Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 1999

1 december 2000  ·  Roland E van der Vliet, A (Bert) de Bruin, Jan van der Laan & CDNA  ·  19265 × bekeken

Rare Birds in The Netherlands in 1999

Roland E van der Vliet, A (Bert) de Bruin, Jan van der Laan & CDNA

This is the 20th annual report on rare birds in the Netherlands to be published in Dutch Birding. This report comprises records from 1999 as well as belated and reconsidered records, dating back to 1950, which have been evaluated by the Dutch rarities committee, the Commissie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Avifauna (CDNA). Several 1999 records are still under review or awaiting submission and could, therefore, not be included. In addition, several records for 1998 and earlier years are still under consideration, for various reasons.

As mentioned in the 1998 report (Wiegant et al 1999b), the information in van den Berg & Bosman (1999) overrules all annual reports by the CDNA before the 1997 report. Data presented in this report and the 1997 and 1998 reports (Wiegant et al 1999a, b), as well as future reports, in turn overrule the information in van den Berg & Bosman (1999). This report includes corrections of data presented for 1800-1996 in van den Berg & Bosman (1999). For records in 1997-99, usually referred to as ‘provisional additions' (van den Berg & Bosman 1999), one should consult the rarity reports by CDNA in Dutch Birding. As a consequence, the CDNA reports should be followed when there is a difference in information between van den Berg & Bosman (1999) and the CDNA reports for 1997-2000.

Details included for each accepted record are, if available: date(s); location and/or municipality (municipal divisions as on 1 January 1999); province; number of birds if more than one, plumage and sex; type of record if trapped, photographed, videoed, sound-recorded or found dead (and where specimen is stored); names of up to three observers involved in finding, identifying and recording, and relevant references in the literature, which normally include (inter)national and not regional journals, and published photographs. Records from 1998 lasting into 1999, which were already published in the 1998 report, are repeated here without references, for the sake of completeness. Sequence of the records in the species accounts is from the current year backwards, with records within one year presented chronologically. A compilation of most of the birds videoed can be found in Plomp et al (2000). Numbers after each (sub)species' name refer to the total number of individuals 1 from 1 January 1800 to 31 December 1979, 2 since 1 January 1980 but excluding 3 the current year. Taxa marked with an asterisk * are new to the Dutch list.

The following CDNA members voted on some or all of the records in this report: Theo Bakker, Max Berlijn, Ruud F J van Beusekom, A (Bert) de Bruin, Jan van der Laan (chairman), Karel A Mauer, C S (Kees) Roselaar, Jelle Scharringa (secretary), Roland E van der Vliet (archivist) and Wim M Wiegant (former archivist). Records should be sent to CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, the Netherlands, preferably using standard forms which can be obtained free of charge from CDNA. Records can also be submitted through e-mail cdna@dutchbirding.nl or via the CDNA site on the Dutch Birding homepage, using an electronic submission form. On the same CDNA site, it is possible to see which records are currently under review, which were recently accepted and which were rejected.

Decisions regarding taxonomy have been delegated to the Dutch committee for avian systematics, the Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna (CSNA) which on 1 January 1999 consisted of the following members: Arnoud B van den Berg, Cornelis J Hazevoet, C S (Kees) Roselaar, George Sangster (secretary) and Ronald Sluys.

The CDNA has decided to no longer consider records of European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus, Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus and Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos from 1 January 2000 onwards (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999). All three have become increasingly regular over the last 10 years and are (much) more often seen than submitted. This report is the last in which these three species are treated (apart from belated pre-2000 records).

In 1999, a total of at least 346 species was recorded with only one species new to the Dutch list: Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmeus (first and second records). Further highlights were the third Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis, third Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri, third Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus and fourth Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis. Also in 1999, the third consecutive successful breeding record of Eurasian Eagle Owl Bubo bubo (four young fledged) was recorded.

Systematic list of accepted records

Whistling Swan / Fluitzwaan
Cygnus columbianus 1,4,0

1998 18-28 December, Gieterveen, Gieten, and Eexterveen, Anloo, Drenthe, and 5-10 January 1999, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen.

This record of the returning individual was already mentioned in Wiegant et al (1999b). Van Dongen et al (2000) mentioned its return in the winter of 1999/2000 but the CDNA did not receive any details.

Lesser White-fronted Goose / Dwerggans
Anser erythropus -,61,-

1989 30 November, Hedwigepolder, Hulst, Zeeland, adult (P L Meininger, H Schekkerman).

Although mentioned by van den Berg & Bosman (1999; with a maximum of five), this record had not officially been published until now. This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1992.

Black Brant / Zwarte Rotgans
Branta nigricans 7,88,-

1998 12 February and 15-22 March, Texel, Noord-Holland, four, two adults and two juveniles (P Postma, M Brix; Postma & Brix 1999); 14 March to 1 April (one) and 1 November (two), Hippolytushoef, Wieringen, and Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adults (P M A van der Wielen, A P Leegwater); 25-28 March, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult (B Lagerveld, P L Meininger, J van der Laan); 5 October to 22 November, Noordpolderzijl, Eemsmond, Groningen, maximum of two on 13-16 November, adults, photographed (K van Dijken, A de Bruin, E Koops); 18 October, Hippolytushoef, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult (P M A van der Wielen, A P Leegwater, R E Brouwer); 1 December, Polder Midsland, Terschelling, Friesland, two adults (T Bakker, A Ouwerkerk); 2 December to 31 January 1999, Anjum, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, photographed (T Bakker, O Tol, L Davids); 26 December, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult, photographed (B van de Meulengraaf).

1997 26 October to 9 February 1998, Prunjepolder, Schouwen-Duiveland, Zeeland, adult (P M A van der Wielen, A P Leegwater).

The family group on Texel was previously accepted for 15-22 March only (cf Loos & Wassink 1999). The 1997 record concerns a date extension by one month (cf Wiegant et al 1999b). The bird on 18 October 1998 is a different individual from the two birds seen on 1 November 1998. This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1999.

Ring-necked Duck x Tufted Duck / Ringsnaveleend x Kuifeend
Aythya collaris x fuligula 0,3,0

1994 12 April, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, adult male (V van der Spek, J de Kleijn).

This record is considered to refer to the same bird as the one recorded at the same site in March-April 1993.

Lesser Scaup / Kleine Topper
Aythya affinis 0,2,1

20 December to 15 January 2000, Haringvliet, Bernisse, and Spuimond, Hellevoetsluis, Zuid-Holland, adult male, videoed (N D van Swelm, B J M de Bruin, T J C Luijendijk).

This is the third record; despite its long stay, this bird was only seen on three dates and most of the time could only be viewed from a boat. Previous records were in 1994-95 and 1996. This species is now annually recorded in Britain, so more records can be expected in the near future.

King Eider / Koningseider
Somateria spectabilis 1,6,1

23 May to 16 December, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, second calendar-year male, photographed (A Schaftenaar, J van 't Bosch, W van der Waal; Dutch Birding 21: 181, plate 189, 1999).

The Wadden Sea, with its large concentration of Common Eiders S mollissima, obviously offers the best chance to find this Arctic duck. This was the first male since 1991.

Falcated Duck / Bronskopeend
Mareca falcata 0,5,0

1992 22-28 January and 16 March to 18 April, and 1-2 January 1993, and 26 April 1993, and 15 October 1994 to 10 June 1995, and 16 November to 22 December 1996, Zuid-Kennemerland, Bennebroek/Bloemendaal/ Haarlem/Zandvoort/Hillegom/Velsen, Noord-Holland/ Zuid-Holland, adult male (no ring), photographed (R Slaterus et al); 7-28 March, Engelermeer, Den Bosch, Noord-Brabant, adult male (no ring), photographed (J H Rahder, J Nijkamp et al).

The record of 1992-96 was previously published with incomplete dates. An overview of all European records will be published in Dutch Birding before long.

American Wigeon / Amerikaanse Smient
Mareca americana 5,23,2

3 January, Weurt, Beuningen, Gelderland, adult male (E Nieuwstraten, H van der Jeugd, B Aarts); 14-20 November, Heulse Waard, Houten, Utrecht, adult male, videoed (B Rijksen, P van Scheepen).

