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bonte vliegenvangers

5 juli 2015  ·  841 × bekeken

Soundrecordings with the paper "Call identification of European Pied, Iberian Pied and Atlas Pies Flycatcher" by Magnus Robb & the Sound Approach, DB 37: 161-163

Figure 1 Wit calls of pied flycatchers Ficedula.

Figure 1 Wit calls of pied flycatchers Ficedula.
1 European Pied Flycatcher / Bonte Vliegenvanger F hypoleuca hypoleuca:
a Kootwijkerzand, Gelderland, Netherlands, 12:14, 11 May 2000. Typical wit calls of male. 00.008.AB.00208; b Bloemendaal, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, 27 September 2001. Wit calls of first-winter migrant, unusually similar to iberiae. 01.039.MR.04111.
2 Iberian Pied Flycatcher / Iberische Bonte Vliegenvanger F h iberiae:
a Sierra de Gredos, Extremadura, Spain, 08:52, 10 June 2002. Wit calls of breeding male. 02.017.AB.03612; b Sierra de Gredos, Extremadura, Spain, 13:03, 12 May 2004. Wit calls of breeding male. 04.009.AB.12757.
3 Atlas Pied Flycatcher / Atlasvliegenvanger F speculigera:
a Beni M'tir, Jendouba, Tunisia, 09:47, 3 May 2005. Wit calls of breeding male. 05.007.AB.03416; b Ifrane, Western Middle-Atlas, Morocco, 16:56, 11 June 2010. Wit calls of breeding male. 100611.AB.165600.
All sounds from The Sound Approach archives; AB recorded by Arnoud B van den Berg, MR by Magnus Robb.

Figure 2 Bzz calls of pied flycatchers Ficedula.

Figure 2 Bzz calls of pied flycatchers Ficedula.
1 European Pied Flycatcher / Bonte Vliegenvanger F hypoleuca hypoleuca, Cabo Espichel, Setúbal, Portugal, 09:22, 13 September 2009. Bzz calls recorded during territorial interaction between two migrants. 090913.MR.092244.
2 Iberian Pied Flycatcher / Iberische Bonte Vliegenvanger F h iberiae:
a Sierra de Gredos, Extremadura, Spain, 09:27, 10 June 2002. Bzz calls of female interacting with male. 02.017.AB.05326;
b Sierra de Gredos, Extremadura, Spain, 17:28, 1 June 2011. Bzz call of breeding male, given in isolation. 110601.MR.172826.
3 Atlas Pied Flycatcher / Atlasvliegenvanger F speculigera:
a, b Beni M'tir, Jendouba, Tunisia, 06:05, 06:11, 3 May 2005. Bzz calls of breeding male. a 05.006.AB.15803, b 05.006.AB.20216.
All sounds from The Sound Approach archives; AB recorded by Arnoud B van den Berg, MR by Magnus Robb.

Figure 3 Tak calls and rattles of pied flycatchers Ficedula.

Figure 3 Tak calls and rattles of pied flycatchers Ficedula.
1 European Pied Flycatcher / Bonte Vliegenvanger F hypoleuca hypoleuca:
a Hanko, Uusimaa, Finland, 06:20, 22 May 2005. Single tak call of female at nestbox. 05.003.DF.02105;
b Sagres, Algarve, Portugal, 19:19, 15 May 2011. Rattle of migrant, consisting of four tak notes. 110915.MR.191954.
2 Iberian Pied Flycatcher / Iberische Bonte Vliegenvanger F h iberiae, Sierra de Gredos, Extremadura, Spain, 12:54, 12 May 2004. Rattle given by male as part of excited song, while female inspecting nest hole. Gap between first three and last two tak notes shortened. 04.009.AB.12216.
3 Atlas Pied Flycatcher / Atlasvliegenvanger F speculigera:
a Ifrane, Western Middle-Atlas, Morocco, 17:34, 11 June 2010. Single tak call of breeding male. 100611.AB.173400;
b Beni M'tir, Jendouba, Tunisia, 07:19, 3 May 2005. Rattles of breeding male. 05.007.AB.01822.
All sounds from The Sound Approach archives; AB recorded by Arnoud B van den Berg, DF by Dick Forsman, MR by Magnus Robb.