 27 August, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, photographed (@ photographs show Little Stint C minuta); 19-20 September, Harderbroek, Zeewolde, Flevoland, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photographs too poor to support identification); 30 November, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland (several features correct for this species but CDNA not entirely convinced). Great Snipe / Poelsnip Gallinago media 27-31 March, Schinkelbos, Aalsmeer, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete); 19 April, Beekbergen, Apeldoorn, Gelderland (@ description incomplete); 30 July, Zwarte Water, Zwolle, Overijssel (description incomplete); 11 September, Liphusterheide, Opsterland, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus fuscus 17-21 October, Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal, Utrecht, Utrecht, second calendar-year, photographed (@ not compliant with criteria used by CDNA for acceptance, eg, second calendar-year is considered only identifiable until August); 19 October, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, second calendar-year, photographed (@ not compliant with criteria used by CDNA for acceptance, eg, second calendar-year is considered only identifiable until August). Egyptian Vulture / Aasgier Neophron percnopterus 10 June, Dordrecht, Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete of bird seen from moving train). Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier Gyps fulvus 11 April, Nieuwendijk, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant, photographed (description incomplete and quality of photograph too poor to support identification); 31 May, Groene Jonker, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete); 6 June, Tilburg, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete); 6 June, Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete); 7 June, Annen, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe, four (@ description incomplete); 7 June, A6, Swifterbant, Lelystad, Flevoland (@ description incomplete). Greater Spotted/Lesser Spotted Eagle / Bastaardarend/Schreeuwarend Aquila clanga/pomarina 27 June, Leidschendam, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Aquila pennata 3 June, Groene Jonker, Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Snowy Owl / Sneeuwuil Bubo scandiacus 24 March, Grathem, Maasgouw, Limburg (@ description incomplete). Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht Picus canus 26 October, Roderesch, Noordenveld, Drenthe (@ description incomplete). European Roller / Scharrelaar Coracias garrulus 23 April, Delft, Delft, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). American Kestrel / Amerikaanse Torenvalk Falco sparverius 19 May, Tuintjes, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, male, photographed (@ identification accepted, but due to birds regularly escaping from captivity, CDNA decided to place this species on the list of species that need proof of unringed legs; in this case, legs cannot be seen on photographs). Azure Tit / Azuurmees Cyanistes cyanus 19 April, Brobbelbies, Maashorst, Landerd, Noord-Brabant, photographed (@ identification accepted but this species is known to escape from captivity, eg, singles seen at Warffum, Groningen, on 29 April 2014, and at Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, from 20 February to at least 5 March 2015 both wore rings used in captivity; CDNA decided to place this species on the list of species that need proof of unringed legs). Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis Phylloscopus trochiloides 16 May, De Gavere, Terschelling, Friesland (@ description incomplete); 11 June, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland (@ description incomplete). Western Bonelli’s Warbler / Bergfluiter Phylloscopus bonelli 5 October, Petten, Schagen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete). Iberian Chiffchaff / Iberische Tjiftjaf Phylloscopus ibericus 22 May, Staatsbossen, Texel, Noord-Holland, two, photographed (@ no sound-recording and photographs do not support identification). Blyth’s Reed Warbler / Struikrietzanger Acrocephalus dumetorum 17 September, Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (few photographs do not support identification, some features wrong for Blyth’s Reed); 27 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (some features seem to support identification as Eurasian Reed Warbler A scirpaceus). Icelandic Redwing / IJslandse Koperwiek Turdus iliacus coburni 22 November, Park Frankendael, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, photographed (several features right for this taxon but only extreme birds currently considered identifiable with certainty). Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart Tarsiger cyanurus 8 October, De Klomp, Ede, Gelderland, two (@ description incomplete). Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit Saxicola maurus 22 March, Sint Maartensdijk, Tholen, Zeeland (@ description incomplete); 8 June, Buurserzand, Haaksbergen, Overijssel, male, photographed (@ description incomplete and photographs do not support identification). Isabelline Wheatear / Izabeltapuit Oenanthe isabellina 17 September, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, photographed (@ photographs show Northern Wheatear O oenanthe). Pied Wheatear / Bonte Tapuit Oenanthe pleschanka 4 November, Elst, Overbetuwe, Gelderland (@ description incomplete). White-crowned Wheatear / Witkruintapuit Oenanthe leucopyga 2 November, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, male, photographed (@ identification accepted but wearing red ring used for birds in captivity). Spanish Sparrow / Spaanse Mus Passer hispaniolensis 5 November, Europoort, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete). Alaskan/Siberian Wagtail / Alaskakwikstaart/Siberische Kwikstaart Motacilla tschutschensis/plexa 12 October, Hollum, Ameland, Friesland, photographed (@ no sound recording and quality of photographs too poor to exclude other wagtail taxa). Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart Motacilla citreola 24 August, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete). Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper Anthus hodgsoni 11 March, Maarn, Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Utrecht (@ description incomplete); 10 October, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (@ quality of recording too poor to identify bird with certainty). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 14 June, Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, male (@ description incomplete). Black-headed Bunting / Zwartkopgors Emberiza melanocephala 19 October, Losser, Losser, Overijssel, female, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photograph too poor to support identification).