1998 25-26 March, Hekslootpolder, Haarlem, 27 March, Spaarnwouderplas, Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude, and 28 March, Velserbroekpolder, Velsen, Noord-Holland, adult male (P Schrijver, R Slaterus, D J Moerbeek).

A record from 24 March to 6 April at Garrelsweer, Loppersum, Groningen, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Blue-winged Teal / Blauwvleugeltaling
Anas discors 6,18,1

24-28 April, Fraterwaard, Doesburg, Gelderland, adult male (B van de Meulengraaf, M Berlijn).

Compared with American Wigeon, individuals of this species in the WP show the occurrence pattern of a migrant, wintering somewhere in southern Europe or northern Africa and migrating to northern Europe. American Wigeons seem to winter in central Europe, probably summering somewhere in northern Europe. A record on 9-10 May at Zijpe, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation.

Green-winged Teal / Amerikaanse Wintertaling
Anas carolinensis 6,10,2

21-30 April, Oostelijke Binnenpolder and Polder Achteraf, Maarssen, Utrecht, adult male (E de Valk, H R Russer, R Pieterson); 30 April to 7 May, Rammegors, Tholen, Zeeland, adult male (W Janse, H Janse, B-J Luijendijk).

Since 1995, this species has been recorded annually, mostly during spring migration. It shows the same general pattern in occurrence as Blue-winged Teal. A record from 21 November to 6 December on Texel, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation.

Balearic Shearwater / Vale Pijlstormvogel
Puffinus mauretanicus 5,63,-

1997 9 October, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland (C J N Winter, R A van Splunder, W A van Splunder).

This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1998 but many records from before this year are still in notebooks of several observers, so probably this taxon will be mentioned in CDNA reports for many years to come!

European Storm-petrel / Stormvogeltje
Hydrobates pelagicus -,104,0

1998 30 October, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland (P M A van der Wielen); 31 October, Zuidpier, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, at least four (R Slaterus, M S Robb, J Dijkhuizen); 31 October, Scheveningen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, 26 (R E van der Vliet, R Karskens, R van der Vliet).

1999 was the last year that this species was considered by the CDNA but none was reported. Several reports from the 1998 influx still have not been submitted while two reports from 1997 are still in circulation. The total number of individuals for the 1998 influx now stands at 47, of which 37 flew past Scheveningen on 30 and 31 October.

* Pygmy Cormorant / Dwergaalscholver
Microcarbo pygmeus 0,0,2

23-24 January, Mastwijk, Montfoort, Utrecht, possibly first-winter, photographed, videoed (C Tims, W Stoopendaal, C Witkamp; van den Berg & Bosman 1999, Stoopendaal & Tims 1999, Ebels et al 2000; Birding World 12: 10, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 58, plate 48, 64, plate 55, 1999, 22: 129, plate 105, 130, plates 106-107, 2000); 12 June, Observatiehut Zeearend, Oostvaardersplassen, Lelystad, Flevoland, summer plumage, photographed (A Vink, H Vink-Slotboom, F Ossendorp; Ebels et al 2000; Dutch Birding 22: 131, plate 108, 2000).

The first record was followed five months later by the second although the bird of Flevoland may have been the same bird as the one at Montfoort. The species is increasing on its breeding grounds in eastern Europe and has recolonized Hungary (first recent breeding in 1985), Slovakia (1992-93) and Italy (since 1982, 30 pairs in 1999) (Ebels et al 2000).

Atlantic Great Cormorant / Grote Aalscholver
Phalacrocorax carbo carbo 6,6,0

The record of a colour-ringed bird presumed to be this taxon first seen at Heel, Heel en Panheel, Limburg, on 6 September 1998 and then well observed on 4-15 February 2000 (van den Berg et al 2000) and again reported from 17 September 2000 onwards, is still in circulation.

Great White Pelican / Roze Pelikaan
Pelecanus onocrotalus 1,2,0

The bird photographed at Nieuw-Bergen, Bergen, Limburg, on 6-7 October is still in circulation (Birding World 12: 424, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 287, plate 302, 1999). Other reports from the autumn of 1999 (cf van Dongen et al 1999) are either still in circulation or have not (yet) been submitted.

Squacco Heron / Ralreiger
Ardeola ralloides 25 (since 1866),15,0

1995 14 August, Vooroever, Wervershoof, Noord-Holland, adult winter (A L Roobeek, J Buysman, W Kooijman).

The number of records in the past decade is lower than in previous decades, so a new generation of birders is eagerly waiting for the next one to come. A record of a bird at Deurnese Peel, Asten, Noord-Brabant, on 29 July is still in circulation.

Glossy Ibis / Zwarte Ibis
Plegadis falcinellus 115,59,2

21-22 August, Rammegors, Tholen, Zeeland, adult summer (P L Meininger, G A Davidse, R Sponselee); 28 October to at least October 2000, Petten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, first-winter, photographed (L van Welie, O Tol, M Berlijn; Birding World 12: 441, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 361, plate 381, 1999).

1999 is the last year for which records of this species are considered.

Greater Flamingo / Flamingo
Phoenicopterus roseus 14,77,-

1986 26 February, Oostvoornse Meer, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, two, adult, photographed (L P Heemskerk).

Every now and then, a birder will find in his attic or cellar some photographs of taxa that are (or have been) considered by the CDNA, in this case after 14 years. This record is considered to refer to the same birds (three at first) present at this locality from 21 January to 16 March 1985. The CDNA welcomes all records from before 1993.

Eurasian Griffon Vulture / Vale Gier
Gyps fulvus 9,8,1

1 June, Goes, and 2-3 June, Anna Frisopolder, Noord-Beveland, Zeeland, second calendar-year, photographed, videoed (M Hoekstein, P L Meininger, J Walhout; Hoekstein 2000; Dutch Birding 21: 184, plate 197, 1999, 22: 142, plates 109-110, 2000).

This bird was wearing a white colour-ring on its left leg with the inscription PE. After scrutinizing the Internet, it became known that it had been ringed as a chick on 16 April 1998 at Gorges de la Jonte, Lozère, France (Hoekstein 2000).

Short-toed Eagle / Slangenarend
Circaetus gallicus 3,7,2

21 May, Haagse Waterleidingduinen, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, adult (A Remeeus); 25 September, Elterberg, Rijnwaarden, Gelderland (E A W Ernens, J Schoppers, H Sierdsema).

This species has now been recorded annually since 1996. A report from Echt, Limburg, is still in circulation.

Pallid Harrier / Steppekiekendief
Circus macrourus 5,3,1

16 April, Wagejot, Texel, Noord-Holland, male, probably fourth calendar-year (A Wassink).

Two records from May and September are still in circulation. Compared with Fenno-Scandinavian countries, this species is very rare in the Netherlands, with records in April-May and August-October. Typically though, this bird stayed for a short period and thus eluded the ever-growing new generation of birders still waiting for their first Pallid Harrier in the Netherlands.

Golden Eagle / Steenarend
Aquila chrysaetos 10,4,1

16-19 October, Terschelling, Friesland, first-winter, photographed (A Ouwerkerk, T Hek; Dutch Birding 21: 362, plate 382, 1999).

Despite its large size, this bird was very elusive and eluded all visiting birders. The last long-stayer was in 1981. Since then, only two were recorded, in 1992 and 1993, both being one-day records.

Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen
Porzana parva -,8,1

12 June to 8 July, Kampina, Boxtel, Noord-Brabant, adult male, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (K de Vries, M Berlijn, W Janse; Dutch Birding 21: 234, plate 248, 1999).

1998 30 May to 7 June, Kollumerpomp, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Friesland, male, singing, sound-recorded (R Slaterus, M S Robb, M van den Bergh).

Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen
Porzana pusilla -,23,2

9-14 June, Roetwaarden, Den Nul, Olst, Overijssel, male, singing, sound-recorded (M Zekhuis, P Voskamp, C Derks); 16-19 June, Vianen, Zuid-Holland, male, singing, sound-recorded (R Jansen, R Slaterus, M S Robb).

The CDNA maintains the tough policy that only sound-recorded birds or well-documented sight records will be accepted. Descriptions of calls alone are not sufficient. A sight record on 19 May on Terschelling, Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted as have several other reports in June (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Stone-curlew / Griel
Burhinus oedicnemus -,23,2

22 May, Kennemerduinen, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, photographed, videoed (A B van den Berg, F Hieselaar, L J R Boon); 7 June, De Hoge Veluwe, Ede, Gelderland (D Moore).

