Belgian Bird Alerts

13 augustus 2020
07:28 AN Red-necked Phalarope
12 augustus 2020
17:07 nl Beaked Dolphin sp
11:14 gb Northern Bottlenose Whale
11 augustus 2020
11:17 LI Short-toed Snake Eagle
09:30 WV Aquatic Warbler
07:43 HT Eurasian Dotterel
10 augustus 2020
19:37 BCP Caspian Tern
14:20 LX Short-toed Snake Eagle
11:42 LI Short-toed Snake Eagle
9 augustus 2020
21:34 VB Pallid Harrier
15:01 LG Griffon Vulture
15:01 WV Caspian Tern
10:30 LI Short-toed Snake Eagle
7 augustus 2020
21:22 BCP Beaked Dolphin sp
19:00 OV Booted Eagle
11:28 AN Zitting Cisticola
10:47 VB Pallid Harrier
6 augustus 2020
22:28 WV Caspian Tern
19:31 VB Pallid Harrier
18:19 WV Rare mammal, not on list
11:59 WV Caspian Tern
5 augustus 2020
12:45 OV Booted Eagle
06:43 OV Rosy Starling
4 augustus 2020
06:54 OV Rosy Starling
3 augustus 2020
19:27 VB Pallid Harrier
12:14 BCP Roseate Tern
12:00 OV Booted Eagle
11:27 NA Eurasian Hoopoe
07:12 OV Rosy Starling
2 augustus 2020
12:15 OV Booted Eagle

Zwarte Ibis  ·  Ibis falcinelle

Plegadis falcinellus  ·  Glossy Ibis

Datum & Tijd

25-02-2023 08:20


GPS51.10851 4.51234
LB72AN  ·  160055, 199834
Beneden Netevallei - Neteland Bosje Duffel

Tijd & Gedrag



Determinatie zeker, meer dan 1

Gehoord via

Extra informatie

3 ex. tweede kalenderjaar

Flew in from the north east and landed in small hidden pond… walked into view at 0833

Waargenomen door:

Paul Pugh
