Belgian Bird Alerts

14 januari 2023
14:21 AN Ring-billed Gull
14:08 OV Black-winged Kite
13:28 AN Red-breasted Goose
13 januari 2023
13:16 AN Red-breasted Goose
12:02 LI Red-breasted Goose
09:51 OV Black-winged Kite
09:36 OV Pallas's Leaf Warbler
12 januari 2023
11:04 AN Ring-billed Gull
11 januari 2023
16:24 BW Hume's Leaf Warbler
10:18 OV Black-winged Kite
09:08 AN Ring-billed Gull
10 januari 2023
15:24 AN Ring-billed Gull
14:25 BW Hume's Leaf Warbler
11:13 OV Hume's Leaf Warbler
9 januari 2023
18:44 AN Ring-billed Gull
17:09 BW Hume's Leaf Warbler
14:20 WV Lesser White-fronted Goose
11:50 OV Black-winged Kite
8 januari 2023
19:15 LX Rough-legged Buzzard
12:23 OV Hume's Leaf Warbler
09:48 OV Pallas's Leaf Warbler
7 januari 2023
11:08 OV Pallas's Leaf Warbler
10:22 OV Hume's Leaf Warbler
6 januari 2023
16:26 AN Red-breasted Goose
15:00 WV Red-breasted Goose
13:08 WV Hume's Leaf Warbler
12:23 VB Pine Bunting
11:54 OV Hume's Leaf Warbler
10:34 OV Pallas's Leaf Warbler
5 januari 2023
19:10 HA Ring-billed Gull

Taigaklapekster  · 

Lanius excubitor homeyeri  ·  Homeyer's Grey Shrike

Datum & Tijd

16-12-2022 17:16


GPS49.77143 5.40991
LB72LX  ·  225001, 51624

Tijd & Gedrag

> 4 uur geleden gezien, waarschijnlijk nog aanwezig


Mogelijk deze soort, determinatie lastig, wordt aan gewerkt

Gehoord via

Joachim Pintens

Extra informatie Relatively pale bird with an excessive amount of white in the wing, with a pattern strongly resembling ssp. homeyeri.


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