1998 26 April, De Blocq van Kuffeler, Almere, Flevoland, calling, sound-recorded (M S Robb, R Slaterus).

Collared Pratincole / Vorkstaartplevier
Glareola pratincola 5,11,2

6 May, De Blikken, Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, summer plumage (H van Oosterhout, P Wink, M Kapoen); 15 June, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, summer plumage (R Hovinga, R J Jonkvorst).

Two records in August have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999). A report on 8 June 1997 at Grevenbicht, Born, Limburg, has recently been submitted.

Black-winged Pratincole / Steppevorkstaartplevier
Glareola nordmanni 12,12,2

29 August, Linden, Cuijk, Noord-Brabant, moulting from summer to winter plumage, photographed (L Peters, M Koning, M Berlijn); 8-14 September, Stinkgat, Tholen, Zeeland, adult, videoed (G A Davidse, P A Wolf et al).

Van Dongen et al (1999) mentioned another record which has not (yet) been submitted. Before 1990, Black-winged Pratincole used to be less rare than Collared Pratincole but, after 1990, the reverse seems to be true: before 1990, there were 19 records (22 birds) of Black-winged and six (seven birds) of Collared and, after 1990, four and 10 records (11 birds), respectively.

pratincole / vorkstaartplevier
Glareola 3,7,0

1998 15 May, De Robbenjager, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (J J F J Jansen).

American Golden Plover / Amerikaanse Goudplevier
Pluvialis dominicus 1,9,1

20-22 November, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed (R van Rossum, J Dijkhuizen, H Groen).

An adult photographed at Groote Keeten, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, on 20-22 April (Dutch Birding 21: 184, plate 196, 1999) is still in circulation. This species has been recorded annually since 1994. For Pacific Golden Plover P fulva, 1999 proved to be a blank year.

Sociable Lapwing / Steppekievit
Vanellus gregarius 12,22,3

29 March, De Blikken, Groede, Oostburg, Zeeland, adult summer, photographed (P A Wolf, P L Meininger, S Lilipaly); 25 August to 26 September, Winssense Veld, Beuningen, Gelderland, adult summer, photographed (R Lensink); 4 October, Baarlo, IJsselham, Overijssel, first-winter, photographed (S Bernardus et al; Dutch Birding 21: 365, plate 387, 1999).

White-tailed Lapwing / Witstaartkievit
Vanellus leucurus 1,3,1

7 June, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer (J H Bolhuis, K Bode, K Sars).

This individual eluded nearly all birders who visit this area almost daily, showing that even a conspicuous bird can be a real nuisance to find.

White-rumped Sandpiper / Bonapartes Strandloper
Calidris fuscicollis 1,4,1

1-8 August, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult summer, photographed, videoed (S Lagerveld, B Lagerveld, M Berlijn; Dutch Birding 21: 234, plate 246, 1999).

This sixth record confirms that the best strategy to find this species is to search roosting sites bordering the Wadden Sea at high tide. Apart from the first record of a first-winter in October 1977, all others concerned adult summer birds moulting into winter plumage.

Pectoral Sandpiper / Gestreepte Strandloper
Calidris melanotos 9,76,16

14-22 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, photographed (J Bisschop, R Mulder, R O Winters); 1 June, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland (R Mulder, J J F J Jansen); 1-3 June, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland (J J F J Jansen et al); 5 August, Erlecomse Waard, Ooypolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, adult (J Dijkhuizen, C Zuijderduijn); 5-10 August, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult (M Berlijn, R E van der Vliet); 18 September, Hoogkerk, Groningen, Groningen, two, juveniles, photographed (M P Olthoff, L Davids, S de Bruin); 18-20 September, Breezand, Anna Paulowna, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed (S Lagerveld, B Lagerveld, T Admiraal); 18-25 September, 't Zand, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, two, juveniles (J Brandjes, M Berlijn; Dutch Birding 21: 289, plate 313, 1999); 18-29 September, Naardermeer, Naarden, Noord-Holland, three, juveniles, photographed (J Brandjes, R F J van Beusekom, M Berlijn); 19 September, Markiezaat, Woensdrecht, Noord-Brabant, juvenile (J J Blankert, H Bult, R M Teixeira); 27 September to 3 October, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, juvenile (P P de Vries, R Versteeg, O Tol); 1 October, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, juvenile (P P de Vries, R Versteeg, O Tol).

1997 13 September, Zijperpolder, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed (S Lagerveld, K J Eigenhuis, J van 't Hof).

This is the best year ever, with 16 individuals so far accepted. The previous best year was 1989 (nine records), followed by 1993 (eight) and 1988, 1991, 1992 and 1998 (all with seven). This is the last year this species was considered but the CDNA welcomes all records from before 2000.

Broad-billed Sandpiper / Breedbekstrandloper
Limicola falcinellus 23,58,4

15-16 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer (W J B Fontijn, E Koops, R Mulder); 29-30 May, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult summer (R E Brouwer, M Berlijn, J van der Laan); 9-16 July, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult summer, photographed (R E Brouwer, H P Rustenburg); 12-14 July, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, adult summer (R E Brouwer, H P Rustenburg).

1973 13-29 August, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, trapped, photographed (G C Boere, K H Voous; Limosa 47: 40, 1974).

The 1973 record concerns a date extension. A record from 11-22 September is still in circulation while other birds reported on 9 May at Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland, on 14-18 May at Holwerd, Dongeradeel, Friesland, on 20 July at Amstelmeer, Anna Paulowna, Noord-Holland, and on 13 September at Zwarte Haan, Dongeradeel, Friesland, have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Buff-breasted Sandpiper / Blonde Ruiter
Tryngites subruficollis 3,8,1

18 September, Flaauwers Inlaag, Middenschouwen, Zeeland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (D Kok, N van Duivendijk, H Prinsen; Dutch Birding 21: 298, plate 320, 1999).

A report on 15 October at Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation while another on 16 August at Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Great Snipe / Poelsnip
Gallinago media -,18,1

10 April, Beuven, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant, adult (J-E Kikkert).

1998 15 May, Philipsdam, Bruinisse, Zeeland (P A Wolf, F A Arts, J Graveland).

This seems an average number but the 1998 bird was only the third spring record and the one in April 1999 the fourth as well as the earliest ever. A report on 31 July at Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, has not (yet) been submitted.

Long-billed Dowitcher / Grote Grijze Snip
Limnodromus scolopaceus 0,15,0

1998 25 April to 9 May, Ezumakeeg, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult summer (R Slaterus, P Thomas).

1996 22 October, Paesens, Dongeradeel, Friesland, juvenile (S Witvoet, R Hovinga).

The 1996 record constitutes the first of a juvenile.

dowitcher / grijze snip
Limnodromus griseus/scolopaceus 1,3,0

1997 24 April to 1 May, Bandpolder, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, videoed (L J R Boon, A de Bruin et al; cf Wiegant et al 1999b).

Lesser Yellowlegs / Kleine Geelpootruiter
Tringa flavipes 1,3,2

6-11 August, Jaap Deensgat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, adult summer moulting to winter plumage, photographed (R Cazemier, M Berlijn, P Palmen; Dutch Birding 21: 230, plate 236, 1999); 3 November, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, first-winter (P G Schrijvershof, A Ouwerkerk).

The Lauwersmeer bird may very well have been the bird of July 1998 since timing and location were very similar (cf Wiegant et al 1999b).

Terek Sandpiper / Terekruiter
Xenus cinereus 1,15,1

1-2 May, Flaauwers Inlaag, Middenschouwen, Zeeland (D van der Spoel, W Janse, H Janse).

A typical date for this species. There are now 11 records in May, two in June, and one in July, August, September and October. Van Dongen et al (1999) mentioned no less than four other records which have not (yet) been submitted.

Long-tailed Jaeger / Kleinste Jager
Stercorarius longicaudus -,107,-

1991 15 September, Wadden Sea near Schiermonnikoog, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, juvenile (A de Bruin, B Balten, M Olthoff).

This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993.

Ring-billed Gull / Ringsnavelmeeuw
Larus delawarensis 0,7,0

21 November to 2 February 2000, Goes, Zeeland, adult male, photographed (P van Rij et al; Dutch Birding 22: 52, plate 55, 2000).

