WP Birding

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Egyptian Ornithological Rarities Committee

10 mei 2020  ·  Łukasz Ławicki  ·  2237 × bekeken

A new report of the Egyptian Ornithological Rarities Committee (EORC) has just been released. It includes the first records for Egypt of Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus, Bearded Reedling Panurus biarmicus and Banded Martin Riparia cincta, which are all additions to category A of the Egyptian list.

The updated checklist of the Birds of Egypt now includes 466 species: 451 in category A, 9 in category B and 6 in category C.

The 6th EORC report and the updated list of the birds of Egypt are available HERE.

Currently, the EORC will start voting on a set of new reports, for a 7th report planned early 2021. We therefore ask observers to submit their reports of rarities, even if they concern birds observed in previous years. The list of rare species considered by the EORC and a form to submit rarity records are available HERE.

We do hope to receive your support and your reports on rare birds in Egypt!

Łukasz Ławicki (secretary) on behalf of the EORC


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