Pallid Swift / Vale Gierzwaluw Apus pallidus 26 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (quality of photographs too poor to support description; Common Swift A apus can be extremely difficult to rule out without good quality photographs). Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter Calidris subruficollis 6 October, Polder Oude Hardenbroek, Brabantse Biesbosch, Werkendam, Noord-Brabant (@ description incomplete for date extension). Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger Acrocephalus agricola 23-25 August, Sonderleien, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Friesland, photographed, sound-recorded (quality of photographs and sound-recording poor).


Caspian Reed Warbler / Kaspische Kleine Karekiet Acrocephalus scirpaceus fuscus 5-12 June, Landgoed Oud Naarden, Naarden, Noord-Holland, ringed, photographed (@ photographs show Marsh Warbler A palustris).


Cory’s/Scopoli’s Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli’s Pijlstormvogel Calonectris borealis/diomedea 19 October, Egmond aan Zee, Bergen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Eurasian Stone-curlew / Griel Burhinus oedicnemus 15 April, Bleekersvallei, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper Calidris fuscicollis 10 September, Pompevlak, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete for date extension); 12 September, Pompevlak, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete for date extension). Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit Saxicola maurus 20 December, Westplaat, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete for date extension).


Whistling Swan / Fluitzwaan Cygnus columbinus 24 December, Eexterzandvoort, Aa en Hunze, Drenthe (@ description incomplete; furthermore, already rejected in 2001, cf van der Vliet et al 2002).


Bearded Vulture / Lammergier Gypaetus barbatus 12 May, Den Haag, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Greater Flamingo / Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 15 January, Wevers Inlaag, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, photographed (@ description incomplete and quality of photographs too poor to support identification and exclude other flamingo species).


Black Brant / Zwarte Rotgans Branta nigricans 5 March, Sabbingeplaat, Veerse Meer, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland (@ description incomplete). Marsh Sandpiper / Poelruiter Tringa stagnatilis 11 September, Putten, Camperduin, Bergen, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Squacco Heron / Ralreiger Ardeola ralloides 8 June, Oude Waal, Ubbergen, Gelderland (description incomplete).


Eyebrowed Thrush / Vale Lijster Turdus obscurus 24-26 April, Bosbaan, Amsterdamse Bos, Amstelveen, Noord-Holland, female/immature (withdrawn by observer; one bird remains accepted, see main text).


Short-toed Snake Eagle / Slangenarend Circaetus gallicus 17 September, Muiderberg, Naarden, Noord-Holland (@ description incomplete).


Rustic Bunting / Bosgors Emberiza rustica 3 March, Zwolle, Zwolle, Overijssel, adult female, found dead (@ identification accepted but possible fraud not excluded).


The CDNA wishes to thank Bram Rijksen who kindly provided the drawing of the African Desert Warbler on p 361. The editors of Dutch Birding assisted in checking record details. August van Rijn kindly assisted the archivist in submitting records and/or gathering and checking record details. Jan van der Laan provided the total number of bird species recorded in 2014. Many thanks go to Edwin Russer for taking care of checking date extensions for a large number of records uploaded to www.waarneming.nl.


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