1998 18 January to 11 February and 18 September to at least January 1999, Goes, Zeeland, adult male.

This returning individual had already been mentioned in the 1998 report. In September 2000, it was reported again from the same site. This long-staying bird obscures the fact that this species is still a major rarity, with records in 1986, 1992 (two), 1995, 1996 and 1997.

Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw
Larus fuscus 0,4,1

10 October, Enschede, Overijssel, adult (P Knolle, E van Boxtel, A Poelmans).

1998 29 August, Westkapelle, Zeeland, adult.

The 1998 record was erroneously published for 29 September in Wiegant et al (1999b). A large number of reports from 1999 is still under consideration or has not (yet) been submitted. Confusion with small dark-backed 'intermedius'-type birds is an identification pitfall, and future investigations may well lead to the conclusion that autumn adults can not be safely identified in the field. In that case, all records of adults need to be reviewed.

Heuglin's Gull / Heuglins Meeuw
Larus heuglini 0,0,0

The bird photographed at Groningen, Groningen, on 14-15 June (Bakker 1999) has not (yet) been submitted.

Mediterranean Yellow-legged Gull / Mediterrane Geelpootmeeuw
Larus michahellis michahellis

The report of a recovery of an individual ringed on Mrkan, Croatia, on 6 June 1964 from Marken, Waterland, Noord-Holland, in August 1965 (Larus 19: 133-144, 1965, Vogelwarte 25: 362, 1970, Wielewaal 47: 129-130, 1981, van den Berg & Bosman 1999) is in error. The bird in question was in fact found dead on the very same place (Mrkan) where it had been ringed (CDNA archives).

Iceland Gull / Kleine Burgemeester
Larus glaucoides 21,68,-

1989 23-27 December, Markthallen, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, first-winter (R J J Vlek, A H V Eggenhuizen).

The bird was considered to be a different individual from the one present at IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, from 16 December 1989 to 10 March 1990. It was submitted thanks to the ambitious bird archivist of Amsterdam who is very keen on adding records of rare birds to the Amsterdam list, much to the delight of the CDNA. 1997 was the last year for which records of this species were considered.

Roseate Tern / Dougalls Stern
Sterna dougallii 3,20,0

1997 23 June, Westkapelle, Zeeland, adult, summer plumage (P A Wolf).

Forster's Tern / Forsters Stern
13-14 November, De Boschplaat, Terschelling, Friesland, adult winter, photographed (E van Winden, A Ouwerkerk, H Zevenhuizen et al; Dutch Birding 21: 363, plate 384, 1999). 0,2,1

The third record of this tern was at one of the hardest places to reach, involving a two-hour boat trip to Terschelling followed by a two-hour bicycle drive on a muddy trail. It is here where the boys get separated from the men. In fact, the men were far behind …

Black Guillemot / Zwarte Zeekoet
Cepphus grylle 31,41,0

1998 28 December to 6 March 1999, Nieuwe Haven, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first-winter.

1993 9-11 August, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, first calendar-year female, found dead on 11 August, skin retained at Zoölogisch Museum, Amsterdam (H M van Eck, T G Prins).

1989 23 September, Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, adult summer moulting to adult winter (L P Heemskerk, F Ossendorp, A Veen).

The 1989 record appeared from the same birder's attic where the 1986 record of Greater Flamingo was found. The 1998 bird had already been mentioned by Wiegant et al (1999b). The CDNA awaits submission of at least two 1999 reports, one on 13 October at Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, and one on 1 November at Brouwersdam, Goedereede, Zuid-Holland (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Eurasian Eagle Owl / Oehoe
Bubo bubo 1,16,4

The pair at Maastricht, Limburg, remained at their regular site all year and again raised four young as in 1997 and 1998 (Birding World 12: 273, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 174, plate 177, 1999, Br Birds 93: 126, plates 79-80, 2000). There were rumours about another nesting pair in southern Limburg, raising two young. However, no information was submitted to the CDNA.

Tengmalm's Owl / Ruigpootuil
Aegolius funereus -,4,1

29 March, Slotplaats, Bakkeveen, Opsterland, Friesland, male, calling (K H Scholten), and late March to 12 April, Norg, Noordenveld, Drenthe, male, calling, sound-recorded (E Menkveld, R Slaterus, C van der Wardt et al; Ebels & Menkveld 1999).

1976 15-21 March, De Witreit, boswachterij Hapert, Bladel, Noord-Brabant, singing, sound-recorded (W van de Voort).

Both 1999 records are considered to refer to the same individual because of coincidental timing and location. This individual was very much appreciated by the new generation of 'Angry Young Birders'. The last long-staying individual was in 1985-87 at Grolloo, Rolde, Drenthe. The 1976 record finally confirms the rumours that this species may also occur in southern parts of the Netherlands.

Alpine Swift / Alpengierzwaluw
Apus melba 7,22,1

5 June, Steenwaard, Houten, Utrecht (B Rijksen).

There is only one record of a bird staying longer than one day, in late October 1987. Two 1999 reports are still in circulation.

European Roller / Scharrelaar
Coracias garrulus 53,15,0

1980 7 June, Eierlandse Duinen, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed (R Olivier, R van Bree, L Querelle).

Another example of what can turn up when birders clean up their archives. 1999 remained a blank year for this colourful vagrant.

Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik
Calandrella brachydactyla 3,19,2

16 May, Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, adult (P M A van der Wielen, T Damm, J Stok); 9-12 September, Uitdam, Waterland, Noord-Holland, first-year, photographed, videoed (F van Groen, C Crommelin, R J J Vlek et al).

The species has been recorded annually since 1992, with a gap in 1996. An out-of-season report from 30 January at Kennemermeer, Velsen, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation. Three reports in October have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Red-rumped Swallow / Roodstuitzwaluw
Hirundo daurica 2,35,2

3 May, Eierlandse Duinen, Texel, Noord-Holland (A Wassink); 24 October, Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen (M P Olthoff, R Kamps).

1998 29 March, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland (P A Wolf, O Boeren, S Lilipaly); 16 May, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, two.

The March 1998 record is the earliest ever and the first for that month. The May 1998 record at Breskens was erroneously published for 14 May in Wiegant et al (1999b).

Olive-backed Pipit / Siberische Boompieper
Anthus hodgsoni 0,9,0

1998 11 October, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland (A Wassink).

A report on 22 October 1999 at Hoge Berg, Texel, Noord-Holland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999). Previous records were in October 1987, April 1988, September 1988, October 1990, January-February 1991 (two), October 1991 and October 1997.

Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart
Motacilla citreola 0,10,1

7 May, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, female, photographed (M Guyt, R van Rossum et al; Dutch Birding 21: 184, plate 193, 1999).

An adult male photographed at Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, on 9 May has only recently been submitted. This was the seventh consecutive year with records of this species; there are now 11 records, with one in April, four in May, one in June, two in August and three in September

Thrush Nightingale / Noordse Nachtegaal
Luscinia luscinia 7,36,2

15 May to 5 June, Ooypolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, singing, trapped on 27 May, photographed, sound-recorded (A Vink, H van Diek, A B van den Berg et al; Dutch Birding 21: 184, plate 198, 1999); 22 August, Terwolde, Voorst, Gelderland, first-winter, trapped, photographed (J W Vlottes, R C L Versteeg, G J van Weess).

1998 23-28 May, Twiske, Oostzaan, Noord-Holland, singing.

The 1998 record concerns a date extension (cf Wiegant et al 1999b).

Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst
Luscinia svecica svecica 31,31,2

20 May, Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland (A Schaftenaar); 22 June to 30 July, Zuiderweg, Veendam, Groningen, male, photographed, sound-recorded (E Klunder, A B van den Berg, M S Robb; Dutch Birding 21: 177, plate 185, 1999).

