Belgian Bird Alerts

22 mei 2023
06:12 LG Iberian Chiffchaff
21 mei 2023
16:18 WV Broad-billed Sandpiper
15:45 NA Cirl Bunting
15:03 OV Whiskered Tern
12:36 LI Squacco Heron
11:16 OV Glossy Ibis
08:41 LI Glossy Ibis
08:26 LI Squacco Heron
08:11 AN Red-footed Falcon
07:50 LI Common Rosefinch
20 mei 2023
20:58 WV White-winged Tern
18:44 WV Glossy Ibis
09:55 LI Glossy Ibis
08:07 NA Cirl Bunting
07:43 WV Glossy Ibis
07:13 OV Glossy Ibis
06:09 OV Glossy Ibis
01:36 OV Baillon's Crake
19 mei 2023
13:21 OV Glossy Ibis
12:11 LG Iberian Chiffchaff
10:37 OV Glossy Ibis
10:26 OV Glossy Ibis
10:15 WV Glossy Ibis
09:29 LI Glossy Ibis
08:17 LI Glossy Ibis
07:46 NA Cirl Bunting
18 mei 2023
17:33 WV Gull-billed Tern
12:00 LG Iberian Chiffchaff
08:12 LI Glossy Ibis
07:47 NA Cirl Bunting

Raddes Boszanger  ·  Pouillot de Schwarz

Phylloscopus schwarzi  ·  Radde's Warbler

Datum & Tijd

04-10-2022 15:00


GPS50.55722 3.50216
LB72HA  ·  88596, 138856

Tijd & Gedrag

Vangst, geen nadere informatie


Determinatie zeker, geen kleedgegevens

Gehoord via

Olivier Dupont

Extra informatie

Ringed today in a quarry closed to the public in Hainaut.


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