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Who are we?

11 juli 2008  ·  6073 × bekeken

The Dutch Birding Association, who are we?

The Dutch Birding Association (DBA) was founded in 1979 as an independent non-profit association run by volunteers, and its principles remain unchanged to this day. The goal of the DBA is to stimulate birdwatching in a serious and popular scientific manner. To this end, the DBA collects, processes and disseminates information about scarce and rare birds through several media.

Publishing the bimonthly journal Dutch Birding is the core activity of the DBA. First published in 1979 it has become one of the world's leading birding journals. It deals with a broad spectrum of subjects, is very up-to-date, maintains a high standard of editing and is widely admired for its high quality of production and photographs. Articles are in English or Dutch and major articles in either of these languages have a summary in the other. Dutch Birding accommodates the more scientific study of rare birds and bird identification, without ignoring the pleasures and emotions involved in birding as a hobby. Articles on field identification are the main focus of Dutch Birding. Dutch Birding and the DBA play an important role in the documentation of rare and scarce birds in the Netherlands, Belgium and elsewhere in the Palearctic region and beyond. Dutch Birding and the DBA also play a leading role in stimulating debate and discussion in the often-contentious subjects of systematics and taxonomy, in such a way that also the non-specialist birder is informed about developments in this dynamic field of ornithological science. Go to 'Journal' on this website to view the content of recent issues, to read summaries of published papers and to read already sold out back-issues in pdf-format. The website also gives up-to-date bird news and pictures.

The DBA also runs a Dutch (rare) Bird Alerts system (, replacing the famous bird information line Dutch Birding-vogellijn, which served the Dutch birding community well for decades, and the pager-system. It organizes birding weeks (on the famous isle of Texel) and the yearly Dutch Birding-vogeldag (bird day) including a small birdfair. Together with the Netherlands' Ornithological Union (NOU) the DBA is responsible for two avifaunal committees in the Netherlands: the Dutch rarities committee (CDNA) and the Dutch committee for avian systematics (CSNA).

The DBA also publishes books and CD's on birding topics and works together with other organizations to stimulate birdwatching and the documentation of interesting records. It has published, among others, the landmark publication Rare Birds of the Netherlands - Avifauna van Nederland I, the CD Out of the Blue* (with sounds of difficult to identify groups of species) and Dutch Birding Kenmerkengids, a book on identification, summarizing characteristics of all Western Palearctic birds.**

*Only for subscribers of Dutch Birding
**Only in Dutch



Postal address: Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands

Postal address: Postbus 116, 2080 AC Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands

Dutch rarities committee (CDNA)
Postadres: Duinlustparkweg 98A, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands

Dutch committee for avian systematics (CSNA)