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Editorial Team

16 april 2017  ·  Dutch Birding  ·  4150 × bekeken

Dutch Birding is a bimonthly journal. It publishes original papers and notes on morphology, systematics, occurrence and distribution of birds in the Benelux, Europe and elsewhere in the Palearctic region. It also publishes contributions on birds in the Asian-Pacific region and other regions.

Editorial Team Dutch Birding

Duinlustparkweg 98A
2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid
The Netherlands

Chief editor: Arnoud van den Berg (+31-654270796,

Deputy chief editors: Łukasz Ławicki and Roland van der Vliet

Executive editor: André van Loon (+31-652033325,

Photographic editor: René Pop (+31-622396323,

Editorial board: Peter Adriaens, Thijs Fijen, Dick Groenendijk, Alexander Hellquist, Gert Ottens, Yoav Perlman, Roy Slaterus and Peter de Vries

Editorial advisory board: Mark Constantine, José Luis Copete, Andrea Corso, Robert Flood, Dick Forsman, Ricard Gutiérrez, Killian Mullarney, Klaus Malling Olsen, Magnus Robb, Manuel Schweizer, Hadoram Shirihai and Lars Svensson

Editorial assistants: Garry Bakker, Mark Collier, Harvey van Diek, Nils van Duivendijk, Enno Ebels, Willem-Jan Fontijn, Hans Groot, Jan van der Laan, Hans van der Meulen, Mark Nieuwenhuis, Jelmer Poelstra, Kees Roselaar, Tim Schipper, Jan Hein van Steenis and Koen Stork

Lay-out: André van Loon

Production: André van Loon and René Pop


Debby Doodeman, c/o Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam,


Subscriptions can be obtained online via our webshop:

Guidelines for authors

When preparing the manuscript, take a look at the articles published in Dutch Birding (pdf versions of published issues are available at: to see the type and style of material we publish. Papers are accepted for publication only on condition that the material is not being offered in whole or in part to any other journal. Authors should submit the text by e-mail to As soon as possible, we will notify the author whether the journal is interested in the manuscript. The text will then be prepared for circulation among the editorial board to review the manuscript.

For taxonomy, sequence and nomenclature of birds in Dutch Birding the following lists are used: Dutch Birding bird names by A B van den Berg (2008, Amsterdam; online updates on (taxonomy and scientific, Dutch and English names of Western Palearctic birds); and the most recent IOC world bird list by F Gill, D Donsker & P Rasmussen ( (taxonomy and scientific, English and Dutch names of remaining birds of the world; Dutch names by P Vercruijsse and A J van Loon). For (preparation of) special publications regarding identification and/or taxonomy, the Dutch Birding Fund can offer financial support to authors (see Dutch Birding 24: 125, 2001, and under ‘Journal’).