Belgian Bird Alerts

13 juni 2019
12:12 WV Whiskered Tern
08:21 BRU Pygmy Cormorant
07:25 AN Whiskered Tern
11 juni 2019
15:45 NA Cirl Bunting
10 juni 2019
16:45 WV Eurasian Hoopoe
14:35 WV Zitting Cisticola
05:54 LX Eurasian Hoopoe
9 juni 2019
22:04 HA Whiskered Tern
15:25 NA Iberian Chiffchaff
07:21 AN Common Rosefinch
06:20 OV Common Rosefinch
8 juni 2019
16:17 HA Griffon Vulture
07:30 HA Common Rosefinch
7 juni 2019
21:16 WV Eurasian Hoopoe
11:23 HA Whiskered Tern
6 juni 2019
14:52 HA Whiskered Tern
11:54 OV Red-necked Phalarope
5 juni 2019
16:36 LG Western Bonelli's Warbler
11:43 HA Whiskered Tern
4 juni 2019
22:43 Greenish Warbler
10:15 OV Booted Eagle
3 juni 2019
12:50 HA Whiskered Tern
2 juni 2019
14:21 WV Booted Eagle
14:20 AN Griffon Vulture
13:05 OV Red-rumped Swallow
10:51 WV Cinereous Vulture
10:49 WV Zitting Cisticola
1 juni 2019
17:54 LG Western Bonelli's Warbler
15:46 WV Zitting Cisticola
14:33 VB Squacco Heron

Oostelijke Vale Spotvogel  ·  Hypolaïs pâle

Iduna pallida  ·  Eastern Olivaceous Warbler

Datum & Tijd

22-07-2022 19:22


GPS50.18270 4.69348
LB72NA  ·  173193, 96892

Tijd & Gedrag

Gisteren waargenomen, zoekactie vandaag nog negatief


Mogelijk deze soort, determinatie lastig, wordt aan gewerkt

Gehoord via

Joachim Pintens

Extra informatie An interesting bird photographed by Olivier Colinet in his (private) garden, no further news ever since but I'm in touch with Olivier and he'll let me know when the bird pops up again. Checking the area might be a good idea though it's a 1cy bird which might not sing, so could be hard to track down. Any relevant news will be shared through this channel and/or the Telegram group.


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