The CDNA welcomes details about the reported breeding at Veendam. A report from 1 June at Spijk, Eemsmond, Groningen, has not (yet) been submitted (van Dongen et al 1999). In 1999, the CDNA stated that, generally, bluethroats can only be identified with certainty in spring. Statistically, it seems likely that nearly all bluethroats trapped in autumn concern Red-spotted Bluethroat but, because of overlap in measurements, only very obvious individuals are identifiable (Kees Roselaar in litt). Although 21 trapped autumn birds in 1958-74 have been reported as Red-spotted (cf van den Berg & Bosman 1999), none was sufficiently documented to give certainty about the identification. The following records have, therefore, been rejected: 9 September 1958 (Zwarte Meer, Brederwiede/Genemuiden/Kampen, Overijssel), 14 September 1962 (Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland), 29 September 1962 (Hoophuizen, Nunspeet, Gelderland), 14 August 1963 (two; Knardijk, Lelystad), 31 August 1963 (Knardijk, Lelystad), 6 September 1965 (Vlieland, Friesland), 1 October 1965 (Vlieland), 24 July 1966 (Hoophuizen), 21 August 1966 (Schiermonnikoog, Friesland), 27 August 1966 (Knardijk, Zeewolde/Lelystad), 28 August 1966 (Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland), 18 September and 1 October 1966 (Oostelijk Flevoland, Dronten/Lelystad, Flevoland), 24 September 1967 (Oostelijk Flevoland, Dronten/Lelystad), 7 July 1968 (Someren, Noord-Brabant), 1 September 1968 (Westlandse Duinen), 6 September 1968 (Westlandse Duinen), 20 September 1969 (Vlieland), 30 August 1970 (Westlandse Duinen), 19 September 1970 (Zuidelijk Flevoland, Almere/Lelystad/Zeewolde, Flevoland), 26 September 1970 (Westlandse Duinen) and 15 September 1974 (Pannerden, Rijnwaarden, Gelderland). In addition, the spring report of a male at Baexem, Heythuysen, Limburg, from 30 April to 5 May 1962, provisionally mentioned in van den Berg & Bosman (1999), has not been accepted.

Red-flanked Bluetail / Blauwstaart
Tarsiger cyanurus 1,1,1

11-16 October, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, first-winter male, trapped, photographed (G Bochem, F Majoor; Dutch Birding 21: 367, plate 392, 1999).

This bird was netted eight times before the ringers decided to move it to another location. Many birders gathered there the next day but the bird could not be relocated. The two previous records were on 16 October 1967 and 29 September 1985, both on Texel, Noord-Holland.

Siberian Stonechat / Aziatische Roodborsttapuit
Saxicola maura 9,20,0

1998 18-26 April, Planken Wambuis, Ede, Gelderland, adult summer male (R Goldbach, F Klinge, R Nieuwland).

This becomes the second spring record, followed by a female in May 1998 (Wiegant et al 1999b). The first spring record was in March 1981.

Pied Wheatear / Bonte Tapuit
Oenanthe pleschanka 0,5,3

4-5 October, Zeeburg, and 6-15 October, De Slufter, Texel, Noord-Holland, first-winter male, photographed, videoed (A van der Linden, L van der Linden, A Wassink et al; van Beusekom et al 2000; Birding World 12: 401, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 304, plate 323, 1999); 24 October, Huizen, Noord-Holland, female (R F J van Beusekom, G A Morel, H van Ruiten; van Beusekom et al 2000); 9-11 November, Nederweert, Limburg, first-winter female, photographed (R Pahlplatz, K Linders, M Berlijn et al; van Beusekom et al 2000; Birding World 12: 441, 1999, 13: 25, 2000, Dutch Birding 21: 368, plate 397, 1999).

There are now eight records, with one in May, five in October and two in November.

Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush / Rode Rotslijster
Monticola saxatilis 1,2,1

4 May, Oude Robbengat, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, male, photographed (A Ouwerkerk et al; Vink et al 2000; Birding World 12: 184, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 177, plate 184, 1999, 22: 14, plate 16, 2000).

Three out of four were in May and the fourth was in April. Three out of four were males and two out of four stayed for one day only.

Cetti's Warbler / Cetti's Zanger
Cettia cetti -,45,0

1998 10 August to 27 September, Ventjagersplaten, Oostflakkee, Zuid-Holland, singing, sound-recorded (R Slaterus, H Prinsen, P Thomas).

If severe winters like the one in 1997 become things of the past, perhaps breeding will be a thing for the future?

Zitting Cisticola / Graszanger
Cisticola juncidis -,38,2

2-4 July, Paal, Hulst, Zeeland, singing, sound-recorded (R Slaterus, L J R Boon, P Thomas); 18 September, Den Oever, Wieringen, Noord-Holland (O L de Vries).

1998 10 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland.

The 1998 record was erroneously published for 16 October in Wiegant et al (1999b). Van Dongen et al (1999) mentioned 10 singing males in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, Zeeland, and one in Friesland in the summer of 1999. The CDNA welcomes any submission. A report at Diemen, Noord-Holland, in September was submitted only recently and did not make it before the deadline of this report.

River Warbler / Krekelzanger
Locustella fluviatilis 7,23,1

3-14 July, Den Nul, Olst, Overijssel, singing, trapped, photographed, sound-recorded (W Teunissen, P Voskamp, M Zekhuis).

The fifth consecutive year with records of this species. When will we see the first confirmed breeding record? A report on 19 May at Groningen, Groningen, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999). The sound-recordings of a bird at Windesheim, Zwolle, Overijssel, on 10-14 June 1997 still have not been submitted (cf van den Berg & Bosman 1999). Another report from 1992 is still under review.

Melodious Warbler / Orpheusspotvogel
Hippolais polyglotta 2,22,1

3 May, Shetanarode, Zoetermeer, Zuid-Holland, singing, sound-recorded (P van Wely, R Beukers, R van der Vliet).

Several reports from 1998-99 have not (yet) been submitted, most of them from southern Limburg (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Paddyfield Warbler / Veldrietzanger
Acrocephalus agricola 1,8,1

16 October, Castricum, Noord-Holland, adult, trapped, ringed and photographed (A Wijker, P Ruiters, A J van Loon et al; Dutch Birding 21: 367, plate 395, 1999).

There are now 10 records. All have appeared between 12 August and 23 October. There is only one field-record, on 18 September 1994 on Vlieland, Friesland.

Aquatic Warbler / Waterrietzanger
Acrocephalus paludicola -,146,-

1977 24 August, Verdronken Land van Saeftinge, Hulst, Zeeland, two, first-winter, trapped, photographed (P L Meininger, G J Slob, H J M Baptist).

This record was not previously mentioned in CDNA reports although it was listed in van den Berg & Bosman (1999). It provides another good example of an interesting record hidden in archives. This species is no longer considered since 1 January 1993 but records before that date are still welcome.

Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel
Acrocephalus caligatus 0,8,0

Two reports mentioned in van Dongen et al (1999) have not (yet) been submitted: Rottumerplaat, Eemsmond, Groningen, on 5 September and Oost-Vlieland, Vlieland, Friesland, on 28 September. A bird photographed at Westkapelle, Veere, Zeeland, on 27 September 1998 (cf van den Berg & Bosman 1999) still has not been submitted.

Subalpine Warbler / Baardgrasmus
Sylvia cantillans 5,29,2

29 May, Hoog Buurlose Heide, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, adult male, summer plumage (D Groenendijk, R van Bemmelen, S Rijnbeek); 18 July, Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, male, trapped, photographed (M Verrips, R van Rossum et al; Dutch Birding 21: 233, plate 244, 1999).

When the long-awaited new book on Sylvia warblers by Hadoram Shirihai et al appears (publication now postponed to February 2001), the CDNA will review all records for subspecific identity.

Greenish Warbler / Grauwe Fitis
Phylloscopus trochiloides 6,16,1

2 September, De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (A Wassink, M Berlijn, R Slaterus et al).

Pallas's Leaf Warbler / Pallas' Boszanger
Phylloscopus proregulus 9,80,-

1996 8 November, Hargen aan Zee, Schoorl, Noord-Holland (S Lagerveld).

1995 27-29 October, Hargen aan Zee, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, two (one on 27 October), photographed (S Lagerveld, A van Duin, B Lagerveld).

1996 was the last year for which records of this species were considered. All records before 1997 are still welcome.

Hume's Leaf Warbler / Humes Bladkoning
Phylloscopus humei 2,11,4

8-9 November, Noordduinen, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (J Dijkhuizen, T J C Luijendijk, R van Rossum); 13-27 November, Robbenoordbos, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland, sound-recorded (O L de Vries, R E Brouwer, J van der Laan); 13 December to 14 April 2000, De Boschplaat, Terschelling, Friesland, photographed (F Padmos, T Bakker, A Ouwerkerk; Birding World 13: 55, 2000, Dutch Birding 22: 54, plate 57, 2000); 31 December to 22 January 2000, Zwartewaal, Brielle, Zuid-Holland, photographed, sound-recorded (A Geilvoet, T J C Luijendijk, M Berlijn).

