Belgian Bird Alerts

25 april 2023
10:50 HA Whiskered Tern
07:09 WV Whiskered Tern
24 april 2023
17:00 WV American Golden Plover
15:31 LI Whiskered Tern
15:15 WV Whiskered Tern
13:34 AN Glossy Ibis
11:07 AN Glossy Ibis
10:59 WV Whiskered Tern
23 april 2023
18:27 LI Eurasian Dotterel
14:57 AN Glossy Ibis
10:00 WV Whiskered Tern
22 april 2023
18:11 NA Whiskered Tern
15:41 WV Caspian Tern
11:47 OV Eurasian Hoopoe
10:03 WV Whiskered Tern
09:15 AN Glossy Ibis
07:55 WV Caspian Tern
07:35 WV Eurasian Hoopoe
07:22 AN Glossy Ibis
21 april 2023
19:36 LI Great Spotted Cuckoo
11:35 LX Eurasian Hoopoe
11:00 LG Eurasian Hoopoe
10:59 WV Marsh Sandpiper
10:56 AN Glossy Ibis
09:16 NA Cirl Bunting
09:13 AN Marsh Sandpiper
20 april 2023
14:13 OV Ring-necked Duck
12:46 AN Eurasian Hoopoe
12:16 AN Little Bunting
11:32 OV Whiskered Tern

Lammergier  ·  Gypaète barbu

Gypaetus barbatus  ·  Bearded Vulture

Datum & Tijd

12-05-2020 22:03


GPS50.70647 2.83765
LB72??  ·  41857, 156214

Tijd & Gedrag

2-4 uur weg / langsvliegend, richting NO


Determinatie zeker, vrouw / onvolwassen / winterkleed

Gehoord via

Joachim Pintens

Extra informatie

Billy Herman om 22:03: Extra info: kleine nuance, het betreft Forêt de Nieppe. Dit ligt 15 km. westelijker. Als je een NO lijn neemt kom je iets meer richting Poperinge (heuvelland) uit in plaats van Leievallei (Kortrijk). Extra info van Hans Pohlmann via Hans M.: This is a wildborn bird. No markings visible. And: none of the GPStagged birds is currently in this area. Joachim Pintens om 21:28: Around 19h this evening a Bearded Vulture was photographed above Nieppe flying north east. There's a good chance that it went to sleep in the Komen-Waasten area just inside Belgium, however this isn't sure. No bleached feathers as far as we can see.


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