Masters of Mystery

Masters of Mystery is terug! Jan Bisschop en Roef Mulder bezorgen je elke twee weken een foto van een vogel waarvan de juiste soortnaam moet worden geraden. Degene met de meeste goede antwoorden na 25 foto's wint, naast eeuwige roem, een Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 verrekijker!

Masters of Mystery is back! Jan Bisschop and Roef Mulder bring you a new bird image every two weeks. Guess the species name and email your answer. The best participant after 25 rounds will win a pair of the Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 binoculars!

Masters of Mystery wordt gesponsord door

Solution shootout round and acknowledgements

11 april 2017  ·  Jan Bisschop & Roef Mulder  ·  10468 × bekeken

De juiste oplossingen van de "shootout"-ronde zijn: / The correct answers of the shootout-round are:

1. Graspieper / Meadow Pipit; Barcelona, Spain, 27/12/2016 (Jan Bisschop)
2. Braamsluiper / Lesser Whitethroat; Rheindelta, Austria 23/08/2015 (Jan Bisschop)
3. Oostelijke Vale Spotvogel / Eastern Olivaceous Warbler; Lesbos, Greece, 15/05/2013 (Vincent van der Spek)
4. Griekse Spotvogel / Olive-tree Warbler; Israel 07/05/2008 (Jonathan Meyrav)
5. Schreeuwarend / Lesser Spotted Eagle; Littau, Switzerland, 24/09/2013 (Jan Bisschop). Colour-ringed (code BD) project bird from Brandenburg, Germany. A non-hybrid bird raised in captivity; ID accepted by Swiss rarity committee (SAK).
6. Bontbekplevier / Common Ringed Plover; Helgoland, Germany, September 2013 (Roef Mulder)

The purpose of this shootout-round was to give the preliminary winners (Andrew Holden, Chris Batty and Nils van Duivendijk) another chance to win the competition and binoculars made available by

From the 6 mystery birds in the shootout round Andrew Holden managed to identify 5 correctly, whereas Chris Batty and Nils van Duivendijk only got 4 right answers (see table below). The conclusion is therefore straightforward: Andrew Holden has won the Masters-of-Mystery competition 2016/2017!

Sincere congratulations and respect to him for this achievement. He has won a Swarovski SLC Companion 10x30 binoculars made available by

Also many congratulations to the runner-ups, Chris Batty and Nils van Duivendijk for ending at a shared second place in the competition. They are rewarded with a gift voucher of €50,- from

Some other contestants also submitted answers to the shootout-round, but none of them managed to get more than 4 correct answers. The final ranking of the Masters-of-Mystery competition 2016/2017 is given in the second table below.

Table 1. Result of shootout round (red: wrong answer)

Table 2. Final ranking Masters of Mystery 2016-17

We would like to thank all contestants for taking part in this competition and hope they soon will get another chance to become the master-of-mystery of the Dutch Birding Association! We would like to thank the main sponsor of the competition for generously donating a pair of binoculars, and for providing the prices for the runner-ups. Furthermore, a special thank you goes to the following people that helped us with the competition in various ways (e.g., providing mystery birds; identification support): Andrea Corso, David Marques, Garry Bakker, Jan Bosch, Jochen Dierschke, Jonathan Meyrav, Nicolas Martinez, Peter Adriaens, Rik Winters, Rudy Offereins, Vincent Legrand, Vincent van der Spek, and Wietze Janse.

Jan Bisschop, Roef Mulder


Davy Bosman  ·  11 april 2017  08:12

Dank ook aan jullie, Roef en Jan, om deze competitie weer nieuw leven in te blazen ! 

Diederik Kok  ·  11 april 2017  09:38

Congratulations to Andrew Holden, well done!!

And many thanks to Jan and Roef for all the effort they put in this very entertaining and challenging competetion.

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