At least three reports mentioned in van Dongen et al (1999) have not (yet) been submitted.

Radde's Warbler / Raddes Boszanger
Phylloscopus schwarzi 2,8,2

6 October, Groene Glop, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, first-winter, trapped, photographed (A J van Loon, J W M van de Staaij; Dutch Birding 21: 294, plate 319, 1999); 8 October, Korverskooi, Texel, Noord-Holland, trapped, photographed (A Wassink et al).

All records are from a 14-day period between 5 and 18 October.

Dusky Warbler / Bruine Boszanger
Phylloscopus fuscatus 1,21,1

3 November, Westkapelle, Zeeland (J J Blankert, P L Meininger, R Sponselee).

1997 29 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, sound-recorded (P Wolf et al).

A report on 22 October on Texel, Noord-Holland, still circulates while another report, on 11-12 November on Terschelling, Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999). All Dusky Warblers have appeared between 29 September and 29 November, with most in the last decade of October.

Western Bonelli's Warbler / Bergfluiter
Phylloscopus bonelli 5,18,1

1-3 May, Snoekebos, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, singing, photographed, sound-recorded (H Groot, A B van den Berg, R Slaterus; Dutch Birding 21: 184, plate 194, 1999).

1993 22 May, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, singing.

The 1993 bird had been erroneously published for 3 May in Wiegant et al (1999b). Three records in September have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Siberian Chiffchaff / Siberische Tjiftjaf
Phylloscopus collybita tristis -,10,0

A bird photographed at Zwolle, Overijssel, on 6 January (Dutch Birding 21: 58, plate 49, 1999) has not (yet) been submitted; the single published photograph is not sufficient for acceptance.

Collared Flycatcher / Withalsvliegenvanger
Ficedula albicollis 23,5,0

Contrary to statements in Wiegant et al (1999b), the singing adult male from 28 April to 17 May 1998 at Doorn, Utrecht, was not paired with a female Pied Flycatcher F hypoleuca.

Lesser Grey Shrike / Kleine Klapekster
Lanius minor 21,15,0

1976 1-3 June, Posthuis, Vlieland, Friesland (E D Maaldrink).

This concerns a date extension; at first it had been accepted for 3 June only (van den Berg & Bosman 1999). Reports from 6 March 1976 at Echt, Limburg, and 21 October 1988 at Haringvlietdam, Hellevoetsluis, Zuid-Holland, are still under review.

Woodchat Shrike / Roodkopklauwier
Lanius senator -,54,1

26 May, Ballastplaatbos, Lauwersmeer, De Marne, Groningen, probably second calendar-year female, photographed (C Both, A Drost, L Peters).

Since 1970, 1985 is the only year without records. Van Dongen et al (1999) mentioned two reports (on 3 and 8 May) which have not (yet) been submitted.

House Crow / Huiskraai
Corvus splendens 0,6,2

7 June, Harlingen-Haven, Harlingen, Friesland (L van Welie); 24 August to November, Muiden, Noord-Holland, photographed (A H V Eggenhuizen, P Eekhout, R F J van Beusekom), and 18-19 December, Utrecht-Overvecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, adult, photographed (A van Kleunen, G J van den Berg, R Karskens et al).

The records of Muiden and Utrecht are considered to refer to the same individual. No details were received (yet) about rumoured breeding in Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, where one pair bred successfully in 1997 and 1998 (Ebels 1998).

Rose-coloured Starling / Roze Spreeuw
Sturnus roseus 21,38,5

1-2 May, Weesp, Noord-Holland, male, singing, photographed, videoed, sound-recorded (O Wildschut, K H Hartog, W B A Leurs et al; Dutch Birding 21: 183, plate 191, 1999); 25 May, 't Horntje, Texel, Noord-Holland, second calendar-year, videoed (T Piersma, A Wassink, B Gaxiola); 3-4 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, juvenile, photographed, videoed (P van Rij, M Plomp et al; Birding World 12: 361, 1999); 11 September, Kennemermeer, IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland, juvenile, photographed (H Zevenhuizen, N van Duivendijk); 19 September to 18 October, Noordoosthoek, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile, photographed (L Peters, R E van der Vliet, F Ossendorp); 7-9 October, Petten, Zijpe, and 9 October to 22 November, Camperduin, Schoorl, Noord-Holland, juvenile moulting to first-winter, photographed (R E Brouwer, M Berlijn, D J Moerbeek; Dutch Birding 21: 366, plate 390-391, 1999).

1998 19-27 September, Slufter and Westplaat, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam/Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, juvenile.

Reports from September (one), October (one to three) and November (one) have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999). The 1998 record concerns a date extension (cf Wiegant et al 1999b).

Two-barred Crossbill / Witbandkruisbek
Loxia leucoptera 37,201,5

10 October, Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, five, three males and two females (A Steenvoorden).

A report of two birds on 12 October at Eemshaven, Eemsmond, Groningen, is still in circulation and a report of six on 14 October in Zuidelijk Flevoland, Flevoland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Parrot Crossbill / Grote Kruisbek
Loxia pytyopsittacus 15,573+,-

1990 20 October, Hollumerbos, Ameland, Friesland, 13, including at least four males (P L Meininger, J F Bekhuis, R G Bijlsma).

1986 late June, Nunspeet, Gelderland, two, juveniles, photographed (K Dansen; cf van den Berg & Bosman 1999).

The 1990 record had been included in van den Berg & Bosman (1999) but so far not in CDNA reports. The 1986 report had previously been accepted for one juvenile only. A record from 15 January 1991 at Wijlre, Gulpen, Limburg, is still in circulation. The CDNA still welcomes records from before 1 January 1993.

Common Rosefinch / Roodmus
Carpodacus erythrinus 11,-,-

1975 24 October, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, juvenile or female, trapped (H M van Eck).

This record was previously published with the wrong date (cf van den Berg & Bosman 1999). 1991 was the last year this species was considered and many reports from 1987-92 were not submitted.

Pine Bunting / Witkopgors
Emberiza leucocephalos 15,16,1

8 November, Castricum, Noord-Holland, first-winter female, trapped, photographed (A J van Loon, G O Keijl, J Visser; Dutch Birding 21: 367, plate 394, 1999).

Rustic Bunting / Bosgors
Emberiza rustica 13,42,1

3 November, Westkapelle, Zeeland (M Hoekstein, O Boeren).

1983 23 September, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen (E Boerma, H-J Wight).

Alarmed birders searching for the 1983 bird in pouring rain in 10 hectares of five-feet high, densely grown fields first used the now widely known term 'Don Quixoting'. A report on 8 October 1999 on Terschelling, Friesland, has not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999) and a report from 23 May 1987 at De Cocksdorp, Texel, Noord-Holland, is still in circulation.

Little Bunting / Dwerggors
Emberiza pusilla 27,57,0

A bird seen at Lange Paal, Vlieland, Friesland, on 18 October is still in circulation and two other October reports have not (yet) been submitted (cf van Dongen et al 1999).

Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors
Emberiza bruniceps 6,3,0

1981 23-24 August, Haersterbroek, Zwolle, Overijssel, male, photographed (G J Gerritsen, N Nauta).

1977 9 May, Oosterend, Terschelling, Friesland, male (F G Roozendaal, C J G Scharringa, W M Docters van Leeuwen).

1971 7 April, Kroonspolders, Vlieland, Friesland, male (J H Hilbrands, H M van Eck).

1961 24 May, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, male (A Valk, H V C L Donleben, J D G Peereboom Voller; Levende Nat 64: 145-146, 1961).

