Belgian Bird Alerts

29 oktober 2022
13:57 WV Pallid Swift
13:09 OV Pallid Swift
11:22 AN Parrot Crossbill
09:20 WV Booted Warbler
28 oktober 2022
12:23 WV Hume's Leaf Warbler
10:24 OV Alpine Swift
09:14 WV Booted Warbler
08:44 VB Pallid Harrier
27 oktober 2022
18:09 WV Pallid Swift
13:16 WV Booted Warbler
11:00 AN Parrot Crossbill
10:22 WV Pallid Swift
08:11 WV Booted Warbler
26 oktober 2022
13:43 WV Booted Warbler
10:25 OV Black-winged Kite
10:16 AN Parrot Crossbill
09:34 LI Pallid Swift
25 oktober 2022
18:02 OV Pallid Swift
17:30 WV Booted Warbler
13:51 HA Black-winged Kite
12:41 AN Pallas's Leaf Warbler
11:02 OV Pallid Swift
08:44 AN Parrot Crossbill
24 oktober 2022
18:14 WV Pallid Swift
17:58 WV Pallid Swift
12:24 AN Parrot Crossbill
11:19 LG Rock Bunting
23 oktober 2022
13:11 WV Pallas's Leaf Warbler
11:51 WV Pallid Swift
10:23 WV Pallid Swift

Witkopgors  ·  Bruant à calotte blanche

Emberiza leucocephalos  ·  Pine Bunting

Datum & Tijd

05-12-2022 11:20


GPS50.95987 5.05908
LB72VB  ·  198499, 183515
Assent - Blakenberg

Tijd & Gedrag



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Extra informatie

1 ex. First seen on the hedge where it has been reported every day. Then seen in the middle of the vineyard among bunting flock and other passerines Waargenomen door: Pedro Nicolau