The CDNA reviewed 31 records from 1933-80. Six records remained accepted. Of these, three (6 June 1933, late February 1937 and 6 July 1963) were already published (van den Berg & Bosman 1999). 25 records were not accepted because the description was poor or missing and in most cases several African Ploceus weavers could not be safely excluded (see rejected records below). A report from 7 May 1972 on Texel, Noord-Holland, is currently under review. The CDNA still welcomes details on the following five reports: March 1949, Goirle, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999); 23 June 1963, Horloo, Ermelo, Gelderland; 13 August 1967, Ter Heijde, Monster, Zuid-Holland (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999); 24-25 June 1969, Berkheide, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland; and 7 June 1973, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland (contra van den Berg & Bosman 1999). Other accepted records were on 29 May 1992 on Vlieland, Friesland, and on 2 June 1995 at Sint Philipsland, Zeeland.

Systematic list of rejected records

This list contains all records not accepted by the CDNA. Records marked with @ were rejected by all committee members in the first or second voting. Most records were rejected because the identification was not fully established (often due to lack of documentation) or when the bird showed signs of captivity such as dubious rings, excessive wear or aberrant behaviour. Species for which the CDNA unanimously decided that all records refer to birds of captive origin are indicated with *. This includes records of birds of which all ancestors are assumed to be of captive origin (introduced species of British category C).

Hutchins's Canada Goose / Hutchins' Canadese Gans Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii 2 January, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, photographed (B h minima not excluded); 30 January, Anjumerkolken, Dongeradeel, Friesland, adult, photographed (photographs show B h minima); 28 April, Reiderpolder, Delfzijl, Groningen, adult (@ this taxon is only considered when photographs are available which clearly show the colour of breast and flank to exclude B h minima or B h taverneri). Cinnamon Teal / Kaneeltaling Anas cyanoptera 11 March, Quackjeswater, Westvoorne, Zuid-Holland, male (@ description incomplete). Lesser Spotted Eagle / Schreeuwarend Aquila pomarina 31 July, Gulpen, Limburg, adult (@ description incomplete). Booted Eagle / Dwergarend Hieraaetus pennatus 8 October, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, pale morph (@ aberrant Common Buzzard Buteo buteo not safely excluded). Bonelli's Eagle / Havikarend Hieraaetus fasciatus 14 June, Kaliwaal, Ooypolder, Ubbergen, Gelderland, subadult (@ probably Common Buzzard). Eleonora's Falcon / Eleonora's Valk Falco eleonorae 2 October, Huisduinen, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, dark morph (@ poor description). * Demoiselle Crane / Jufferkraanvogel Anthropoides virgo 13 March, Breskens, Oostburg, Zeeland, adult (Walhout 1999) (@ identification accepted but absence of ring not established). pratincole / vorkstaartplevier Glareola 26 July, Wittevrouwen, Utrecht, Utrecht, two (@ incomplete description of birds flying by). * Kittlitz's Plover / Herdersplevier Charadrius pecuarius 2-7 September, Het Rutbeek, Enschede, Overijssel, adult, photographed (Birding World 12: 361, 1999, Dutch Birding 21: 288, plate 308, 1999) (@ identification accepted but considered escaped on the basis of, amongst others, damaged bill and wings). Bonaparte's Gull / Kleine Kokmeeuw Larus philadelphia 12 November, Huisduinen, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, first-winter (@ poor description). Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus 23 April, Reinderslooi-Papenbeek, Bergen, Limburg, third calendar-year (@ description incomplete); 28 September, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult (@ 'intermedius' type not excluded); 30 September, Westerstrand, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, adult (@ description incomplete); 2 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult, photographed (@ 'intermedius' type not excluded); 9 October, Zandgat Nijstad, Hoogeveen, Drenthe, two, adult (@ 'intermedius' type not excluded). Ross's Gull / Ross' Meeuw Rhodostethia rosea 28 November, Zuidpier IJmuiden, Velsen, Noord-Holland (@ poor description). Greater Short-toed Lark / Kortteenleeuwerik Calandrella brachydactyla 17 October, Oostelijke Binnenpolder, Maarssen, Utrecht (@ poor description). Sykes's Blue-headed Wagtail / Russische Gele Kwikstaart Motacilla flava beema 24 April, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, male, photographed (Dutch Birding 21: 176, plate 182, 1999) (description partly wrong for this taxon, such as narrow supercilium and pale ear-coverts). Citrine Wagtail / Citroenkwikstaart Motacilla citreola 3 May, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, male (yellow rectrices and undertail-coverts wrong for this species). Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin / Rosse Waaierstaart Cercotrichas galactotes 16 April, Lepelaarsplassen, Almere, Flevoland, singing, videoed (@ video shows a very pale Cercotrichas; head pattern and undertail pattern wrong for Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin). Western Black-eared Wheatear / Westelijke Blonde Tapuit Oenanthe hispanica 31 August, Kil van Hurwenen, Rossum, Gelderland, female (@ poor description). Brown Thrush / Bruine Lijster Turdus naumanni eunomus 6 March, De Wieden, Brederwiede, Overijssel (@ description incomplete). Booted Warbler / Kleine Spotvogel Acrocephalus caligatus 17 October, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ photographs show juvenile Garden Warbler Sylvia borin with retarded moult). Collared Flycatcher / Withalsvliegenvanger Ficedula albicollis 1 June, Nes, Ameland, Friesland, male (@ poor description). Wallcreeper / Rotskruiper Tichodroma muraria 19 October, Wieringerwerf, Wieringermeer, Noord-Holland (@ description of a bird observed from a moving car during windy conditions without binoculars does not convince the CDNA). Rose-coloured Starling / Roze Spreeuw Sturnus roseus 12 October, Westerplas, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, juvenile (@ only seen for a split second; bill not described). Pale Rockfinch / Bleke Rotsmus Carpospiza brachydactyla 31 July, Oorsprongweg, Texel, Noord-Holland (@ observation suffered from lack of critical 'second look'). * Long-tailed Rosefinch / Langstaartroodmus Uragus sibiricus 31 October to 8 November, Hoek van Holland, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, first-winter, photographed, sound-recorded (Dutch Birding 21: 367, plate 393, 1999) (@ identification accepted but considered escaped, being a short-distance migrant). Cirl Bunting / Cirlgors Emberiza cirlus 22 June, Zwanenwater, Callantsoog, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, three (@ poor description).Species incertae 18 October, Parnassia, Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland (@ description of bird flying past, at first thought to possibly be White-headed Woodpecker / Witkopspecht Picoides albolarvatus; description matches Black-billed Puffbird / Roodzwarte Baardvogel Lybius guifsobalito).


Cory's/Scopoli's Shearwater / Kuhls/Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel Calonectris borealis / diomedea 11 October, De Koog, Texel, Noord-Holland (description incomplete). Steppe Buzzard / Steppebuizerd Buteo buteo vulpinus 30 March, Enschede, Overijssel, photographed (only 'classic' individuals are considered safe to identify in the field). Great Snipe / Poelsnip Gallinago media 9 October, Eemshaven-Oost, Eemsmond, Groningen (description incomplete). Laughing Gull / Lachmeeuw Larus atricilla 18 October, De Koog, Texel, Noord-Holland, third-winter (@ description containing strange elements for this species, such as brown streaking in the neck; considered possible hybrid). Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus 18 April, Rutbekerveld, Enschede, Overijssel, subadult ('intermedius' type not excluded); 19 September, Klein Vink, Arcen en Velden, Limburg, adult (withdrawn by observer); 1 October, Klein Vink, Arcen en Velden, Limburg, adult (withdrawn by observer); 4 October, Klein Vink, Arcen en Velden, Limburg, adult (withdrawn by observer); 5 November, Eijsden, Limburg, juvenile, photographed ('intermedius' type not excluded). Ross's Gull / Ross' Meeuw Rhodostethia rosea 21 August, Marsdiep, Den Helder, Noord-Holland, adult summer (description incomplete). Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 22-23 September, De Boschplaat, Terschelling, Friesland, immature male, photographed (@ taxon considered unsafe to identify in autumn without measurements). Collared Flycatcher / Withalsvliegenvanger Ficedula albicollis 6 September, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, adult female (description marginally insufficient to exclude Pied F hypoleuca or Semi-collared Flycatcher F semitorquata).


Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen Porzana pusilla 16 August, Makkumer Zuidwaard, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, videoed (@ incomplete description; video not showing much detail). * Yellow-billed Grosbeak / Chinese Appelvink Eophona migratoria 21 January, Katwijk aan Zee, Katwijk, Zuid-Holland, photographed (@ identification accepted but considered escaped). Little Bunting / Dwerggors Emberiza pusilla 1 November, Beuven, Strabrechtse Heide, Someren, Noord-Brabant (Common Reed Bunting E schoeniclus not safely excluded).


Eastern Common Redstart / Oostelijke Gekraagde Roodstaart Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamisicus 23 October, Kornwerderzand, Wûnseradiel, Friesland, female, photographed (females of this taxon considered unsafe to identify in the field).


Baltic Gull / Baltische Mantelmeeuw Larus fuscus 18 February, Brouwersdam, Middenschouwen, Zeeland, adult summer, photographed (@ 'intermedius' type not excluded).


Black-headed Wagtail / Balkankwikstaart Motacilla feldegg 24 April, Itteren, Maastricht, Limburg, male, photographed (dark-headed Grey-headed Wagtail M thunbergi not excluded).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 11 July, Verdronken Land van Saeftinge, Hontenisse/Hulst,Zeeland, male (@ no description).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 17 May, Bovenkarspel, Langedijk,Noord-Holland, male (@ poor description).


Ashy-headed Wagtail / Italiaanse Kwikstaart Motacilla cinereocapilla 20 May, Camminghapolder, Leeuwarden, Friesland, male (@ description incomplete; hybrid not excluded).


Baillon's Crake / Kleinst Waterhoen Porzana pusilla 13 May, Eijsden, Limburg (@ description incomplete). Little Crake / Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva 31 May, De Hamert, Bergen, Limburg, singing (@ no description).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 6 August, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male (@ poor description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica15 September, Pannerden, Rijnwaarden, Gelderland, trapped (see main text).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 3 June, Noordwijk aan Zee, Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, male (@ poor description); 4 October, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland (@ no description).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 29 June, De Muy, Texel, Noord-Holland, male (@ poor description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 30 August, Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, trapped (see main text); 19 September, Zuidelijk Flevoland, Almere/Lelystad/Zeewolde, Flevoland, trapped (see main text); 26 September, Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 7 May, Rhenen, Utrecht, male (@ no description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 20 September, Vlieland, Friesland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 28 July, Vlieland, Friesland, male (@ no description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 7 July, Someren, Noord-Brabant, trapped (see main text); 1 September, Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, trapped (see main text); 6 September, Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 12 April, Vlieland, Friesland, male (@ no description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 24 September, Oostelijk Flevoland, Dronten/Lelystad, Flevoland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 1 July, Vlissingen, Zeeland, male (@ no description); 27 September, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, male (@ no description).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 24 July, Hoophuizen, Nunspeet, Gelderland, trapped (see main text); 21 August, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, trapped (see main text); 27 August, Knardijk, Zeewolde/Lelystad , Flevoland, trapped (see main text); 28 August, Westlandse Duinen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, trapped (see main text); 18 September and 1 October, Oostelijk Flevoland, Dronten/Lelystad, Flevoland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 29 May, Texel, Noord-Holland, male (@ no description).


Mediterranean Yellow-legged Gull / Mediterrane Geelpootmeeuw Larus michahellis michahellis August, Marken, Waterland, Noord-Holland, found dead (see main text). Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 6 September, Vlieland, Friesland, trapped (see main text); 1 October, Vlieland, Friesland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 24 May, Haagse Waterleidingduinen, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland (@ no description); 15 June, St Maartenszee, Zijpe, Noord-Holland (@ no description); 11 July, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male (@ no description); 31 July, 'Schouwen', Westerschouwen/Middenschouwen, Zeeland, male (@ no description); 22-23 August, Vlieland, Friesland (@ no description).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 19 June, Numansdorp, Strijen, Zuid-Holland, male (@ no description); 20 October, Maassluis, Zuid-Holland, male (@ Ploceus weaver not safely excluded).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 14 August, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, two, male, trapped (see main text); 31 August, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, trapped (see main text). Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 8 June, Haagse Waterleidingduinen, Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland, male (@ poor description); 2 October, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland, male (@ no description); 17 October, Schiermonnikoog, Friesland (@ no description).


Grey-headed Woodpecker / Grijskopspecht Picus canus 12 October, Amby, Maastricht, Limburg, adult male (@ poor description). Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 30 April to 5 May, Baexem, Heythuysen, Limburg, male (description contains some strange elements such as spotting on sides of breast); 14 September, Knardijk, Lelystad, Flevoland, male, trapped (see main text); 29 September, Hoophuizen, Nunspeet, Gelderland, adult male, trapped (see main text).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps 23 July, Diemerzeedijk, Diemen, Noord-Holland, male (@ poor description, no plumage details).


Red-spotted Bluethroat / Roodsterblauwborst Luscinia svecica svecica 9 September, Zwarte Meer, Brederwiede/Genemuiden/Kampen, Overijssel, male, trapped (see main text).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps early September, Terschelling, Friesland (@ no description).


Red-headed Bunting / Bruinkopgors Emberiza bruniceps January, Zeeland (@ no description).


Bram Rijksen kindly provided the drawing of the Pygmy Cormorant on p 251. Jelle Scharringa kindly prepared the sonagram of the Tengmalm's Owl.


Bakker, T 1999. DB Actueel: Heuglins Meeuw in Groningen: nieuw voor Nederland? Dutch Birding 21: 239-240.

van den Berg, A B & Bosman, C A W 1999. Zeldzame vogels van Nederland – Rare birds of the Netherlands. Avifauna van Nederland 1. Haarlem.

van den Berg, A B, van Loon, A J & McGeehan, A 2000. Aalscholver met kenmerken van Grote Aalscholver te Heel in februari 2000. Dutch Birding 22: 21-25.

van Beusekom, R F J, Linders, K, Pahlplatz, R & Ebels, E B 2000. Drie Bonte Tapuiten in Nederland in oktober-november 1999. Dutch Birding 22: 283-287.

van Dongen, R M, Hofland, R & de Rouw, P W W 1999. Recente meldingen Nederland: december 1998-november 1999. Dutch Birding 21: 58-61, 121-123, 179-185, 232-236, 296-300, 360-369.

van Dongen, R M, Brouwer, R E, Hofland, R & de Rouw, P W W 2000. Recente meldingen Nederland: december 1999-februari 2000. Dutch Birding 22: 46-53.

Ebels, E B 1998. Huiskraai broedend in Hoek van Holland in 1997 en 1998. Dutch Birding 20: 291-195.

Ebels, E B & Menkveld, E 1999. DB Actueel: Ruigpootuil bij Norg. Dutch Birding 21: 127.

Ebels, E B, Stoopendaal, W, Tims, C & Vink, A 2000. Dwergaalscholvers bij Montfoort in januari 1999 en in Oostvaardersplassen in juni 1999. Dutch Birding 22: 129-134.

Hoekstein, M 2000. Vale Gier met Franse ring in Zeeland in juni 1999. Dutch Birding 22: 141-143.

Loos, B & Wassink, A 1999. Family of Black Brants on Texel in March 1998. Dutch Birding 21: 97.

Plomp, M, Boon, L J R, Groenendijk, C, Groenewoud, E, Janse, W, Wassink, A & van den Berg, A B 2000. Dutch Birding video-jaaroverzicht 1999. Linschoten.

Postma, P & Brix, M 1999. Schwarzbäuchige Ringelgans-Familie überwintert in Europa. Ornithol Mitt 51: 352-353.

Stoopendaal, W & Tims, C 1999. DB Actueel: Dwergaalscholver bij Montfoort. Dutch Birding 21: 64.

Vink, A, Janssen, W B & Ouwerkerk, A 2000. Rode Rotslijsters op Hoge Veluwe in mei 1998 en in Lauwersmeer in mei 1999. Dutch Birding 22: 13-15.

Walhout, J 1999. DB Actueel: Jufferkraanvogel langs Breskens. Dutch Birding 21: 126-127.

Wiegant, W M, de Bruin, A & CDNA 1999a. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1997. Dutch Birding 21: 65-81.

Wiegant, W M, de Bruin, A & CDNA 1999b. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1998. Dutch Birding 21: 309-329.

Roland E van der Vliet, Pearsonlaan 15, 3527 CA Utrecht, Netherlands

A (Bert) de Bruin, Albertine Agnesplein 8a, 9717 EV Groningen, Netherlands

Jan van der Laan, Brouwerstraat 19, 1814 HX Alkmaar, Netherlands

CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands cdna@dutchbirding.nl